Hatred Of Liberals Is All That’s Left Of Conservatism

Hatred Of Liberals Is All That’s Left Of Conservatism
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
Having made the trek from conservative to libertarian to anarchist I didn’t think I had anything left in common with conservatives. Ole skews here proved me wrong. I DO have something left in common with conservatives. I too think liberals/progressives/leftys can pound sand and go fuck themselves with a barbed wire wrapped Louisville Slugger.

Actually, I'd more prefer that they go eat a bag of rotten dicks, and then go fuck themselves with a rusty AIDS-infected garden tiller.

But that's just me. :laughing0301:
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.

While there is some truth to what you say, it goes beyond that.

To simplify it for you...

If you vote dem, you vote to destroy America as founded.

If you vote rep, you vote to preserve America as founded.

Dems think if you voted for Trump you are a racist. Dems can't see any other reason than white supremacy and fascism.

They can't see that a vote for a dem is a vote for gun confiscation and destroy the 2A.

A vote for a dem is a vote to bankrupt any company making / selling guns or ammunition by repealing the 'Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.'

A vote for a dem is a vote to abolish the Constitution, destroy America's history and destroy America as founded.

A vote for a dem is a vote to abolish the 1A.

A vote for a dem is a vote to defund / abolish the police.

A vote for a dem is a vote to open the borders to anyone that wants to come here.

A vote for a dem is a vote to legalize 22 million illegal aliens, then give citizenship to another 40 to 60 million through chain migration of these newly minted illegal citizens.

A vote for a dem is a vote to turn America into a socialist country.

A vote for a dem is a vote to normalize and legalize pedophilia

A vote for a dem is a vote to support anarchist organizations like Antifa and BLM.

A vote for a dem is a vote to promote rioting and destruction of personal property.

A vote for a dem is a vote to abolish ICE.

A vote for a dem is a vote to destroy America.

Let's look a little deeper into the dems delusional minds.

This was taken from a dem run forum that banned me after 2 posts...City-Data Forum


"Say every single state, city, suburb, town, and every square inch of America were completely Democrat, what do you think it would like? We'd live in a utopia or a society where there is no class system, where everyone was equal, where we would all have full available access to whatever healthcare we needed, where there is never any need for war, where just all love and care for each other."

Do you see how child like some of the dems are with their delusional mental illness?

But don't feel bad for them. They are the same ones that will shatter the glass of your car and drag you out through the window in a roadblock to stomp you to death on the ground in a dem fueled frenzied mob attack. Or fire bomb your house if you don't toe their party line.

You see, the dems view the evil, racist, white supremist reps as the only thing stopping them from achieving a perfect world, a perfect dem paradise.

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When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
theres nothing liberal about the democrat party,, they are pure authoritarians hell bent on destroying freedom to world over,,
Yeah, because Dems are out trying to overturn elections. Oh wait... that’s the Trumpublicans.
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
theres nothing liberal about the democrat party,, they are pure authoritarians hell bent on destroying freedom to world over,,
Yeah, because Dems are out trying to overturn elections. Oh wait... that’s the Trumpublicans.
whose trying to overturn an election and whats that got to do with what I said,,

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