Hatred Of Liberals Is All That’s Left Of Conservatism

Such is the contrarian conservative: everything must be blindly opposed – no matter how wrong or unwarranted that opposition might be.

For conservatives it’s not about facts or the truth, it’s about undermining the political process, it’s about dividing the American people, and its about advancing their agenda of fear, ignorance, and hate.
Oh stop it- your loyalty to your Party partisanship must keep you from being introspective- an apparent disease that effects everyone, not just the acolytes who spew it- fucking idiot. Good lord!
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
Only a perverted douchebag would love Biden.

Do you idiots every tire of this Trump bashing?
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
Such is the contrarian conservative: everything must be blindly opposed – no matter how wrong or unwarranted that opposition might be.

For conservatives it’s not about facts or the truth, it’s about undermining the political process, it’s about dividing the American people, and its about advancing their agenda of fear, ignorance, and hate.
Hatred Of Liberals Is All That’s Left Of Conservatism

Hatred of all things Trump and the right is all that you guys have, so why do you think you're so different. Your both just two sides of the same coin.
Except Biden didn't run and was not elected on that platform was he? Trump did run on the platform of "hate the dems".
Yes, that is what he ran on. Trump ran on saving America from the Dim agenda: open borders, the Green New Deal, destroying the suburbs, canceling the 2nd Amendment, massive government spending programs.

Did I leave anything out?
It's amazing that Trump and his supporters can only justify their positions thru blatant lying.

Many of them are not complete idiots - the know that they are Trump are lying. They promote pure BULLSHIT.

You'd think that having to constantly lie would make them realize the fallacy of their positions - but it doesn't bother them at all.

The OP is correct - they've taken anti-liberalism to the point of mass mental illness. They are just plain sick.
I have never been able to figure out what these trump supporters wanted or what they have been so angry about. They have lacked spokespersons who can explain what their desires are to the public and answer perfectly normal, logical questions. Name-calling just doesn't do it. Anyone can call a name. We live in a 330+ million country, and we are an incredibly diverse lot. Many people are pissed off over something or other, not just trump supporters. This is a "me, too" moment.

Ironically, the trump era has had an intended consequence: we Americans are being introduced to Americans who are not in our particular demographic groups and are listening to each other better and perhaps for the first time. I'm a white Christian woman raised in the suburbs. I always have been addressed as "ma'm." Aside from working with black women, and listening to their worries over husbands and teenage children, knowing that they are not addressed as "ma'm," as they should be, and having had some late-night talks with gay male friends, I never really knew what it was like to live in a different skin, and what different people have had to face. Conversely, others did not know what I have had to face, not just in terms of my sex, race, and religious background, but also because of family matters.

It's good to be talking, and it's even better to be listening and learning. This is what binds us together as a nation. As somebody once wrote, and I can't remember who: You can't stop us because we are on the road to freedom.
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When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
Nonsense-----Trump is the ACCOMPLISHMENT president--which just eats you up doesn't it. From not starting any new Middle east wars and pulling our troops slowly out, to recognizing of Israels capital, to building the wall, to the economy, to not spreading disease like the libs did with Covid in nursing homes to allowing the always disease illegals and moochers in and so much more---Trump has hundreds of accomplishments that helped the US.

Accomplishments? There are more Americans dead under his watch than since the Civil War. We are in the worse recession since the 1930s, he will be the first President to have lost more jobs than Hoover on his way out. He didn’t recognize anything in Israel, he pandered to them, because licking foreign asshole is what he does. He is responsible for those deaths in nursing home because of his lack of respond and denying the virus even existed.

Trump has no accomplishments. He is a failed, impeached, one term loser, that will be in prison in the next year. You cultists can send him junk food money to his prison account, and hang outside and chant.
"Dead under his watch?" What an Orwellian circumlocution. 2.8 million people die every year in this country, so 22 million people died on Obama's watch.

Do you see what a fucking moron you are?
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
It's amazing that Trump and his supporters can only justify their positions thru blatant lying.

Many of them are not complete idiots - the know that they are Trump are lying. They promote pure BULLSHIT.

You'd think that having to constantly lie would make them realize the fallacy of their positions - but it doesn't bother them at all.

The OP is correct - they've taken anti-liberalism to the point of mass mental illness. They are just plain sick.
You turds kill me. You don't just lie. Your lies are absolutely absurd. Only the brain-damaged would swallow this crap.

This country is doomed.
I have never been able to figure out what these trump supporters wanted or what they have been so angry about. They have lacked spokespersons who can explain what their desires to the public and answer perfectly normal, logical questions. Name-calling just doesn't do it. Anyone can call a name. We live in a 330+ million country, and we are an incredibly diverse lot. Many people are pissed off over something or other, not just trump supporters. This is a "me, too" moment.

Ironically, the trump era has had an intended consequence: we Americans are being introduced to Americans who are not in our particular demographic groups and are listening to each other better and perhaps for the first time. I'm a white Christian woman raised in the suburbs. I always have been addressed as "ma'm." Aside from working with black women, and listening to their worries over husbands and teenage children, knowing that they are not address as "ma'm," and having had some late-night talks with gay male friends, I never really knew what it was like to live in a different skin, and what different people have had to face. Conversely, others did not know what I have had to face, not just in terms of my sex, race, and religious background, but also because of family matters.

It's good to be talking, and it's even better to be listening and learning. This is what binds us together as a nation. You can't stop us because we are on the road to freedom.

Trump had many ideas I liked and many ideas I did not. Despite many of its criticisms, his "America First" agenda was good for the country long term and was not isolationist. There can be a balance. Trump's main problem was his toxic personality. He's brash, narcissistic, childish, and a bully and that harmed his agenda. I said all year that if Trump lost it wouldn't be because Biden beat him, it would be because Trump defeated himself. He had the potential to be a great president, but he let his ego get in the way.
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
The amazing thing about trumpery is that the cult can't lose, even when the American electorate kick's their demigod up his trumper with considerable force and enthusiasm, and all the ensuing fake claims calculated to crap on the nation's democratic process are effortlessly disposed of by the nation's noble institution.

Cry Baby whines when he wins. Cry Baby whines when he loses. His bum kisser discordantly intone their antiphonal ululations.

How to regard the adored P*ssy Grabber's resounding rejection at the hands of the People?

Sulk, snivel, kvetch, and lash out at decent folks, Republicans and Democrats alike - anyone from poll nannies to Supreme Court justices who does not swill down the cloying orange Kool-Aid® in copious quantities and spouts the obligatory mindless paeans.

For zealots, losing can be an opportunity to shine like the seat of an old pair of their deity's husky-boy trousers. They are blinded by the posterior radiance.
Many people use the word, "unbelievable" promiscuously. They use it to describe something that is just out of the ordinary.

This posting is unbelievable. (A) Even Trump's most ardent supporters focus on his ACCOMPLISHMENTS, and downplay his personality abnormalities. The OP is delusional. (B). Joe Biden, carrying the baggage of possibly the worst running mate in the past hundred years - totally rejected BY HER OWN PARTY - just "won" a presidential election simply because he is NOT Donald Trump. Period. Substantive issues? Most of America is, or would be, appalled at every position articulated in the Democrat platform.

Truly, this is an unbelievable OP. Is it a gag?

Trump, Hannity, Dobbs and co. use it excessively.
The 9th circle of hell. Allowing the rich to buy favorable rules in violation of our values, equal treatment & fair play.
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
It will be different this time, it really will! They are fools. The problem is they are dragging everyone else down with them.
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
We're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you.
332-206. chuckle.

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