Hatred Of Liberals Is All That’s Left Of Conservatism

When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
"Trolling the Libs" has really ALL that "conservatives" have been about for decades...that and tax cuts for the rich
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
Nonsense-----Trump is the ACCOMPLISHMENT president--which just eats you up doesn't it. From not starting any new Middle east wars and pulling our troops slowly out, to recognizing of Israels capital, to building the wall, to the economy, to not spreading disease like the libs did with Covid in nursing homes to allowing the always disease illegals and moochers in and so much more---Trump has hundreds of accomplishments that helped the US.
Covid isn't spreading?
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.

I always find it amusing when butt-hurt, TDS-suffering, hate-driven radicals and sheep, who did nothing for 4 years except to attempt failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt, sedition, obstruction, & treason to remove the current President from office due to their psychotic, irrational hatred after losing an election attempts to project everything they have are, everything they have been for 4 years, onto Republicans...

That's always f*ing funny!

You lunatics ACTUALLY CRIED abd ran outside and screamed at the freakin' sky after an election...and now you're trying to sound like the voice of stability & unity?

Bwuhahahahaha....that's a good one.
Trump's ass is out - forever gone into his own sewer of misery. He will be a whining bitch (like his supporters) indefinitely and there's something sad (fun and cruel) about that. To whine (bitch like a baby) about an election that was fair and square shows just how feeble minded (cultist) trumpsters are and their hatred of anything remotely different reveals problematic thinking.

I voted for Trump in 2016 as I wanted something different. However, it didn't take me long to realize he doesn't give a shit about his supporters; it really is all about his image and his wants (FIRST). A liar is a dangerous person as they have to continually lie to cover up previous lies. You never get the truth from Trump - ever. Sane thinking people can accept the motivation of 80,000,000+ anti-Trump voters this election - Trump had to go, full stop!

Now, those who talk about communism are willing to sit by and allow the disenfranchisement of 10,000,000+ votes just so Trump can win (thus feeding his insanely large ego even more). Voters from districts you call "shit holes" are as important as any other vote.

If you disagree with Trump, you get mocked and/or fired. Seriously? How mature can one be to create such ire when someone differs from you? Exactly what kind of thinking is that? This trickles all the way down to his supporters who are incapable of reasonable thinking (for themselves). If you truly think Trump walks on water and is without fault; you seriously need to take a look in the mirror. He is a NYC real estate conman and when the proof of his crimes are out (free of presidential immunity); your Trump adoration will have you feeling like a fool.
Hatred of all things Trump and the right is all that you guys have, so why do you think you're so different. Your both just two sides of the same coin.
Except Biden didn't run and was not elected on that platform was he?

So sure about that, huh?
Yeah, I am. Here are just a few examples of words Biden said that Trump NEVER would.

"Let’s give each other a chance. It’s time to put away the harsh rhetoric, to lower the temperature, to see each other again, to listen to each other again."


"I’ve pledged to be a president who seeks not to divide, but unify. Who doesn’t see red states and blue states, who only sees the United States.”
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.

I don't hate liberals, but I despise progtards like you and your ilk on here

You're no liberal, little he/she
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
List a few things you’ve done or called for the last few years that would make me not hate you.
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.

Who else stopped reading before finishing the first sentence? The OP's post is a lie from start.

This country is not Communist nor is it heading remotely in that direction and every time you guys make this stupid accusation you sound as boneheaded as they do when they call you Nazis.
We are definitely headed towards a totalitarian communist state. Have you read Biden's agenda, moron?
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
"Trolling the Libs" has really ALL that "conservatives" have been about for decades...that and tax cuts for the rich
Dealing with the left is like dealing with a classroom full of retards.
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
I’ll bet you have never asked a Trump supporter what we like about him.
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
I’ll bet you have never asked a Trump supporter what we like about him.
He's too busy telling us what we think.
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
Such is the contrarian conservative: everything must be blindly opposed – no matter how wrong or unwarranted that opposition might be.

For conservatives it’s not about facts or the truth, it’s about undermining the political process, it’s about dividing the American people, and its about advancing their agenda of fear, ignorance, and hate.
you can say the same shit about democrats......its ok jones you dont have to comment......

This country is not Communist nor is it heading remotely in that direction and every time you guys make this stupid accusation you sound as boneheaded as they do when they call you Nazis.
You and I probably agree on a lot of things. Trust me when I tell you this. I have deep, personal, first-hand knowledge on this topic.

I have been watching this Marxist shit play out for 2.5 decades minimum. I got into grad school off a VERY high GPA (almost perfect)(fucking Finance 341) because I was able to effectively write like a fucking communist to satisfy the indoctrination goals/interests of my Marxist professors ( which is nearly 100% of academia). And, this was at the most conservative public school in the fucking world (A&M).

They are fucking lying to everyone. They have changed their names only, and not their beliefs. They do NOT believe you have any individual rights. They certainly do not believe in individual property rights.

Yes, they are fucking communists. They give themselves any number of WRONG/LYING/BULLSHIT labels, but that is simply to avoid the stigma associated with....THE TRUTH ABOUT THEM.

Now they may call everyone under the sun a Nazi, but that's the difference here, I suppose. The difference is truth. It is true that they support Marxist divestment of individual rights. It is NOT true that real liberals like me (libertarians) and/or "conservatives" are "National Socialists."
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.

It's true, the movement has become almost entirely reactive personality cult.
This op and many of the comments shows how mentally ill lefttards really are, in that they seek to instigate and provoke hatred for themselves. . . And it's all good and even FUN for them. . .for so long as they perceive that they have their guy(s) in power.

Remember when liberals used tp stand up for and defend people (especially children) who can not speak for or defend themselves?


Me neither.
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When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.

Poor skewsy.

As usual you and your kindred spirits are doing just as you accuse Conservatives of doing. The problem here though is that you think it's fine when you do it.

We don't "hate" you, in fact we really don't care how you live your life. Our problem with you is that can't allow us the same courtesy. YOU know what's best and YOU think you have the "right" to tell us how to live.
Hatred Of Liberals Is All That’s Left Of Conservatism
When you ask the typical Trump supporter what they love about him, they don’t mention some substantive policy position; what they say is that he is a fighter. The petty squabbles, the insulting tweets, the deranged conspiracy theories — the things that the Never Trumpers and most other Americans find off-putting are exactly what endears him to the Republican base.

Trump fights and fights, angrily, bitterly, endlessly driven forward by his hatred of the people his supporters hate. That’s what the base loves, and every other Republican knows it.

And it will end many careers over the next few years. To win elections you have to be for something, and the talking points of AM radio and Fox News has grown tired and old and will not sell with the up coming generations.
Having made the trek from conservative to libertarian to anarchist I didn’t think I had anything left in common with conservatives. Ole skews here proved me wrong. I DO have something left in common with conservatives. I too think liberals/progressives/leftys can pound sand and go fuck themselves with a barbed wire wrapped Louisville Slugger.

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