Hatred of religion

No, I'm here to discuss the issues. You are the troll around these parts, getting yourself all upset over your gender identity. Just relax. Nobody is talking about you personally. Nobody cares. :)
Then stop answering me and go get some good wood. :D
America will likely go the way of the Soviet Union if the progressives continue to have their way ...

similar to the progressives in 1860 - Jefferson Davis ... President of the Confederate States of America.

Happy people rarely feel the need to self-mutilate.

for the bottom feeder -


According to the annual plastic surgery procedural statistics, there were 15.9 million surgical and minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures performed in the United States in 2015, a 2 percent increase over 2014.

she's not alone ...


Gender reassignment surgery is not a "minimally invasive" procedure.

Gender reassignment surgery is not a "minimally invasive" procedure.

"While more traditional facial procedures and breast augmentations are still among the most popular, we're seeing much more diversity in the areas of the body patients are choosing to address," said ASPS President David H. Song, MD, MBA, FACS. "Patients have more options than ever, and working closely with their surgeon, they're able to focus on specific target areas of the body to achieve the look they desire."

I certainly agree and that any elective surgery is foolhardy ... my response was to the hate-batter below. foolhardy or not and whether or not happy the gal in the photo made a similar decision as did 15.9 mil in 2015. - to achieve the look they desire

does the asswhipe hate them all or just that one ... (self-mutilate).

Happy people rarely feel the need to self-mutilate.

I deal in logic and evidence. Not beliefs and feelings.
Good. Show me the fossils of the trillions of transitional species.
Are you an evolution denier? Do you believe the world is only 6000 yers old? In other words, are you a Young Earth Creationist?
I asked a very simple and logical question. Show me the fossils of the trillions of transitional species.
Every fossil is a transitional species. If you do not understand that, you have no understanding of Evolution.
I deal in logic and evidence. Not beliefs and feelings.
Good. Show me the fossils of the trillions of transitional species.
Are you an evolution denier? Do you believe the world is only 6000 yers old? In other words, are you a Young Earth Creationist?
I asked a very simple and logical question. Show me the fossils of the trillions of transitional species.
Every fossil is a transitional species. If you do not understand that, you have no understanding of Evolution.

Anti Christians are uneducated nutbars who laughably argue from a stance of intellectual superiority. Sheep.

Are all fossils “transitional”? A test rant.
I deal in logic and evidence. Not beliefs and feelings.
Good. Show me the fossils of the trillions of transitional species.
Are you an evolution denier? Do you believe the world is only 6000 yers old? In other words, are you a Young Earth Creationist?
I asked a very simple and logical question. Show me the fossils of the trillions of transitional species.
Every fossil is a transitional species. If you do not understand that, you have no understanding of Evolution.

Anti Christians are uneducated nutbars who laughably argue from a stance of intellectual superiority. Sheep.

Are all fossils “transitional”? A test rant.
Transitional works both ways. A species evolved from a previous species. That is transitional. Even if that species died out it was still in the process of transition.
Good. Show me the fossils of the trillions of transitional species.
Are you an evolution denier? Do you believe the world is only 6000 yers old? In other words, are you a Young Earth Creationist?
I asked a very simple and logical question. Show me the fossils of the trillions of transitional species.
Every fossil is a transitional species. If you do not understand that, you have no understanding of Evolution.

Anti Christians are uneducated nutbars who laughably argue from a stance of intellectual superiority. Sheep.

Are all fossils “transitional”? A test rant.
Transitional works both ways. A species evolved from a previous species. That is transitional. Even if that species died out it was still in the process of transition.
Shut the fuck up, you ignoramus.
No, I'm here to discuss the issues. You are the troll around these parts, getting yourself all upset over your gender identity. Just relax. Nobody is talking about you personally. Nobody cares. :)
Then stop answering me and go get some good wood. :D

This doesn't even make sense as a response to my post.
Is good wood out of reach for you?

That's not the topic of the thread. Get control of yourself, please. There is a topic here. Stick to it.
Good grief, this place is like a zoo with a bunch of ignorant animals running around. Moderation really needs to step up here and start doing something so that some of us can have reasonable discussions with other adults. It's getting tiresome. I'm ready to move on to another message board.
Good grief, this place is like a zoo with a bunch of ignorant animals running around. Moderation really needs to step up here and start doing something so that some of us can have reasonable discussions with other adults. It's getting tiresome. I'm ready to move on to another message board.
Please don't lump yourself in with adults who can engage in reasonable conversation.
Good grief, this place is like a zoo with a bunch of ignorant animals running around. Moderation really needs to step up here and start doing something so that some of us can have reasonable discussions with other adults. It's getting tiresome. I'm ready to move on to another message board.
Please don't lump yourself in with adults who can engage in reasonable conversation.
...said the person who's previous post was "Shut the fuck up, you ignoramus."

No, I'm here to discuss the issues. You are the troll around these parts, getting yourself all upset over your gender identity. Just relax. Nobody is talking about you personally. Nobody cares. :)
Then stop answering me and go get some good wood. :D

This doesn't even make sense as a response to my post.
Is good wood out of reach for you?

That's not the topic of the thread. Get control of yourself, please. There is a topic here. Stick to it.
Actually, the topic is idiocy – as no one ‘hates’ religion.

One might hate the ignorance and stupidity as practiced by individuals who have misappropriated and misrepresent a given religion, but religion in of itself doesn’t warrant ‘hate.’
Actually, the topic is idiocy – as no one ‘hates’ religion.

One might hate the ignorance and stupidity as practiced by individuals who have misappropriated and misrepresent a given religion, but religion in of itself doesn’t warrant ‘hate.’
Agreed religion doesn't warrant hate, but some people definitely hate religions or particular religions as shown by posts on this forum
Why is it so many know nothing about Marx or Marxism and yet use it as a stick for their off the wall assumptions? And trendy? By whose account? Criticism of religion is not hatred. Anyone who drives in America and takes notice of the landscape surely realizes the importance of religions given the number of holy places. Instead of thanks and funny we need a grade sign, the OP gets an F.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Ten

The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists
No, I'm here to discuss the issues. You are the troll around these parts, getting yourself all upset over your gender identity. Just relax. Nobody is talking about you personally. Nobody cares. :)
Then stop answering me and go get some good wood. :D

This doesn't even make sense as a response to my post.
Is good wood out of reach for you?

That's not the topic of the thread. Get control of yourself, please. There is a topic here. Stick to it.
For the sake of humanity and this board, please go get some good wood, the guy you have now isn't getting the job done, is he?
No, I'm here to discuss the issues. You are the troll around these parts, getting yourself all upset over your gender identity. Just relax. Nobody is talking about you personally. Nobody cares. :)
Then stop answering me and go get some good wood. :D

This doesn't even make sense as a response to my post.
Is good wood out of reach for you?

That's not the topic of the thread. Get control of yourself, please. There is a topic here. Stick to it.
Actually, the topic is idiocy – as no one ‘hates’ religion.

One might hate the ignorance and stupidity as practiced by individuals who have misappropriated and misrepresent a given religion, but religion in of itself doesn’t warrant ‘hate.’
Actually, it's the religions that are dumb and dumber. And hating shit that's idiotic is perfectly ok.
I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against a god(s). Atheists are almost as deluded as theists.
Hence my comment. "Almost". You claim agnosticism, which I agree is the most logical position, yet you lean atheism, which if anything, is equally delusional as theism since neither position can be proven.

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