Hatred of religion

Why is it so many know nothing about Marx or Marxism and yet use it as a stick for their off the wall assumptions? And trendy? By whose account? Criticism of religion is not hatred. Anyone who drives in America and takes notice of the landscape surely realizes the importance of religions given the number of holy places. Instead of thanks and funny we need a grade sign, the OP gets an F.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Ten

The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.
No, I'm here to discuss the issues. You are the troll around these parts, getting yourself all upset over your gender identity. Just relax. Nobody is talking about you personally. Nobody cares. :)
Then stop answering me and go get some good wood. :D

This doesn't even make sense as a response to my post.
Is good wood out of reach for you?

That's not the topic of the thread. Get control of yourself, please. There is a topic here. Stick to it.
Actually, the topic is idiocy – as no one ‘hates’ religion.

One might hate the ignorance and stupidity as practiced by individuals who have misappropriated and misrepresent a given religion, but religion in of itself doesn’t warrant ‘hate.’
If Mormonism is based on a lie it warrents hate, no? Mormons aren't misreprenting Mormonism so I don't hate mormons. What I hate is the religion because it's a lie.

I can't wait for the next new religion that doesn't make up a story about a supernatural visit. One that admits belief without proof. One that admits it doesn't know just believes.

And the Mormon faith isn't the only lie. I just used them to show you the entire religion is based on a lie that God spoke to Joseph smith
Why is it so many know nothing about Marx or Marxism and yet use it as a stick for their off the wall assumptions? And trendy? By whose account? Criticism of religion is not hatred. Anyone who drives in America and takes notice of the landscape surely realizes the importance of religions given the number of holy places. Instead of thanks and funny we need a grade sign, the OP gets an F.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Ten

The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.

You have no idea how brainwashed you are.

We have no Marxist agenda you fool. No leader. This is just you being defensive and thinking there must be a hidden agenda.

Never realizing it's your side that is authoritarian and controlling.

Good little sheep
Why is it so many know nothing about Marx or Marxism and yet use it as a stick for their off the wall assumptions? And trendy? By whose account? Criticism of religion is not hatred. Anyone who drives in America and takes notice of the landscape surely realizes the importance of religions given the number of holy places. Instead of thanks and funny we need a grade sign, the OP gets an F.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Ten

The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.

You have no idea how brainwashed you are.

We have no Marxist agenda you fool. No leader. This is just you being defensive and thinking there must be a hidden agenda.

Never realizing it's your side that is authoritarian and controlling.

Good little sheep

State atheism is a central tenant of Marxism.
Why is it so many know nothing about Marx or Marxism and yet use it as a stick for their off the wall assumptions? And trendy? By whose account? Criticism of religion is not hatred. Anyone who drives in America and takes notice of the landscape surely realizes the importance of religions given the number of holy places. Instead of thanks and funny we need a grade sign, the OP gets an F.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Ten

The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

I suppose, if you actually believe that those representing us have, in turn, their faith influence their politics.


If you know what really motivates pols. you won't be that naive.

This is a holistic view of government, not an in depth analysis of individual politicians. I looks to me like you didn't really view the whole video. If you did, it is clear you don't understand his reasoning at all.
Why is it so many know nothing about Marx or Marxism and yet use it as a stick for their off the wall assumptions? And trendy? By whose account? Criticism of religion is not hatred. Anyone who drives in America and takes notice of the landscape surely realizes the importance of religions given the number of holy places. Instead of thanks and funny we need a grade sign, the OP gets an F.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Ten

The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.

You have no idea how brainwashed you are.

We have no Marxist agenda you fool. No leader. This is just you being defensive and thinking there must be a hidden agenda.

Never realizing it's your side that is authoritarian and controlling.

Good little sheep

I've seen you post enough to know that your "leader" is the State. You blindly believe in science and the power of the State.
The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.

You have no idea how brainwashed you are.

We have no Marxist agenda you fool. No leader. This is just you being defensive and thinking there must be a hidden agenda.

Never realizing it's your side that is authoritarian and controlling.

Good little sheep

State atheism is a central tenant of Marxism.

Well we aren't for state atheism or Marxism. Do you think secularism is wrong?
The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.

You have no idea how brainwashed you are.

We have no Marxist agenda you fool. No leader. This is just you being defensive and thinking there must be a hidden agenda.

Never realizing it's your side that is authoritarian and controlling.

Good little sheep

I've seen you post enough to know that your "leader" is the State. You blindly believe in science and the power of the State.

I don't blindly do anything.

The power of the state means power of the people? We the people. Are you against America? Sad.

And I'm for scientific explanation over religious ones.

I'm for separation of church and state.
The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.

You have no idea how brainwashed you are.

We have no Marxist agenda you fool. No leader. This is just you being defensive and thinking there must be a hidden agenda.

Never realizing it's your side that is authoritarian and controlling.

Good little sheep

I've seen you post enough to know that your "leader" is the State. You blindly believe in science and the power of the State.

Who's your leader? Something that doesn't even exist
Who's your leader? Something that doesn't even exist

and coincidentally by their having written the book performs in the manner they write for them to perform to "prove" their own point of view.

Do you approve of cults? So then why do you approve of big cults? Let's assume you're a Jew. You wouldn't approve of a false Messiah, would you? That's what Jesus Mohammad and Joseph Smith are.

Now as a theist you probably don't hate anything but you certainly can't like these false religions.

We are all atheists. I just believe in one fewer gods than you. When you understand why you reject all other religions you'll understand why I reject yours
Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.
Why do you love the Mormon lie? Do you think it's a good lie?

How about Scientology? Do you love it? I don't hate it but I hate that people are so gullible. Maybe we won't be in 500 years.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.

You have no idea how brainwashed you are.

We have no Marxist agenda you fool. No leader. This is just you being defensive and thinking there must be a hidden agenda.

Never realizing it's your side that is authoritarian and controlling.

Good little sheep

I've seen you post enough to know that your "leader" is the State. You blindly believe in science and the power of the State.

I don't blindly do anything.

The power of the state means power of the people? We the people. Are you against America? Sad.

And I'm for scientific explanation over religious ones.

I'm for separation of church and state.
You should be more concerned with a separation of education from GOVERNMENTAL control and manipulation! I'm all for scientific explanations; however, scientific is not exclusive of religious thought. Secular thought is certainly not superior to religious thought if it is incorrect or misleading.
Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.
Good question. Liberals love to hate Christianity, but they embrace Islam, the religion 9 out of 10 suicide bombers and western haters LOVE. The religion bent on stamping out western liberalism. Liberals are schizophrenic. I love them, they are my flock, and they need a good swift kick in their.... cerebellum.
Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists
Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.
You have no idea how brainwashed you are.

We have no Marxist agenda you fool. No leader. This is just you being defensive and thinking there must be a hidden agenda.

Never realizing it's your side that is authoritarian and controlling.

Good little sheep

I've seen you post enough to know that your "leader" is the State. You blindly believe in science and the power of the State.
I don't blindly do anything.

The power of the state means power of the people? We the people. Are you against America? Sad.

And I'm for scientific explanation over religious ones.

I'm for separation of church and state.
You should be more concerned with a separation of education from GOVERNMENTAL control and manipulation! I'm all for scientific explanations; however, scientific is not exclusive of religious thought. Secular thought is certainly not superior to religious thought if it is incorrect or misleading.
If a secular society decides something is right that trumps your religion.

The perfect example is abortion. If you had your way abortion would be illegal. But it's not because state > religion. As it should
Who's your leader? Something that doesn't even exist

and coincidentally by their having written the book performs in the manner they write for them to perform to "prove" their own point of view.

Do you approve of cults? So then why do you approve of big cults? Let's assume you're a Jew. You wouldn't approve of a false Messiah, would you? That's what Jesus Mohammad and Joseph Smith are.

Now as a theist you probably don't hate anything but you certainly can't like these false religions.

We are all atheists. I just believe in one fewer gods than you. When you understand why you reject all other religions you'll understand why I reject yours
I was agreeing with you sealy - they wrote their own book ...

the Everlasting is real, the answer for how a Spirit remains without a physiology is the true religion if that is theism then so be it.

Who's your leader? Something that doesn't even exist

and coincidentally by their having written the book performs in the manner they write for them to perform to "prove" their own point of view.

Do you approve of cults? So then why do you approve of big cults? Let's assume you're a Jew. You wouldn't approve of a false Messiah, would you? That's what Jesus Mohammad and Joseph Smith are.

Now as a theist you probably don't hate anything but you certainly can't like these false religions.

We are all atheists. I just believe in one fewer gods than you. When you understand why you reject all other religions you'll understand why I reject yours
Every culture knew there was a God, even if they didn't know which one it was.

When one eliminates the belief that there is any higher order than the individual human that leads only to nihilism, or to statism since there is no higher authority than might.
Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.
You have no idea how brainwashed you are.

We have no Marxist agenda you fool. No leader. This is just you being defensive and thinking there must be a hidden agenda.

Never realizing it's your side that is authoritarian and controlling.

Good little sheep

I've seen you post enough to know that your "leader" is the State. You blindly believe in science and the power of the State.
I don't blindly do anything.

The power of the state means power of the people? We the people. Are you against America? Sad.

And I'm for scientific explanation over religious ones.

I'm for separation of church and state.
You should be more concerned with a separation of education from GOVERNMENTAL control and manipulation! I'm all for scientific explanations; however, scientific is not exclusive of religious thought. Secular thought is certainly not superior to religious thought if it is incorrect or misleading.
If a secular society decides something is right that trumps your religion.

The perfect example is abortion. If you had your way abortion would be illegal. But it's not because state > religion. As it should
A vast majority of Americans hate killing babies. And most realize that premarital sex is the main excuse given for abortion.
Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.
Good question. Liberals love to hate Christianity, but they embrace Islam, the religion 9 out of 10 suicide bombers and western haters LOVE. The religion bent on stamping out western liberalism. Liberals are schizophrenic. I love them, they are my flock, and they need a good swift kick in their.... cerebellum.
It's liberal Christians who are open to living with Islam. Notice all those dopes in Washington believe in God and most of their constituents believe in God.

If you ask the atheist wings of the liberal and conservatives we've warned you not to let more rag heads in.

Only Arabs who are looking to escape islam should be let in. Like Chaldeans or atheists.

See? I choose Christian Arabs over Muslim. Much less crazy

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