Hatred of religion

Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.
I share your fear. One of the common arguments against religion is that it's an old idea that is worn out, unevolved. Folks mouthing that argument fail to see that they themselves are latching onto old worn out ideas. They seem to think they are more modern about it, that they are choosing to dismiss God and instead choosing the State, but it's really the same old thing.

I know plenty of atheists, and I never heard one of them say being old or worn out was the problem they had with religion. What I hear is that they have never seen a logical or rational reason to believe in any religion. It has nothing to do with the state or anything else. You really should actually talk to an atheist to find out what they think instead of just mouthing words you heard from others who never talk to atheists either.
I've asked several atheists this question. It took a little work, but I eventually got the same answer from all of them. When you boil it all down, they reject God because accepting Him would place restrictions on their behavior. The one most often cited was sexual behavior. What does that say about atheists? Hardy the bastions of rational thought we've all been led to believe in. All this time, they've been thinking with their...

You are lying. It's that simple, you are lying. There is no reason why a belief in god would preclude sex. You are just spouting a common belief among people like you that you assign to atheists.
LOL! Way to try to put words in my mouth, but that is not what I said. I was referring to extra-marital sex, as well as every other type of sexual perversion. You see, sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. There are very good reasons for this. Let's see if you can think of just one of them.

When exactly do you think extramarital sex began in this country? Here's a hint, it wasn't recent.
I share your fear. One of the common arguments against religion is that it's an old idea that is worn out, unevolved. Folks mouthing that argument fail to see that they themselves are latching onto old worn out ideas. They seem to think they are more modern about it, that they are choosing to dismiss God and instead choosing the State, but it's really the same old thing.

I know plenty of atheists, and I never heard one of them say being old or worn out was the problem they had with religion. What I hear is that they have never seen a logical or rational reason to believe in any religion. It has nothing to do with the state or anything else. You really should actually talk to an atheist to find out what they think instead of just mouthing words you heard from others who never talk to atheists either.
I've asked several atheists this question. It took a little work, but I eventually got the same answer from all of them. When you boil it all down, they reject God because accepting Him would place restrictions on their behavior. The one most often cited was sexual behavior. What does that say about atheists? Hardy the bastions of rational thought we've all been led to believe in. All this time, they've been thinking with their...

You are lying. It's that simple, you are lying. There is no reason why a belief in god would preclude sex. You are just spouting a common belief among people like you that you assign to atheists.
LOL! Way to try to put words in my mouth, but that is not what I said. I was referring to extra-marital sex, as well as every other type of sexual perversion. You see, sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. There are very good reasons for this. Let's see if you can think of just one of them.

When exactly do you think extramarital sex began in this country? Here's a hint, it wasn't recent.
Maybe not. But accepting it, and even celebrating it is something new. Same with same sex marriage. Now it gender neutral bathrooms. What's next?
I know plenty of atheists, and I never heard one of them say being old or worn out was the problem they had with religion. What I hear is that they have never seen a logical or rational reason to believe in any religion. It has nothing to do with the state or anything else. You really should actually talk to an atheist to find out what they think instead of just mouthing words you heard from others who never talk to atheists either.
I've asked several atheists this question. It took a little work, but I eventually got the same answer from all of them. When you boil it all down, they reject God because accepting Him would place restrictions on their behavior. The one most often cited was sexual behavior. What does that say about atheists? Hardy the bastions of rational thought we've all been led to believe in. All this time, they've been thinking with their...

You are lying. It's that simple, you are lying. There is no reason why a belief in god would preclude sex. You are just spouting a common belief among people like you that you assign to atheists.
LOL! Way to try to put words in my mouth, but that is not what I said. I was referring to extra-marital sex, as well as every other type of sexual perversion. You see, sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. There are very good reasons for this. Let's see if you can think of just one of them.

When exactly do you think extramarital sex began in this country? Here's a hint, it wasn't recent.
Maybe not. But accepting it, and even celebrating it is something new. Same with same sex marriage. Now it gender neutral bathrooms. What's next?

I'm not sure what might be next, but a lot of us are hoping for you bible thumpers to start worrying about your own business and quit bothering others about things that are none of your business.
I'm not sure what might be next, but a lot of us are hoping for you bible thumpers to start worrying about your own business and quit bothering others about things that are none of your business.

Perhaps Bible thumpers KNOW that the business of others will soon become a thorn in the side of their business. Consider, the lawsuits concerning bakeries, photo studios, bed & breakfasts, religious organizations. It doesn't end at your door. It comes into the classroom. It invades society. It influences the youth. It belittles the old and infirm, it mandates indiscriminate laws.

And before long, GOOD is called EVIL and EVIL --- GOOD.
I'm not sure what might be next, but a lot of us are hoping for you bible thumpers to start worrying about your own business and quit bothering others about things that are none of your business.

Perhaps Bible thumpers KNOW that the business of others will soon become a thorn in the side of their business. Consider, the lawsuits concerning bakeries, photo studios, bed & breakfasts, religious organizations. It doesn't end at your door. It comes into the classroom. It invades society. It influences the youth. It belittles the old and infirm, it mandates indiscriminate laws.

And before long, GOOD is called EVIL and EVIL --- GOOD.
Ignorant nonsense.

There are no lawsuits concerning religious institutions, they’re not considered businesses open to the general public.

And in jurisdictions where public accommodations laws have provisions for sexual orientation, lawsuits filed against businesses that discriminate against gay patrons are lawful and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause, and in no way ‘violate’ religious freedom or practice, where nothing is being ‘forced’ on anyone.
For well over 100 years, most public schools had opening exercises which included the Pledge of Allegiance, a national song (America the Beautiful, Oh Columbia the Gem of the Ocean, The Star Spangled Banner, etc.), and a short Bible reading (Usually from the Psalms or Proverbs). Public Schools also had Halloween costume parties, Thanksgiving Parties, Christmas Parties with student Carole sings, and Easter egg hunts. There were Jews, Catholics, atheists, Mormons and Protestants in the same classrooms. NO ONE was made to participate, but everyone had something to look forward to.

Today, public school is a drudge of what is NOT OK to present, talk about, discuss, and represent. What's to enjoy?

How about focus on math and science and cut the bullshit. No wonder we're so dumb

How about teaching a child how to be respectable and considerate of other points of view. Freedom never meant freedom from opposing points of view. It the nation is getting dumber it is because we do not expect out students to be discerning. And again, science is not the brainchild of secular thought. It is a search for truth and that does NOT entail the ignorance of GOD but HIS possibility.
I'm not sure what might be next, but a lot of us are hoping for you bible thumpers to start worrying about your own business and quit bothering others about things that are none of your business.

Perhaps Bible thumpers KNOW that the business of others will soon become a thorn in the side of their business. Consider, the lawsuits concerning bakeries, photo studios, bed & breakfasts, religious organizations. It doesn't end at your door. It comes into the classroom. It invades society. It influences the youth. It belittles the old and infirm, it mandates indiscriminate laws.

And before long, GOOD is called EVIL and EVIL --- GOOD.
Ignorant nonsense.

There are no lawsuits concerning religious institutions, they’re not considered businesses open to the general public.

And in jurisdictions where public accommodations laws have provisions for sexual orientation, lawsuits filed against businesses that discriminate against gay patrons are lawful and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause, and in no way ‘violate’ religious freedom or practice, where nothing is being ‘forced’ on anyone.
There is a movement afoot insisting that if a man of the cloth is to perform marriage he must not discriminate in any way shape or form. There have also been suits that wish to make religious institutions (hospitals, private school, and the like) cover requested employee abortions with their healthcare plans and without retribution!

But not allowing a convicted pedophile to teach in a daycare is not discrimination?
But not hiring a former thief as a bank teller or a store clerk is not discrimination?
But you would invite everyone and anyone to your party?
Some might consider certain forms of discrimination quite acceptable.

Sorry, but I know of no Amendment to the Constitution preventing Gay discrimination or Gay marriage. Yet there was an Amendment added so that Blacks would be Emancipated and another so women could vote. The litmus test for Constitutionality is not the whim of the Supreme Court as Liberals and Socialists would have us believe.
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Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.
Republicans attack Islam.
Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.
Republicans attack Islam.
Islamist extremists attack Jews and Christians everywhere Islamists are in the MAJORITY.
I'm not sure what might be next, but a lot of us are hoping for you bible thumpers to start worrying about your own business and quit bothering others about things that are none of your business.

Perhaps Bible thumpers KNOW that the business of others will soon become a thorn in the side of their business. Consider, the lawsuits concerning bakeries, photo studios, bed & breakfasts, religious organizations. It doesn't end at your door. It comes into the classroom. It invades society. It influences the youth. It belittles the old and infirm, it mandates indiscriminate laws.

And before long, GOOD is called EVIL and EVIL --- GOOD.

Each of those companies doing business with the public wanted special exclusions from the law based on their religion. Nobody cared if they particularly liked all their customers, just that they treated them fairly. If your business is baking cakes, then bake the damn cakes.
I'm not sure what might be next, but a lot of us are hoping for you bible thumpers to start worrying about your own business and quit bothering others about things that are none of your business.

Perhaps Bible thumpers KNOW that the business of others will soon become a thorn in the side of their business. Consider, the lawsuits concerning bakeries, photo studios, bed & breakfasts, religious organizations. It doesn't end at your door. It comes into the classroom. It invades society. It influences the youth. It belittles the old and infirm, it mandates indiscriminate laws.

And before long, GOOD is called EVIL and EVIL --- GOOD.
Ignorant nonsense.

There are no lawsuits concerning religious institutions, they’re not considered businesses open to the general public.

And in jurisdictions where public accommodations laws have provisions for sexual orientation, lawsuits filed against businesses that discriminate against gay patrons are lawful and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause, and in no way ‘violate’ religious freedom or practice, where nothing is being ‘forced’ on anyone.
There is a movement afoot insisting that if a man of the cloth is to perform marriage he must not discriminate in any way shape or form. There have also been suits that wish to make religious institutions (hospitals, private school, and the like) cover requested employee abortions with their healthcare plans and without retribution!

But not allowing a convicted pedophile to teach in a daycare is not discrimination?
But not hiring a former thief as a bank teller or a store clerk is not discrimination?
But you would invite everyone and anyone to your party?
Some might consider certain forms of discrimination quite acceptable.

Sorry, but I know of no Amendment to the Constitution preventing Gay discrimination or Gay marriage. Yet there was an Amendment added so that Blacks would be Emancipated and another so women could vote. The litmus test for Constitutionality is not the whim of the Supreme Court as Liberals and Socialists would have us believe.

The only movement afoot insisting that a preacher perform any wedding he doesn't approve of exists only in the minds of crazy right wingers. Hospitals, private schools, and the like are not religious institutions. They are businesses that might be owned by religious institutions. The rest of your drivel is too stupid to respond to.
For well over 100 years, most public schools had opening exercises which included the Pledge of Allegiance, a national song (America the Beautiful, Oh Columbia the Gem of the Ocean, The Star Spangled Banner, etc.), and a short Bible reading (Usually from the Psalms or Proverbs). Public Schools also had Halloween costume parties, Thanksgiving Parties, Christmas Parties with student Carole sings, and Easter egg hunts. There were Jews, Catholics, atheists, Mormons and Protestants in the same classrooms. NO ONE was made to participate, but everyone had something to look forward to.

Today, public school is a drudge of what is NOT OK to present, talk about, discuss, and represent. What's to enjoy?

How about focus on math and science and cut the bullshit. No wonder we're so dumb

How about teaching a child how to be respectable and considerate of other points of view. Freedom never meant freedom from opposing points of view. It the nation is getting dumber it is because we do not expect out students to be discerning. And again, science is not the brainchild of secular thought. It is a search for truth and that does NOT entail the ignorance of GOD but HIS possibility.

For well over 100 years, most public schools had opening exercises which included the Pledge of Allegiance, a national song (America the Beautiful, Oh Columbia the Gem of the Ocean, The Star Spangled Banner, etc.), and a short Bible reading (Usually from the Psalms or Proverbs). Public Schools also had Halloween costume parties, Thanksgiving Parties, Christmas Parties with student Carole sings, and Easter egg hunts. There were Jews, Catholics, atheists, Mormons and Protestants in the same classrooms. NO ONE was made to participate, but everyone had something to look forward to.

Today, public school is a drudge of what is NOT OK to present, talk about, discuss, and represent. What's to enjoy?

How about focus on math and science and cut the bullshit. No wonder we're so dumb

How about teaching a child how to be respectable and considerate of other points of view. Freedom never meant freedom from opposing points of view. It the nation is getting dumber it is because we do not expect out students to be discerning. And again, science is not the brainchild of secular thought. It is a search for truth and that does NOT entail the ignorance of GOD but HIS possibility.

I think the Phelps clan are more likely closeted atheists; their main agenda seems merely to be causing strife and benefiting from the publicity much like left-wing groups such as Black Lives Matter or Occupy Wall Street.

They don't seem to actually know more much about theology than most atheists due.
Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.

Most attacks on religions have come from practitioners of other religions. Always have. Still do.
I've asked several atheists this question. It took a little work, but I eventually got the same answer from all of them. When you boil it all down, they reject God because accepting Him would place restrictions on their behavior. The one most often cited was sexual behavior. What does that say about atheists? Hardy the bastions of rational thought we've all been led to believe in. All this time, they've been thinking with their...

You are lying. It's that simple, you are lying. There is no reason why a belief in god would preclude sex. You are just spouting a common belief among people like you that you assign to atheists.
LOL! Way to try to put words in my mouth, but that is not what I said. I was referring to extra-marital sex, as well as every other type of sexual perversion. You see, sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. There are very good reasons for this. Let's see if you can think of just one of them.

When exactly do you think extramarital sex began in this country? Here's a hint, it wasn't recent.
Maybe not. But accepting it, and even celebrating it is something new. Same with same sex marriage. Now it gender neutral bathrooms. What's next?

I'm not sure what might be next, but a lot of us are hoping for you bible thumpers to start worrying about your own business and quit bothering others about things that are none of your business.
Actually from an economic perspective promiscuous sex and adult industry is potentially socially damaging.

Historically people, especially men, have had to prove their productive social worth in order to gain access to sex; in Native American tribes for example the hunters and warriors had the first pick when it came to women; however by "consumerising" sex to the point that adult entertainment is everywhere it can defeat traditional incentives for a man to be economically productive when there are 10 drunk sluts at the local bar, or free nude pictures of Pamela Anderson available online.

Likewise there were more natural punishments for promiscuity; in a small tribe a man who slept with many women but abandoned the woman or the child would be target for revenge by a father or brother; but today there are far less direct natural consequences for promiscuous behavior.

So even from a purely secular POV there are still worthy arguments to be made about cracking down on sexualized entertainment and industries. I personally don't think they deserve full 1st Amendment protection but that's just me.
You are lying. It's that simple, you are lying. There is no reason why a belief in god would preclude sex. You are just spouting a common belief among people like you that you assign to atheists.
LOL! Way to try to put words in my mouth, but that is not what I said. I was referring to extra-marital sex, as well as every other type of sexual perversion. You see, sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. There are very good reasons for this. Let's see if you can think of just one of them.

When exactly do you think extramarital sex began in this country? Here's a hint, it wasn't recent.
Maybe not. But accepting it, and even celebrating it is something new. Same with same sex marriage. Now it gender neutral bathrooms. What's next?

I'm not sure what might be next, but a lot of us are hoping for you bible thumpers to start worrying about your own business and quit bothering others about things that are none of your business.
Actually from an economic perspective promiscuous sex and adult industry is potentially socially damaging.

Historically people, especially men, have had to prove their productive social worth in order to gain access to sex; in Native American tribes for example the hunters and warriors had the first pick when it came to women; however by "consumerising" sex to the point that adult entertainment is everywhere it can defeat traditional incentives for a man to be economically productive when there are 10 drunk sluts at the local bar, or free nude pictures of Pamela Anderson available online.

Likewise there were more natural punishments for promiscuity; in a small tribe a man who slept with many women but abandoned the woman or the child would be target for revenge by a father or brother; but today there are far less direct natural consequences for promiscuous behavior.

So even from a purely secular POV there are still worthy arguments to be made about cracking down on sexualized entertainment and industries. I personally don't think they deserve full 1st Amendment protection but that's just me.

There are secular laws concerning men taking care of their obligations to their offspring. Public morality will always be part of society, but no one has a right to demand that be determined by their own personal religious beliefs. Gay marriage is a perfect example of that.
LOL! Way to try to put words in my mouth, but that is not what I said. I was referring to extra-marital sex, as well as every other type of sexual perversion. You see, sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. There are very good reasons for this. Let's see if you can think of just one of them.

When exactly do you think extramarital sex began in this country? Here's a hint, it wasn't recent.
Maybe not. But accepting it, and even celebrating it is something new. Same with same sex marriage. Now it gender neutral bathrooms. What's next?

I'm not sure what might be next, but a lot of us are hoping for you bible thumpers to start worrying about your own business and quit bothering others about things that are none of your business.
Actually from an economic perspective promiscuous sex and adult industry is potentially socially damaging.

Historically people, especially men, have had to prove their productive social worth in order to gain access to sex; in Native American tribes for example the hunters and warriors had the first pick when it came to women; however by "consumerising" sex to the point that adult entertainment is everywhere it can defeat traditional incentives for a man to be economically productive when there are 10 drunk sluts at the local bar, or free nude pictures of Pamela Anderson available online.

Likewise there were more natural punishments for promiscuity; in a small tribe a man who slept with many women but abandoned the woman or the child would be target for revenge by a father or brother; but today there are far less direct natural consequences for promiscuous behavior.

So even from a purely secular POV there are still worthy arguments to be made about cracking down on sexualized entertainment and industries. I personally don't think they deserve full 1st Amendment protection but that's just me.

There are secular laws concerning men taking care of their obligations to their offspring. Public morality will always be part of society, but no one has a right to demand that be determined by their own personal religious beliefs. Gay marriage is a perfect example of that.
The gay community is responsible for the majority of sexually transmitted diseases, such as AIDS. Reason enough to ban the practice, don't you think?
When exactly do you think extramarital sex began in this country? Here's a hint, it wasn't recent.
Maybe not. But accepting it, and even celebrating it is something new. Same with same sex marriage. Now it gender neutral bathrooms. What's next?

I'm not sure what might be next, but a lot of us are hoping for you bible thumpers to start worrying about your own business and quit bothering others about things that are none of your business.
Actually from an economic perspective promiscuous sex and adult industry is potentially socially damaging.

Historically people, especially men, have had to prove their productive social worth in order to gain access to sex; in Native American tribes for example the hunters and warriors had the first pick when it came to women; however by "consumerising" sex to the point that adult entertainment is everywhere it can defeat traditional incentives for a man to be economically productive when there are 10 drunk sluts at the local bar, or free nude pictures of Pamela Anderson available online.

Likewise there were more natural punishments for promiscuity; in a small tribe a man who slept with many women but abandoned the woman or the child would be target for revenge by a father or brother; but today there are far less direct natural consequences for promiscuous behavior.

So even from a purely secular POV there are still worthy arguments to be made about cracking down on sexualized entertainment and industries. I personally don't think they deserve full 1st Amendment protection but that's just me.

There are secular laws concerning men taking care of their obligations to their offspring. Public morality will always be part of society, but no one has a right to demand that be determined by their own personal religious beliefs. Gay marriage is a perfect example of that.
The gay community is responsible for the majority of sexually transmitted diseases, such as AIDS. Reason enough to ban the practice, don't you think?

Every kind of child abuse has been rationalized by someone as a religious practice: beatings, dangerous diets, forced marriages, slavery, exorcism, sexual exploitation, genital mutilation, conversion therapy for L.G.B.T. youth and medical neglect. Reason enough to ban the practice, don't you think?
Maybe not. But accepting it, and even celebrating it is something new. Same with same sex marriage. Now it gender neutral bathrooms. What's next?

I'm not sure what might be next, but a lot of us are hoping for you bible thumpers to start worrying about your own business and quit bothering others about things that are none of your business.
Actually from an economic perspective promiscuous sex and adult industry is potentially socially damaging.

Historically people, especially men, have had to prove their productive social worth in order to gain access to sex; in Native American tribes for example the hunters and warriors had the first pick when it came to women; however by "consumerising" sex to the point that adult entertainment is everywhere it can defeat traditional incentives for a man to be economically productive when there are 10 drunk sluts at the local bar, or free nude pictures of Pamela Anderson available online.

Likewise there were more natural punishments for promiscuity; in a small tribe a man who slept with many women but abandoned the woman or the child would be target for revenge by a father or brother; but today there are far less direct natural consequences for promiscuous behavior.

So even from a purely secular POV there are still worthy arguments to be made about cracking down on sexualized entertainment and industries. I personally don't think they deserve full 1st Amendment protection but that's just me.

There are secular laws concerning men taking care of their obligations to their offspring. Public morality will always be part of society, but no one has a right to demand that be determined by their own personal religious beliefs. Gay marriage is a perfect example of that.
The gay community is responsible for the majority of sexually transmitted diseases, such as AIDS. Reason enough to ban the practice, don't you think?

Every kind of child abuse has been rationalized by someone as a religious practice: beatings, dangerous diets, forced marriages, slavery, exorcism, sexual exploitation, genital mutilation, conversion therapy for L.G.B.T. youth and medical neglect. Reason enough to ban the practice, don't you think?
Show me where the Bible teaches people to do any of the things you claim? Oh. That's right. You can't. Sucks to be you.

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