Hatred of religion

Who's your leader? Something that doesn't even exist

and coincidentally by their having written the book performs in the manner they write for them to perform to "prove" their own point of view.

Do you approve of cults? So then why do you approve of big cults? Let's assume you're a Jew. You wouldn't approve of a false Messiah, would you? That's what Jesus Mohammad and Joseph Smith are.

Now as a theist you probably don't hate anything but you certainly can't like these false religions.

We are all atheists. I just believe in one fewer gods than you. When you understand why you reject all other religions you'll understand why I reject yours
Every culture knew there was a God, even if they didn't know which one it was.

When one eliminates the belief that there is any higher order than the individual human that leads only to nihilism, or to statism since there is no higher authority than might.
I don't think we are the smartest thing in our universe.

And your life's meaning is what you make of it. There is no meaning. The universe will one day end. What was the meaning? Silly question.

Trust me, it's not nessary. People won't blow themselves up because there's no consequences. Even though I don't believe in hell I still wouldn't want to hurt another living thing needlessly.

I think it is amazing how perfect the world is for humans and I care about the human race after I'm gone. Isn't that enough?
Who's your leader? Something that doesn't even exist

and coincidentally by their having written the book performs in the manner they write for them to perform to "prove" their own point of view.

Do you approve of cults? So then why do you approve of big cults? Let's assume you're a Jew. You wouldn't approve of a false Messiah, would you? That's what Jesus Mohammad and Joseph Smith are.

Now as a theist you probably don't hate anything but you certainly can't like these false religions.

We are all atheists. I just believe in one fewer gods than you. When you understand why you reject all other religions you'll understand why I reject yours
Every culture knew there was a God, even if they didn't know which one it was.

When one eliminates the belief that there is any higher order than the individual human that leads only to nihilism, or to statism since there is no higher authority than might.
I don't think we are the smartest thing in our universe.

And your life's meaning is what you make of it. There is no meaning. The universe will one day end. What was the meaning? Silly question.
This is what Nietzsche believed and he died in mental illness, so why would people take advice on life's meaning from someone who led a miserable existence?
Every culture knew there was a God, even if they didn't know which one it was.

more correctly every culture sought answers which in every case were distorted by religious fanatics ... such as yourself.

Everyone knew the earth was flat too.

Science/psychology explains why/how the human mind comes up with a God to things we don't know. God of the gaps. We finally realize it wasn't Zeus when it thundered.

We are still a very young superstitious people who are just learning our place in the universe.

Maybe God was necessary once. Like unions. Lol
You have no idea how brainwashed you are.

We have no Marxist agenda you fool. No leader. This is just you being defensive and thinking there must be a hidden agenda.

Never realizing it's your side that is authoritarian and controlling.

Good little sheep

I've seen you post enough to know that your "leader" is the State. You blindly believe in science and the power of the State.
I don't blindly do anything.

The power of the state means power of the people? We the people. Are you against America? Sad.

And I'm for scientific explanation over religious ones.

I'm for separation of church and state.
You should be more concerned with a separation of education from GOVERNMENTAL control and manipulation! I'm all for scientific explanations; however, scientific is not exclusive of religious thought. Secular thought is certainly not superior to religious thought if it is incorrect or misleading.
If a secular society decides something is right that trumps your religion.

The perfect example is abortion. If you had your way abortion would be illegal. But it's not because state > religion. As it should
A vast majority of Americans hate killing babies. And most realize that premarital sex is the main excuse given for abortion.
Actually it's money. Even married people get abortions. Poverty's a bitch I agree
Every culture knew there was a God, even if they didn't know which one it was.

more correctly every culture sought answers which in every case were distorted by religious fanatics ... such as yourself.

Everyone knew the earth was flat too.

Science/psychology explains why/how the human mind comes up with a God to things we don't know. God of the gaps. We finally realize it wasn't Zeus when it thundered.

We are still a very young superstitious people who are just learning our place in the universe.

Maybe God was necessary once. Like unions. Lol

The Bible clearly states that the earth is round in shape and hangs on nothing. The silly people are those who imagine that they know it all.
Who's your leader? Something that doesn't even exist

and coincidentally by their having written the book performs in the manner they write for them to perform to "prove" their own point of view.

Do you approve of cults? So then why do you approve of big cults? Let's assume you're a Jew. You wouldn't approve of a false Messiah, would you? That's what Jesus Mohammad and Joseph Smith are.

Now as a theist you probably don't hate anything but you certainly can't like these false religions.

We are all atheists. I just believe in one fewer gods than you. When you understand why you reject all other religions you'll understand why I reject yours
Every culture knew there was a God, even if they didn't know which one it was.

When one eliminates the belief that there is any higher order than the individual human that leads only to nihilism, or to statism since there is no higher authority than might.
I don't think we are the smartest thing in our universe.

And your life's meaning is what you make of it. There is no meaning. The universe will one day end. What was the meaning? Silly question.
This is what Nietzsche believed and he died in mental illness, so why would people take advice on life's meaning from someone who led a miserable existence?
No, Nietzsche believed that a certain race he was part of were super humans....
Every culture knew there was a God, even if they didn't know which one it was.

more correctly every culture sought answers which in every case were distorted by religious fanatics ... such as yourself.

Everyone knew the earth was flat too.

Science/psychology explains why/how the human mind comes up with a God to things we don't know. God of the gaps. We finally realize it wasn't Zeus when it thundered.

We are still a very young superstitious people who are just learning our place in the universe.

Maybe God was necessary once. Like unions. Lol

The Bible clearly states that the earth is round in shape and hangs on nothing. The silly people are those who imagine that they know it all.
Yea round like a pancake
Every culture knew there was a God, even if they didn't know which one it was.

more correctly every culture sought answers which in every case were distorted by religious fanatics ... such as yourself.

Everyone knew the earth was flat too.

Science/psychology explains why/how the human mind comes up with a God to things we don't know. God of the gaps. We finally realize it wasn't Zeus when it thundered.

We are still a very young superstitious people who are just learning our place in the universe.

Maybe God was necessary once. Like unions. Lol

The Bible clearly states that the earth is round in shape and hangs on nothing. The silly people are those who imagine that they know it all.
Aristotle 382 BC figured it out. The great Greeks had a choice.

A. Teach logic reason and math

B. Promote religion and pro slavery on the masses.

They chose religion.
Why is it so many know nothing about Marx or Marxism and yet use it as a stick for their off the wall assumptions? And trendy? By whose account? Criticism of religion is not hatred. Anyone who drives in America and takes notice of the landscape surely realizes the importance of religions given the number of holy places. Instead of thanks and funny we need a grade sign, the OP gets an F.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Ten

The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.

What are material conveniences appropriated by the state and why are atheists more reliant on them than people of faith?
Why is it so many know nothing about Marx or Marxism and yet use it as a stick for their off the wall assumptions? And trendy? By whose account? Criticism of religion is not hatred. Anyone who drives in America and takes notice of the landscape surely realizes the importance of religions given the number of holy places. Instead of thanks and funny we need a grade sign, the OP gets an F.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Ten

The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.

And the Church of Fairy Tales controls you. You're worse off.
The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.

You have no idea how brainwashed you are.

We have no Marxist agenda you fool. No leader. This is just you being defensive and thinking there must be a hidden agenda.

Never realizing it's your side that is authoritarian and controlling.

Good little sheep

I've seen you post enough to know that your "leader" is the State. You blindly believe in science and the power of the State.

Science is based on observation and proof. Your book of fairy tales is based on myths and lies. You made your choice, now shut up before you end up in hell.
Why is it so many know nothing about Marx or Marxism and yet use it as a stick for their off the wall assumptions? And trendy? By whose account? Criticism of religion is not hatred. Anyone who drives in America and takes notice of the landscape surely realizes the importance of religions given the number of holy places. Instead of thanks and funny we need a grade sign, the OP gets an F.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Ten

The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

I suppose, if you actually believe that those representing us have, in turn, their faith influence their politics.


If you know what really motivates pols. you won't be that naive.

This is a holistic view of government, not an in depth analysis of individual politicians. I looks to me like you didn't really view the whole video. If you did, it is clear you don't understand his reasoning at all.

Well then if faith isn't a factor in political motivations then why make the case that people of faith are less destructive to liberty by way of government.

Atheism is a disbelief in gods, whatever else he ascribes to it is his bias.
I've seen you post enough to know that your "leader" is the State. You blindly believe in science and the power of the State.
I don't blindly do anything.

The power of the state means power of the people? We the people. Are you against America? Sad.

And I'm for scientific explanation over religious ones.

I'm for separation of church and state.
You should be more concerned with a separation of education from GOVERNMENTAL control and manipulation! I'm all for scientific explanations; however, scientific is not exclusive of religious thought. Secular thought is certainly not superior to religious thought if it is incorrect or misleading.
If a secular society decides something is right that trumps your religion.

The perfect example is abortion. If you had your way abortion would be illegal. But it's not because state > religion. As it should
A vast majority of Americans hate killing babies. And most realize that premarital sex is the main excuse given for abortion.
Actually it's money. Even married people get abortions. Poverty's a bitch I agree

Not true. And by the way, most people who do have kids will tell you, they don't really cost much until later. Infants just kind of lay there, and make noises, and suck on breasts. Not exactly a hundreds of dollars a day deal.

It's when they start eating a ton, and crashing your car, that they cost a fortune. (speaking as someone that crashed his first car.... twice).

But even so, the numbers suggest otherwise. Polls show barely 20% claim poverty/money is the reason they got an abortion. Maybe 25% depending on which poll you believe. The vast majority of reasons is.... crimp my style. I want to go traveling. I don't want to settle down. I want to do things. It will hurt my career. Lame reasons in my opinion... but it's just my opinion. All the single people I met, have never had the adventure life style they claim they wanted, when they decided to stay single. And the career chicks, never seem happy when they get the big promotion, and one was open enough to tell me directly, she wished she had stayed at home instead of climbing the ladder. Of course maybe she was the only one, and all the rest loved it... they sure hid it well.

Now just speaking from my own experience, my sister and her husband, have six kids, and he earns about $35,000 a year. They live great. Oddly, when you buy all those toddler clothes... they all fit the next toddler. The same car seat that fit the 1st one, also fit the 6th one.

Better still, if you are smart, you get your kids to help with the household chores, and then you can relax more.

So I think this poverty deal is just an excuse. Just my opinion.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.

You have no idea how brainwashed you are.

We have no Marxist agenda you fool. No leader. This is just you being defensive and thinking there must be a hidden agenda.

Never realizing it's your side that is authoritarian and controlling.

Good little sheep

I've seen you post enough to know that your "leader" is the State. You blindly believe in science and the power of the State.

Science is based on observation and proof. Your book of fairy tales is based on myths and lies. You made your choice, now shut up before you end up in hell.

It sounds like something a cult would tell it's followers. "Don't listen to skeptics. They worship the state". Oh stfu!

Just because we don't worship a fairytale doesn't mean we worship something else.

Is it mandatory we worship something?

Other than God do these people worship the state? Well neither do we. We need nothing to worship.
Why is it so many know nothing about Marx or Marxism and yet use it as a stick for their off the wall assumptions? And trendy? By whose account? Criticism of religion is not hatred. Anyone who drives in America and takes notice of the landscape surely realizes the importance of religions given the number of holy places. Instead of thanks and funny we need a grade sign, the OP gets an F.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Ten

The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

Molyneux believes that atheists, being overwhelmingly leftists (according to pew 56% self identify as liberal), impose their moral judgments on him in the form of taxes. To ascribe his problem to atheism seems absurd on the face of it. Congress maintains the authority to tax and the makeup of congress is and has always been overwhelmingly theist. It's a silly argument.

Faith on the Hill

7 facts about atheists

Modern atheism seems to be heavily influenced by Marxism as well as utopian socialists such as John Stuart Mill.

If people have something to rely on for purpose and meaning of life other than material convenience appropriated by the state then it's harder for the state to control them.

If they remove God and look to "science" or "economic progress" to save them then the state owns them lock stock and barrell.

And the Church of Fairy Tales controls you. You're worse off.

Here's why I hate religion. I think we are all being lied to. About everything! The economy war democracy freedom pollution. The powers that be control the money media military government churches everything.

They lie to us all the time. For example George Washington and Benedict Arnold. Those stories have been embellished. We don't even know the real facts or details. Most of us don't care.

Same with slavery and what we did to native Americans.

So I see a pattern. Humans are brainwashed and too much knowledge makes them uncomfortable.

We can't rid our species of this flaw if we don't understand it or acknowledge it. We cherish willful ignorance.
Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.
I share your fear. One of the common arguments against religion is that it's an old idea that is worn out, unevolved. Folks mouthing that argument fail to see that they themselves are latching onto old worn out ideas. They seem to think they are more modern about it, that they are choosing to dismiss God and instead choosing the State, but it's really the same old thing.

I know plenty of atheists, and I never heard one of them say being old or worn out was the problem they had with religion. What I hear is that they have never seen a logical or rational reason to believe in any religion. It has nothing to do with the state or anything else. You really should actually talk to an atheist to find out what they think instead of just mouthing words you heard from others who never talk to atheists either.
I've asked several atheists this question. It took a little work, but I eventually got the same answer from all of them. When you boil it all down, they reject God because accepting Him would place restrictions on their behavior. The one most often cited was sexual behavior. What does that say about atheists? Hardy the bastions of rational thought we've all been led to believe in. All this time, they've been thinking with their...
I am sorry but giving up on curing diseases, science and being a fucking illogical idiot is a good reason to hate something. Religion taken to its extreme is bad for humanity.

It wasn't religion that dropped the atomic bomb, as justified as it might have been. It wasn't religion that tested syphilis by purposely exposing it to black men. It was science.
I am sorry but giving up on curing diseases, science and being a fucking illogical idiot is a good reason to hate something. Religion taken to its extreme is bad for humanity.

It wasn't religion that dropped the atomic bomb, as justified as it might have been. It wasn't religion that tested syphilis by purposely exposing it to black men. It was science.

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