Have bad people always hated good Presidents?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?
It’s kind of a no-brainer...right?
Just as criminals don’t support law enforcement and strict sentencing...bad people can’t support anyone pushing an agenda that may lead to good things for good people.
Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?
Trump is not a good president

He lacks the personal integrity to hold the office
Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?
Trump is not a good president

He lacks the personal integrity to hold the office

America’s best is smiling ear to ear as they stack their chips, anyone with any ambition is working, Blacks are finally peeling away from the taxpayer tit, real estate values are soaring, the military and law enforcement are appreciated and funded, illegal wetbacks are running scared shitless and twisted LefTards piss their pants as they’re bitch-slapped daily.
What’s going on that could be considered wrong by anyone sane?
I mean things aren’t looking very good for anyone fucked up in the head who hates a prospering, ambitious, decent society.
Trump is absolutely killing it for everyone that matters isn’t he?
Make America American Again!
It's been coming for awhile. With each republican president the democrat rhetoric has gotten worse, more hate filled and disloyal. They want democrat one party rule. No one could honestly deny that. What they have done is create the ideal opportunity to force America into war. As soon as democrats in the military said they would refuse to follow the orders of the Commander in Chief this country became ripe for attack.
Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?

We have not had a good president since 1929

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Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?
they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc
WHy after 40 some odd years and 22 trillion dollars spent we still have poverty? Lets say 10,000,000 people are in poverty divide that by 22 trillion and see what they took from the rest of us.

$22,000,000,000,000 / 10,000,000 = $2,200,000 each. Why do we still have poor people?

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
people have hated and loved presidents/rulers/dictators
a lot of the populations have loved and hated
many people loved hitler
many people hated hitler
many people loved Mussolini
many people hated Mussolini
many loved Stalin
many people hated Stalin
...nothing much new here--except the uncommonly amount of open/blatant/overt/etc hate from sports players/celebrities/dems/leftist/ etc hate of Trump--
Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?
Trump is not a good president

He lacks the personal integrity to hold the office
Like politicians have the best integrity in the world. Rather trust a man thats upfront and wrong then a lying sack of weasel poo who says all the right things AKA Obummer.
Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?

All you have to do is go to DC where they have monuments to both FDR and President Wilson who were both ardent racists who despised the Constitution because it limited their power to "get things done". Both also oversaw world wars.

I reckon that is how historians rate Presidents, by their racism and warmongering. All the other ones just sucked I reckon.
Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?
they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc
WHy after 40 some odd years and 22 trillion dollars spent we still have poverty? Lets say 10,000,000 people are in poverty divide that by 22 trillion and see what they took from the rest of us.

$22,000,000,000,000 / 10,000,000 = $2,200,000 each. Why do we still have poor people?

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion

We will always have poverty. There is nothing that will end poverty ever. Poverty is relative. You are only as poor as another person is rich which is why our poor are deemed wildly wealthy compared to the poor of other countries.
Nobody in the history of the great Republic has ever hated the President of the United States the way the left wing media and disappointed angry democrats do today. It was barely a year ago when a Sanders supporter democrat operative planned to execute every conservative member of congress and opened fire on a republican baseball team training for a charity event. Nobody has ever witnessed such hatred and yet the media pretty much covered it up and forgot about it. The jury is still out on the Vegas shooting and there is a strange blackout of news but it seems that the shooter was motivated by similar hatred and anger at republicans.
Liberals have always hated the good ones. Reagan is the best example. They colluded with the Soviets to undermine him with propaganda via the MSM in the middle of an arms race. Treasonous bastards.
Why do people love Reagan?

He was a big spender and gave amnesty without fixing the illegal Mexican problem.
20,000,000 jobs created.
Brought down the Soviet Empire.
Restored our military after Carter neglected it to a point of ineffectiveness.
His only mistake was trusting Democrats.

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