Have drug cartels hijacked the Californian government?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Gun Control was passed by Irish Gangs in control of the New York City governments.

Gun Control was passed by KKK gangs in control of southern states and towns.

California's new gun control law guarantees no oridnary law abiding citizen will be able to purchase ammo and will cause every Gun shop in California to go out of business.

This means the gangs will vigorously expand their black gun and ammo markets, giving them a monopoly on both, and even law abiding citizens will be forced to purchase from known criminal groups in order to obtain ammo, which may cause the law abiding citizens themselves to be considered criminals and accomplices to these gangs.

This $50 fee is meant to target the poor and impoverished.

American history is rife with criminalized factions taking control of local and state governments, and criminal white collar factions taking control of the Federal government, do you think California has been hijacked by the drug cartels, looking to expand their black markets?
The Drug Cartels haven't, but the Banks that launder the money have.

Fortunately Americans believe their system is "squeaky clean" so they'll never wake up to the facts until they're too far gone.

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