Have Obama and Clinton Dragged Us To The Brink Of WWIII?

Our enemies no longer fear us, our allies no longer trust us.
Why should they? Our President-elect disparages our institutions...our press, the FBI, the CIA, the Pope..and they no longer fear us because we went a-nation building instead of a-warring in Iraq, to build a nation Iraq didn't want. For 10 years we tussled with insurgents and we never beat them, we just fizzled out. THAT's why.
Yeah, the Left really has lost it. Risking WWIII just because they lost an Election? Insanely dangerous game.

Hmmm and we are risking WW3 how exactly?

By pointing out that the CIA has said that Russia tried to hack our election?

Why is it that Conservatives are willing to do anything to appease Russia?

So what do you Democrats want? Another Cold War? WWIII? Just say what you want? .

So what do you Republicans want? Trump to be the next great Appeaser- proudly proclaiming he has prevented war by letting Russia get away with anything- like Chamberlain did in 1939

My good friends, this is the second time there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time.


What do I think America should do?

I think America should follow up on the CIA's report- despite the Conservatives inclination to give Russia whatever Russia wants.

That's a big dodge. I asked you, what do you Democrats want? Another Cold War? WWIII? You're not gonna reverse the election results. That fantasy just isn't gonna happen. So, what do you want? What can Trump do to make you happy? I'm fair-minded. I'm willing to listen.

Let me quote myself again

What do I think America should do?

I think America should follow up on the CIA's report- despite the Conservatives inclination to give Russia whatever Russia wants.

And if it turns out that Russia did try to influence our election- guess what- Donald Trump is still President.

Whether anyone supports Trump or not- any patriotic American should care whether or not a foreign government tried to sway our elections.

And if Russia- if Putin- did try to subvert our election- then we certainly should react- first of all beefing up our hacking counter measures so we can try to prevent Russia or any other country from trying to influence our election again.

And then we should follow up with economic sanctions on Russia- Russia should not be rewarded for attempting to inferfere with our government.

So you tell me- why do you want to ignore Russia actively trying to influence our elections? Is it just that you are willing to do anything to appease Russia?

So, economic sanctions? Ok, why didn't you just say that in the first place? Maybe it'll happen. But what about those in the Obama Administration who allowed the hacking? Shouldn't they be held accountable too?
Hmmm and we are risking WW3 how exactly?

By pointing out that the CIA has said that Russia tried to hack our election?

Why is it that Conservatives are willing to do anything to appease Russia?

So what do you Democrats want? Another Cold War? WWIII? Just say what you want? .

So what do you Republicans want? Trump to be the next great Appeaser- proudly proclaiming he has prevented war by letting Russia get away with anything- like Chamberlain did in 1939

My good friends, this is the second time there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time.


What do I think America should do?

I think America should follow up on the CIA's report- despite the Conservatives inclination to give Russia whatever Russia wants.

That's a big dodge. I asked you, what do you Democrats want? Another Cold War? WWIII? You're not gonna reverse the election results. That fantasy just isn't gonna happen. So, what do you want? What can Trump do to make you happy? I'm fair-minded. I'm willing to listen.

Let me quote myself again

What do I think America should do?

I think America should follow up on the CIA's report- despite the Conservatives inclination to give Russia whatever Russia wants.

And if it turns out that Russia did try to influence our election- guess what- Donald Trump is still President.

Whether anyone supports Trump or not- any patriotic American should care whether or not a foreign government tried to sway our elections.

And if Russia- if Putin- did try to subvert our election- then we certainly should react- first of all beefing up our hacking counter measures so we can try to prevent Russia or any other country from trying to influence our election again.

And then we should follow up with economic sanctions on Russia- Russia should not be rewarded for attempting to inferfere with our government.

So you tell me- why do you want to ignore Russia actively trying to influence our elections? Is it just that you are willing to do anything to appease Russia?

So, economic sanctions? Ok, why didn't you just say that in the first place? Maybe it'll happen. But what about those in the Obama Administration who allowed the hacking? Shouldn't they be held accountable too?

Why did you assume that the Obama administration was ready to start dropping bombs on Russia- just because the CIA said that Russia tried to influence our elections?

Okay- well I would say everyone in the Obama Administration who 'allowed the hacking' should be kicked out of office on January 20, 2017.
People have been talking about the "brink of WW3" since WW2. Truman got us into Korea on an executive order and we lost 50k and ended up where we started three years later. LBJ got us into Vietnam on a faked crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war but nobody suggested that we were "on the brink of WW3" at the time. Republicans are in the driver's seat and we have a strong leader so you can bet your ass(ets) that talk will be about WW3 again.
People have been talking about the "brink of WW3" since WW2. Truman got us into Korea on an executive order and we lost 50k and ended up where we started three years later. LBJ got us into Vietnam on a faked crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war but nobody suggested that we were "on the brink of WW3" at the time. Republicans are in the driver's seat and we have a strong leader so you can bet your ass(ets) that talk will be about WW3 again.

Good points.
It appears Obama and Clinton have left Trump an awful mess. He's beginning his Presidency on the brink of all-out war. Can he 'reset' Obama and Clinton's disastrous Russia 'Reset Button?' The man sure does have his hands full. What do you all think?
Lets look at it differently for a second.
This might actually be a good thing as far as the U.S standing and respect in the world goes.
The citizens of the U.S just endured 8 years of an administration that was known world wide for essentially stoking the flames of discontent around the world, in the last 4 years the world watched the U.S put Russia and our allies in a delicate position when it comes to them trusting us. They have watched as the U.S did more to aid terrorist nations than to try and bring them under control.
The world watched as Hillary and Trump fought the battle to win the white house, they saw Trump claiming that he was willing to consider working with Russia and the rest of the world to try and rid the world of the dangerous regimes that threaten world peace all in the name of their religion. They also saw and heard Hillary promise to bring Russia under control, and by doing so, giving the terrorists greater advantage toward achieving their goals. The world watched with trepidation as Russia broke off normal communication with Washington raising the question as to how far the U.S would be willing to go in order to protect the very countries that want nothing more than to bring us down.
Then, with the world watching, the citizens of the U.S voted, they chose the candidate that expressed a willingness to work with others to rid the world of the threat from ISIS and any other group that would threaten world peace and security to accomplish their goal of everyone converting to Islam.
What the world saw was that the U.S citizens did not approve of the tactics and the policies of our rogue president, we did not choose the candidate that claimed she would continue those divisive and dangerous policies. Instead we picked a candidate that, although might not have the experience actually needed for the office, was at least willing to work with Russia instead of against them. The candidate that openly said it could be a good thing for the U.S and Russia to work together.
Basically by electing Trump, it became clear that the citizens of the U.S did not approve of the way that obama was dealing with these things.
I expect that there will be no threat of a WWIII, what I think will happen will be that the rest of the world is going to wait and see what Trump does, Russia will open lines to Washington again and the tension will stabilize.
This all could be a very good thing, lets hope obama does try to start some crap with Russia, he can express his desire to do so, however there is not time for the U.S to initiate any type of aggressive moves toward Russia, when Trump takes office, he can simply undo what obama did and all damage will be repaired.
It will be clear that obama has been working against the will of the people in this country.
If it does work out that way, I would hate to have to be on his security detail after he leaves office.
Looks like Russia is getting very serious. It's now preparing for a large scale confrontation with NATO. It feels surrounded by NATO missile installations. Obama and Clinton have backed Putin and Russia into a corner. They've forced it to respond.

Russia is also now working on an alliance with China. They're gonna attempt to invite India into the alliance as well. So, Trump really does have his hands full. It's an incredibly dangerous mess Obama and Clinton have left him with.

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Obama and Clinton declaring Russia 'The main threat in the world', really is shockingly perplexing. I guess they've decided on war. And that's very sad. So many will suffer. Hopefully our Government will decide on a different direction. Many many lives depend on it.
It appears Obama and Clinton have left Trump an awful mess. He's beginning his Presidency on the brink of all-out war. Can he 'reset' Obama and Clinton's disastrous Russia 'Reset Button?' The man sure does have his hands full. What do you all think?
Obama and his administration have not brought us to the brink of WW III.
If we do go into any new war or WW III in the next 4 years it is all on Trump and his supporters.
It appears Obama and Clinton have left Trump an awful mess. He's beginning his Presidency on the brink of all-out war. Can he 'reset' Obama and Clinton's disastrous Russia 'Reset Button?' The man sure does have his hands full. What do you all think?
Obama and his administration have not brought us to the brink of WW III.
If we do go into any new war or WW III in the next 4 years it is all on Trump and his supporters.

Bullshit. Obama and Clinton have started another very dangerous Cold War with Russia. Now Trump will have to deal with it.
More than anything else this thread seems a justification of Trump's lips to Putin's ass.

Yes, y'all starting another dangerous Cold War with Russia, is Trump's fault. Figures. :cuckoo:
I am sure we can count on Trump making sure that we do nothing to offend your former Commie Putin.
I'm sure your depends are full.

Yeah, the Left really has lost it. Risking WWIII just because they lost an Election? Insanely dangerous game.

Hmmm and we are risking WW3 how exactly?

By pointing out that the CIA has said that Russia tried to hack our election?

Why is it that Conservatives are willing to do anything to appease Russia?

So what do you Democrats want? Another Cold War? WWIII? Just say what you want? .

So what do you Republicans want? Trump to be the next great Appeaser- proudly proclaiming he has prevented war by letting Russia get away with anything- like Chamberlain did in 1939

My good friends, this is the second time there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time.


What do I think America should do?

I think America should follow up on the CIA's report- despite the Conservatives inclination to give Russia whatever Russia wants.
Yes...the Drumpfsters are the new appeasers.
This shows the complete ignorance and stupidity of O and clinton.

Yeah, declaring Russia 'The main threat in the world', basically = A declaration of war. How did they think Russia would respond to that?

Theres a lot more going on within syria and who we are arming thats not being reported. Theres a reason for the US trying to cover this stuff up.
I'm sure your depends are full.

Yeah, the Left really has lost it. Risking WWIII just because they lost an Election? Insanely dangerous game.

Hmmm and we are risking WW3 how exactly?

By pointing out that the CIA has said that Russia tried to hack our election?

Why is it that Conservatives are willing to do anything to appease Russia?

So what do you Democrats want? Another Cold War? WWIII? Just say what you want? .

So what do you Republicans want? Trump to be the next great Appeaser- proudly proclaiming he has prevented war by letting Russia get away with anything- like Chamberlain did in 1939

My good friends, this is the second time there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time.


What do I think America should do?

I think America should follow up on the CIA's report- despite the Conservatives inclination to give Russia whatever Russia wants.
Yes...the Drumpfsters are the new appeasers.

Yikes. Now you Democrats are so all-in on WWIII. Y'all really have lost it. Look, you lost an Election, but there's no need to start WWIII over it. Think about it.

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