Have productive, white, Christian, heterosexual males become the biggest nemesis for the Dem party?

I'm of European ancestry and I burn to a crisp in the sun, I'm so fair skinned. I am also an American. What are "our" statues? What are "our" history books? To me, "our" anything is American. Nobody intentionally antagonizes me. These statues are only of some rebel generals who rebelled against the United States. They do not represent the history of the American people. The history of the American people includes the one-half who are female, those who are non-"white" and who are "white," and those of so many of different backgrounds and faiths.

I come from Irish immigrants of the 1840's, who decidedly were not welcome, and from Russian/Polish immigrants of the 1910's, who stuck to those who spoke their language and made a life for themselves before the Russian revolution.

So many of us have so many different stories. Those who were brought here in chains from Africa to be slaves, to be worked, beaten, and bred, for no payback, and then were subjected to the murder of Jim Crow and the KKK. Chinese who helped build the railroads, but were forbidden to bring their families here. Japanese-Americans who were confined to camps during WWII, when their German-American brothers and sisters were not, even though the German bund held a huge Nazi extravaganza in Madison Square Garden, and Marian Anderson was not allowed to sing at Constitution Hall.

You can't rewrite history, bubba. You have to tell it all.

Here is what 90% of the problem is. Ignorance and zero understanding of your countries history. All that "internment" was set in motion by a democrat presidant. And it was YOUR europien ancestors who sold salves from Africa here in the US. So be proud of your europienness. Tear down statues of confederate generals? Why? Is that not part of our history as well? How about your president at the time of the civil war, the one who NEVER wanted blacks and whites mixing? Go back and read Abe Lincolns campaign speeches and debate notes. You won't because it's way more easy to take Rachael Madows word for it. Those confederate generals were Americans, and they fought for what they percieved WAS America, and it was not for slavery. America was different then. Statues to confederate generals IS America owning it's past. It's YOU Nazi's who are erasing it.

Internment of German Americans - Wikipedia

This article is about the internment of German nationals and German-American citizens in the United States during World War II. For the contemporary internment of Italian nationals and Italian-American citizens, see Internment of Italian Americans. For the contemporary internment of Japanese Americans and Japanese nationals, see Internment of Japanese Americans.
Internment of German resident aliens and German-American citizens occurred in the United States during the periods of World War I & World War II. During World War II, the legal basis for this detention was under Presidential Proclamation 2526, made by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt under the

I don't take Rachel Maddow's word at all since I don't even watch her, even though I respect her a lot due to her background as a U.S. Rhodes Scholar, with degrees from Stanford and Oxford in public policy and the care that she takes in backing up her assertions with facts. Statues of traitor generals belong in museums, not in the public square where those whom they sought to oppress would see them. They do not belong in a place of honor. They do not represent the U.S. Nation. I could not have had a president during the Civil War because I wasn't even alive then. My ancestors never sold anyone to anyone.

How do you know? Europe sold slaves to America. That's a fact. That fact aside, here you are benefitting from all this work on the black mans back, give it back to them. And again, I'll point out why you look dumb when you post shit like that last post. You respect a person because of the pieces of paper they say they have. Rhodes scholars as well as PHD's recorded the history you ignore. Unlike you who has given nothing, only taken, the generals who fought he civil war, and those who fought the Indian wars, as well as the wars with Spain, France, Mexico, all of them earned their place up on a pedistool cast in Broncs. You? Just a snott nosed consumer who is impressed by paper, yet men who fought on the losing side of the civil war went on to build the country who's history you say needs erasing because the lady on TV with a PHD said.
The Trans Sahara slave trade was established and had been a 700 year long industry before Europe got involved. Europeans did not go to Africa and "kidnap" Africans and sold them to anyone. Europeans bought them from Africans and then shipped them to the Americas.

Yes, nearly every slave shipped to the Americas were in fact already slaves and were in fact made into slaves by African warlords who began selling them to Europe.
The patronized, "African American" hardly knows any of this. If they ever learned actual history during that black patronizing month that they call black HISTORY month....well they wouldn't be so enslaved by their old democrat massas.

So, they will always be patronized in order to keep that grievance INDUSTRY thriving.

What does this matter to anyone? Tell all of history the way it was and how these actions were experienced by ALL people who were involved at the time.

Pounding out revisionist theories of what happened with the slave trade does nothing to deflect from the fact that we are all here in the present moment dealing with each other and deciding on a future course for us to take.

The OP is bleating about "productive" c as if they are the only persons here, rather than part of a much larger group of "productive" Americans who don't fit this description.

And there are plenty of "productive" white christian heterosexual males who support the Democratic Party.

These "productive" white christian heterosexual males (not all of them) who play identity politics aren't worth any more than the rest of us. They count, but only as equals with the rest of us.

Then forget 250 years ago and live here now today. Only people who have way to much time on heir hands get pissed over shit that happens 200 years ago. Slavery is dead, well illegal now. Move on.
Here is what 90% of the problem is. Ignorance and zero understanding of your countries history. All that "internment" was set in motion by a democrat presidant. And it was YOUR europien ancestors who sold salves from Africa here in the US. So be proud of your europienness. Tear down statues of confederate generals? Why? Is that not part of our history as well? How about your president at the time of the civil war, the one who NEVER wanted blacks and whites mixing? Go back and read Abe Lincolns campaign speeches and debate notes. You won't because it's way more easy to take Rachael Madows word for it. Those confederate generals were Americans, and they fought for what they percieved WAS America, and it was not for slavery. America was different then. Statues to confederate generals IS America owning it's past. It's YOU Nazi's who are erasing it.

Internment of German Americans - Wikipedia

This article is about the internment of German nationals and German-American citizens in the United States during World War II. For the contemporary internment of Italian nationals and Italian-American citizens, see Internment of Italian Americans. For the contemporary internment of Japanese Americans and Japanese nationals, see Internment of Japanese Americans.
Internment of German resident aliens and German-American citizens occurred in the United States during the periods of World War I & World War II. During World War II, the legal basis for this detention was under Presidential Proclamation 2526, made by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt under the

I don't take Rachel Maddow's word at all since I don't even watch her, even though I respect her a lot due to her background as a U.S. Rhodes Scholar, with degrees from Stanford and Oxford in public policy and the care that she takes in backing up her assertions with facts. Statues of traitor generals belong in museums, not in the public square where those whom they sought to oppress would see them. They do not belong in a place of honor. They do not represent the U.S. Nation. I could not have had a president during the Civil War because I wasn't even alive then. My ancestors never sold anyone to anyone.

How do you know? Europe sold slaves to America. That's a fact. That fact aside, here you are benefitting from all this work on the black mans back, give it back to them. And again, I'll point out why you look dumb when you post shit like that last post. You respect a person because of the pieces of paper they say they have. Rhodes scholars as well as PHD's recorded the history you ignore. Unlike you who has given nothing, only taken, the generals who fought he civil war, and those who fought the Indian wars, as well as the wars with Spain, France, Mexico, all of them earned their place up on a pedistool cast in Broncs. You? Just a snott nosed consumer who is impressed by paper, yet men who fought on the losing side of the civil war went on to build the country who's history you say needs erasing because the lady on TV with a PHD said.
The Trans Sahara slave trade was established and had been a 700 year long industry before Europe got involved. Europeans did not go to Africa and "kidnap" Africans and sold them to anyone. Europeans bought them from Africans and then shipped them to the Americas.

Yes, nearly every slave shipped to the Americas were in fact already slaves and were in fact made into slaves by African warlords who began selling them to Europe.
The patronized, "African American" hardly knows any of this. If they ever learned actual history during that black patronizing month that they call black HISTORY month....well they wouldn't be so enslaved by their old democrat massas.

So, they will always be patronized in order to keep that grievance INDUSTRY thriving.

What does this matter to anyone? Tell all of history the way it was and how these actions were experienced by ALL people who were involved at the time.

Pounding out revisionist theories of what happened with the slave trade does nothing to deflect from the fact that we are all here in the present moment dealing with each other and deciding on a future course for us to take.

The OP is bleating about "productive" c as if they are the only persons here, rather than part of a much larger group of "productive" Americans who don't fit this description.

And there are plenty of "productive" white christian heterosexual males who support the Democratic Party.

These "productive" white christian heterosexual males (not all of them) who play identity politics aren't worth any more than the rest of us. They count, but only as equals with the rest of us.

Then forget 250 years ago and live here now today. Only people who have way to much time on heir hands get pissed over shit that happens 200 years ago. Slavery is dead, well illegal now. Move on.
Ironic, however it is rather important that accurate history is taught.


The left seduce and enslave the minds of all minorities (especially blacks) for nefarious reasons. For political expediency and monetary gain.

The left, are the ones that bring up history and want to destroy our country based on their false narratives through revisionism.

We are two weeks away, once again from black patronizing month. The only thing that is shown and repeated on every channel (from music channels and sports channels etc) is how they had always been and so therefore will always be a victim of white capitalism. That is it. That is all.

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” Booker T Washington 1911.

Do you think that statement applies today?
I don't take Rachel Maddow's word at all since I don't even watch her, even though I respect her a lot due to her background as a U.S. Rhodes Scholar, with degrees from Stanford and Oxford in public policy and the care that she takes in backing up her assertions with facts. Statues of traitor generals belong in museums, not in the public square where those whom they sought to oppress would see them. They do not belong in a place of honor. They do not represent the U.S. Nation. I could not have had a president during the Civil War because I wasn't even alive then. My ancestors never sold anyone to anyone.

How do you know? Europe sold slaves to America. That's a fact. That fact aside, here you are benefitting from all this work on the black mans back, give it back to them. And again, I'll point out why you look dumb when you post shit like that last post. You respect a person because of the pieces of paper they say they have. Rhodes scholars as well as PHD's recorded the history you ignore. Unlike you who has given nothing, only taken, the generals who fought he civil war, and those who fought the Indian wars, as well as the wars with Spain, France, Mexico, all of them earned their place up on a pedistool cast in Broncs. You? Just a snott nosed consumer who is impressed by paper, yet men who fought on the losing side of the civil war went on to build the country who's history you say needs erasing because the lady on TV with a PHD said.
The Trans Sahara slave trade was established and had been a 700 year long industry before Europe got involved. Europeans did not go to Africa and "kidnap" Africans and sold them to anyone. Europeans bought them from Africans and then shipped them to the Americas.

Yes, nearly every slave shipped to the Americas were in fact already slaves and were in fact made into slaves by African warlords who began selling them to Europe.
The patronized, "African American" hardly knows any of this. If they ever learned actual history during that black patronizing month that they call black HISTORY month....well they wouldn't be so enslaved by their old democrat massas.

So, they will always be patronized in order to keep that grievance INDUSTRY thriving.

What does this matter to anyone? Tell all of history the way it was and how these actions were experienced by ALL people who were involved at the time.

Pounding out revisionist theories of what happened with the slave trade does nothing to deflect from the fact that we are all here in the present moment dealing with each other and deciding on a future course for us to take.

The OP is bleating about "productive" c as if they are the only persons here, rather than part of a much larger group of "productive" Americans who don't fit this description.

And there are plenty of "productive" white christian heterosexual males who support the Democratic Party.

These "productive" white christian heterosexual males (not all of them) who play identity politics aren't worth any more than the rest of us. They count, but only as equals with the rest of us.

Then forget 250 years ago and live here now today. Only people who have way to much time on heir hands get pissed over shit that happens 200 years ago. Slavery is dead, well illegal now. Move on.
Ironic, however it is rather important that accurate history is taught.


The left seduce and enslave the minds of all minorities (especially blacks) for nefarious reasons. For political expediency and monetary gain.

The left, are the ones that bring up history and want to destroy our country based on their false narratives through revisionism.

We are two weeks away, once again from black patronizing month. The only thing that is shown and repeated on every channel (from music channels and sports channels etc) is how they had always been and so therefore will always be a victim of white capitalism. That is it. That is all.

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” Booker T Washington 1911.

Do you think that statement applies today?

Taught and discussed without fear of losing everything because it was uncomfortable. That said, I don't believe that Black people are as in the bag as is thought. 250 years ago ain't on their radar. The race pimps are another thing.
How do you know? Europe sold slaves to America. That's a fact. That fact aside, here you are benefitting from all this work on the black mans back, give it back to them. And again, I'll point out why you look dumb when you post shit like that last post. You respect a person because of the pieces of paper they say they have. Rhodes scholars as well as PHD's recorded the history you ignore. Unlike you who has given nothing, only taken, the generals who fought he civil war, and those who fought the Indian wars, as well as the wars with Spain, France, Mexico, all of them earned their place up on a pedistool cast in Broncs. You? Just a snott nosed consumer who is impressed by paper, yet men who fought on the losing side of the civil war went on to build the country who's history you say needs erasing because the lady on TV with a PHD said.
The Trans Sahara slave trade was established and had been a 700 year long industry before Europe got involved. Europeans did not go to Africa and "kidnap" Africans and sold them to anyone. Europeans bought them from Africans and then shipped them to the Americas.

Yes, nearly every slave shipped to the Americas were in fact already slaves and were in fact made into slaves by African warlords who began selling them to Europe.
The patronized, "African American" hardly knows any of this. If they ever learned actual history during that black patronizing month that they call black HISTORY month....well they wouldn't be so enslaved by their old democrat massas.

So, they will always be patronized in order to keep that grievance INDUSTRY thriving.

What does this matter to anyone? Tell all of history the way it was and how these actions were experienced by ALL people who were involved at the time.

Pounding out revisionist theories of what happened with the slave trade does nothing to deflect from the fact that we are all here in the present moment dealing with each other and deciding on a future course for us to take.

The OP is bleating about "productive" c as if they are the only persons here, rather than part of a much larger group of "productive" Americans who don't fit this description.

And there are plenty of "productive" white christian heterosexual males who support the Democratic Party.

These "productive" white christian heterosexual males (not all of them) who play identity politics aren't worth any more than the rest of us. They count, but only as equals with the rest of us.

Then forget 250 years ago and live here now today. Only people who have way to much time on heir hands get pissed over shit that happens 200 years ago. Slavery is dead, well illegal now. Move on.
Ironic, however it is rather important that accurate history is taught.


The left seduce and enslave the minds of all minorities (especially blacks) for nefarious reasons. For political expediency and monetary gain.

The left, are the ones that bring up history and want to destroy our country based on their false narratives through revisionism.

We are two weeks away, once again from black patronizing month. The only thing that is shown and repeated on every channel (from music channels and sports channels etc) is how they had always been and so therefore will always be a victim of white capitalism. That is it. That is all.

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” Booker T Washington 1911.

Do you think that statement applies today?

Taught and discussed without fear of losing everything because it was uncomfortable. That said, I don't believe that Black people are as in the bag as is thought. 250 years ago ain't on their radar. The race pimps are another thing.
Don't be so naive.
Here is what 90% of the problem is. Ignorance and zero understanding of your countries history. All that "internment" was set in motion by a democrat presidant. And it was YOUR europien ancestors who sold salves from Africa here in the US. So be proud of your europienness. Tear down statues of confederate generals? Why? Is that not part of our history as well? How about your president at the time of the civil war, the one who NEVER wanted blacks and whites mixing? Go back and read Abe Lincolns campaign speeches and debate notes. You won't because it's way more easy to take Rachael Madows word for it. Those confederate generals were Americans, and they fought for what they percieved WAS America, and it was not for slavery. America was different then. Statues to confederate generals IS America owning it's past. It's YOU Nazi's who are erasing it.

Internment of German Americans - Wikipedia

This article is about the internment of German nationals and German-American citizens in the United States during World War II. For the contemporary internment of Italian nationals and Italian-American citizens, see Internment of Italian Americans. For the contemporary internment of Japanese Americans and Japanese nationals, see Internment of Japanese Americans.
Internment of German resident aliens and German-American citizens occurred in the United States during the periods of World War I & World War II. During World War II, the legal basis for this detention was under Presidential Proclamation 2526, made by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt under the

I don't take Rachel Maddow's word at all since I don't even watch her, even though I respect her a lot due to her background as a U.S. Rhodes Scholar, with degrees from Stanford and Oxford in public policy and the care that she takes in backing up her assertions with facts. Statues of traitor generals belong in museums, not in the public square where those whom they sought to oppress would see them. They do not belong in a place of honor. They do not represent the U.S. Nation. I could not have had a president during the Civil War because I wasn't even alive then. My ancestors never sold anyone to anyone.

How do you know? Europe sold slaves to America. That's a fact. That fact aside, here you are benefitting from all this work on the black mans back, give it back to them. And again, I'll point out why you look dumb when you post shit like that last post. You respect a person because of the pieces of paper they say they have. Rhodes scholars as well as PHD's recorded the history you ignore. Unlike you who has given nothing, only taken, the generals who fought he civil war, and those who fought the Indian wars, as well as the wars with Spain, France, Mexico, all of them earned their place up on a pedistool cast in Broncs. You? Just a snott nosed consumer who is impressed by paper, yet men who fought on the losing side of the civil war went on to build the country who's history you say needs erasing because the lady on TV with a PHD said.
The Trans Sahara slave trade was established and had been a 700 year long industry before Europe got involved. Europeans did not go to Africa and "kidnap" Africans and sold them to anyone. Europeans bought them from Africans and then shipped them to the Americas.

Yes, nearly every slave shipped to the Americas were in fact already slaves and were in fact made into slaves by African warlords who began selling them to Europe.
The patronized, "African American" hardly knows any of this. If they ever learned actual history during that black patronizing month that they call black HISTORY month....well they wouldn't be so enslaved by their old democrat massas.

So, they will always be patronized in order to keep that grievance INDUSTRY thriving.

What does this matter to anyone? Tell all of history the way it was and how these actions were experienced by ALL people who were involved at the time.

Pounding out revisionist theories of what happened with the slave trade does nothing to deflect from the fact that we are all here in the present moment dealing with each other and deciding on a future course for us to take.

The OP is bleating about "productive" c as if they are the only persons here, rather than part of a much larger group of "productive" Americans who don't fit this description.

And there are plenty of "productive" white christian heterosexual males who support the Democratic Party.

These "productive" white christian heterosexual males (not all of them) who play identity politics aren't worth any more than the rest of us. They count, but only as equals with the rest of us.

Then forget 250 years ago and live here now today. Only people who have way to much time on heir hands get pissed over shit that happens 200 years ago. Slavery is dead, well illegal now. Move on.
Slavery is a wonderful crutch for poor conduct in the present. We held them in slavery 4 generations ago so they can’t behave and it’s our fault .
The Trans Sahara slave trade was established and had been a 700 year long industry before Europe got involved. Europeans did not go to Africa and "kidnap" Africans and sold them to anyone. Europeans bought them from Africans and then shipped them to the Americas.

Yes, nearly every slave shipped to the Americas were in fact already slaves and were in fact made into slaves by African warlords who began selling them to Europe.
The patronized, "African American" hardly knows any of this. If they ever learned actual history during that black patronizing month that they call black HISTORY month....well they wouldn't be so enslaved by their old democrat massas.

So, they will always be patronized in order to keep that grievance INDUSTRY thriving.

What does this matter to anyone? Tell all of history the way it was and how these actions were experienced by ALL people who were involved at the time.

Pounding out revisionist theories of what happened with the slave trade does nothing to deflect from the fact that we are all here in the present moment dealing with each other and deciding on a future course for us to take.

The OP is bleating about "productive" c as if they are the only persons here, rather than part of a much larger group of "productive" Americans who don't fit this description.

And there are plenty of "productive" white christian heterosexual males who support the Democratic Party.

These "productive" white christian heterosexual males (not all of them) who play identity politics aren't worth any more than the rest of us. They count, but only as equals with the rest of us.

Then forget 250 years ago and live here now today. Only people who have way to much time on heir hands get pissed over shit that happens 200 years ago. Slavery is dead, well illegal now. Move on.
Ironic, however it is rather important that accurate history is taught.


The left seduce and enslave the minds of all minorities (especially blacks) for nefarious reasons. For political expediency and monetary gain.

The left, are the ones that bring up history and want to destroy our country based on their false narratives through revisionism.

We are two weeks away, once again from black patronizing month. The only thing that is shown and repeated on every channel (from music channels and sports channels etc) is how they had always been and so therefore will always be a victim of white capitalism. That is it. That is all.

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” Booker T Washington 1911.

Do you think that statement applies today?

Taught and discussed without fear of losing everything because it was uncomfortable. That said, I don't believe that Black people are as in the bag as is thought. 250 years ago ain't on their radar. The race pimps are another thing.
Don't be so naive.

It's not. I live in black people central. What's on their minds? Well, they used to work at Galveston Bay refinery and made $25 bucks an hour, but now they work some place else because only illegal aliens work at Galveston bay anymore and they only pay $13.00 an hour. They also go on about gas being expensive, food costing allot, theirs cars being awesom, how good the fishing is here year round. Not once have I heard Al Sharpton and his supporters and the hate they spew being awesom. They refer to them as "dumb n----rs. It's more normal out there then y'all think. Oh, and no one ever has told me to shove off because I'm a big tall honky and that my ancestors kept their ancestors as slaves.
I don't take Rachel Maddow's word at all since I don't even watch her, even though I respect her a lot due to her background as a U.S. Rhodes Scholar, with degrees from Stanford and Oxford in public policy and the care that she takes in backing up her assertions with facts. Statues of traitor generals belong in museums, not in the public square where those whom they sought to oppress would see them. They do not belong in a place of honor. They do not represent the U.S. Nation. I could not have had a president during the Civil War because I wasn't even alive then. My ancestors never sold anyone to anyone.

How do you know? Europe sold slaves to America. That's a fact. That fact aside, here you are benefitting from all this work on the black mans back, give it back to them. And again, I'll point out why you look dumb when you post shit like that last post. You respect a person because of the pieces of paper they say they have. Rhodes scholars as well as PHD's recorded the history you ignore. Unlike you who has given nothing, only taken, the generals who fought he civil war, and those who fought the Indian wars, as well as the wars with Spain, France, Mexico, all of them earned their place up on a pedistool cast in Broncs. You? Just a snott nosed consumer who is impressed by paper, yet men who fought on the losing side of the civil war went on to build the country who's history you say needs erasing because the lady on TV with a PHD said.
The Trans Sahara slave trade was established and had been a 700 year long industry before Europe got involved. Europeans did not go to Africa and "kidnap" Africans and sold them to anyone. Europeans bought them from Africans and then shipped them to the Americas.

Yes, nearly every slave shipped to the Americas were in fact already slaves and were in fact made into slaves by African warlords who began selling them to Europe.
The patronized, "African American" hardly knows any of this. If they ever learned actual history during that black patronizing month that they call black HISTORY month....well they wouldn't be so enslaved by their old democrat massas.

So, they will always be patronized in order to keep that grievance INDUSTRY thriving.

What does this matter to anyone? Tell all of history the way it was and how these actions were experienced by ALL people who were involved at the time.

Pounding out revisionist theories of what happened with the slave trade does nothing to deflect from the fact that we are all here in the present moment dealing with each other and deciding on a future course for us to take.

The OP is bleating about "productive" c as if they are the only persons here, rather than part of a much larger group of "productive" Americans who don't fit this description.

And there are plenty of "productive" white christian heterosexual males who support the Democratic Party.

These "productive" white christian heterosexual males (not all of them) who play identity politics aren't worth any more than the rest of us. They count, but only as equals with the rest of us.

Then forget 250 years ago and live here now today. Only people who have way to much time on heir hands get pissed over shit that happens 200 years ago. Slavery is dead, well illegal now. Move on.
Slavery is a wonderful crutch for poor conduct in the present. We held them in slavery 4 generations ago so they can’t behave and it’s our fault .

Only some. Look what we white folks do. We blame our parents because they didn't love us. Shit, all this cancel culture crap is a white persons invention. We invented an accuse to be weak and lazy. We deserve to be usurped by cheap brown slaves from south of the border.
I’m thinking there’s something wrong with the ‘offering’ when a political party has all but lost those whom founded, built, fund and run the nation and have turned to those whom reside here on stolen citizenships as their primary constituents.....Am I missing something?
Can the Dem Party ever win back the heart and soul of this nation?

the Democrats don't give a DAMN about 'winning hearts and minds' of American citizens / voters. They haven't for a very long time.

2014: Jonathon Gruber, Obama's ACA architect, openly mocked the American people for being stupid and declared the Democrats relied on their stupidity to get away with lies and scams like the ACA ("If you like your plan / doctor you can keep them).
-- ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

2016: DNC e-mails are leaked exposing racist / sexist / homophobic / anti-Semitic content and the revelation that the DNC had stacked the deck against candidate Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary, had funneled donations meant for other candidates to Hillary's campaign, had helped her cheat in debates....and eventually GAVE her the nomination she could not win on her own. The 'curtain' was pulled back and Democrat voters got to see that their vote / reference of candidates did not matter. THE weren't choosing the candidates - the DNC was
- The 'Gruber Principle' kicked in and the Democrats were able to spin their way out of trouble by blaming the Russians for hacking the DNC Computer....never mind the fact that it was the DEMOCRATS whose e-mails were filled with racist / sexist / homophobic / anti-Semiotic content and THEY, not the Russians, were rigging their primaries.

2016: Despite Hillary forcing Trump to declare he would accept the results of the 2016 election, after Hillary lost it was 'Election Results Be Damned for Hillary, Democrats, and snowflakes. The Democrats not only refused to accept the election results, they showed they didn't give a damn who the American people voted for and began their on-going treason to overturn the democratic election.
- When Clinton was being Impeached prior to his re-election both D-Pelosi and D-Schumer declared they were against Impeaching a President before an election because it amounted to stripping Americans of their right to choose their own Leader. Realizing their candidates have NO chance of defeating Trump in 2020 both Democrats flip-flopped and declared Trump had to be removed from office. Pelosi even came right out and declared the American people could not be trusted with the decision / choice.

Democrats have pissed on Christians, religion, their rights, beliefs, etc...because it does not go with their own beliefs /agenda, but they don't have much more disrespect for Christians and their rights / protections than they do the average voter, as their actions have shown.
What does this matter to anyone? Tell all of history the way it was and how these actions were experienced by ALL people who were involved at the time.

Pounding out revisionist theories of what happened with the slave trade does nothing to deflect from the fact that we are all here in the present moment dealing with each other and deciding on a future course for us to take.

The OP is bleating about "productive" c as if they are the only persons here, rather than part of a much larger group of "productive" Americans who don't fit this description.

And there are plenty of "productive" white christian heterosexual males who support the Democratic Party.

These "productive" white christian heterosexual males (not all of them) who play identity politics aren't worth any more than the rest of us. They count, but only as equals with the rest of us.

Then forget 250 years ago and live here now today. Only people who have way to much time on heir hands get pissed over shit that happens 200 years ago. Slavery is dead, well illegal now. Move on.
Ironic, however it is rather important that accurate history is taught.


The left seduce and enslave the minds of all minorities (especially blacks) for nefarious reasons. For political expediency and monetary gain.

The left, are the ones that bring up history and want to destroy our country based on their false narratives through revisionism.

We are two weeks away, once again from black patronizing month. The only thing that is shown and repeated on every channel (from music channels and sports channels etc) is how they had always been and so therefore will always be a victim of white capitalism. That is it. That is all.

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” Booker T Washington 1911.

Do you think that statement applies today?

Taught and discussed without fear of losing everything because it was uncomfortable. That said, I don't believe that Black people are as in the bag as is thought. 250 years ago ain't on their radar. The race pimps are another thing.
Don't be so naive.

It's not. I live in black people central. What's on their minds? Well, they used to work at Galveston Bay refinery and made $25 bucks an hour, but now they work some place else because only illegal aliens work at Galveston bay anymore and they only pay $13.00 an hour. They also go on about gas being expensive, food costing allot, theirs cars being awesom, how good the fishing is here year round. Not once have I heard Al Sharpton and his supporters and the hate they spew being awesom. They refer to them as "dumb n----rs. It's more normal out there then y'all think. Oh, and no one ever has told me to shove off because I'm a big tall honky and that my ancestors kept their ancestors as slaves.
Grew up in the hood. Trust me, I know what they need. However, there is a huge chip on their shoulders and much of it justified. However, most of it is not and there is nothing I can do to convince them otherwise.

The democrats THRIVE on misery. They absolutely have the world backing. They absolutely have the support of the globalist media and the propaganda more or less insulate them.

Quick obvious example. When Trump pointed out the rat infested city of Baltimore and it unreal deplorable conditions. Then with the rivers of money sent to the city to fix it and nothing being done. Did the national media condemn those responsible and do any real investigating about why and where all the money went?

No, they went into a frenzy and of course tossed racist grenade after grenade.

Now look at the facts that the frenzied media ignore only when Trump makes a comment about the corruption and rundown conditions.

I’m thinking there’s something wrong with the ‘offering’ when a political party has all but lost those whom founded, built, fund and run the nation and have turned to those whom reside here on stolen citizenships as their primary constituents.....Am I missing something?
Can the Dem Party ever win back the heart and soul of this nation?
Lol your stupidity knows no bounds.

LefTard Logic:
“When you’re too stupid to offer a logical refutation just claim those whom you oppose are ‘stupid’.”
Lol you offered nothing at all. How am I supposed to respond to such baseless bullshit you just pulled out of your ass?
The democrats won't be banking on the votes of this nation, they probably could care less.

The party is being taken over by a coalition of radical leftist anti-American communists.

Is the Democratic Civil War Just Starting—or Being Oversold?

The Dem Party has almost entirely abandoned the core principles and virtues of America...I believe they are very close to allowing their true intent to surface...I think very soon they’ll be forced to full transparency as Trump continues to squeeze the living shit out of them and expose them for all they’ve become.

The only person being exposed to the American people, is Donald Trump. So corrupt that he ordered Soleimani murdered to improve his chances of not being removed from office.
The democrats won't be banking on the votes of this nation, they probably could care less.

The party is being taken over by a coalition of radical leftist anti-American communists.

Is the Democratic Civil War Just Starting—or Being Oversold?

The Dem Party has almost entirely abandoned the core principles and virtues of America...I believe they are very close to allowing their true intent to surface...I think very soon they’ll be forced to full transparency as Trump continues to squeeze the living shit out of them and expose them for all they’ve become.

The only person being exposed to the American people, is Donald Trump. So corrupt that he ordered Soleimani murdered to improve his chances of not being removed from office.
He did not need to kill him to win but you are setting up your crutch excuse for when he does win. Maybe you can try and launch another 3 year investigation the day after he wins again
For now just squat tight in your Canuck safe space and you will be contacted.
I’m thinking there’s something wrong with the ‘offering’ when a political party has all but lost those whom founded, built, fund and run the nation and have turned to those whom reside here on stolen citizenships as their primary constituents.....Am I missing something?
Can the Dem Party ever win back the heart and soul of this nation?
Now if we could just get straight white men do understand the GOP isn't much better. They are cuckolded pussies who are WAY too moderate and that's part of the reason they lost the white working class vote and Trump won it although he was a liar to do it. The democrats are CLEARLY anti white but the GOP is doing the same thing in secret via supporting MASS legal invasion,giving tax breaks to huge corporations that ship in and hire foreign invaders over the white working class etc. We MIGHT get somewhere when the majority of whites realize the GOP isn't their savior.

Why would you think that democrats are "CLEARLY anti white"?
BTW: what religion are you a "preacher" in? Most religions do not identify by color.
You seem to be preoccupied by white males. How about the rest of us?
My religion is called Creativity.
What We Believe In – The Creativity Alliance

Adherents are called Creators and the political arm of our religion is called Racial Socialism.

Oh and I am not a Preacher as in ordained. I just preach what I believe in to whoever I can talk to or post to. I spread the word like Johnny Appleseed lol

So I take it that you are a white supremacist, not an American. There is no "creativity" in what you are doing.
Question: would you force white women to breed with your kind?
The word American mean absolutely nothing to me. I am a White Man and a Southerner. Why would we need to force white women to breed? My wife and I have been together 15 years,married almost 14 and we just had our 5th child in October. No forcing we wanted all 5 of our kids. Such a silly question.
I’m thinking there’s something wrong with the ‘offering’ when a political party has all but lost those whom founded, built, fund and run the nation and have turned to those whom reside here on stolen citizenships as their primary constituents.....Am I missing something?
Can the Dem Party ever win back the heart and soul of this nation?
Now if we could just get straight white men do understand the GOP isn't much better. They are cuckolded pussies who are WAY too moderate and that's part of the reason they lost the white working class vote and Trump won it although he was a liar to do it. The democrats are CLEARLY anti white but the GOP is doing the same thing in secret via supporting MASS legal invasion,giving tax breaks to huge corporations that ship in and hire foreign invaders over the white working class etc. We MIGHT get somewhere when the majority of whites realize the GOP isn't their savior.

Why would you think that democrats are "CLEARLY anti white"?
BTW: what religion are you a "preacher" in? Most religions do not identify by color.
You seem to be preoccupied by white males. How about the rest of us?
My religion is called Creativity.
What We Believe In – The Creativity Alliance

Adherents are called Creators and the political arm of our religion is called Racial Socialism.

Oh and I am not a Preacher as in ordained. I just preach what I believe in to whoever I can talk to or post to. I spread the word like Johnny Appleseed lol

So I take it that you are a white supremacist, not an American. There is no "creativity" in what you are doing.
Question: would you force white women to breed with your kind?
The word American mean absolutely nothing to me. I am a White Man and a Southerner. Why would we need to force white women to breed? My wife and I have been together 15 years,married almost 14 and we just had our 5th child in October. No forcing we wanted all 5 of our kids. Such a silly question.

I am a white woman who is not from a state considered to be in the southern part of the U.S., but I am an American. So it is true that you are not an American, by your own choice and admission. Lucky you that you found some woman to have sex with and breed with. I guess that she is not an American, either. Apparently, we do not need to concern ourselves with you and yours to any greater extent than those immigrants coming over the southern border with nothing. You have chosen to be a non-citizen, which means that you are ineligible to vote in U.S. elections. I don't know what sort of a passport you could get, either.
Now if we could just get straight white men do understand the GOP isn't much better. They are cuckolded pussies who are WAY too moderate and that's part of the reason they lost the white working class vote and Trump won it although he was a liar to do it. The democrats are CLEARLY anti white but the GOP is doing the same thing in secret via supporting MASS legal invasion,giving tax breaks to huge corporations that ship in and hire foreign invaders over the white working class etc. We MIGHT get somewhere when the majority of whites realize the GOP isn't their savior.

Why would you think that democrats are "CLEARLY anti white"?
BTW: what religion are you a "preacher" in? Most religions do not identify by color.
You seem to be preoccupied by white males. How about the rest of us?
My religion is called Creativity.
What We Believe In – The Creativity Alliance

Adherents are called Creators and the political arm of our religion is called Racial Socialism.

Oh and I am not a Preacher as in ordained. I just preach what I believe in to whoever I can talk to or post to. I spread the word like Johnny Appleseed lol

So I take it that you are a white supremacist, not an American. There is no "creativity" in what you are doing.
Question: would you force white women to breed with your kind?
The word American mean absolutely nothing to me. I am a White Man and a Southerner. Why would we need to force white women to breed? My wife and I have been together 15 years,married almost 14 and we just had our 5th child in October. No forcing we wanted all 5 of our kids. Such a silly question.

I am a white woman who is not from a state considered to be in the southern part of the U.S., but I am an American. So it is true that you are not an American, by your own choice and admission. Lucky you that you found some woman to have sex with and breed with. I guess that she is not an American, either. Apparently, we do not need to concern ourselves with you and yours to any greater extent than those immigrants coming over the southern border with nothing. You have chosen to be a non-citizen, which means that you are ineligible to vote in U.S. elections. I don't know what sort of a passport you could get, either.
You are living in a fantasy world because I obviously have you frazzled...quite hilarious. Just because I don't consider myself an American doesn't mean legally I am unfortunately one.

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