Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?

"Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?"

Loaded question fallacy.

This is a mental health issue, not a 'gun' issue, having nothing to do with gun control, gun laws, or the Second Amendment.

There are two fundamental elements in play with this and other like incidents: the unwillingness or inability of Americans to implement comprehensive mental health programs and policies, and the inherently violent nature of American society, where violence is perceived as a legitimate means of conflict resolution.

Second Amendment jurisprudence in no way 'facilitates' gun violence, it concerns solely safeguarding the right to possess a firearm pursuant to the right of self-defense from unwarranted government regulation and interference – and rightfully so given the wrongheaded notion that crimes such as that which occurred in Oregon are the result of 'too many guns' that are 'too easily' acquired.

The resolution to this problem will be realized through the political – not legal – process, where the American people must insist in the funding and implementation of comprehensive mental health programs and policies and address the violent nature of American society.
Definitely a 'mental health' issue but the mental health problem is with those who feel so insecure guns form their courage. Guns are part of a mental makeup that must support them as others oppose them, it has nothing to do with reality. It simply is another example of America's partisan divide. The reality is out there and irrelevant.

"In an interview with comedian Marc Maron that aired Monday, President Obama cited Australia's gun laws as an example the United States should follow. Australia established strict gun control in response to a massacre in Tasmania that left 35 people dead in 1996. Since then, Australia hasn't witnessed any mass shootings.

"It was just so shocking the entire country said, ‘Well, we’re going to completely change our gun laws’, and they did. And it hasn’t happened since," Obama said, discussing the shooting deaths of nine people at a historic black church in Charleston last week."

Here’s the deal with the Australian gun control law that Obama is talking about

"In 1991, Warren E. Burger, the conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court, was interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour about the meaning of the Second Amendment's "right to keep and bear arms." Burger answered that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud--I repeat the word 'fraud'--on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In a speech in 1992, Burger declared that "the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to have firearms at all. "In his view, the purpose of the Second Amendment was "to ensure that the 'state armies'--'the militia'--would be maintained for the defense of the state."

'Fuck You, Guns' | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Banning AR-15's Doesn't Make Sense To Me | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
America has become a killing field. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Guns are the crack of the partisan hacks. Courage is imaginary and thus the gun huggers love of the source of their guts, like a child with its blankee.
Guns are part of my way of life. They have always been a part of the generations before me. We pass them down as we expire

The confederate flag was taken from us, but it lacked a Bill of Rights protection

They'll never take our guns. To many lives would be lost doing so. We can take the deaths in Chicago and sleep at night. Try taking Americans firearms is akin to a the logistical nightmare we're told deportation would be

Again, to many lives would be lost in a confiscation process

Plus, we wont let it happen

"Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?"
The realists among them have said [mass killings] are the price they are prepared to pay.
Guns are part of my way of life. They have always been a part of the generations before me. We pass them down as we expire
See? Here's a dude more than happy to have others pay that price.

A bargain in his eyes.
"Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?"
The realists among them have said [mass killings] are the price they are prepared to pay.

I say it all the time. It's acceptable risk to live in America.....At least for now.. Let Obama destroy a little more of the American way, and perhaps, we won't accept the risk any longer

We'll move to Belize

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Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?
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LBC Radio - Leading Britain's Conversation | DAB Digital Radio And 97.3FM

No, it's that we are smart enough to know that guns aren't the problem.

OK. If guns aren't the problem, then what is? More people die by guns in the US than in other first world country s

More people under 26 die from guns than die from cars

We spend millions every year studying auto safety and ways to reduce auto deaths, but we are prohibited by laws advocated by the NRA and pushed through by right wingers from even keeping statistics on gun violence. We are prohibited by law from even studying the problem. Are you satisfied with more than 32,000 people per year dying from gun violence?
Freedom isn't pretty. I hear totalitarian societies are nice and safe and orderly. If safety is more important to you than freedom, there are plenty of places you can live that will give you the illusion of safety that you desire.
On Air Now in the UK!

Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?
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LBC Radio - Leading Britain's Conversation | DAB Digital Radio And 97.3FM

No, it's that we are smart enough to know that guns aren't the problem.

OK. If guns aren't the problem, then what is? More people die by guns in the US than in other first world country s

More people under 26 die from guns than die from cars

We spend millions every year studying auto safety and ways to reduce auto deaths, but we are prohibited by laws advocated by the NRA and pushed through by right wingers from even keeping statistics on gun violence. We are prohibited by law from even studying the problem. Are you satisfied with more than 32,000 people per year dying from gun violence?

The logical fallacy is your irrational belief that the cause of the problem is the inanimate object.
Gee, I wonder how this would have played out if even just one person sitting in that classroom had a gun.
On Air Now in the UK!

Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?
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LBC Radio - Leading Britain's Conversation | DAB Digital Radio And 97.3FM

No, it's that we are smart enough to know that guns aren't the problem.

OK. If guns aren't the problem, then what is? More people die by guns in the US than in other first world country s

More people under 26 die from guns than die from cars

We spend millions every year studying auto safety and ways to reduce auto deaths, but we are prohibited by laws advocated by the NRA and pushed through by right wingers from even keeping statistics on gun violence. We are prohibited by law from even studying the problem. Are you satisfied with more than 32,000 people per year dying from gun violence?

The logical fallacy is your irrational belief that the cause of the problem is the inanimate object.

Your silly memorized excuse just doesn't work. Why do the NRA and the politicians they own fear even studying the problem? The answer is that they know it would effect gun manufacturers profits.
On Air Now in the UK!

Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?
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LBC Radio - Leading Britain's Conversation | DAB Digital Radio And 97.3FM

No, it's that we are smart enough to know that guns aren't the problem.

OK. If guns aren't the problem, then what is? More people die by guns in the US than in other first world country s

More people under 26 die from guns than die from cars

We spend millions every year studying auto safety and ways to reduce auto deaths, but we are prohibited by laws advocated by the NRA and pushed through by right wingers from even keeping statistics on gun violence. We are prohibited by law from even studying the problem. Are you satisfied with more than 32,000 people per year dying from gun violence?

That is an easy question to answer though being a left wing nutter you probably won't accept it.

If it isn't the guns what is it?
Our violent and fame (infamy) worshipping society.
On Air Now in the UK!

Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?
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LBC Radio - Leading Britain's Conversation | DAB Digital Radio And 97.3FM

No, it's that we are smart enough to know that guns aren't the problem.

OK. If guns aren't the problem, then what is? More people die by guns in the US than in other first world country s

More people under 26 die from guns than die from cars

We spend millions every year studying auto safety and ways to reduce auto deaths, but we are prohibited by laws advocated by the NRA and pushed through by right wingers from even keeping statistics on gun violence. We are prohibited by law from even studying the problem. Are you satisfied with more than 32,000 people per year dying from gun violence?

That is an easy question to answer though being a left wing nutter you probably won't accept it.

If it isn't the guns what is it?
Our violent and fame (infamy) worshipping society.

I'm sure that has something to do with it, but that can't be the entire reason. That many American deaths per year deserve honest study and some attempt to reduce the loss. Why is the NRA so opposed to that?
On Air Now in the UK!

Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?
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Call: 0345 60 60 973 | Text: 84850

Tweet: @lbc | Email the studio

LBC Radio - Leading Britain's Conversation | DAB Digital Radio And 97.3FM

No, it's that we are smart enough to know that guns aren't the problem.

OK. If guns aren't the problem, then what is? More people die by guns in the US than in other first world country s

More people under 26 die from guns than die from cars

We spend millions every year studying auto safety and ways to reduce auto deaths, but we are prohibited by laws advocated by the NRA and pushed through by right wingers from even keeping statistics on gun violence. We are prohibited by law from even studying the problem. Are you satisfied with more than 32,000 people per year dying from gun violence?

That is an easy question to answer though being a left wing nutter you probably won't accept it.

If it isn't the guns what is it?
Our violent and fame (infamy) worshipping society.

I'm sure that has something to do with it, but that can't be the entire reason. That many American deaths per year deserve honest study and some attempt to reduce the loss. Why is the NRA so opposed to that?

The NRA is not opposed to it. It never has been. the problem is that no one ever does the study. They ONLY look at the guns. Just having a gun doesn't make you a killer. We need to look at why someone crosses that line. The problem is that it doesn't advance an agenda and therefor has no political benefit to find out.

unitl we stop looking at the "how' and start looking at the "why", these murders will continue and no amount of laws will stop them.
On Air Now in the UK!

Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?
Join the conversation:
Call: 0345 60 60 973 | Text: 84850

Tweet: @lbc | Email the studio

LBC Radio - Leading Britain's Conversation | DAB Digital Radio And 97.3FM

No, it's that we are smart enough to know that guns aren't the problem.

OK. If guns aren't the problem, then what is? More people die by guns in the US than in other first world country s

More people under 26 die from guns than die from cars

We spend millions every year studying auto safety and ways to reduce auto deaths, but we are prohibited by laws advocated by the NRA and pushed through by right wingers from even keeping statistics on gun violence. We are prohibited by law from even studying the problem. Are you satisfied with more than 32,000 people per year dying from gun violence?

That is an easy question to answer though being a left wing nutter you probably won't accept it.

If it isn't the guns what is it?
Our violent and fame (infamy) worshipping society.

I'm sure that has something to do with it, but that can't be the entire reason. That many American deaths per year deserve honest study and some attempt to reduce the loss. Why is the NRA so opposed to that?

The NRA is not opposed to it. It never has been. the problem is that no one ever does the study. They ONLY look at the guns. Just having a gun doesn't make you a killer. We need to look at why someone crosses that line. The problem is that it doesn't advance an agenda and therefor has no political benefit to find out.

unitl we stop looking at the "how' and start looking at the "why", these murders will continue and no amount of laws will stop them.

Sure they are
Congressional ban on gun violence research renewed - Business Insider
The question asked in the O/P should be posed to the family members of the victims...Lets see how they feel if the "price" they paid was worth the freedom of expression of the gun manufacturers' lobbyists and the NRA.

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