Have the Chickens Come Home to Roost About Biden's FAILURE to Stop the Balloon Snoop of China, With the Mississippi Dry-up just a few months later?


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
The Mississippi River is mud in several places now. And about that Weather Balloon China sent over the area of the Mississippi shown an interest in destroying America rhetorically a few months back? Well, they won't have to use Nukes in the disparaging drought over the Mississippi River States--10 states in all, not to mention that a lot of farmers are likely getting drought instead of rainfall now. Count the ways a country who didn't make it to the moon instead focused on wiping out their declared enemy just a few weeks before they sent their SNOOP WEATHER BALLOON STRAIGHT OVER THE MISSISSIPI RIVER, and how much money did Biden get out of the Chinese for his offshore account this time. For a measly 5 million dollars, if the Chinese have a way of controlling the weather the way the United States controlled space, did they reinforce their lunch money on Biden AGAIN???????? Because once purchased BY A HOSTILE FOREIGN COUNTRY for millions, always purchased. WHY IN THE HELL IS BIDEN STILL IN THE WHITE HOUSE SELLING AMERICA OUT FOR A FEW MILLION DOLLARS ????????

The Biden Crime Family is bought and paid for by Xi.

Taiwan is toast. SPR oil went to China. The Chinese spy balloon flew across the US.

Biden is a Putin stooge. Biden is a green stooge. Biden is a union stooge, except he double-crossed the UAW with his EV push.

We need the House to Impeach stupid Joe ASAP.

The spy balloon has nothing to do with the "non-drought". That's like saying Guam can capsize, duh.
The Biden Crime Family is bought and paid for by Xi.

Taiwan is toast. SPR oil went to China. The Chinese spy balloon flew across the US.

Biden is a Putin stooge. Biden is a green stooge. Biden is a union stooge, except he double-crossed the UAW with his EV push.

We need the House to Impeach stupid Joe ASAP.

The spy balloon has nothing to do with the "non-drought". That's like saying Guam can capsize, duh.
Yeah, they could do a 25th Amendment for his Alzheimer's problems that make him unable to perform the serivces a President is required to make, such as providing for the Common Defense. Instead of that, a confused Biden opened the S. USA Border and bitterly batted on the Texas Governor who was sick and tired of so many millions of people littering ranchlands and killing anyone who got in the way of the Damn Cartels and Sex Traffikers. Biden also called all conservatives who voted for Trump or half the voting population "fascists." while he vacations 4 days a week because he can't stand going through speeches without becoming the world's most frequently laughed at idiot. You'll never get him in jail because of his mental incapacity, no matter what he does to destroy this country like letting millions of the nation's enemies cross that border unchallenged. Last month a record number of Chinese were on the border, and they had plenty of coaches telling them what to say and how to say it.

Now, while we led the world in space odysseys, was China spending their time learning to control the weather? Drought over the Mississippi river? How did that ever happen If my suspicions are on the money. I personally hope I'm wrong, but I don't trust a President who has his finger in every fiscal pie for him to take home millions of foreign aid dollars on the sly. He's so far had half a century to figure out how a politician could make millions off his high office bonanzas. :cranky:
The Biden Crime Family is bought and paid for by Xi.

Taiwan is toast. SPR oil went to China. The Chinese spy balloon flew across the US.

Biden is a Putin stooge. Biden is a green stooge. Biden is a union stooge, except he double-crossed the UAW with his EV push.

We need the House to Impeach stupid Joe ASAP.

The spy balloon has nothing to do with the "non-drought". That's like saying Guam can capsize, duh.
Double crossing is Joe's modus operandi. That is his history. The media and entertainers then sell it.
Yeah, they could do a 25th Amendment for his Alzheimer's problems that make him unable to perform the serivces a President is required to make, such as providing for the Common Defense. Instead of that, a confused Biden opened the S. USA Border and bitterly batted on the Texas Governor who was sick and tired of so many millions of people littering ranchlands and killing anyone who got in the way of the Damn Cartels and Sex Traffikers. Biden also called all conservatives who voted for Trump or half the voting population "fascists." while he vacations 4 days a week because he can't stand going through speeches without becoming the world's most frequently laughed at idiot. You'll never get him in jail because of his mental incapacity, no matter what he does to destroy this country like letting millions of the nation's enemies cross that border unchallenged. Last month a record number of Chinese were on the border, and they had plenty of coaches telling them what to say and how to say it.

Now, while we led the world in space odysseys, was China spending their time learning to control the weather? Drought over the Mississippi river? How did that ever happen If my suspicions are on the money. I personally hope I'm wrong, but I don't trust a President who has his finger in every fiscal pie for him to take home millions of foreign aid dollars on the sly. He's so far had half a century to figure out how a politician could make millions off his high office bonanzas. :cranky:
1. We agree that Biden is unfit to be president for many reasons and needs to be Impeached or removed by the 25th.

2. There is no fucking way that China has any control of the weather. That spy balloon wanted to see US classified sites so they knew which land to buy. El Nino and La Nina cycles have much more to do with US weather patterns. Look at the Lake Mead water level

Getting rid of Biden works for me. As long as it is by the book.

But does anyone think the Chinese have a way of controlling the weather? And that they use it against us, their enemy, by causing a long drought that is drying the Mississippi River? Really?
Nasa took this picture of the Mississippi showing sandbars that are very harsh on barges and boats of every description:


Farmer produce might be overdone when the time it takes to get to market by way of the Mississippi that has always been full of water until recent years. Who knows how many balloons from China we didn't notice because their technology may be keen. They won't have to nuke the USA if they control the weather to the breaking up of our farms, and they've bought more acres than I could guess according to the articles I've read on the topic. They're close to owning as much as all the farmers in America have, except they're not one body, but literally hundreds of thousands of individual farmers growing plants, dairy cows, pork, sheep, and cattle, not to mention herbs, spices, vegetables, and fruits full of good health at harvest. If they decide to take all that produce back to china, our food prices will skyrocket worse that Biden's gloomy economic depression.
Nasa took this picture of the Mississippi showing sandbars that are very harsh on barges and boats of every description:

View attachment 877226

Farmer produce might be overdone when the time it takes to get to market by way of the Mississippi that has always been full of water until recent years. Who knows how many balloons from China we didn't notice because their technology may be keen. They won't have to nuke the USA if they control the weather to the breaking up of our farms, and they've bought more acres than I could guess according to the articles I've read on the topic. They're close to owning as much as all the farmers in America have, except they're not one body, but literally hundreds of thousands of individual farmers growing plants, dairy cows, pork, sheep, and cattle, not to mention herbs, spices, vegetables, and fruits full of good health at harvest. If they decide to take all that produce back to china, our food prices will skyrocket worse that Biden's gloomy economic depression.
Looks normal to me. If you took a photo 1,000 years ago it would look much the same I'd wager.

Biden delivered a righteous ass kicking to your lord and master.
My Lord and Master is my Father in Heaven whose name is hallowed by His believers who do His will and pursue God's Kingdom that is outlined in the 66 books of the Bible. I don't think Biden kicked God in the ass ever.

And because President Trump believes in God and encourages Americans to believe in God, he may well win the Oval office in E2024. God blessed America because the Founders and President George Washington asked him to bless prodgidy forever. There is no other country like America, and our Christian ancestors also asked for God to bless all future generations. Other countries liked what they saw in the USA, and God blessed them who prayed for his blessings and are included because God is good to those who believe. It's so very simple. Yea!!!!

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