Have We Seen Bob Beckel's Fits Now That He Has Been Proven Wrong Over Wire Tapping&Susan Rice?

everyone with a quarter of a brain and moderate reading comprehension skills knows it's just the president churning out his lies and conspiracy crap again.... :rolleyes:

The boy done called wolf too many times....
what's the Pres so afraid of being found in the criminal investigation on his campaign?
:argue: :oops-28: :poop: Did anyone of catch those few episodes when he was ripping at Trump when he claimed he was being wire-tapped? and about a week later we all found out that Trump was being spied upon?, and yet Bob Beckel had to find a way to still make Trump look like he was still making it all up, and yesterday Bob was still having a cow trying to cover for Susan Rice.
Poor Bob, he needs to cool down or he might have a stroke while cursing on The Five.

Beckel is a POS. Why Fox allowed that prick back on the air is beyond me.
:argue: :oops-28: :poop: Did anyone of catch those few episodes when he was ripping at Trump when he claimed he was being wire-tapped? and about a week later we all found out that Trump was being spied upon?, and yet Bob Beckel had to find a way to still make Trump look like he was still making it all up, and yesterday Bob was still having a cow trying to cover for Susan Rice.
Poor Bob, he needs to cool down or he might have a stroke while cursing on The Five.

He hasn't been proven wrong, except to the deadenders in America's version of the Berlin bunker.
:argue: :oops-28: :poop: Did anyone of catch those few episodes when he was ripping at Trump when he claimed he was being wire-tapped? and about a week later we all found out that Trump was being spied upon?, and yet Bob Beckel had to find a way to still make Trump look like he was still making it all up, and yesterday Bob was still having a cow trying to cover for Susan Rice.
Poor Bob, he needs to cool down or he might have a stroke while cursing on The Five.

Beckel is a POS. Why Fox allowed that prick back on the air is beyond me.
better him than Jaun,,all Jaun does is lie and innteruppt the others. wont let them speak more than five seconds before he pees himself.
Did President Obama Wire Tap President Trump in Trump Tower before the sacred election, illegally and to the equivalent of Watergate crimes?

No, he did not.

Did anyone in the intel community order the wiretapping or surveillance and get the court approval, of Trump and Trumpsters during the campaign....?

No, they did not.

Trump hasn't been vindicated, in any manner... from his lying tweets. period! :rolleyes:
The fact is that there is no evidence that Trump was wiretapped. Susan Rice did nothing illegal in this case. She had the credentials to get the information. You Trump supporters are trying hard to deflect attention from Russia.

What exactly did Russia do that changed the outcome of our election? Give us specifics and tell us which votes were changed by Russia.

Now, if you are saying that the disclosure of corruption and lying within the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the media hurt her. Then I agree. Why shouldn't the voters know about such things?

Second question: Why would Russia prefer a hard liner like Trump over an incompetent lib like Hillary?
Did President Obama Wire Tap President Trump in Trump Tower before the sacred election, illegally and to the equivalent of Watergate crimes?

No, he did not.

Did anyone in the intel community order the wiretapping or surveillance and get the court approval, of Trump and Trumpsters during the campaign....?

No, they did not.

Trump hasn't been vindicated, in any manner... from his lying tweets. period! :rolleyes:

prove your claims or STFU. Rice has been outted as the one who illegally unmasked American citizens in an attempt to gain political leverage. She should be in jail.
news for you dems. Beckel does not help your cause by being a fat talking point repeater. He looks like a fool and makes your entire party look incompetent.
Did President Obama Wire Tap President Trump in Trump Tower before the sacred election, illegally and to the equivalent of Watergate crimes?

No, he did not.

Did anyone in the intel community order the wiretapping or surveillance and get the court approval, of Trump and Trumpsters during the campaign....?

No, they did not.

Trump hasn't been vindicated, in any manner... from his lying tweets. period! :rolleyes:

prove your claims or STFU. Rice has been outted as the one who illegally unmasked American citizens in an attempt to gain political leverage. She should be in jail.
She has not been "outted" as doing anything illegal, yet anyway. Yet another time and effort wasting "investigation" thrown out to the committees by Trump to keep them busy from investigating the real issue: Russian influence on our election and possible collusion among Trump's campaign staff.
news for you dems. Beckel does not help your cause by being a fat talking point repeater. He looks like a fool and makes your entire party look incompetent.
He sucks. Half the time he doesn't even know what in hell is being talked about. The only person on The Five with a real brain is Perino, and boy was she mad last night. Don't know exactly what had her so upset, whether it was Trump's foreign policy finesse or Eric Bolling's opinion that we need to stay out of Syria's chemical attack on civilians.
She is thoughtful and is willing to think outside the talking points box. No one else on The Five will do that.
Did President Obama Wire Tap President Trump in Trump Tower before the sacred election, illegally and to the equivalent of Watergate crimes?

No, he did not.

Did anyone in the intel community order the wiretapping or surveillance and get the court approval, of Trump and Trumpsters during the campaign....?

No, they did not.

Trump hasn't been vindicated, in any manner... from his lying tweets. period! :rolleyes:

prove your claims or STFU. Rice has been outted as the one who illegally unmasked American citizens in an attempt to gain political leverage. She should be in jail.
She has not been "outted" as doing anything illegal, yet anyway. Yet another time and effort wasting "investigation" thrown out to the committees by Trump to keep them busy from investigating the real issue: Russian influence on our election and possible collusion among Trump's campaign staff.

OK, lets assume for drill that the Russians hacked the DNC email system and released the FACTS about democrat corruption and collusion between the Hillary campaign and the media. OK.

What you are really saying is that the truth may have caused Hillary to lose. Aren't we as voters entitled to the truth?
:argue: :oops-28: :poop: Did anyone of catch those few episodes when he was ripping at Trump when he claimed he was being wire-tapped? and about a week later we all found out that Trump was being spied upon?, and yet Bob Beckel had to find a way to still make Trump look like he was still making it all up, and yesterday Bob was still having a cow trying to cover for Susan Rice.
Poor Bob, he needs to cool down or he might have a stroke while cursing on The Five.
Hate to say it but Beckel isn't playing with a "full deck" he had a rough life and it is what it is... he's more to be pitied than derided... except he keeps putting himself out there for our deserved ridicule
hes bound to curse live on air sooner or later......i remember when he said "Pussy" once,,lol
Well, that's certainly no longer out of bounds.
I've been hearing the word a lot when people are talking about obama.
Did President Obama Wire Tap President Trump in Trump Tower before the sacred election, illegally and to the equivalent of Watergate crimes?

No, he did not.

Did anyone in the intel community order the wiretapping or surveillance and get the court approval, of Trump and Trumpsters during the campaign....?

No, they did not.

Trump hasn't been vindicated, in any manner... from his lying tweets. period! :rolleyes:

prove your claims or STFU. Rice has been outted as the one who illegally unmasked American citizens in an attempt to gain political leverage. She should be in jail.
gawd almighty ....you sure are stupid or just plain willfully ignorant!

what's the legal procedure for the unmasking?

what does 'unmasking' mean to you?

btw, you are being played like a violin, as planned, by your dear leader....he knows his lemmings well!
Did President Obama Wire Tap President Trump in Trump Tower before the sacred election, illegally and to the equivalent of Watergate crimes?

No, he did not.

Did anyone in the intel community order the wiretapping or surveillance and get the court approval, of Trump and Trumpsters during the campaign....?

No, they did not.

Trump hasn't been vindicated, in any manner... from his lying tweets. period! :rolleyes:

prove your claims or STFU. Rice has been outted as the one who illegally unmasked American citizens in an attempt to gain political leverage. She should be in jail.
gawd almighty ....you sure are stupid or just plain willfully ignorant!

what's the legal procedure for the unmasking?

what does 'unmasking' mean to you?

btw, you are being played like a violin, as planned, by your dear leader....he knows his lemmings well!

Susan Rice violated federal law. So did Hillary Clinton and Lois Lerner. Will either of them ever be convicted of anything? Sadly, probably not. Because for some stupid reason we hold our political elites above the laws that apply to you and me.
I'm looking forward to Susan Rice going before the House Intelligence Committee and doing her best to obfuscate the facts in front of Trey Gowdy... That should be exciting regardless of ones political persuasion....
Rice will take the fifth obviously.
Therefore admitting she is guilty of sedition and treason.
Then she'll be hired by CNN .

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