Have We Seen Bob Beckel's Fits Now That He Has Been Proven Wrong Over Wire Tapping&Susan Rice?

what's the Pres so afraid of being found in the criminal investigation on his campaign?
Is that why every Trump staffer in the Trump campaign has publically said they are willing to testify under oath before the FBI and both committees and not take the Fifth like Rice and Rhodes et al are going to do?
When the BREAKING NEWS final reports proving no one in the Trump team "colluded" with the Russians to help get Trump elected YOU will refuse to believe the reports.
YOU will claim somehow Trump 'bought off' everyone.
You're a fucking LIB fool!
Did President Obama Wire Tap President Trump in Trump Tower before the sacred election, illegally and to the equivalent of Watergate crimes?

No, he did not.

Did anyone in the intel community order the wiretapping or surveillance and get the court approval, of Trump and Trumpsters during the campaign....?

No, they did not.

Trump hasn't been vindicated, in any manner... from his lying tweets. period! :rolleyes:

prove your claims or STFU. Rice has been outted as the one who illegally unmasked American citizens in an attempt to gain political leverage. She should be in jail.
gawd almighty ....you sure are stupid or just plain willfully ignorant!

what's the legal procedure for the unmasking?

what does 'unmasking' mean to you?

btw, you are being played like a violin, as planned, by your dear leader....he knows his lemmings well!

Susan Rice violated federal law. So did Hillary Clinton and Lois Lerner. Will either of them ever be convicted of anything? Sadly, probably not. Because for some stupid reason we hold our political elites above the laws that apply to you and me.
Rice was 100% responsible for keeping the names of those she ordered to be unmasked secret. She either was complicent in leaking those names to the person who gave them to the media or she was very fucking careless with keeping the names secret. Either way she's the one who is directly responsible.
Anyone who believes she wasn't keeping Obama up to speed is a fucking LIB moron!
Obama WILL end up in front of Trey Gowdy sooner or later.
Obama has already kissed his 'legacy' goodbye.
Maybe he'll decide to retire to a nice tropical island which doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US. There he can 'interview' potential 'pool-boys' and 'do-up' to his heart's content.
Did President Obama Wire Tap President Trump in Trump Tower before the sacred election, illegally and to the equivalent of Watergate crimes?

No, he did not.

Did anyone in the intel community order the wiretapping or surveillance and get the court approval, of Trump and Trumpsters during the campaign....?

No, they did not.

Trump hasn't been vindicated, in any manner... from his lying tweets. period! :rolleyes:

prove your claims or STFU. Rice has been outted as the one who illegally unmasked American citizens in an attempt to gain political leverage. She should be in jail.
She has not been "outted" as doing anything illegal, yet anyway. Yet another time and effort wasting "investigation" thrown out to the committees by Trump to keep them busy from investigating the real issue: Russian influence on our election and possible collusion among Trump's campaign staff.

OK, lets assume for drill that the Russians hacked the DNC email system and released the FACTS about democrat corruption and collusion between the Hillary campaign and the media. OK.

What you are really saying is that the truth may have caused Hillary to lose. Aren't we as voters entitled to the truth?
I've moved way beyond that. I think we need to know the how and why and the extent to which the Russians participated in our campaigns. No one can ever "prove" that it affected the outcome, and it is a waste of time to argue about that, imo. Some people also seem to feel the Trump campaign's contact with the Russians was unusual and want that investigated. I'm not so sure about that--all coincidental as far as I've heard, but I admit I'm not following a lot of it, since it is conjecture at this point.
Maybe we already know all we're going to know about this whole matter. That the Russians had thousands of internet folks trying to sway the opinion of voters and no doubt pushing all the Fake News garbage that so many people have bought lock, stock and barrel. That is an old propaganda technique that the Russians use without hesitation. That they succeeded in hacking the DNC, which had very little of any real ammunition to offer, is a given. That this whole situation is being used as political fodder to such a degree is amazing to me. I don't know what to make of it.
Did President Obama Wire Tap President Trump in Trump Tower before the sacred election, illegally and to the equivalent of Watergate crimes?

No, he did not.

Did anyone in the intel community order the wiretapping or surveillance and get the court approval, of Trump and Trumpsters during the campaign....?

No, they did not.

Trump hasn't been vindicated, in any manner... from his lying tweets. period! :rolleyes:

prove your claims or STFU. Rice has been outted as the one who illegally unmasked American citizens in an attempt to gain political leverage. She should be in jail.
She has not been "outted" as doing anything illegal, yet anyway. Yet another time and effort wasting "investigation" thrown out to the committees by Trump to keep them busy from investigating the real issue: Russian influence on our election and possible collusion among Trump's campaign staff.

OK, lets assume for drill that the Russians hacked the DNC email system and released the FACTS about democrat corruption and collusion between the Hillary campaign and the media. OK.

What you are really saying is that the truth may have caused Hillary to lose. Aren't we as voters entitled to the truth?
I've moved way beyond that. I think we need to know the how and why and the extent to which the Russians participated in our campaigns. No one can ever "prove" that it affected the outcome, and it is a waste of time to argue about that, imo. Some people also seem to feel the Trump campaign's contact with the Russians was unusual and want that investigated. I'm not so sure about that--all coincidental as far as I've heard, but I admit I'm not following a lot of it, since it is conjecture at this point.
Maybe we already know all we're going to know about this whole matter. That the Russians had thousands of internet folks trying to sway the opinion of voters and no doubt pushing all the Fake News garbage that so many people have bought lock, stock and barrel. That is an old propaganda technique that the Russians use without hesitation. That they succeeded in hacking the DNC, which had very little of any real ammunition to offer, is a given. That this whole situation is being used as political fodder to such a degree is amazing to me. I don't know what to make of it.

countries have tried to influence the elections in other countries ever since there were countries and elections. The USA has always tried to put who they want in charge of other countries. Sure, Russia does it, so does the UK, France, Germany, Japan, China, and the USA.

its not a big deal. this is nothing but a lib/dem/media attempt to distract from Trump's successes and the fact that the American voters rejected Hillary clinton
everyone with a quarter of a brain and moderate reading comprehension skills knows it's just the president churning out his lies and conspiracy crap again.... :rolleyes:

The boy done called wolf too many times....
Top Obama Adviser Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person number one".

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

Deny it all you want, buy Susan Rice is in this all the way up to her eyebrows. And from what I gathered from this article was that ONLY people associated with Trump were "unmasked" so that tells me that they were targeted.

I'm so exasperated with Obama Administration right now all I want to do is fantasize about Kimberly Guilfoyle!!!!
everyone with a quarter of a brain and moderate reading comprehension skills knows it's just the president churning out his lies and conspiracy crap again.... :rolleyes:

The boy done called wolf too many times....
Top Obama Adviser Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person number one".

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

Deny it all you want, buy Susan Rice is in this all the way up to her eyebrows. And from what I gathered from this article was that ONLY people associated with Trump were "unmasked" so that tells me that they were targeted.

I'm so exasperated with Obama Administration right now all I want to do is fantasize about Kimberly Guilfoyle!!!!

desperation post, too common
:argue: :oops-28: :poop: Did anyone of catch those few episodes when he was ripping at Trump when he claimed he was being wire-tapped? and about a week later we all found out that Trump was being spied upon?, and yet Bob Beckel had to find a way to still make Trump look like he was still making it all up, and yesterday Bob was still having a cow trying to cover for Susan Rice.
Poor Bob, he needs to cool down or he might have a stroke while cursing on The Five.
Other than Kimberly's sweet legs that reach out to Venus, Beckel's fits are half the entertainment value of the Five, lol.
Did President Obama Wire Tap President Trump in Trump Tower before the sacred election, illegally and to the equivalent of Watergate crimes?

No, he did not.

Did anyone in the intel community order the wiretapping or surveillance and get the court approval, of Trump and Trumpsters during the campaign....?

No, they did not.

Trump hasn't been vindicated, in any manner... from his lying tweets. period! :rolleyes:

prove your claims or STFU. Rice has been outted as the one who illegally unmasked American citizens in an attempt to gain political leverage. She should be in jail.
She has not been "outted" as doing anything illegal, yet anyway. Yet another time and effort wasting "investigation" thrown out to the committees by Trump to keep them busy from investigating the real issue: Russian influence on our election and possible collusion among Trump's campaign staff.

OK, lets assume for drill that the Russians hacked the DNC email system and released the FACTS about democrat corruption and collusion between the Hillary campaign and the media. OK.

What you are really saying is that the truth may have caused Hillary to lose. Aren't we as voters entitled to the truth?
I've moved way beyond that. I think we need to know the how and why and the extent to which the Russians participated in our campaigns. No one can ever "prove" that it affected the outcome, and it is a waste of time to argue about that, imo. Some people also seem to feel the Trump campaign's contact with the Russians was unusual and want that investigated. I'm not so sure about that--all coincidental as far as I've heard, but I admit I'm not following a lot of it, since it is conjecture at this point.
Maybe we already know all we're going to know about this whole matter. That the Russians had thousands of internet folks trying to sway the opinion of voters and no doubt pushing all the Fake News garbage that so many people have bought lock, stock and barrel. That is an old propaganda technique that the Russians use without hesitation. That they succeeded in hacking the DNC, which had very little of any real ammunition to offer, is a given. That this whole situation is being used as political fodder to such a degree is amazing to me. I don't know what to make of it.

countries have tried to influence the elections in other countries ever since there were countries and elections. The USA has always tried to put who they want in charge of other countries. Sure, Russia does it, so does the UK, France, Germany, Japan, China, and the USA.

its not a big deal. this is nothing but a lib/dem/media attempt to distract from Trump's successes and the fact that the American voters rejected Hillary clinton
Might be. The hacking the DNC and releasing it to Wikileaks was a big deal in my mind, though.
:argue: :oops-28: :poop: Did anyone of catch those few episodes when he was ripping at Trump when he claimed he was being wire-tapped? and about a week later we all found out that Trump was being spied upon?, and yet Bob Beckel had to find a way to still make Trump look like he was still making it all up, and yesterday Bob was still having a cow trying to cover for Susan Rice.
Poor Bob, he needs to cool down or he might have a stroke while cursing on The Five.

Beckel is a POS. Why Fox allowed that prick back on the air is beyond me.
better him than Jaun,,all Jaun does is lie and innteruppt the others. wont let them speak more than five seconds before he pees himself.

I used to like juan a lot, but as he gets older he seems to get more ignorant of the facts of whatever he's talking about. He is another one that has turned to the dark side as it were.
prove your claims or STFU. Rice has been outted as the one who illegally unmasked American citizens in an attempt to gain political leverage. She should be in jail.
She has not been "outted" as doing anything illegal, yet anyway. Yet another time and effort wasting "investigation" thrown out to the committees by Trump to keep them busy from investigating the real issue: Russian influence on our election and possible collusion among Trump's campaign staff.

OK, lets assume for drill that the Russians hacked the DNC email system and released the FACTS about democrat corruption and collusion between the Hillary campaign and the media. OK.

What you are really saying is that the truth may have caused Hillary to lose. Aren't we as voters entitled to the truth?
I've moved way beyond that. I think we need to know the how and why and the extent to which the Russians participated in our campaigns. No one can ever "prove" that it affected the outcome, and it is a waste of time to argue about that, imo. Some people also seem to feel the Trump campaign's contact with the Russians was unusual and want that investigated. I'm not so sure about that--all coincidental as far as I've heard, but I admit I'm not following a lot of it, since it is conjecture at this point.
Maybe we already know all we're going to know about this whole matter. That the Russians had thousands of internet folks trying to sway the opinion of voters and no doubt pushing all the Fake News garbage that so many people have bought lock, stock and barrel. That is an old propaganda technique that the Russians use without hesitation. That they succeeded in hacking the DNC, which had very little of any real ammunition to offer, is a given. That this whole situation is being used as political fodder to such a degree is amazing to me. I don't know what to make of it.

countries have tried to influence the elections in other countries ever since there were countries and elections. The USA has always tried to put who they want in charge of other countries. Sure, Russia does it, so does the UK, France, Germany, Japan, China, and the USA.

its not a big deal. this is nothing but a lib/dem/media attempt to distract from Trump's successes and the fact that the American voters rejected Hillary clinton
Might be. The hacking the DNC and releasing it to Wikileaks was a big deal in my mind, though.

I think the only group that it really affected were Bernies supporters. I know that when that evidence came out i was shocked that the DNC would be so unethical. And, when bernie sold out to clinton is one of THE determining reasons for why i decided to vote for trump. So, I would definitely say the wiki leaks dump had a serious effect on my decision for who i was going to vote for, but had bernie not sold out, I would have voted for johnson. No one i know on the Democrat side in my area would ever have voted for hilary. We were all berners at the outset, and then went johnson or trump during the general.

hilary was never going to get our votes regardless of inside job. And inside job it was.
She has not been "outted" as doing anything illegal, yet anyway. Yet another time and effort wasting "investigation" thrown out to the committees by Trump to keep them busy from investigating the real issue: Russian influence on our election and possible collusion among Trump's campaign staff.

OK, lets assume for drill that the Russians hacked the DNC email system and released the FACTS about democrat corruption and collusion between the Hillary campaign and the media. OK.

What you are really saying is that the truth may have caused Hillary to lose. Aren't we as voters entitled to the truth?
I've moved way beyond that. I think we need to know the how and why and the extent to which the Russians participated in our campaigns. No one can ever "prove" that it affected the outcome, and it is a waste of time to argue about that, imo. Some people also seem to feel the Trump campaign's contact with the Russians was unusual and want that investigated. I'm not so sure about that--all coincidental as far as I've heard, but I admit I'm not following a lot of it, since it is conjecture at this point.
Maybe we already know all we're going to know about this whole matter. That the Russians had thousands of internet folks trying to sway the opinion of voters and no doubt pushing all the Fake News garbage that so many people have bought lock, stock and barrel. That is an old propaganda technique that the Russians use without hesitation. That they succeeded in hacking the DNC, which had very little of any real ammunition to offer, is a given. That this whole situation is being used as political fodder to such a degree is amazing to me. I don't know what to make of it.

countries have tried to influence the elections in other countries ever since there were countries and elections. The USA has always tried to put who they want in charge of other countries. Sure, Russia does it, so does the UK, France, Germany, Japan, China, and the USA.

its not a big deal. this is nothing but a lib/dem/media attempt to distract from Trump's successes and the fact that the American voters rejected Hillary clinton
Might be. The hacking the DNC and releasing it to Wikileaks was a big deal in my mind, though.

I think the only group that it really affected were Bernies supporters. I know that when that evidence came out i was shocked that the DNC would be so unethical. And, when bernie sold out to clinton is one of THE determining reasons for why i decided to vote for trump. So, I would definitely say the wiki leaks dump had a serious effect on my decision for who i was going to vote for, but had bernie not sold out, I would have voted for johnson. No one i know on the Democrat side in my area would ever have voted for hilary. We were all berners at the outset, and then went johnson or trump during the general.

hilary was never going to get our votes regardless of inside job. And inside job it was.
Like I said, the actual impact on the final vote can never be proven. I wouldn't have voted for Bernie in the end because he is a one issue candidate and I didn't at all trust how far he would go expanding an already Jabba the Hut government. I think a majority of people would have decided the same.
Be that as it may, that action by Russia was a big deal irregardless of the outcome. Rather than all this nosing around about collusion (which will be extremely hard to ever prove), I'd rather the finest minds in Washington were getting experts to figure out how to fight more hacking and how to shut down that f-ing Wikileaks.
everyone with a quarter of a brain and moderate reading comprehension skills knows it's just the president churning out his lies and conspiracy crap again.... :rolleyes:

The boy done called wolf too many times....
Top Obama Adviser Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person number one".

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

Deny it all you want, buy Susan Rice is in this all the way up to her eyebrows. And from what I gathered from this article was that ONLY people associated with Trump were "unmasked" so that tells me that they were targeted.

I'm so exasperated with Obama Administration right now all I want to do is fantasize about Kimberly Guilfoyle!!!!

desperation post, too common

Nope... No desperation here. Just more evidence of what happened and who did it, since all you alt-Left myrmidons are denying reality. You're stuck on stupid.

You won't believe your lying eyes.

Time and again it's been stated that Trump's people taped "incidentally" and appeared to have "nothing to do with Russia".

Nunes: Trump communications not Russia-related - CNN Video

All you're doing is perpetuating a Democrat need to investigate a conspiracy looking for a crime. Not investigating a crime looking for a conspiracy.
prove your claims or STFU. Rice has been outted as the one who illegally unmasked American citizens in an attempt to gain political leverage. She should be in jail.
She has not been "outted" as doing anything illegal, yet anyway. Yet another time and effort wasting "investigation" thrown out to the committees by Trump to keep them busy from investigating the real issue: Russian influence on our election and possible collusion among Trump's campaign staff.

OK, lets assume for drill that the Russians hacked the DNC email system and released the FACTS about democrat corruption and collusion between the Hillary campaign and the media. OK.

What you are really saying is that the truth may have caused Hillary to lose. Aren't we as voters entitled to the truth?
I've moved way beyond that. I think we need to know the how and why and the extent to which the Russians participated in our campaigns. No one can ever "prove" that it affected the outcome, and it is a waste of time to argue about that, imo. Some people also seem to feel the Trump campaign's contact with the Russians was unusual and want that investigated. I'm not so sure about that--all coincidental as far as I've heard, but I admit I'm not following a lot of it, since it is conjecture at this point.
Maybe we already know all we're going to know about this whole matter. That the Russians had thousands of internet folks trying to sway the opinion of voters and no doubt pushing all the Fake News garbage that so many people have bought lock, stock and barrel. That is an old propaganda technique that the Russians use without hesitation. That they succeeded in hacking the DNC, which had very little of any real ammunition to offer, is a given. That this whole situation is being used as political fodder to such a degree is amazing to me. I don't know what to make of it.

countries have tried to influence the elections in other countries ever since there were countries and elections. The USA has always tried to put who they want in charge of other countries. Sure, Russia does it, so does the UK, France, Germany, Japan, China, and the USA.

its not a big deal. this is nothing but a lib/dem/media attempt to distract from Trump's successes and the fact that the American voters rejected Hillary clinton
Might be. The hacking the DNC and releasing it to Wikileaks was a big deal in my mind, though.

Don't you think they were also trying to hack the RNC? Of course they were. The DNC just didn't have very good security. What was revealed was the corruption within the DNC and that the primary was fixed for Clinton. Bernie never had a chance because the super delegates were going to override everyone else. The Bernie voters and the rest of America were turned off by that corruption, then couple that with the leaking of questions from the media and it was evident that the power elites didn't give a shit what the voters wanted and were determined to ram Hillary up our collective asses.

That is why Trump won.
OK, lets assume for drill that the Russians hacked the DNC email system and released the FACTS about democrat corruption and collusion between the Hillary campaign and the media. OK.

What you are really saying is that the truth may have caused Hillary to lose. Aren't we as voters entitled to the truth?
I've moved way beyond that. I think we need to know the how and why and the extent to which the Russians participated in our campaigns. No one can ever "prove" that it affected the outcome, and it is a waste of time to argue about that, imo. Some people also seem to feel the Trump campaign's contact with the Russians was unusual and want that investigated. I'm not so sure about that--all coincidental as far as I've heard, but I admit I'm not following a lot of it, since it is conjecture at this point.
Maybe we already know all we're going to know about this whole matter. That the Russians had thousands of internet folks trying to sway the opinion of voters and no doubt pushing all the Fake News garbage that so many people have bought lock, stock and barrel. That is an old propaganda technique that the Russians use without hesitation. That they succeeded in hacking the DNC, which had very little of any real ammunition to offer, is a given. That this whole situation is being used as political fodder to such a degree is amazing to me. I don't know what to make of it.

countries have tried to influence the elections in other countries ever since there were countries and elections. The USA has always tried to put who they want in charge of other countries. Sure, Russia does it, so does the UK, France, Germany, Japan, China, and the USA.

its not a big deal. this is nothing but a lib/dem/media attempt to distract from Trump's successes and the fact that the American voters rejected Hillary clinton
Might be. The hacking the DNC and releasing it to Wikileaks was a big deal in my mind, though.

I think the only group that it really affected were Bernies supporters. I know that when that evidence came out i was shocked that the DNC would be so unethical. And, when bernie sold out to clinton is one of THE determining reasons for why i decided to vote for trump. So, I would definitely say the wiki leaks dump had a serious effect on my decision for who i was going to vote for, but had bernie not sold out, I would have voted for johnson. No one i know on the Democrat side in my area would ever have voted for hilary. We were all berners at the outset, and then went johnson or trump during the general.

hilary was never going to get our votes regardless of inside job. And inside job it was.
Like I said, the actual impact on the final vote can never be proven. I wouldn't have voted for Bernie in the end because he is a one issue candidate and I didn't at all trust how far he would go expanding an already Jabba the Hut government. I think a majority of people would have decided the same.
Be that as it may, that action by Russia was a big deal irregardless of the outcome. Rather than all this nosing around about collusion (which will be extremely hard to ever prove), I'd rather the finest minds in Washington were getting experts to figure out how to fight more hacking and how to shut down that f-ing Wikileaks.
wikileaks has not published anything but the truth. They are doing the job our media is supposed to do. They should get a praise, not scorn.
OK, lets assume for drill that the Russians hacked the DNC email system and released the FACTS about democrat corruption and collusion between the Hillary campaign and the media. OK.

What you are really saying is that the truth may have caused Hillary to lose. Aren't we as voters entitled to the truth?
I've moved way beyond that. I think we need to know the how and why and the extent to which the Russians participated in our campaigns. No one can ever "prove" that it affected the outcome, and it is a waste of time to argue about that, imo. Some people also seem to feel the Trump campaign's contact with the Russians was unusual and want that investigated. I'm not so sure about that--all coincidental as far as I've heard, but I admit I'm not following a lot of it, since it is conjecture at this point.
Maybe we already know all we're going to know about this whole matter. That the Russians had thousands of internet folks trying to sway the opinion of voters and no doubt pushing all the Fake News garbage that so many people have bought lock, stock and barrel. That is an old propaganda technique that the Russians use without hesitation. That they succeeded in hacking the DNC, which had very little of any real ammunition to offer, is a given. That this whole situation is being used as political fodder to such a degree is amazing to me. I don't know what to make of it.

countries have tried to influence the elections in other countries ever since there were countries and elections. The USA has always tried to put who they want in charge of other countries. Sure, Russia does it, so does the UK, France, Germany, Japan, China, and the USA.

its not a big deal. this is nothing but a lib/dem/media attempt to distract from Trump's successes and the fact that the American voters rejected Hillary clinton
Might be. The hacking the DNC and releasing it to Wikileaks was a big deal in my mind, though.

I think the only group that it really affected were Bernies supporters. I know that when that evidence came out i was shocked that the DNC would be so unethical. And, when bernie sold out to clinton is one of THE determining reasons for why i decided to vote for trump. So, I would definitely say the wiki leaks dump had a serious effect on my decision for who i was going to vote for, but had bernie not sold out, I would have voted for johnson. No one i know on the Democrat side in my area would ever have voted for hilary. We were all berners at the outset, and then went johnson or trump during the general.

hilary was never going to get our votes regardless of inside job. And inside job it was.
Like I said, the actual impact on the final vote can never be proven. I wouldn't have voted for Bernie in the end because he is a one issue candidate and I didn't at all trust how far he would go expanding an already Jabba the Hut government. I think a majority of people would have decided the same.
Be that as it may, that action by Russia was a big deal irregardless of the outcome. Rather than all this nosing around about collusion (which will be extremely hard to ever prove), I'd rather the finest minds in Washington were getting experts to figure out how to fight more hacking and how to shut down that f-ing Wikileaks.

Well, the simplest way to prevent hacking is to have a SOS that doesn't put sensitive material on a unsecured server, and have a high ranking member of her campaign not fall for a phishing scheme that my ten year old wouldn't have fallen for. So, ALL of the DNC "hacking" issues were self inflicted because they really aren't that smart.
I've moved way beyond that. I think we need to know the how and why and the extent to which the Russians participated in our campaigns. No one can ever "prove" that it affected the outcome, and it is a waste of time to argue about that, imo. Some people also seem to feel the Trump campaign's contact with the Russians was unusual and want that investigated. I'm not so sure about that--all coincidental as far as I've heard, but I admit I'm not following a lot of it, since it is conjecture at this point.
Maybe we already know all we're going to know about this whole matter. That the Russians had thousands of internet folks trying to sway the opinion of voters and no doubt pushing all the Fake News garbage that so many people have bought lock, stock and barrel. That is an old propaganda technique that the Russians use without hesitation. That they succeeded in hacking the DNC, which had very little of any real ammunition to offer, is a given. That this whole situation is being used as political fodder to such a degree is amazing to me. I don't know what to make of it.

countries have tried to influence the elections in other countries ever since there were countries and elections. The USA has always tried to put who they want in charge of other countries. Sure, Russia does it, so does the UK, France, Germany, Japan, China, and the USA.

its not a big deal. this is nothing but a lib/dem/media attempt to distract from Trump's successes and the fact that the American voters rejected Hillary clinton
Might be. The hacking the DNC and releasing it to Wikileaks was a big deal in my mind, though.

I think the only group that it really affected were Bernies supporters. I know that when that evidence came out i was shocked that the DNC would be so unethical. And, when bernie sold out to clinton is one of THE determining reasons for why i decided to vote for trump. So, I would definitely say the wiki leaks dump had a serious effect on my decision for who i was going to vote for, but had bernie not sold out, I would have voted for johnson. No one i know on the Democrat side in my area would ever have voted for hilary. We were all berners at the outset, and then went johnson or trump during the general.

hilary was never going to get our votes regardless of inside job. And inside job it was.
Like I said, the actual impact on the final vote can never be proven. I wouldn't have voted for Bernie in the end because he is a one issue candidate and I didn't at all trust how far he would go expanding an already Jabba the Hut government. I think a majority of people would have decided the same.
Be that as it may, that action by Russia was a big deal irregardless of the outcome. Rather than all this nosing around about collusion (which will be extremely hard to ever prove), I'd rather the finest minds in Washington were getting experts to figure out how to fight more hacking and how to shut down that f-ing Wikileaks.

Well, the simplest way to prevent hacking is to have a SOS that doesn't put sensitive material on a unsecured server, and have a high ranking member of her campaign not fall for a phishing scheme that my ten year old wouldn't have fallen for. So, ALL of the DNC "hacking" issues were self inflicted because they really aren't that smart.
So that part of it should be easy to fix. Some of the hacking going on--holding hospital records hostage and stealing personnel data from the military, for example--is more serious. I hope we can start protecting data on computers. It IS the same as breaking into an office and stealing files, and stealing social security numbers and birthdates should be a felony. We need to get better at preventing that/protecting our information. I realize the right will continue to justify what happened because it was beneficial to them, but I have a feeling if it had been the RNC or Trump's administration that were hacked and then exposed to the world, a lot of people would be feeling differently about it. This should be more important than politics. It is a crime, a theft, a violation of privacy and if we can't lock out the thieves, we should at least get better at tracking them down so they can be arrested after the fact.
Wikileaks is part of that illegal activity, a pawn shop selling stolen goods knowing full well they are stolen.
I've moved way beyond that. I think we need to know the how and why and the extent to which the Russians participated in our campaigns. No one can ever "prove" that it affected the outcome, and it is a waste of time to argue about that, imo. Some people also seem to feel the Trump campaign's contact with the Russians was unusual and want that investigated. I'm not so sure about that--all coincidental as far as I've heard, but I admit I'm not following a lot of it, since it is conjecture at this point.
Maybe we already know all we're going to know about this whole matter. That the Russians had thousands of internet folks trying to sway the opinion of voters and no doubt pushing all the Fake News garbage that so many people have bought lock, stock and barrel. That is an old propaganda technique that the Russians use without hesitation. That they succeeded in hacking the DNC, which had very little of any real ammunition to offer, is a given. That this whole situation is being used as political fodder to such a degree is amazing to me. I don't know what to make of it.

countries have tried to influence the elections in other countries ever since there were countries and elections. The USA has always tried to put who they want in charge of other countries. Sure, Russia does it, so does the UK, France, Germany, Japan, China, and the USA.

its not a big deal. this is nothing but a lib/dem/media attempt to distract from Trump's successes and the fact that the American voters rejected Hillary clinton
Might be. The hacking the DNC and releasing it to Wikileaks was a big deal in my mind, though.

I think the only group that it really affected were Bernies supporters. I know that when that evidence came out i was shocked that the DNC would be so unethical. And, when bernie sold out to clinton is one of THE determining reasons for why i decided to vote for trump. So, I would definitely say the wiki leaks dump had a serious effect on my decision for who i was going to vote for, but had bernie not sold out, I would have voted for johnson. No one i know on the Democrat side in my area would ever have voted for hilary. We were all berners at the outset, and then went johnson or trump during the general.

hilary was never going to get our votes regardless of inside job. And inside job it was.
Like I said, the actual impact on the final vote can never be proven. I wouldn't have voted for Bernie in the end because he is a one issue candidate and I didn't at all trust how far he would go expanding an already Jabba the Hut government. I think a majority of people would have decided the same.
Be that as it may, that action by Russia was a big deal irregardless of the outcome. Rather than all this nosing around about collusion (which will be extremely hard to ever prove), I'd rather the finest minds in Washington were getting experts to figure out how to fight more hacking and how to shut down that f-ing Wikileaks.
wikileaks has not published anything but the truth. They are doing the job our media is supposed to do. They should get a praise, not scorn.
Hillary Clinton: "If everyone would have kept their fucking mouths SHUT I would now be the President!!!!!!"
i dont know how Beckel can do that show,,sitting next to Kims exposed two breasts and bare naked legs without getting an erection

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