CDZ Have we (you) gone insane?

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Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I have never seen anything like the meaningless drivel which is being promoted as legitimate criticism of the Trump administration before it has had a chance to fill key positions, much less support legislation and enact policy. This is nothing like the opposition to Obama which, at least, dealt with specific legal and policy positions. Even the birth certificate issue was related to a actual Constitutional requirement to be President.

With Trump, almost the entirety of his opposition deals with his rhetoric rather than his specific actions. I am all in favor of robust debate and honest criticism of his specific actions, but why not wait for them to occur first? It his opposition more fearful of his potential success than they are of his predicted failure? Have they gone insane?
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I have never seen anything like the meaningless drivel which is being promoted as legitimate criticism of the Trump administration before it has had a chance to fill key positions, much less support legislation and enact policy. This is nothing like the opposition to Obama which, at least, dealt with specific legal and policy positions. Even the birth certificate issue was related to a genuine Constitutional requirement to be President.

With Trump, almost the entirety of his opposition deals with his rhetoric rather than his specific actions. I am all in favor of robust debate and honest criticism of his specific actions, but why not wait for them to occur first? It his opposition more fearful of his potential success than they are of his predicted failure? Have they gone insane?
It is not surprising that Trump's faithful followers would become increasingly hostile and unhinged because of their messiah's first month in office. All those right-away promises about "day one" have not been fulfilled. The immigrant thing was a disaster. Obamacare is stronger and more popular than it was on Election Day. Hillary is not in jail. Ryan and McConnell have lost all fear as well as all respect for their accomplice in the White House. And so it goes...

It is always puzzling to fans of the apocalypse when the old world doesn't come crashing down and the leader who promised them pie-in-the-sky so fast your head will spin turns out to be a blundering amateur with a strip of toilet paper stuck to the heel of his shoe, Now is the time for alibis and excuses, for insults and mockery. It won't be long before the faithful start heading for the parking lots to wait for the next savior.
I have never seen anything like the meaningless drivel which is being promoted as legitimate criticism of the Trump administration before it has had a chance to fill key positions, much less support legislation and enact policy. This is nothing like the opposition to Obama which, at least, dealt with specific legal and policy positions. Even the birth certificate issue was related to a genuine Constitutional requirement to be President.

With Trump, almost the entirety of his opposition deals with his rhetoric rather than his specific actions. I am all in favor of robust debate and honest criticism of his specific actions, but why not wait for them to occur first? It his opposition more fearful of his potential success than they are of his predicted failure? Have they gone insane?
It is not surprising that Trump's faithful followers would become increasingly hostile and unhinged because of their messiah's first month in office. All those right-away promises about "day one" have not been fulfilled. The immigrant thing was a disaster. Obamacare is stronger and more popular than it was on Election Day. Hillary is not in jail. Ryan and McConnell have lost all fear as well as all respect for their accomplice in the White House. And so it goes...

It is always puzzling to fans of the apocalypse when the old world doesn't come crashing down and the leader who promised them pie-in-the-sky so fast your head will spin turns out to be a blundering amateur with a strip of toilet paper stuck to the heel of his shoe, Now is the time for alibis and excuses, for insults and mockery. It won't be long before the faithful start heading for the parking lots to wait for the next savior.
The amateur is out of office now and most of us learned not to be manipulated by stupid assertions by the time we are 10. The puzzlement is all yours. Trump is doing what he said he would do and at a record pace. And with the opposition party doing all they can to sabotage it. Fortunately they no longer have the power so throwing spitballs from the sidelines is about it.

It's why they lose. They can't run on ideas. Their ideas suck. Paying more taxes and growing government more is not a winning platform but it's the tool they reach for for every problem.

WHEN, not if, the economy picks up you guys are in deep shit. People will enjoy that more than your negative rhetoric.
It is not surprising that Trump's faithful followers would become increasingly hostile and unhinged because of their messiah's first month in office.

It is not surprising that you respond with a Big Lie. (It is obvious which side has been hostile and unhinged.)

Same advice here. Great potential debate. NARROW the scope to one or two SPECIFIC controversial actions, so that responses are CONSTRAINED to that action... That way -- you get the debate that you wanted. And moderation can help to enforce the replies.. Free to try again. ;)

Will remain open -- but heavily moderated...
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For some reason, I'm unable to reply to your other thread about debating actions rather than rhetoric.

In some respect, I agree. Debating actions is obviously more productive... However, you all shouldn't discount words completely as words can, and often do, predict action. So let's start with what Trump's implemented and what he plans to implement.

On security:

Trump wants a fully-funded construction of a border wall with Mexico, with the "full understanding that the country of Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall". But Mexico has already declined to pay for the wall and Trump has said nothing of how he will coerce Mexico to pay for it. So at the end of the day, the American people will pay one hundred percent for a useless security measure that will do nothing to, say, restore our crumbling infrastructure much less make us safer from those "criminal" illegals....basically, we're paying exorbitant amounts for the illusion of "safety" and "security."

As everyone already knows, Trump's already attempted to solidify a ban on immigration from six Muslim countries--Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen. Keep in mind, there hasn't been a single terrorist attack on U.S soil where the perpetrators had originated from those countries. So again, this is a useless act that simply gives us the illusion of security whilst, ironically, making us less secure by engineering racial and religious tension.

Trump plans on raising the military budget by 54 billion dollars despite the fact that the United States already spends more on military than the next four countries combined. Once again, another attempt to, course you know it, give us the illusion of safety and security. His authorized Yemen raid was responsible for 20 innocent civilian deaths, including 10 children, and one U.S Navy Seal. We can expect more of these types of state violence down the line where human costs outweigh any human benefits, if there were indeed any in this specific case...

So Trump has thus far proven himself pretty much useless on security. What about actual problems, like our embarrassingly high poverty rate, crumbling infrastructure, inefficient healthcare?

We can discuss this further. We all know what he has planned though, considering who he's appointed as secretary of state and education, and what he's said in the past about healthcare. But that's all talk so I suppose we should wait to find out, right?
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