Zone1 have you been baptized?

i have been baptized

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Native Americans generally did not circumcise, though the practices was not unknown and practiced to an extent undetermined.
You don't need to be baptized again.
You could always go to confession and it will do the nearly same thing as being baptized.
Frankly, right now you have more options than I do....because I've never been a member of the Catholic church or been thru confirmation.
I was baptized by the LDS Church....but it applies to every Protestant church.
Baptism is between you and God and only needs to be done once.
It signifies you're belief in Jesus as our Christ and savior.
If you think you lost faith and want to wash all of that away and start over...then you can get just about any church to baptize you again....but they will want you to become a member.
an infant doesnt need baptism, nor does the bible teach it,. nor does a baby need to repent of his theres that. and baptism is not between you and GOD- its a public ceremony. baptism does not save you- but the baptism of the HS saves you the second youre saved.
you don't know what if feels like to have COVID do you?
Impossible to catch it if you had strong immunity to begin with and then started to treat yourself correctly .

Not entirely silly , but --.
Would you chide someone after having had your legs amputated by saying , "You do not know what it feels like " ? Or , after having contracted Polio , Leprosy etc . ?
Impossible to catch it if you had strong immunity to begin with and then started to treat yourself correctly .

Not entirely silly , but --.
Would you chide someone after having had your legs amputated by saying , "You do not know what it feels like " ? Or , after having contracted Polio , Leprosy etc . ?
Not the point.

And what you call chiding I call stating a fact.

If you never experienced something you really don't know how it feels.

That is a statement devoid of judgement or any hidden meanings.
you don't know what if feels like to have COVID do you?
Correct. But even those who have had it have experienced vastly different symptoms from patient to patient. So I could say the same thing about them.
How would you know?

Maybe sex would have been far more enjoyable if you still had all those nerve endings that got lopped off for no good reason.

FYI removing some of the most sensitive skin on a baby without anesthesia for no good reason is mutilation and the needless infliction of pain.
I don't remember my circumcision. I consider it a blessing and none of your damn business.
Besides, the uncircumcised look funny
How would you know?

Maybe sex would have been far more enjoyable if you still had all those nerve endings that got lopped off for no good reason.

FYI removing some of the most sensitive skin on a baby without anesthesia for no good reason is mutilation and the needless infliction of pain.

Why is it that vegans, anti-vaxxers, and the uncut are always trying to persuade other people of the superiority of their position.

I don't care if you don't eat meat, don't get vaccinated, or don't snip your cod.

You do you.

If you were SO convinced in the moral rightness of your decision, you wouldn't feel the need to make others agree with you.
Why is it that vegans, anti-vaxxers, and the uncut are always trying to persuade other people of the superiority of their position
Because "meat eating" is taking the life of an innocent creation of God.

As for the rest, I don't care either. But we can still voice our opinion, just like you
Not the point.

And what you call chiding I call stating a fact.

If you never experienced something you really don't know how it feels.

That is a statement devoid of judgement or any hidden meanings.
And I say , So What .
Do your really think Australia does not exist because I have not visited and "felt" it ?

You might think that personal experience makes it richer and more intense .
Very nice , if true . But , so what ?

I do not need to go into a leopard's cave to check its presence just because I have not seen/heard / touched etc .
And of course your belief that your statement(s) are devoid of judgement is logically palpable nonsense .

However , do not deflect from the Topic .
Did Jesus really come up with this new physical sport or did he really just hate sticking his head under water and was a bit of a wimp ?
I don't remember my circumcision. I consider it a blessing and none of your damn business.
Besides, the uncircumcised look funny

Actually if you believe you were made in the image of a god then that god must not be circumcised.
And I say , So What .
Do your really think Australia does not exist because I have not visited and "felt" it ?

You might think that personal experience makes it richer and more intense .
Very nice , if true . But , so what ?

I do not need to go into a leopard's cave to check its presence just because I have not seen/heard / touched etc .
And of course your belief that your statement(s) are devoid of judgement is logically palpable nonsense .

However , do not deflect from the Topic .
Did Jesus really come up with this new physical sport or did he really just hate sticking his head under water and was a bit of a wimp ?
OK what exactly did I say didn't exist in any of the posts in this thread?

Please quote the post.

What I said was if you have never experienced something you don't know what it feels like.

If you actually walked into a leopard's lair and smelled the animals musk, felt his hot breath on your neck and it scared you so much you pissed yourself all the intellectualizing in the world would not be the same thing as the experience
Why is it that vegans, anti-vaxxers, and the uncut are always trying to persuade other people of the superiority of their position.

I don't care if you don't eat meat, don't get vaccinated, or don't snip your cod.

You do you.

If you were SO convinced in the moral rightness of your decision, you wouldn't feel the need to make others agree with you.

Why is it you feel i am trying to make you feel inferior. I'm not

All I said was circumcision is unnecessary mutilation of a boy's genitals.

And by stating my opinion I am not telling you to or trying make you or anyone else agree with me. That's you projecting

Why is it you are so proud that your parents sliced a part of your body off of you ?

And FYI I'm not an "anti-vaxxer"
an infant doesnt need baptism, nor does the bible teach it,. nor does a baby need to repent of his theres that. and baptism is not between you and GOD- its a public ceremony. baptism does not save you- but the baptism of the HS saves you the second youre saved.
That's your opinion.

This is like Islam. Muslims will argue all day about religion.
Sometimes Christians will do the same.
I never mentioned babies.
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Because "meat eating" is taking the life of an innocent creation of God.

not entirely, the heavens created carnivorous beings on planet earth - or all beings w/ an appetite ... so who is or is not innocent when having a meal for one answer than the other would mean starvation, a good cause for christians they unfortunately ignore ... caa.

- and judaism that chooses their meal, selectively being the most guilty for those that claim they are sinners.

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