Zone1 have you been baptized?

i have been baptized

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So what?
they have an experience with it that you don't
Again I can know many things about covid without actually having to get covid. I probably know way more about it than you do.

But yes, experiencing covid does provide certain knowledge. Just like experiencing the Holy Spirit provides certain knowledge. But just because one has never experienced the Holy Spirit doesn't mean one can't learn about the Holy Spirit from those that have.
Again I can know many things about covid without actually having to get covid. I probably know way more about it than you do.

But yes, experiencing covid does provide certain knowledge. Just like experiencing the Holy Spirit provides certain knowledge. But just because one has never experienced the Holy Spirit doesn't mean one can't learn about the Holy Spirit from those that have.

Not the same thing stop trying to say it is.

I learned all about the so called holy spirit in my studies of religions I will never claim to know what someone like you claims they feel when he thinks he has that experience .

But then again you think you know everything
not entirely, the heavens created carnivorous beings on planet earth - or all beings w/ an appetite ... so who is or is not innocent when having a meal for one answer than the other would mean starvation, a good cause for christians they unfortunately ignore ... caa.

- and judaism that chooses their meal, selectively being the most guilty for those that claim they are sinners.
Animals have no choice in the matter. By using animals as your reference for human behavior you are saying we are incapable of improving on our animalistic natures.
Not the same thing stop trying to say it is.

I learned all about the so called holy spirit in my studies of religions I will never claim to know what someone like you claims they feel when he thinks he has that experience .

But then again you think you know everything
The exact same logic applies. I never claimed I know everything. I know what I know.
And you don't know what the experience of anything is if you never experienced it yourself
Yes, but even then not all experiences are created equal so even experiencing something doesn't mean the full spectrum was experienced. Conversely even if something isn't experienced that doesn't mean one can't know anything about it.
Yes, but even then not all experiences are created equal so even experiencing something doesn't mean the full spectrum was experienced. Conversely even if something isn't experienced that doesn't mean one can't know anything about it.

You can know all you want but until you experience it in any capacity you will never know what it feels like.

If you never bungee jumped but you analyzed the act mathematically, you calculated the time of the drop and how fast you would be going when the elastic became taut and the G force you would feel and how high you would spring back etc. Sure you could say you know all about bungee jumping but you would know Jack Shit about the experience.
Jesus taught:

John 3:5
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Being born of the water is baptism. Being born of the Spirit is receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Both of these are ordinances of the priesthood of God. The question is whether you were baptized by one who truly holds the authority of God to administer in these ordinances? Are you confident that the Church you were baptized into truly holds the authority from God to administer the ordinances of baptism and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost?
Yes, Catholic. Both sides of the family, maternal German, paternal Ireland.
I was baptized as an infant in the Catholic Church. I quit that organization years ago. I would like to be baptized again.
you only have to be baptized once to be rid of original sin.

There is no need for a 2nd baptism and getting one indicates you don't believe in baptism to remove original sin IMO
Jesus taught:

John 3:5
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Being born of the water is baptism. Being born of the Spirit is receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Both of these are ordinances of the priesthood of God. The question is whether you were baptized by one who truly holds the authority of God to administer in these ordinances? Are you confident that the Church you were baptized into truly holds the authority from God to administer the ordinances of baptism and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost?

I could be wrong about ths but I believ the Catholic Church teaches that any baptized Christian (& maybe even an unbaptized person who nonetheless sees the importance of baptism) can baptize someone, especially when there is no chance of a minister being found, like when someone is on his or her deathbed, about to leave Earth.
You can know all you want but until you experience it in any capacity you will never know what it feels like.

If you never bungee jumped but you analyzed the act mathematically, you calculated the time of the drop and how fast you would be going when the elastic became taut and the G force you would feel and how high you would spring back etc. Sure you could say you know all about bungee jumping but you would know Jack Shit about the experience.
Or filled with the Holy Ghost.
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

no, jesus never said what they have claimed -

141 will believe anything they read written by the crucifiers found in the christian bible ... nothing more than the typical scare tactics of 4th century christianity.
I can prove bungee jumping exists you can;t prove you're filled with a ghost
That's because you have never experienced it. Didn't you say "you can never know what you never had" and "until you experience it you will never know what it feels like." So I can tell you about it but until you experience it you will never know.
That's because you have never experienced it. Didn't you say "you can never know what you never had" and "until you experience it you will never know what it feels like." So I can tell you about it but until you experience it you will never know.

Yeah well you kind of have to prove something exists before you can tell me you experienced it

As far as making up imaginary experiences , anyone can do that
That's because you have never experienced it. Didn't you say "you can never know what you never had" and "until you experience it you will never know what it feels like." So I can tell you about it but until you experience it you will never know.
I've never experienced it because there is no such thing as ghosts, holy or otherwise
Yeah well you kind of have to prove something exists before you can tell me you experienced it

As far as making up imaginary experiences , anyone can do that
All you have to do is to experience it. And if your mind is closed off to experiencing it, no amount of convincing by another will change it.

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