Have you been 'Trumped'?

§ 16-10-20. False Statements and Writings, Concealment of Facts, and Fraudulent Documents in Matters Within Jurisdiction of State or Political Subdivisions

A person who knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; makes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or makes or uses any false writing or document, knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry, in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of state government or of the government of any county, city, or other political subdivision of this state shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000.00 or by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years, or both.​

I like how they can make laws that criminalize if you lie to them…but they lie to the American citizens each and every day.

Why is there no law that can punish them for lying to us? Hmm….
They did the exact same things you moron.

Clinton or Gore never filed false documents or asked a state to give them votes.
Eat shit. Vomit and lick it up, you desiccated twat.

No. He hasn’t, you brainless twit.

Right. He hasn’t been gotten, you imbecile bitch.

He didn’t do any of the shit he has been charged with, you twat rash. By the way, you’re the one doing the wailing. 😎

Followed by so many more. You jerkoff
Hey Trump licker. Rump has cancelled his big bad new conference "exposing how the election was stolen from him". But, but he had two years! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Is the taste of Trump's ass more enticing to you now that he lied again, ass bleeder?
I like how they can make laws that criminalize if you lie to them…but they lie to the American citizens each and every day.

Why is there no law that can punish them for lying to us? Hmm….
If there was a law against politicians lying to you, Trump would have been locked up a long time ago. On over 4,000 counts.
Hey Trump licker. Rump has cancelled his big bad new conference "exposing how the election was stolen from him". But, but he had two years! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Is the taste of Trump's ass more enticing to you now that he lied again, ass bleeder?
Why do you care? You wouldn't believe him anyway because your whole life is hating him. You have 0 credibility. STFU K?
Hey Trump has cancelled his big bad new conference "exposing how the election was stolen from him". But, but he had two years! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
You probably don’t grasp how poorly you come across. But you do come across like a retarded hyena. Anyway, I’m glad he canceled that ill-advised press conference. Looks like he has listened to him a lawyers. Good. Save the material for trial. 👍
Is the taste of Trump's ass more enticing to you now that he lied again, ass bleeder?
I leave ass licking to you libtard Brandon ass munchers.

You scumbag libturds have massive problems with simple definitions. Changing your mind isn’t the same as lying, you diseased ancient twat.
What kind of espionage was he doing?
None. Espionage means spying and these jackwagons have 0 evidence that Trump was spying. What they are doing is trying to apply guilt by association in order to sway would be Trump voters away from him. NONE of these cases is the least bit credible. Look for them to try to get Trump on some little loophole in some law associated with all those indictments. They are guilty of the same thing they accuse him of which is election interference.
Never forget, Hillary and the FBI colluded to create a fake dossier on Trump. They took that fake dossier to a FISA court, lied and said it had been 'verified.' With that lie they were able to wiretap Trump and spy on him. At the same time, they were calling Trump a Russian spy!!

Anyone who believes this Trump indictment clown show has got to be one glittering idiot. Not to mention the rotting corpse of a POTUS they installed. These people have to be so luddite that they don't even question Biden using OUR tax money as a bribe to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma who had Joe's worthless, 0 experience, drug addled son on it's board. It's on video!!! They look and somehow turn off their brains.........TDS is such an amazing and pervasive disease.

Never forget, Trump is an existential threat to the powerful left in the Democrat party and a threat to the entrenched bureaucracy in D.C.
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False. He didn’t even face a bail request. So you aren’t just essentially wrong. You are flatly and entirely wrong.

He has threatened nobody. You lying scumbag.

No. He didn’t threaten her, either.

Silly, stupid, sappy you. It makes asslickers like you feel better to believe that you got him this time. 🤣

If the democrats would just stick to the facts, instead of their fake facts, it wouldn't be so hard to believe them. But they gotta twist the simplest things into BS.

This whole Georgia indictments are filled with so many stretches, I'm surprised the Governor hasn't stepped up and done something about this prosecutor and/or judge.

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