Have you been 'Trumped'?

A conspiracy to do what? Have the election investigated thoroughly? If you'll remember correctly, judges wouldn't even let this go to court.
A conspiracy to unlawfully overturn the election. It's already been filed under GA RICO statutes. 19 people 41 felony counts.
So of course Trumps going to ask people questions. He's going to try to get investigations going. FFS, they even indicted one guy for trying to get a phone number from someone involved.

Any substantial act committed for the purpose of furthering a criminal conspiracy is a crime under GA RICO statutes. Each count will be litigated. some will stand, some won't. But, in the end, conviction is likely, most legal minds agree. The evidence is overwhelming.

Trump's only hope is to prove his allegations of election fraud are correct. But, if he can do that, he'd be able to achieve what no lawyer in over 60 lawsuits were unable to achieve, what Giuliani was unable to achieve, what the pillow guy was unable to achieve, and that he could do that, it would be a miracle, as the man has no idea what real proof is, he's too stupid. In fact, he's criminally stupid.
What might that be, this 'same' you are imagining?
Declaring the election a fraud. She refused to accept the election results. She was spouting off to everyone. What is NOT the same is that Biden isn't having her indicted. Probably because she is no existential threat like he believes Trump is. Also, don't forget, the REAL power behind the Oval Office is Still Obama, Rice, Hillary, Bill, etc. The MSM is the other Democrat baseball bat they use to batter Trump with. What' sad is there are people like you who are stupid enough to swallow the Democrat swill.
1. "ring wing" moron? Is that a British thing, or are you just too stupid to proof read a post?
Right wing, typo.
2. I nailed your leftist ass to the wall. You have no replies to the truth.
I'll file that in the unicorn fantasy file. I would engage, but I can't take you seriously, given the caliber of your comment. There is no point.
3. Back in the 60s Queen Elizabeth was still your ruler.
Me mum and pop are British, but I was actually born in Texas, sorry.
4. Trump is our Captain Ahab. The Left is about to find out where "Middle America" is.

Well, I will acknowledge that some 25% or so of Americans seriously lack wisdom. Anyone who votes for Trump has no concept of what wisdom is.

But, you're not really a serious debater, given the cartoonish tired trope characterizations in your 'list'.
g5000 is farting out his mouth again.
Another submissive cuck who has not read the indictment or looked into who else has been convicted of violating the Espionage Act in recent years.

It's amazing just how willfully ignorant you tards keep yourselves on behalf of your lying propagandists.

That's really sad.
A conspiracy to unlawfully overturn the election. It's already been filed under GA RICO statutes. 19 people 41 felony counts.

Any substantial act committed for the purpose of furthering a criminal conspiracy is a crime under GA RICO statutes. Each count will be litigated. some will stand, some won't. But, in the end, conviction is likely, most legal minds agree. The evidence is overwhelming.

Trump's only hope is to prove his allegations of election fraud are correct. But, if he can do that, he'd be able to achieve what no lawyer in over 60 lawsuits were unable to achieve, what Giuliani was unable to achieve, what the pillow guy was unable to achieve, and that he could do that, it would be a miracle, as the man has no idea what real proof is, he's too stupid. In fact, he's criminally stupid.
It's not criminal to question an election. It is not a 'conspiracy' to question others and take advice from lawyers like Trump did. All Trump has to do is point to all the COVID voting law changes that were made with no approval from State legislators which, in some cases, is illegal. There is a lot of evidence out there of Dominion machines and videos of people able to change votes, connect to the web, etc. Of course, you, being an obedient sheep will just say Baaa Baaa Baaa to any real truth.
What kind of espionage was he doing?
Here's a hint: One of the January 6 terrorists was convicted under the Espionage Act.

So was Reality Winner.

So was Lt. Col. Robert Birchum.

So were Harold Martin and Nghia Hoang Pho.

So was Kendra Kingsbury.

See if you can summon up the three brain cells to figure out what they all have in common with Traitor Trump.
Whatever. You're definitely not someone who can be taken seriously.
And I never thought you were very serious either. Just another leftist/Marxist or Marxist- tool carrying water for wokedom.
Declaring the election a fraud. She refused to accept the election results. She was spouting off to everyone. What is NOT the same is that Biden isn't having her indicted. Probably because she is no existential threat like he believes Trump is. Also, don't forget, the REAL power behind the Oval Office is Still Obama, Rice, Hillary, Bill, etc. The MSM is the other Democrat baseball bat they use to batter Trump with. What' sad is there are people like you who are stupid enough to swallow the Democrat swill.
Your comparison between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump lacks a substantive basis. To wit:

  1. Election Acceptance: While Hillary Clinton did express concerns and disappointment regarding the 2016 election results, she conceded the election to Donald Trump and attended his inauguration. There is no evidence to suggest that she engaged in any criminal activities to overturn the election results. On the other hand, the GA indictment, but one of four indictments, outlines specific criminal charges against Trump and 19 others under Georgia RICO statutes related to attempts to overturn the 2020 election results.
  2. Legal Indictments: Trump has been indicted on multiple fronts, including crimes related to January 6, obstruction under the Espionage Act, and the Georgia RICO statutes. These are legal matters handled by the judiciary, not political opponents. There is no equivalent legal indictment against Hillary Clinton that would make the comparison valid.
  3. Conspiracy Theories: The claim that Obama, Rice, Hillary, Bill, and others are the "REAL power" behind the Oval Office is a conspiracy theory without evidence.
  4. Media Bias: While it's true that media bias exists across the political spectrum, it's a sweeping generalization to label the entire mainstream media as a "Democrat baseball bat." Media organizations are diverse, and many strive for balanced reporting. It's essential to critically evaluate information from various sources rather than dismiss them wholesale.
In conclusion, the comparison between Hillary Clinton's actions and Donald Trump's indictments is not supported by the evidence.
Like I said, typical Marxist tactic. Call others what you yourself are. I know I have already said that but, you seem to be a bit slooooooow.
You can't be taken seriously.
When is Stacey Abrams going to jail for doing the same?
Stacey Abrams did not create illegal fake electors in seven states.

Stacey Abrams did not threaten election officials with prosecution if they did not go along with the Big Lie.

Stacey Abrams did not incite an insurrection in which people died.

Okay, Trump fans, if you read the GA indictment, it chronicles all of the false statements regarding election fraud, just about every claim of election fraud is listed in that indictment. The lies are 'acts in furtherance of a conspiracy to overthrow Biden's legitimate election'.

Now, the first amendment doesn't protect speech done in the furtherance of a criminal conspiracy, so, it seems to me, the only defense for Trump, et al, will be to prove that all of the false statements in the indictment alleged to be false, his defense will be to prove that they are actually true.

If he can prove his false statements as fact, there is no crime. All of this will come out in trial, and we shall find out if he was lying. I know that he was lying, because no proof of any kind has been produced. I've seen it all. Irregularities, isolated instances, sure, they exist in all elections, but a vast conspiracy to steal the election? No way. It's not even logistically possible, if you would take the time to scrutinize exactly what you are alleging.

See. what I think you Trump fans don't realize is that Trump, what he did was, first he planted the idea into the minds of his base by declaring, months before the first ballot was cast 'the only way Democrats can win is if they rig the election', and when the election came, given that all elections have irregularities, he exploited those irregularities, the kind of which occur in every election, the kind of which are not made a big stink about in past elections, but, alas, Trump could 'trump them up' so to speak, make them seem like the 'fraud' he was talking about when he first told the big lie.

And then the scheme (the conspiracy listed in the GA indictment) unfolded to bolster the lie.

Don't you see what Trump has done? You've been a victim of his treachery, all along, and you don't even know it.

Everything about Trump, his defrauding thousands out of millions for a fake university, his fake charity he was fined $2 million for 'illegal activities', I mean, his paying hush money to a porn star, I could go on and on about his crimes, frauds, all the folks in his entourage indicted, convicted, the man is rife with criminality, it oozes from every pore of his being, he poisons everyone he comes into contact with, and they wind up being indicted, convicted and now 6 more of his lawyer's are being indicted, all of the folks who tried to help in in GA, are being indicted, and trying to steal an election, while accusing dems of doing it, is consistent with who Trump is.

And who is Trump?

It's really simple.

He's the biggest criminal, con man America has ever experienced, and you've been Trumped.

Vote for someone else, Chris Christy, or someone like that, you know, someone who IS NOT A CRIMINAL. I mean, after the crimes of NIxon, Agnew, Reagan, you'd think you guys would have learned your lesson by now, but, I guess not . Oh, I know you think his popularity is rising, yes, with his hard core base. But, when the trials begin, your boy is going to be sitting in court, day after day, revelations, details of his crimes will come to light, the scheme will be front and center, that Biden actually won and that Trump is, indeed, who the prosecution claims him to be, the biggest con man criminal this country has ever seen in the White House and we shall see if his numbers hold during the general elections.

Sorry, but that is the stupidest thing I have ever read.
Trump can believe absolutely anything he wants, and if he believes there was election fraud, that can not possibly be a "criminal conspiracy to over throw Biden's legitimate election".
Trump being mistaken is not a crime.
He did absolutely nothing harmful to anyone.
And he certainly has a legal right to any opinion, even a wrong one.

But we do not know for sure that Trump is even wrong.
The courts did NOT find there was no evidence of fraud, at all.
All the courts found, is that there no longer was any time to look for fraud.
Same situation Gore found himself in after the 2000 election.
And it really did seem totally wrong for Gore to just give up.
Giving up on the 2000 election really screwed up not just the country, but the whole world.
Dont get me wrong, I cant stand trump. He loved abusing hsi power, eroding our rights, he lied, he is immature and appeased people for votes. Like when he gave all that money to black communities. But he isnt half a trashy as biden. Its not even close.
Wonder how many grandkids trump acts like doesnt exist?

I am very far left, progressive, liberal, and I dislike Biden a lot more than I dislike Trump.
Biden is deliberately trying to start WWIII.
No, i have not been Trumped, because my brain works perfectly and there was zero chance such a charlatan and semi-literate con artist would, or could, fool me about anything. He is a demigod to his base because they are not politically astute and are easy to dupe.

Not this kid.

But the truth is Biden is much worse, starting wars, wasting tax dollars, etc.
And the ONLY example of insurrection are the bogus 93 indictments and 2 impeachments.
Clearly THEY are the attempt to over throw elections.
False equivalency.
Neither Clinton nor Gore went to the illegal lengths Trump did attempting to STEAL an election.

That is just a lie.
Trump essentially did nothing at all to over turn the election.
Asking Pence to delay certification by a day would not have prevented certification eventually.
Stacey Abrams did not create illegal fake electors in seven states.

Stacey Abrams did not threaten election officials with prosecution if they did not go along with the Big Lie.

Stacey Abrams did not incite an insurrection in which people died.


No one has or can create "fake electors'.
There always are two sets, and the one not used is called the alternate set of electors.
How do you propose that anyone could use alternate elector in any illegal way?
If you sent them to DC, congress would know they were not the primary electors.
There is no secret about what the election results were.

Threatening officials is not a crime, and the FBI does it all the time.
Only the guilty crack and fall apart.

There was no "insurrection", and the only people killed were by the illegal actions by police.

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