Zero Hedge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zero Hedge was founded in January 2009.[1] Posts are signed "Tyler Durden," a character in the Chuck Palahniuk book and movie Fight Club,[2] reflecting the news site's activist posture.[1] Despite speculation that "Tyler Durden" is a pseudonym of Daniel Ivandjiiski,[who was penalized for insider trading in New York in September 2008,[4] Ivandjiiski denies being a founder of Zero Hedge. Rather, he says he is one of several writers contributing to the site under the pseudonym
that they are not funny becuase the guy sees things through the mind of a criminal.

Funny you dont see that some SCUM who was convicted of cheating people with his walstreet position trashing a woman who champions laws to keep walstreet scum from cheating people for what it is
and you wonder why people dont like the right?

that is it right there in a nutshell.

Some cheating scum insulting someone who tries to stop cheating scum and you like a complete fool praise him
Nothing will be done March 1 in regards to budget,spending cut,what have you.
The only thing that will happen is more tax increases and spending cuts will be kicked down the
road again.

Get used to it folks.Less money in our paychecks,the price of everything will continue to go up.
UE will pretty much stay where it is and the President will still enjoy his god like status by his followers.
Nothing will be done March 1 in regards to budget,spending cut,what have you.
The only thing that will happen is more tax increases and spending cuts will be kicked down the
road again.

Get used to it folks.Less money in our paychecks,the price of everything will continue to go up.
UE will pretty much stay where it is and the President will still enjoy his god like status by his followers.
Got to call you on UE. Obamacare is causing a slight rise in UE now but it is a compound interest function so it's going to grow.
Nothing will be done March 1 in regards to budget,spending cut,what have you.
The only thing that will happen is more tax increases and spending cuts will be kicked down the
road again.

Get used to it folks.Less money in our paychecks,the price of everything will continue to go up.
UE will pretty much stay where it is and the President will still enjoy his god like status by his followers.
yep it took over a decade for libturds to hold FDR responsible for the Great Depression and even then we have to be thankful he died because they may have made him King! Barry or someone just as economically stupid may hold that office for a long time!!

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