have you ever been rejected because of race

Yes. I'm ambiguous as to race. They can't reject you due to race...especially if they can't tell which one you are. So the head of HR who was a man, said I would have a better chance at a job if I lost 10 pounds. Yeah, 5' 6" @ 114 is pudgy. Not.

Meanwhile his gut paunches over his belt. I suppose the 40 years of age he had on me made it ok. Not.

I guess to be head of HR ya gotta lie like a rug.

Later I hated having to tell bosses my family was moving and the bosses would cry. That one rejection due to race was the one and only aberration as to my careers.

Regards from Rosie
i was never openly rejected for my race, but i suspected a few times it might be because of it, i was quiete sure actually.

Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh....I think in your case there are a number of other reasons that seem pretty likely long before you get to race...

have you ever been rejected and you suspected or knew it was because of your race. and how did you felt?

1. One time, I just felt weird. A man who was showing an apt for rent looked at me weird and told me I should not wear black. That people seeing a Vietnamese girl in black would think of Vietcong. And some veterans are still traumatized from the war, and could react.

I had never thought of that.
Since I was born in America, only speak English and only relate indirectly to the Vietnamese culture from what I learn, then this is one of those times I learned new things.

2. Another time, I understood and did not feel bad or take it personally at all.

I was applying for a job as a secretary, for a company where the boss wanted help with his English. Even though I have excellent English skills in writing, editing and proofreading; and good experience tutoring and editing professionally for other friends, especially Asian who are too embarrassed to ask people they don't know for help, this man was too shy.
He did NOT want an Asian helper, but wanted an American, even though I am American.
I understood, he did not feel comfortable with me. The placement agency apologized on his behalf but I said it was not a problem, that I understand this is sensitive and to work on something that closely you need someone you feel comfortable working with.

I have taught through a one-on-one tutoring service, where many students would ask for me to teach math or science because they were afraid or intimidated by male teachers.
So I understood this was one of those things and didn't make any issue at all about it.

3. There were two funny incidents that happened that weren't rejection but about race.

3a. A substitute teacher in my 8th grade math class waited until everyone was working quietly to signal me to come up to her desk. She spoke very slowly to me in English: When - did - you - come - to - the - U- nit - ed - States?
I decided to mess with her head.
So I talked back in my WORST Texas Twang;
Whale, I wuz BO-URN in GAILvestun in 19 sixty SAX, an' then I MOOOVed
over hare in 3rd GRAAAADE.
She about fell over in her chair.

3b. At Houston City Council, I went up to speak about the need to save the national historic neighborhood of Freedmen's Town, using reparations for the Civil Rights violations to pay to restore the damage done to historic property at taxpayers' expense blah blah blah. And one of the Councilmembers asked if I could give more of my background and how I got involved in this. I said I live and volunteer there, and stuff about Constitutional education and Civil Rights blah blah blah. Later driving home, I was thinking should I have explained more of the historic connection between Galveston where I was born and the Freed Slave history from that area and similar houses? Then it hit me, I realized she was politely trying to find out what was I doing talking about this stuff when I'm not black! What is an Asian person doing talking about reparations for abusing taxpayers money in an African American Freed Slave church district.

I realized it was better that I had no clue what she was asking.
If I had, I might have said something rude back like "I'm working to pay for the damages while you Black politicians get paid to do nothing to help your own people, that's what." So maybe it was good I didn't!
Get a fucking therapist ya big cry baby.

dont blame you being rejected on you being a roma.

how about you being rejected because you are
have no idea how to handle a woman
uncomfortable in you own skin
cant deal with not being white
hates being a roma
a male chauvinist pig.
no longer a virgin

i will guess you are also unemployed and still live with your parents to boot.


Do I sense a little hostility here?

When I was a kid, I grew up in Hawaii until about 5th grade. There were a handful of caucasians in the school I attended, the vast majority being Asian.

I was always seated in the back row, and frankly preferred this. The teachers would always get pissed off at me because I refused to play a ukalele, but I really never sensed any hostility for being a minority until I returned as an adult and realised there were some beaches that you simply would not visit as a "howley" and others you could only visit if you paid a "kamaina fee."

if you read the pussys threads.... they all have a common thread....he cant get laid.

OMG did the OP mean rejected as in dating? So stupid, sorry!

I always knew I am from another planet, and this reminds me!

In general, I think people will get rejected if they are not the right people for each other.

And if people are right for each other, then no condition of race or age or gender or whatever is going to change the fact they have a spiritual relationship to each other.

I don't think people hook up randomly.
When I look how I came out because of my two parents, they are the only two in the world, under those particular circumstances, my language class and culture and birthplace and where I went to school, that would make me come out as I did and have the
experiences and relationships I have. So if that is not a random accident neither are all the people in it, and neither are their parents and their parents' parents' etc.
have you ever been rejected and you suspected or knew it was because of your race. and how did you felt?

1. One time, I just felt weird. A man who was showing an apt for rent looked at me weird and told me I should not wear black. That people seeing a Vietnamese girl in black would think of Vietcong. And some veterans are still traumatized from the war, and could react.

I had never thought of that.
Since I was born in America, only speak English and only relate indirectly to the Vietnamese culture from what I learn, then this is one of those times I learned new things.

2. Another time, I understood and did not feel bad or take it personally at all.

I was applying for a job as a secretary, for a company where the boss wanted help with his English. Even though I have excellent English skills in writing, editing and proofreading; and good experience tutoring and editing professionally for other friends, especially Asian who are too embarrassed to ask people they don't know for help, this man was too shy.
He did NOT want an Asian helper, but wanted an American, even though I am American.
I understood, he did not feel comfortable with me. The placement agency apologized on his behalf but I said it was not a problem, that I understand this is sensitive and to work on something that closely you need someone you feel comfortable working with.

I have taught through a one-on-one tutoring service, where many students would ask for me to teach math or science because they were afraid or intimidated by male teachers.
So I understood this was one of those things and didn't make any issue at all about it.

3. There were two funny incidents that happened that weren't rejection but about race.

3a. A substitute teacher in my 8th grade math class waited until everyone was working quietly to signal me to come up to her desk. She spoke very slowly to me in English: When - did - you - come - to - the - U- nit - ed - States?
I decided to mess with her head.
So I talked back in my WORST Texas Twang;
Whale, I wuz BO-URN in GAILvestun in 19 sixty SAX, an' then I MOOOVed
over hare in 3rd GRAAAADE.
She about fell over in her chair.

3b. At Houston City Council, I went up to speak about the need to save the national historic neighborhood of Freedmen's Town, using reparations for the Civil Rights violations to pay to restore the damage done to historic property at taxpayers' expense blah blah blah. And one of the Councilmembers asked if I could give more of my background and how I got involved in this. I said I live and volunteer there, and stuff about Constitutional education and Civil Rights blah blah blah. Later driving home, I was thinking should I have explained more of the historic connection between Galveston where I was born and the Freed Slave history from that area and similar houses? Then it hit me, I realized she was politely trying to find out what was I doing talking about this stuff when I'm not black! What is an Asian person doing talking about reparations for abusing taxpayers money in an African American Freed Slave church district.

I realized it was better that I had no clue what she was asking.
If I had, I might have said something rude back like "I'm working to pay for the damages while you Black politicians get paid to do nothing to help your own people, that's what." So maybe it was good I didn't!

thanks for your detailed Response. very glad for your reply.
have you ever been rejected and you suspected or knew it was because of your race. and how did you felt?

Get a fucking therapist ya big cry baby.

dont blame you being rejected on you being a roma.

how about you being rejected because you are
have no idea how to handle a woman
uncomfortable in you own skin
cant deal with not being white
hates being a roma
a male chauvinist pig.
no longer a virgin

i will guess you are also unemployed and still live with your parents to boot.

if you continue with your unreasonable hostility i will put you on ignore list.
i was never openly rejected for my race, but i suspected a few times it might be because of it, i was quiete sure actually.

Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh....I think in your case there are a number of other reasons that seem pretty likely long before you get to race...


how would you know? you dont know the situations i were in. I know it better then you.
I was bullied often because of race mainly by students, but also slightly by teachers. I was rejected entry into Clubs because of race.
have you ever been rejected and you suspected or knew it was because of your race. and how did you felt?

Get a fucking therapist ya big cry baby.

dont blame you being rejected on you being a roma.

how about you being rejected because you are
have no idea how to handle a woman
uncomfortable in you own skin
cant deal with not being white
hates being a roma
a male chauvinist pig.
no longer a virgin

i will guess you are also unemployed and still live with your parents to boot.

if you continue with your unreasonable hostility i will put you on ignore list.

IM you raised valid issues in the op, try to focus on the positive responses.
have you ever been rejected and you suspected or knew it was because of your race. and how did you felt?

A long time ago, when I worked for the government, I took a test to become a computer programmer. I qualified for a trainee position but I couldn't find one, everyone said they promoted from within. Well, our computer programmer went to the commander and explained how he need help and proposed a trainee position. The commander was all for it and mention who he would use to fill the position (a well liked black man who already was a GS 9, up from his original slot in the mail room). Our computer programmer pointed out that wouldn't work as they had to hire me, I was the only one in the AFPRO that actually took the test. So, instead of getting a trainee, they created another computer program position in another area of the AFPRO and gave our computer programmer someone to fight with instead of someone to help him.

Of course it's my own fault. I was told to my face they could never replace me in my job so that they couldn't promote me. I was just too good at the job I did.

So, when I took off to have my son, I never went back.
have you ever been rejected and you suspected or knew it was because of your race. and how did you felt?

1. One time, I just felt weird. A man who was showing an apt for rent looked at me weird and told me I should not wear black. That people seeing a Vietnamese girl in black would think of Vietcong. And some veterans are still traumatized from the war, and could react.

I had never thought of that.
Since I was born in America, only speak English and only relate indirectly to the Vietnamese culture from what I learn, then this is one of those times I learned new things.

2. Another time, I understood and did not feel bad or take it personally at all.

I was applying for a job as a secretary, for a company where the boss wanted help with his English. Even though I have excellent English skills in writing, editing and proofreading; and good experience tutoring and editing professionally for other friends, especially Asian who are too embarrassed to ask people they don't know for help, this man was too shy.
He did NOT want an Asian helper, but wanted an American, even though I am American.
I understood, he did not feel comfortable with me. The placement agency apologized on his behalf but I said it was not a problem, that I understand this is sensitive and to work on something that closely you need someone you feel comfortable working with.

I have taught through a one-on-one tutoring service, where many students would ask for me to teach math or science because they were afraid or intimidated by male teachers.
So I understood this was one of those things and didn't make any issue at all about it.

3. There were two funny incidents that happened that weren't rejection but about race.

3a. A substitute teacher in my 8th grade math class waited until everyone was working quietly to signal me to come up to her desk. She spoke very slowly to me in English: When - did - you - come - to - the - U- nit - ed - States?
I decided to mess with her head.
So I talked back in my WORST Texas Twang;
Whale, I wuz BO-URN in GAILvestun in 19 sixty SAX, an' then I MOOOVed
over hare in 3rd GRAAAADE.
She about fell over in her chair.

3b. At Houston City Council, I went up to speak about the need to save the national historic neighborhood of Freedmen's Town, using reparations for the Civil Rights violations to pay to restore the damage done to historic property at taxpayers' expense blah blah blah. And one of the Councilmembers asked if I could give more of my background and how I got involved in this. I said I live and volunteer there, and stuff about Constitutional education and Civil Rights blah blah blah. Later driving home, I was thinking should I have explained more of the historic connection between Galveston where I was born and the Freed Slave history from that area and similar houses? Then it hit me, I realized she was politely trying to find out what was I doing talking about this stuff when I'm not black! What is an Asian person doing talking about reparations for abusing taxpayers money in an African American Freed Slave church district.

I realized it was better that I had no clue what she was asking.
If I had, I might have said something rude back like "I'm working to pay for the damages while you Black politicians get paid to do nothing to help your own people, that's what." So maybe it was good I didn't!
if you have ever had issues with someone, it wasn't about race, it was about you talking to god damn much. Damn.
have you ever been rejected and you suspected or knew it was because of your race. and how did you felt?

A long time ago, when I worked for the government, I took a test to become a computer programmer. I qualified for a trainee position but I couldn't find one, everyone said they promoted from within. Well, our computer programmer went to the commander and explained how he need help and proposed a trainee position. The commander was all for it and mention who he would use to fill the position (a well liked black man who already was a GS 9, up from his original slot in the mail room). Our computer programmer pointed out that wouldn't work as they had to hire me, I was the only one in the AFPRO that actually took the test. So, instead of getting a trainee, they created another computer program position in another area of the AFPRO and gave our computer programmer someone to fight with instead of someone to help him.

Of course it's my own fault. I was told to my face they could never replace me in my job so that they couldn't promote me. I was just too good at the job I did.

So, when I took off to have my son, I never went back.

i see. are you White?
have you ever been rejected and you suspected or knew it was because of your race. and how did you felt?

1. One time, I just felt weird. A man who was showing an apt for rent looked at me weird and told me I should not wear black. That people seeing a Vietnamese girl in black would think of Vietcong. And some veterans are still traumatized from the war, and could react.

I had never thought of that.
Since I was born in America, only speak English and only relate indirectly to the Vietnamese culture from what I learn, then this is one of those times I learned new things.

2. Another time, I understood and did not feel bad or take it personally at all.

I was applying for a job as a secretary, for a company where the boss wanted help with his English. Even though I have excellent English skills in writing, editing and proofreading; and good experience tutoring and editing professionally for other friends, especially Asian who are too embarrassed to ask people they don't know for help, this man was too shy.
He did NOT want an Asian helper, but wanted an American, even though I am American.
I understood, he did not feel comfortable with me. The placement agency apologized on his behalf but I said it was not a problem, that I understand this is sensitive and to work on something that closely you need someone you feel comfortable working with.

I have taught through a one-on-one tutoring service, where many students would ask for me to teach math or science because they were afraid or intimidated by male teachers.
So I understood this was one of those things and didn't make any issue at all about it.

3. There were two funny incidents that happened that weren't rejection but about race.

3a. A substitute teacher in my 8th grade math class waited until everyone was working quietly to signal me to come up to her desk. She spoke very slowly to me in English: When - did - you - come - to - the - U- nit - ed - States?
I decided to mess with her head.
So I talked back in my WORST Texas Twang;
Whale, I wuz BO-URN in GAILvestun in 19 sixty SAX, an' then I MOOOVed
over hare in 3rd GRAAAADE.
She about fell over in her chair.

3b. At Houston City Council, I went up to speak about the need to save the national historic neighborhood of Freedmen's Town, using reparations for the Civil Rights violations to pay to restore the damage done to historic property at taxpayers' expense blah blah blah. And one of the Councilmembers asked if I could give more of my background and how I got involved in this. I said I live and volunteer there, and stuff about Constitutional education and Civil Rights blah blah blah. Later driving home, I was thinking should I have explained more of the historic connection between Galveston where I was born and the Freed Slave history from that area and similar houses? Then it hit me, I realized she was politely trying to find out what was I doing talking about this stuff when I'm not black! What is an Asian person doing talking about reparations for abusing taxpayers money in an African American Freed Slave church district.

I realized it was better that I had no clue what she was asking.
If I had, I might have said something rude back like "I'm working to pay for the damages while you Black politicians get paid to do nothing to help your own people, that's what." So maybe it was good I didn't!
if you have ever had issues with someone, it wasn't about race, it was about you talking to god damn much. Damn.

what she wrote sounds very much about race (she being a asian/Vietnamese). dont be rude
have you ever been rejected and you suspected or knew it was because of your race. and how did you felt?

Get a fucking therapist ya big cry baby.

dont blame you being rejected on you being a roma.

how about you being rejected because you are
have no idea how to handle a woman
uncomfortable in you own skin
cant deal with not being white
hates being a roma
a male chauvinist pig.
no longer a virgin

i will guess you are also unemployed and still live with your parents to boot.

if you continue with your unreasonable hostility i will put you on ignore list.

feel free to ignore me.... but it does not change why you post the threads you do.

you are still not white
you are still not a virgin
you are still a chauvinist pig.
you are still so damn insecure about your self you have to make threads like these
you still need to grow the fuck up
and you REALLY need to seek professional help

the reason your roma girls dont want you is not because you are roma.... its because you are a weak pathetic excuse for a man.....
Get a fucking therapist ya big cry baby.

dont blame you being rejected on you being a roma.

how about you being rejected because you are
have no idea how to handle a woman
uncomfortable in you own skin
cant deal with not being white
hates being a roma
a male chauvinist pig.
no longer a virgin

i will guess you are also unemployed and still live with your parents to boot.

if you continue with your unreasonable hostility i will put you on ignore list.

feel free to ignore me.... but it does not change why you post the threads you do.

you are still not white
you are still not a virgin
you are still a chauvinist pig.
you are still so damn insecure about your self you have to make threads like these
you still need to grow the fuck up
and you REALLY need to seek professional help

the reason your roma girls dont want you is not because you are roma.... its because you are a weak pathetic excuse for a man.....

i think my thread is interesting and good, i think you are racist, because you mock me that im not White. "you are not White", "you are not White" all the time. i know im not White, do you go after black men and tell them "they are not White". this sounds very racist to me, also that you think i would date only roma Girls or ask only roma Girls out, Shows me you have a preconceived view about me based on my race.

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