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Have you ever used the tax codes towards your benefit?

Have you used the tax code so you can benefit by paying less or no taxes.

  • Never, I sit in my parents basement collecting welfare, i am poor, i dont pay taxes anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Since i am a liberal, i believe other people should pay taxes, like Warren Buffets Secretary.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I work for a living so use my standard deductions to try not to be over taxed by the stupid liberals

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I do whatever i can not to pay taxes, like Donald Trump, who uses the tax codes the liberals made.

    Votes: 12 80.0%

  • Total voters
I'm not talking about guns.

You don't hold innocent people responsible for the crimes of others

I know that's a concept you can't understand but until you do maybe you shouldn't comparing be other people to Hitler when you obviously share a similar philosophy

I'm sorry, I lost track of what you were talking about.

So did we kill all those Japanese Americans? Um, no. Did we deport them? No. Did we remove them for a short time from a potential battle zone until we were sure it wasn't going to be a battle zone? Um. Yes.

Did we (eventually) compensate them for their trouble? Yes.

No comparison to Hitler at all, really.

On the other hand, Trump wants to round up millions of people, not for any valid military reason.
I'm not talking about guns.

You don't hold innocent people responsible for the crimes of others

I know that's a concept you can't understand but until you do maybe you shouldn't comparing be other people to Hitler when you obviously share a similar philosophy

I'm sorry, I lost track of what you were talking about.

So did we kill all those Japanese Americans? Um, no. Did we deport them? No. Did we remove them for a short time from a potential battle zone until we were sure it wasn't going to be a battle zone? Um. Yes.

Did we (eventually) compensate them for their trouble? Yes.

No comparison to Hitler at all, really.

On the other hand, Trump wants to round up millions of people, not for any valid military reason.

That's what you don't get

There is NEVER a valid reason to round up and imprison innocent people.

But it does seem you and Adolf share the same idea that it's perfectly reasonable to just that
So that makes it OK

No, but it puts it in the proper context as to where the country was at at the time. The thing is, the way you wingnuts try to portray it is that FDR was just being mean one morning and decided he was going to be an asshole.

Quite the reverse, there were a bunch of laws before the war discriminating against Japanese Americans, who were treated, you know, pretty much the way blacks were treated in the South. (I know you wingnuts don't like to talk about our racist history.)

Instead, he signed an order allowing military commanders in certain districts to remove people potentially allied to the Axis (you know, the genocidal collection of nations which had just attacked us and were trying to take over the world) if they thought it necessary, which the Command on the West Cost thought it was.

Ironically, the commander in Hawaii felt no need to lock up Japanese Americans there. So it really was a local thing, not some scheme by FDR to be a shithead.

So let's not pretend you care about what happened to Japanese-Americans 70 years ago, because we both know you don't.

This is about you slinging shit on FDR because he used mean old government to save the country and made government more popular.

Funny you side with the Supreme court when they say throwing innocent people in prison camps with no trial is OK but when the SC says owning guns is an individual right you don't

It's not a matter of siding with the Supreme Court. It's a matter of recognizing what legal interpretation is. The point is, Koramatsu was never overturned or revisited, and in theory, something like that could happen again. (Which is why it's imperative to keep a Nazi like Trump out of office).

On the other hand, Heller has thrown out nearly 200 years of common sense gun legislation because Scalia had a bizarre interpretation of the Militia Amendment.
That's what you don't get

There is NEVER a valid reason to round up and imprison innocent people.

But it does seem you and Adolf share the same idea that it's perfectly reasonable to just that

sure there is. When an enemy army MIGHT show up, it's even probably a good idea to do so.

You seem to ignore the elephant in the room, you know, the Second World War. It was in all the papers.
That's what you don't get

There is NEVER a valid reason to round up and imprison innocent people.

But it does seem you and Adolf share the same idea that it's perfectly reasonable to just that

sure there is. When an enemy army MIGHT show up, it's even probably a good idea to do so.

You seem to ignore the elephant in the room, you know, the Second World War. It was in all the papers.

Yeah and you actually believe that ALL the people who just happened to have relatives in other countries were guilty of something.

Funny how we didn't lock up every Korean American or every Vietnamese American or every Muslim American but I bet you'd be just fine with that wouldn't you?

You either think you are some sort of superior man and that everyone else is a criminal in waiting which is why you like the idea of punishing innocent people for the crimes of others or you believe you're a real piece of shit who barely controls his own base desires and you project that onto everyone else just to make yourself feel better
Yeah and you actually believe that ALL the people who just happened to have relatives in other countries were guilty of something.

No, I don't belive that at all. When you have the ability to read what I ACTUALLY said, we can discuss that.

Funny how we didn't lock up every Korean American or every Vietnamese American or every Muslim American but I bet you'd be just fine with that wouldn't you?

Was the Korean Navy about to show up off the coast of California? Oh, wait. They weren't.

You either think you are some sort of superior man and that everyone else is a criminal in waiting which is why you like the idea of punishing innocent people for the crimes of others or you believe you're a real piece of shit who barely controls his own base desires and you project that onto everyone else just to make yourself feel better

Uh, no, guy. I just understand why people living in a certain situation might make a poor decision. Again, you and I didn't live in that time, it's easy for us to judge.

The fact is, 40% of Americans are likely to vote for Donald Trump despite everything. We aren't about to be invaded, we didn't just get bombed, but he's insisting on rounding up MILLIONS of people in peacetime, and a lot of you are fine with going along with it.

So I can't sit here in judgement that 70 years ago, in the face of an imminent invasion by the most evil, genocidal alliance in history, that people panicked and turned on those they felt were too cozy with that alliance.
Yeah and you actually believe that ALL the people who just happened to have relatives in other countries were guilty of something.

No, I don't belive that at all. When you have the ability to read what I ACTUALLY said, we can discuss that.

Funny how we didn't lock up every Korean American or every Vietnamese American or every Muslim American but I bet you'd be just fine with that wouldn't you?

Was the Korean Navy about to show up off the coast of California? Oh, wait. They weren't.

You either think you are some sort of superior man and that everyone else is a criminal in waiting which is why you like the idea of punishing innocent people for the crimes of others or you believe you're a real piece of shit who barely controls his own base desires and you project that onto everyone else just to make yourself feel better

Uh, no, guy. I just understand why people living in a certain situation might make a poor decision. Again, you and I didn't live in that time, it's easy for us to judge.

The fact is, 40% of Americans are likely to vote for Donald Trump despite everything. We aren't about to be invaded, we didn't just get bombed, but he's insisting on rounding up MILLIONS of people in peacetime, and a lot of you are fine with going along with it.

So I can't sit here in judgement that 70 years ago, in the face of an imminent invasion by the most evil, genocidal alliance in history, that people panicked and turned on those they felt were too cozy with that alliance.

The Japanese navy never got anywhere near CA.

And you sit in judgement all the time you fucking hypocrite.

We were never in danger of imminent invasion. We didn't even have to fire one shell from our shores to fend off anyone during WWII.

So go ahead and try to spin the fact that you didn't agree with the American prison camps even today you think innocent people should be blamed for the crimes other people commit. It's one of your consistent themes here.
The Japanese navy never got anywhere near CA.

Did people know that was going to be the case?

Hey, dude, in February 1942, THE AXIS was winning!!!

We were never in danger of imminent invasion. We didn't even have to fire one shell from our shores to fend off anyone during WWII.

Well, that's not true.

Battle of Los Angeles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bombardment of Ellwood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bombardment of Fort Stevens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, these things happened right around the time FDR signed order 9066. Imagine that.

So go ahead and try to spin the fact that you didn't agree with the American prison camps even today you think innocent people should be blamed for the crimes other people commit. It's one of your consistent themes here.

Yawn, guy. When you get to arguing the points I actually make, let me know.

But I think this guy has had quite enough.

The Japanese navy never got anywhere near CA.

Did people know that was going to be the case?

Hey, dude, in February 1942, THE AXIS was winning!!!

We were never in danger of imminent invasion. We didn't even have to fire one shell from our shores to fend off anyone during WWII.

Well, that's not true.

Battle of Los Angeles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bombardment of Ellwood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bombardment of Fort Stevens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, these things happened right around the time FDR signed order 9066. Imagine that.

So go ahead and try to spin the fact that you didn't agree with the American prison camps even today you think innocent people should be blamed for the crimes other people commit. It's one of your consistent themes here.

Yawn, guy. When you get to arguing the points I actually make, let me know.

But I think this guy has had quite enough.

Battle of LA

The RUMORED enemy attack

"Bombardment" of Elwwod negligent damage

"bombardment" of Fort Stevens

Potshots from a 14mm deck gun

Maybe you should actually read the sources you link to

Those places see more action that that on a Saturday night
Battle of LA

The RUMORED enemy attack

"Bombardment" of Elwwod negligent damage

"bombardment" of Fort Stevens

Potshots from a 14mm deck gun

Maybe you should actually read the sources you link to

Those places see more action that that on a Saturday night

Yes, and today we all have to take our shoes off in the airport because ONE GUY put some C-4 in his sneakers and lit them on fire in 2001.

You made a statement that the shores were never attacked. Clearly, they were.
You don't have to keep trying to justify the actions of our government against our own citizens.

I don't have to. the Supreme Court ruled it was constitutional.

It said internment camps were legal, however it also ruled that “In reaching that conclusion we do not come to the underlying constitutional issues which have been argued,” wrote Justice William O. Douglas in the opinion. “For we conclude that, whatever power the War Relocation Authority may have to detain other classes of citizens, it has no authority to subject citizens who are concededly loyal to its leave procedure.” So by saying you are loyal and you are a citizen, then you could not be detained, this was ruled after the internment camps closed.

In 1988 the US government acknowledged that internment was done by racial bias and profiling.

The camps weren't just a year, it was 42-45. It has been documented that the detainees were crowded together in homes behind barbed wire fences, fed poorly and given inadequate medical care. FDR even likened them to concentration camps.
You don't have to keep trying to justify the actions of our government against our own citizens.

I don't have to. the Supreme Court ruled it was constitutional.

It said internment camps were legal, however it also ruled that “In reaching that conclusion we do not come to the underlying constitutional issues which have been argued,” wrote Justice William O. Douglas in the opinion. “For we conclude that, whatever power the War Relocation Authority may have to detain other classes of citizens, it has no authority to subject citizens who are concededly loyal to its leave procedure.” So by saying you are loyal and you are a citizen, then you could not be detained, this was ruled after the internment camps closed.

In 1988 the US government acknowledged that internment was done by racial bias and profiling.

The camps weren't just a year, it was 42-45. It has been documented that the detainees were crowded together in homes behind barbed wire fences, fed poorly and given inadequate medical care. FDR even likened them to concentration camps.

So what? I promise you, the food was better at Manzinar than it was at Bataan

Bataan Death March - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Battle of LA

The RUMORED enemy attack

"Bombardment" of Elwwod negligent damage

"bombardment" of Fort Stevens

Potshots from a 14mm deck gun

Maybe you should actually read the sources you link to

Those places see more action that that on a Saturday night

Yes, and today we all have to take our shoes off in the airport because ONE GUY put some C-4 in his sneakers and lit them on fire in 2001.

You made a statement that the shores were never attacked. Clearly, they were.

Yeah you said it was the entire Japanese navy clearly it wasn't

And those incidents are not justification for rounding up and imprisoning tens of thousands of innocent people
Yeah you said it was the entire Japanese navy clearly it wasn't

And those incidents are not justification for rounding up and imprisoning tens of thousands of innocent people

You mean other than it being completely legal and a reflection of where the country was at the time?

Hey, guy, the average citizen wanted to do a lot worse to the Japanese. After Hiroshima, 22% thought we should have nuked all Japan's cities before they got a chance to surrender. That's where the average American was at about Japan in the 1940's.

Was it wrong? Yes. But the thing is, you want to put the whole thing off on FDR for giving the people what they wanted.

Because at the end of the day, your problem with FDR isn't that he was mean to Japanese Americans. Your problem with FDR is that he made big federal government palatable to people who aren't batshit crazy libertarian children.
Yeah you said it was the entire Japanese navy clearly it wasn't

And those incidents are not justification for rounding up and imprisoning tens of thousands of innocent people

You mean other than it being completely legal and a reflection of where the country was at the time?

Hey, guy, the average citizen wanted to do a lot worse to the Japanese. After Hiroshima, 22% thought we should have nuked all Japan's cities before they got a chance to surrender. That's where the average American was at about Japan in the 1940's.

Was it wrong? Yes. But the thing is, you want to put the whole thing off on FDR for giving the people what they wanted.

Because at the end of the day, your problem with FDR isn't that he was mean to Japanese Americans. Your problem with FDR is that he made big federal government palatable to people who aren't batshit crazy libertarian children.

You mean like slavery?

If that's the case then why do you constantly whine about the founders owning slaves?

See it was your hero FDR who did it so you will bend over backwards to justify it.
You mean like slavery?

If that's the case then why do you constantly whine about the founders owning slaves?

See it was your hero FDR who did it so you will bend over backwards to justify it.

You see, you can't say "All Men are Created Equal" with a straight face and still own slaves.

You can totally justify removing a hostile population from a potential war zone.

again- Pearl Harbor... it was in all the papers.
You mean like slavery?

If that's the case then why do you constantly whine about the founders owning slaves?

See it was your hero FDR who did it so you will bend over backwards to justify it.

You see, you can't say "All Men are Created Equal" with a straight face and still own slaves.

You can totally justify removing a hostile population from a potential war zone.

again- Pearl Harbor... it was in all the papers.

But at the time Negroes weren't considered men

And the American citizens that were imprisoned without trial or evidence were not ALL hostile but then again maybe all those old ladies and infants were a real threat to FDR

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