Have you grasped the hidden message behind McCains choices to speak at his funeral?

McCain never earned any respect from the left. They only showed "respect" when it suited their agenda, nothing more. When it didn't, they considered him senile, a war criminal or worse.

I always respected him.

It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.

Well said. He is a vanishing breed. I was listening to some of the speeches at his funeral. Mitch McConnel ... don't like him...but, after listening to him, he was choking back tears...I have a new found respect.

I think we are in for worse times. The Democrats seem to be having their Tea Party moment, with a shift sharply left. Will bipartisan become a 4 letter word?

The good breed done vanished, he's the sorry cur-breed after that. Thank God I was raised by the real people. McCain never stormed Normandy and had his buddy's legs blown off right in front of his face, ok?

We gotta get back to the real America or else she's lost, and all our ancestors died in vain.

I don't like idea of that happening.
Don't doubt the reasons why he was in such a position to be such a slave to defense contractors. They could have declassified the official investigations into the USS Forrestal for decades. They were finally released in 2006.

Since the war monger liberals (which includes the clintons the bushes and mccain etc) won't read that, let me copy and paste what it says.
Navy Releases McCain's Records

Navy Releases McCain’s Records

USS Forrestal, July 29, 1967 - The worst accident aboard a US Navy surface vessel since WWII


The Navy released John McCain’s military record after a Freedom of Information Act request from the Associated Press. The record is packed with information on McCain’s medals and commendations but little else. The one thing that the McCain campaign does not want to see released is the record of McCain’s antics on board the USS Forestal in 1967. McCain was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy. That catastrophe, with 27 dead and over 100 wounded trumps McCain’s record as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam.

WMR has learned additional details regarding the deadly fire aboard the Navy aircraft carrier, the USS Forrestal, on July 19, 1967 in the Gulf of Tonkin. The additional details point to then-Lt. Commander John McCain playing more of a role in triggering the fire and explosions than previously reported.

On January 16, 2006, WMR reported that according to a US Navy sailor who was aboard the Forrestal on the fateful day of the fire, “McCain and the Forrestal’s skipper, Capt. John K. Beling, were warned about the danger of using M-65 1000-lb. bombs manufactured in 1935, which were deemed too dangerous to use during World War II and, later, on B-52 bombers. The fire from the Zuni missle misfire resulted in the heavy 1000 pound bombs being knocked loose from the pylons of McCain’s A-4 aircraft, which were only designed to hold 500-pound bombs.”

WMR further reported, “The unstable bombs had a 60-second cook-off threshold in a fire situation and this warning was known to both Beling and McCain prior to the disaster.” WMR also cited the potential that McCain’s Navy records were used against him by the neo-cons in control of the Pentagon, “The neo-cons, who have had five years to examine every file within the Department of Defense, have likely accessed documents that could prove embarrassing to McCain, who was on board the USS Forrestal on July 29, 1967, and whose A-4 Skyhawk was struck by an air-toground Zuni missile that had misfired from an F-4 Phantom.”

WMR has been informed that crewmen aboard the Forrestal have provided additional information about the Forrestal incident. It is believed by many crewmen and those who have investigated the case that McCain deliberately “wet-started” his A-4E to shake up the guy in the plane behind his A-4. “Wet-starts”, done either deliberately or accidentally, shoot a large flame from the tail of the aircraft.

In McCain’s case, the “wet-start” apparently “cooked off” and launched the Zuni rocket from the rear F-4 that touched off the explosions and massive fire. The F-4 pilot was reportedly killed in the conflagration. “Wet starting” was apparently a common practice among young “hot-dog” pilots.

McCain was quickly transferred to the USS Oriskany (the only Forrestal crewman to be immediately transferred). Three months later, McCain was shot down over North Vietnam on October 26, 1967.

As WMR previously reported, at the time of the Forrestal disaster, McCain’s father, Admiral John McCain, Jr., was Commander-in-Chief of US Naval Forces Europe (CINCUSNAVEUR) and was busy covering up the details of the deadly and pre-meditated June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on the NSA spy ship, the USS Liberty.

The fact that both McCains were involved in two incidents just weeks apart that resulted in a total death count of 168 on the Forrestal and the Liberty, with an additional injury count of 234 on both ships (with a number of them later dying from their wounds) with an accompanying classified paper trail inside the Pentagon, may be all that was needed to hold a Sword of Damocles over the head of the “family honor”-oriented McCain by the neo-cons.

WMR has also been informed by knowledgeable sources, including an ex-Navy A-4 pilot, the “wet-start game” was a common occurrence. However, it is between “very unlikely” and “impossible” for the Forrestal “wet start” to have been accidental. “Wet starts” were later rendered impossible by automated engine controls.

Wayne Madsen reports on military and political affairs in Washington at his website, WayneMadsenReport.com


Oh, and BTW after that was released due to the Freedom of Information Act, the defense contractors actually backed obama in 2008.

Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com

Obama Beats McCain in Defense Contributions
By Mark Thompson / Washington Friday, Oct. 31, 2008

As if John McCain doesn't have enough problems. It turns out that he can't even rely on the big guns of the defense industry to come to his aid. Barack Obama's campaign has pocketed $870,165 from defense-contractor sources, 34% more than the $647,313 in contributions McCain's campaign received from the same sector. Traditionally, GOP candidates — who tend to favor higher military spending than their Democratic rivals — receive more donations from defense-company political action committees and employees. You might expect the tilt in McCain's favor to be even steeper than normal, given his 23-year Navy career — including nearly six in a Hanoi prison. Add to that the fact that his father and grandfather both served as Navy admirals, and his extensive service on the armed services committee. Not to mention the fact that Obama has no military background at all.


Things the left will giggle about. Especially the left wing American white women. We can be assured that mccain was absolutely a corrupted senator. There was more than one reason he stayed on until death. We know about the Keating 5.

Also, we should be wise enough to understand that whatever we see, is always the tip of the ice berg. We can only imagine how many scams mccain had dipped his beak into.

There is no more valuable politician in Washington than ones with a bunch of skeletons. Since everyone has skeletons...well we know how it works Some of us anyway.

Washington has been playing a shell game with us for a while now. We can look back at it and have a good laugh. Then again it is quite serious. The last thing they could afford is an outsider that would go in and turn the lights on to the cockroaches that run that city.

Almost all of the perceived outsiders are almost always done away with, by their usual tactics. Herman Cain and Allen West for instance. West gerrymandered out, and Cain done away with by the same old stories about women. Those stories just so happened to come out the day after his poll numbers came out. He was leading, by quite a bit.

It is not working with Trump......and that is what is shocking to THEM. All of them. How many times have we seen THIS IS IT moments.

It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.

45 is shit bag 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Fascist. He disrespected Mr McCain and Mr. McCain is the one who decided that the Coward-in-Chief would not be invited to his funeral.

Fuck 45 and the Russian Dick he so very much loves to suck on.
"When everyone stood near the end of the service and we all sang the final stanza of “America the Beautiful” (“O beautiful for patriot dream …”), I am sure I was not alone in seeing it as a symbolic rejection of the ugliness of the Trump years" - Mad Max Boot
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation. ...
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness! :spinner:
Grampa Murked U and Mac1958, mutual respect and civility similar to chicken-soup, does no harm but can do some good. Incivility and disrespect cannot do any good, but it may do unnecessary harm. It was another of his more noble gestures. The man had a lot of class.
Respectfully, Supposn
So partisan democrats are allowed to attack McCain's service,age,POW injuries,mental state and call him a racist. But Trump can't say he prefers his hero's not be captured.

See...liberals are brain damaged pieces of shit.
BlueGin, I appreciate your well-written post that reflects your obvious intelligence.

You neglected to mention the names and quote those creditable Democrats that attacked McCain's military service or his POW injuries. Including such facts make the truth of your post less disputable.

If you have such information, we can better respond to those that believe your accusations are nonsensical.
Please provide links that quote creditable Democratic officials finding fault with Senator McCain's behavior on active duty or when imprisoned. I'm particularly interested in creditable Democrats accusations that McCain's injuries were less severe than was reported.

Respectfully, Supposn

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