Have you grasped the hidden message behind McCains choices to speak at his funeral?

Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

No interest? Or, are you just unwilling to see where it might exist and reach for it? The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

The fact that they passed a few bills along bipartisanlines shows that it's possible. Do you blame only one side? Takes two. And it takes compromise - another new 4 letter words in politics.
“Compromise is what got the Right, to where it was just before we got Trump. It’s the Lefts turn for some of that “compromise”.
Ever notice how the Left only utters “compromise”, when you have your boot on its throat? I do...
Compromise is what allows great bills to be passed.

Like I said (and I guess I'll repeat for the ignorant) - it DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"...and it doesn't apply to just one partisan side.

Sing it to the Left, Honey, Trump has offered to compromise from the very beginner on many things and has repeatedly reached across the table. The goddamned democrats couldn't even bother to stand or clap for 47 things good for the nation at the State Of The Union Address.
What compromise?
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

No interest? Or, are you just unwilling to see where it might exist and reach for it? The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

The fact that they passed a few bills along bipartisanlines shows that it's possible. Do you blame only one side? Takes two. And it takes compromise - another new 4 letter words in politics.

Now that McCain is gone, who's going to stand between the "my way or the Highway" blockheads to get things done?
I don't know Will....:(

WHO has compromised all these years but the Republicans? On EVERY ISSUE, Obama was MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY. He shut down the government and closed parks to get his agenda through. The Dems wouldn't give an inch with Obamacare. You're right, McCain gave. A lot. He kissed ass. Show me where the Democrats ever gave in on anything important? It all comes from the Right. Show me ONE TIME the democrats kissed the GOP's ass to get something they wanted? They won't even obey federal laws. You gotta take them to the Supreme Court to get anything done. They lie about everything. Delay. Obfuscate. Make up phony things to be incensed over. Even with the majority the GOP has to kiss their ass on everything. The Democrats won't even let Trump get his appointments into his cabinet and drag their feet on every last thing! Now they are making McCain out as some "Messiah" so they can use his death as the new latest vehicle to oppose Trump on.
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

No interest? Or, are you just unwilling to see where it might exist and reach for it? The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

The fact that they passed a few bills along bipartisanlines shows that it's possible. Do you blame only one side? Takes two. And it takes compromise - another new 4 letter words in politics.
“Compromise is what got the Right, to where it was just before we got Trump. It’s the Lefts turn for some of that “compromise”.
Ever notice how the Left only utters “compromise”, when you have your boot on its throat? I do...
Compromise is what allows great bills to be passed.

Like I said (and I guess I'll repeat for the ignorant) - it DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"...and it doesn't apply to just one partisan side.

Compromise is what also allows terrible bills to be passed. McCain-Feingold is an example of a terrible bill passing.
WHO has compromised all these years but the Republicans? On EVERY ISSUE, Obama was MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY. He shut down the government and closed parks to get his agenda through. The Dems wouldn't give an inch with Obamacare.

Are you delusional? Obama did nothing but compromise with the GOP trying to get ONE Republican to sign on to what was essentially warmed over Romneycare.

He gave in on a Public Option and Medicare buy in for those over 55 (Which would have solved 90% of the problems ACA is now having).
Compromise is what also allows terrible bills to be passed. McCain-Feingold is an example of a terrible bill passing.

The only mistake with McCain Fiengold was not arresting Soros and the Koch Brothers for bribery.
Maybe if he’d invited Trump, that message would have been more obvious.

Um... no.

Trump is the problem, not the solution.

You see, past presidents, you have a campaign, you say all sorts of bad stuff about the other guy, and then after the election, you sit down and do the hard work with your side and their side. Which is why McCain got past the awful things Bush and Obama said about him in 2000 and 2008.

Trump is still out there whining about "Crooked Hillary".

Inviting him would just validate his behavior.
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.

Wow, he failed. The response from them was to be classless and vindictive all the way through
Not inviting palin proved the classlessness of who they are

Palin has run down McCain's staff for the last 10 years for not realizing she was stupid.

But I think they probably should have invited her.
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.
Perhaps it’s more than one message?

Democrats and a few Republicans will unite against a despot?

America has always been great and the people that say it wasn’t don’t like America?

Why are Ivonka and Jared there?

Now can you see why they saved Obama for last?

Perhaps Trump wasn’t there because he thought golf was more important?
America hasn’t been truly great since the 1960’s when liberals began destroying it.
Those who hate Trump can't seem to decide on America's greatness. Andrew Cuomo: "America was never that great" Meghan McCain: "America was always great" Regardless, one thing is certain. Trump's America has never been greater and why they so despise him.
Donald Trump was elected despite the efforts of the establishment and people like McCain who made sure the fake dossier on Russia made its way into the press. Fuck him.
McCain was a legacy at Annapolis...spoiled kid as daddy and granddaddy were Navy admirals. All he every saw was people kiss his daddies ass...so he grew up to expect the same. Graduated last in his class because he was a fuck-off and knew daddy would save his ass. McCain was a hot head who knew zero about economics.
Those who hate Trump can't seem to decide on America's greatness. Andrew Cuomo: "America was never that great" Meghan McCain: "America was always great" Regardless, one thing is certain. Trump's America has never been greater and why they so despise him.
Megan McCain is a daughter overcome with grief so step off.
She has also publicly supported many of trumps policies and I didnt hear you whining about her then.

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