Have you grasped the hidden message behind McCains choices to speak at his funeral?

It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.

Well said. He is a vanishing breed. I was listening to some of the speeches at his funeral. Mitch McConnel ... don't like him...but, after listening to him, he was choking back tears...I have a new found respect.

I think we are in for worse times. The Democrats seem to be having their Tea Party moment, with a shift sharply left. Will bipartisan become a 4 letter word?

Where do you get your info regarding "Democrats "tea party" moment?

The so-called "blue wave"... figment of the MSM/Pollsters/Talking Heads imagination. Their "HOPE"!
But see the majority of Americans know a few things about the above.
A) They know for example Trump is married to an Immigrant. So why would HE be anti-immigrant?
Yet the MSM has portrayed him and here is a latest Google Search: "Trump anti-immigrant"..
Look at the headlines of these 68,700 results..
"Cuomo calls out Trump's anti-immigrant stance" and so forth..
Do you honestly believe that 90+ million of US Americans who either are "LEGAL" immigrants or like me have a "LEGAL" immigrant are "Anti-immigrant"?
Of course we don't BUT what we do realize is the BIASED MSM has presented this FALSE NEWS headlines and we are NOT happy at being lumped into an "Anti-Immigrant" LABEL!
B) Also do you know that when Obama was President he told people..."I favor higher gas prices, utilities will skyrocket, companies will go bankrupt and my biggest achievement will be more Americans on food stamps."
All those statements are documented. Really that's the kind of President YOU WANT?
Personally I like the fact that since Trump became President 5 million more people are paying
1) Payroll taxes 2) Personal income taxes 3) NOT getting unemployment checks... 4) NOT getting food stamps. 5) over half of them now have health coverage...maybe more!

So believe all you want about the so-called "blue wave"... I think there will be an "ORANGE" wave instead...get it Trump's phony hair coloring? Yea that's right I made fun of it.
And I also don't personally like Trump's braggadocio behavior. Obnoxious behavior. Pompous behavior. Snake oil salesman behavior.
We didn't put him in office to be "politically correct" diplomatic. Or go along to get along! I along with millions are personally SICK of those politicians!
Give more Trumpians that speak the TRUTH to power! That don't give a crap about political correctness. That Say MERRY CHRISTMAS for example. That believe America is GREAT!

Screen Shot 2018-09-01 at 3.27.14 PM.png
So, who invited Screwy Louie? Saw his mug behind every speaker. :evil:
Sorry I respect McCain for his service, but the fact that he planed his own memorial services to such an over the top degree comes across as hubris.

This rich coming from an supporter of a guy who can't eat a taco salad without a gold plated fork.
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

No interest? Or, are you just unwilling to see where it might exist and reach for it? The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

The fact that they passed a few bills along bipartisanlines shows that it's possible. Do you blame only one side? Takes two. And it takes compromise - another new 4 letter words in politics.

Now that McCain is gone, who's going to stand between the "my way or the Highway" blockheads to get things done?
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

No interest? Or, are you just unwilling to see where it might exist and reach for it? The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

The fact that they passed a few bills along bipartisanlines shows that it's possible. Do you blame only one side? Takes two. And it takes compromise - another new 4 letter words in politics.

Now that McCain is gone, who's going to stand between the "my way or the Highway" blockheads to get things done?
Somebody will step up to the plate. I don't know who, but somebody will, either from the right or the left. And I hope they can fill his shoes. Did you watch the funeral? I especially like Obama's line about how McCain was getting the last laugh. He arranged for him and Bush to have to say nice things about him in front of the whole world. I actually like Bush's eulogy best. And Cindy was brave up to the end, but "Danny Boy" caused the pent tears to flow.

That may have been the best speech W ever gave.

Obama reminded everyone what a real President sounds like.
He was silent?
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.
I got the message as to who he didn't invite...and who the Bushes didn't invite and who the Royals didn't invite. Very telling.
Palin was no failure, she would have been a reminder (at the funeral) that he lost several bids for presidency--america and republicans rejected him.

Cindy is a shrew....she was always jealous of Sarah.

Vindictive family. Megan threw barbs at trump during the funeral; her probable next move will be to change parties and run for office. Cindy will work behind the scenes. They aren't done screwing republicans.
She will get props from her view cohosts for being paid fake republican and trashing the administration.

She's not fake anything.
Trump trashed her father without provocation early in his campaign.
Megan just "counter-punched" today.
You know how you suckers love it when your Goon counter-punches.
Yes. Fake.

The whole democrat party and its supporters trashed her father for months in 2008...yet she kisses their ass.

It was an election and McCain was running against Obama, nitwit. What do you expect partisans to do?
And you don't know much about Megan McCain if you think she kisses Dem ass.
You're talking out of yours.
Cindy is a shrew....she was always jealous of Sarah.

Vindictive family. Megan threw barbs at trump during the funeral; her probable next move will be to change parties and run for office. Cindy will work behind the scenes. They aren't done screwing republicans.
She will get props from her view cohosts for being paid fake republican and trashing the administration.

She's not fake anything.
Trump trashed her father without provocation early in his campaign.
Megan just "counter-punched" today.
You know how you suckers love it when your Goon counter-punches.
Yes. Fake.

The whole democrat party and its supporters trashed her father for months in 2008...yet she kisses their ass.

It was an election and McCain was running against Obama, nitwit. What do you expect partisans to do?
And you don't know much about Megan McCain if you think she kisses Dem ass.
You're talking out of yours.
So partisan democrats are allowed to attack McCain's service,age,POW injuries,mental state and call him a racist. But Trump can't say he prefers his hero's not be captured.

See...liberals are brain damaged pieces of shit.
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.
Trust me, that entire ceremony is PURE Parisianship and all a PURE attack on Trump.

You are not that naive, are you?

Even that daughter of his could not keep politics out of this.

McCain was a partisan hack at the end. Desperately did not want all the truth about his deals coming out. Starting with his father covering up his role with the USS Forrestal disaster. Yeah, that investigation has been kept Classified for some ODD reason. Geee, I wonder why. Blackmail is how Washington works.

Oh and btw. Partisanship is how our system works. We are supposed to have an opposition party. We have not had one of those in God knows how long.

Anyone screaming bipartisanship is just trying to destroy America. Its bullshit.

EXCEPT when it comes time for funerals. If you think that was supposed to be bipartisan event, then you are kidding yourself.

Why wasn't Palin invited? Your turn.
An attack on trump? Good. No one deserves it more.
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.
--------------------------------------------- Seems to me that Sunni said it very well , 'mcstain' was a 'rino' Elite like his eulogizers , probably still is . T he only one missing was 'lady gaga' and the late night lefty comedians Granpaw .

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