Have you grasped the hidden message behind McCains choices to speak at his funeral?

It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.

It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.
A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.
Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.

Look Gramp,
McCain was about ONE THING in his life. He just wanted to live up to his father's expectations to walk in his footsteps. When he saw he didn't merit being an Admiral, he left the military for politics. His sole aim was to be "messiah" to the White House as the presidency was to politics what being Admiral was to the Navy. McCain was an idealist. A dreamer. He dreamed of doing what no other president has done for his own ego gratification. He dreamed his way right out of even being a good senator and failed at everything else. The only good thing about McCain is that along the way to trying to assuage his guilt at letting his father down, he did a few good things for the country in the process.
Such desperate nonsense from a Trump cultist... thank you for your dimestore psychology, professor...
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.
yes, you are correct, clearly this was his message.
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.

Well said. He is a vanishing breed. I was listening to some of the speeches at his funeral. Mitch McConnel ... don't like him...but, after listening to him, he was choking back tears...I have a new found respect.

I think we are in for worse times. The Democrats seem to be having their Tea Party moment, with a shift sharply left. Will bipartisan become a 4 letter word?

For every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction.

A law of physics, as well as a law of life, the right seems to have never grasped.
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

Thanks for pointing out once again that the Left are never interested in finding common ground to build on. Show me where it was during Obamacare? Sanctuary cities? The wall. Bringing back coal jobs? It always comes from the Right, or at least a RINO. When you are already half way to being a democrat, it really isn't much of a hard stretch to find common ground and unity. That was McCain.
"Thanks for pointing out once again that the Left are never interested in finding common ground to build on. Show me where it was during Obamacare?" I think the common ground re Obamacare was in the 60-some amendments welcomed by Democrats and inserted into the final bill.
The hidden message was that the republicans will screw their voters for political power in a heart beat.
I was chuckle at the term bipartisanship.

The Republicans only put out bad legislation.

The Democrats only put out bad legislation.

Bipartisanship today means accepting an equal dose of constant bad legislation coming out of Washington from both sides of the same coin.
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.
I noticed that no Democrats were banned from his funeral.
palin was a reminder of his failures. Back in 2011, he was rated 2nd worst congressman.
Explain the failure? Please, be specific. She ever show disrespect to him? When? How?

What was the failure? The way she talked? What?

Has any left winger ever given us the list of accomplishments obama had that made him a viable candidate to be president?

I have only asked that since 2007 and never got an answer. Should I list the accomplishments of Palin compared the left wing black messiah up until 2008?

Either way, the fact that she specifically kept off the list and told NOT to attend is all I need to know. The rest of you can honor mccain. My hypocrisy only goes so far. I will never capitalize his name again.

I do however hope he repented at the end. Though I am not aware of anything like that. None of my business anyway. He had a lot of mortal sin on his soul. Hope he confessed. Then again, I really don't care.
palin was a reminder of his failures. Back in 2011, he was rated 2nd worst congressman.
Explain the failure? Please, be specific. She ever show disrespect to him? When? How?

What was the failure? The way she talked? What?

Has any left winger ever given us the list of accomplishments obama had that made him a viable candidate to be president?

I have only asked that since 2007 and never got an answer. Should I list the accomplishments of Palin compared the left wing black messiah up until 2008?

Either way, the fact that she specifically kept off the list and told NOT to attend is all I need to know. The rest of you can honor mccain. My hypocrisy only goes so far. I will never capitalize his name again.

I do however hope he repented at the end. Though I am not aware of anything like that. None of my business anyway. He had a lot of mortal sin on his soul. Hope he confessed. Then again, I really don't care.

Palin was no failure, she would have been a reminder (at the funeral) that he lost several bids for presidency--america and republicans rejected him.
In the aftermath of his passing, I prefer to remember the fact that John McCain voted conservative at least 70% of the time throughout his career. If I had to name one thing for which I harshly condemn McCain, it would be his playing a major role in covering up the evidence we left behind about 1,000 POWs in Vietnam. When I think about it, it makes me angry. But, in the immediate aftermath of his death, I think I would rather take the high road and remember that he voted with us far more often than he voted against us, and to honor him for his military service.
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

No interest? Or, are you just unwilling to see where it might exist and reach for it? The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

The fact that they passed a few bills along bipartisanlines shows that it's possible. Do you blame only one side? Takes two. And it takes compromise - another new 4 letter words in politics.

Now that McCain is gone, who's going to stand between the "my way or the Highway" blockheads to get things done?
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

No interest? Or, are you just unwilling to see where it might exist and reach for it? The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

The fact that they passed a few bills along bipartisanlines shows that it's possible. Do you blame only one side? Takes two. And it takes compromise - another new 4 letter words in politics.

Now that McCain is gone, who's going to stand between the "my way or the Highway" blockheads to get things done?
Somebody will step up to the plate. I don't know who, but somebody will, either from the right or the left. And I hope they can fill his shoes. Did you watch the funeral? I especially like Obama's line about how McCain was getting the last laugh. He arranged for him and Bush to have to say nice things about him in front of the whole world. I actually like Bush's eulogy best. And Cindy was brave up to the end, but "Danny Boy" caused the pent tears to flow.
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

No interest? Or, are you just unwilling to see where it might exist and reach for it? The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

The fact that they passed a few bills along bipartisanlines shows that it's possible. Do you blame only one side? Takes two. And it takes compromise - another new 4 letter words in politics.

Now that McCain is gone, who's going to stand between the "my way or the Highway" blockheads to get things done?
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

No interest? Or, are you just unwilling to see where it might exist and reach for it? The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

The fact that they passed a few bills along bipartisanlines shows that it's possible. Do you blame only one side? Takes two. And it takes compromise - another new 4 letter words in politics.

Now that McCain is gone, who's going to stand between the "my way or the Highway" blockheads to get things done?
Somebody will step up to the plate. I don't know who, but somebody will, either from the right or the left. And I hope they can fill his shoes. Did you watch the funeral? I especially like Obama's line about how McCain was getting the last laugh. He arranged for him and Bush to have to say nice things about him in front of the whole world. I actually like Bush's eulogy best. And Cindy was brave up to the end, but "Danny Boy" caused the pent tears to flow.

Not much of it, maybe a half hour.

Missed that part.

Biden was tore up.

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