Have you grasped the hidden message behind McCains choices to speak at his funeral?

Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

Thanks for pointing out once again that the Left are never interested in finding common ground to build on. Show me where it was during Obamacare? Sanctuary cities? The wall. Bringing back coal jobs? It always comes from the Right, or at least a RINO. When you are already half way to being a democrat, it really isn't much of a hard stretch to find common ground and unity. That was McCain.
In the real world (as opposed to online), it's the responsibility of both parties in any relationship to keep the lines of adult communication open, even if it means being the first to do whatever it takes.

Waiting for the other side to grow up just makes both sides act like children.
You are not one of those weirdos that think Trump said something wrong in regards to mccain since he died, are you? Did you see the reaction from the partisan children pretending to care about mccain being partisan attacking Trump for being magnanimous? How about the flag bullshit that the left wing media and those pretending to NOT use mccains death as a political opportunity attacking him for following actual protocol in regards to the death of a Congressman?

You are not one of those that actually think this entire ceremony is not an attack on Trump and a complete partisan event, are you?
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Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

Thanks for pointing out once again that the Left are never interested in finding common ground to build on. Show me where it was during Obamacare? Sanctuary cities? The wall. Bringing back coal jobs? It always comes from the Right, or at least a RINO. When you are already half way to being a democrat, it really isn't much of a hard stretch to find common ground and unity. That was McCain.
In the real world (as opposed to online), it's the responsibility of both parties in any relationship to keep the lines of adult communication open, even if it means being the first to do whatever it takes.

Waiting for the other side to grow up just makes both sides act like children.
You are not one of those weirdos that think Trump said something wrong in regards to mccain since he died, are you? Did you see the reaction from the partisan children pretending not be partisan attacking Trump for being magnanimous? How about the flag bullshit that the left wing media and those pretending to use mccains death as a political opportunity attacking him for following actual protocol in regards to the death of a Congressman?

You are not one of those that actually think this entire ceremony is not an attack on Trump and a complete partisan event, are you?
Partisans look for any excuse to attack, mock, degrade and defame.

When they don't have one, they make one up.

That's why they have zero (0) credibility.
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.
In your opinion
Sorry I respect McCain for his service, but the fact that he planed his own memorial services to such an over the top degree comes across as hubris.

Hey, if you knew roughly when you were gonna die, and had the opportunity to help plan your own funeral, you wouldn't take the opportunity?

I would.
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.
Trust me, that entire ceremony is PURE Parisianship and all a PURE attack on Trump.

You are not that naive, are you?

Even that daughter of his could not keep politics out of this.

McCain was a partisan hack at the end. Desperately did not want all the truth about his deals coming out. Starting with his father covering up his role with the USS Forrestal disaster. Yeah, that investigation has been kept Classified for some ODD reason. Geee, I wonder why. Blackmail is how Washington works.

Oh and btw. Partisanship is how our system works. We are supposed to have an opposition party. We have not had one of those in God knows how long.

Anyone screaming bipartisanship is just trying to destroy America. Its bullshit.

EXCEPT when it comes time for funerals. If you think that was supposed to be bipartisan event, then you are kidding yourself.

Why wasn't Palin invited? Your turn.
Bipartisanship to democrats is people caving to them. Liberals never compromise themselves.
Ding, ding, ding!!! Name a demoloser who is like McCain?
The hidden message is that he wanted his entire presidential campaign to be forgotten as he requested that no one from that campaign be allowed at his funeral. Not a friend, not an aide. No one.
The hidden message is that he wanted his entire presidential campaign to be forgotten as he requested that no one from that campaign be allowed at his funeral. Not a friend, not an aide. No one.
He turned left hard
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.
Trust me, that entire ceremony is PURE Parisianship and all a PURE attack on Trump.

You are not that naive, are you?

Even that daughter of his could not keep politics out of this.

McCain was a partisan hack at the end. Desperately did not want all the truth about his deals coming out. Starting with his father covering up his role with the USS Forrestal disaster. Yeah, that investigation has been kept Classified for some ODD reason. Geee, I wonder why. Blackmail is how Washington works.

Oh and btw. Partisanship is how our system works. We are supposed to have an opposition party. We have not had one of those in God knows how long.

Anyone screaming bipartisanship is just trying to destroy America. Its bullshit.

EXCEPT when it comes time for funerals. If you think that was supposed to be bipartisan event, then you are kidding yourself.

Why wasn't Palin invited? Your turn.
The "attacks" from the family are self induced by Trump. He attacked McCain on several fronts.

Man. Talk about a RATIONALIZATION! Ever stop to think that Trump's comments were induced by McCain in the first place? That Trump was merely responding to things McCain had said and done in the past just as with that slob Rosie O'Donnell? You REALLY think you know half of what actually goes on between these people?

The vicious, hateful comments by the McCain family during a funeral are about as low as a person can go and were by THEIR CHOICE and now they have to live with it. They've shown who they really are.
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.
We really need to get rid of all the partisan BS and realize all the politicians are hosing us. Just look at the debt!
We really need to get rid of all the partisan BS and realize all the politicians are hosing us. Just look at the debt!

Ok, My Nonpartisan. What gets cut and/or your solution.
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.
A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.
Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.

Look Gramp,
McCain was about ONE THING in his life. He just wanted to live up to his father's expectations to walk in his footsteps. When he saw he didn't merit being an Admiral, he left the military for politics. His sole aim was to be "messiah" to the White House as the presidency was to politics what being Admiral was to the Navy. McCain was an idealist. A dreamer. He dreamed of doing what no other president has done for his own ego gratification. He dreamed his way right out of even being a good senator and failed at everything else. The only good thing about McCain is that along the way to trying to assuage his guilt at letting his father down, he did a few good things for the country in the process.
I think you are wrong, toobfreak. McCain left the service because he was too disabled to serve any longer from his vacation at the Hanoi Hilton, scarred for life and unable to lift his arms. So he chose public service.

"His sole aim was to be "messiah" to the White House as the presidency was to politics what being Admiral was to the Navy." This is wrong too, but still a chuckle. Know why? Because it describes the motives of the current WH tenant, especially the Messiah part. Yet you enable the current "Messiah-ship" while slandering McCain with it.

"He dreamed of doing what no other president has done for his own ego gratification." OMG! Who are you streaming here? This is basic Trump!
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.
We really need to get rid of all the partisan BS and realize all the politicians are hosing us. Just look at the debt!
We really need to get rid of all the partisan BS and realize all the politicians are hosing us. Just look at the debt!

Ok, My Nonpartisan. What gets cut and/or your solution.
Everything gets cut of course. Should probably take back the tax cuts too till we have a balanced budget.
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.
We really need to get rid of all the partisan BS and realize all the politicians are hosing us. Just look at the debt!
We really need to get rid of all the partisan BS and realize all the politicians are hosing us. Just look at the debt!

Ok, My Nonpartisan. What gets cut and/or your solution.
Everything gets cut of course. Should probably take back the tax cuts too till we have a balanced budget.
How about we take America back to 1900 tax and spend adjusted for inflation?

No sales tax, no income tax, no ....
He was a RINO......his choice of speakers reflected that. ... :cool:
Our best legislators and elected officials of all sorts, are merely partisans in name only, and Americans first.

Captain (Senator) John McCain was one such true public servant of the American People and their Republic.

God give you rest, John... thank you... we'll take it from here.
palin was a reminder of his failures. Back in 2011, he was rated 2nd worst congressman.
He was a RINO......his choice of speakers reflected that. ... :cool:
Our best legislators and elected officials of all sorts, are merely partisans in name only, and Americans first.

Captain (Senator) John McCain was one such true public servant of the American People and their Republic.

God give you rest, John... thank you... we'll take it from here.
Name a demoloser equivalent

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