Have you grasped the hidden message behind McCains choices to speak at his funeral?

The more Trump pisses of the establishment types, the more we know he is headed in the right direction.
It is clear to me that he wanted to send a message of unity and bipartisanship. A last shot at the hardcore partisanship that often cripples our nation.

A noble effort but as you all know it will fall on deaf ears as shown by this very forum.

Farewell to a man who served his nation with honor and the utmost integrity.

Such a sign of union and bipartisanship to see a bunch of hacks use the beatification of McCain to bash Trump.

Just sayin'.
The only "hidden" message that I can see behind McCain choices to speak at his funeral is...

that many of the speakers are nothing more but a bunch of New World Order Globalists....who have chosen this occasion to yet again, attack President Trump!

Very charming! very, very charming of these losers.
Such bitter bitter trumpanzees. This thread is definitely laying their lack of any morals or soul for all of us to see.
The only "hidden" message that I can see behind McCain choices to speak at his funeral is...

that many of the speakers are nothing more but a bunch of New World Order Globalists....who have chosen this occasion to yet again, attack President Trump!

Very charming! very, very charming of these losers.
Well, may the gods bless the McCains. You forgot to say that.
And this....ladies and gentlemen....is brought to you by the new trump world.

Trust me, I was like this long before Donald Trump had his first bankruptcy. He became like me, not the other way around.
I think this big yuge memorial is all about making a hero out of a Government Elite . To me the effort is aimed at young or non-reading people , millenial types and their kids that have never heard of the 'vietnam' war .
I didn’t watch any of it. McCain lost me back in 2000 and I could never vote for him.
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

No interest? Or, are you just unwilling to see where it might exist and reach for it? The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

The fact that they passed a few bills along bipartisanlines shows that it's possible. Do you blame only one side? Takes two. And it takes compromise - another new 4 letter words in politics.
“Compromise is what got the Right, to where it was just before we got Trump. It’s the Lefts turn for some of that “compromise”.
Ever notice how the Left only utters “compromise”, when you have your boot on its throat? I do...
Sorry I respect McCain for his service, but the fact that he planed his own memorial services to such an over the top degree comes across as hubris.
I thought that it was a bit self centered at first but if you think about it, McCain was an elected leader, ex presidential candidate and representative of many millions of people. His life was about sending messages and promoting an agenda that he believed in. I now see the “spectical” of his memorial as a last message, a final campaign in a sense... of you look at it that way then I think he did a pretty damn good job.

Supposedly McCain was about working across the isle, yet he made no effort to work with TRUMP. People need to keep in mind that TRUMP's comment on McCain's war record was in response to a petty attack McCain had made about TRUMP. People can say what they want but TRUMP has shown he is fully capable of putting petty politics aside in order to do what best for the country. McCain didn't have a problem working with Obama even after Obama publicly shamed McCain telling him "the election is over and you lost".
If his funeral was supposed to be encouraging people to work together Megan, Obama and Bush most not have got the message as they all came across at times as lecturing others, but not mentioning their own failure to live up to "McCain's" greatness.
Double check McCain’s voting record in relation to trumps agenda. I believe he was in the 80 or 90%
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

No interest? Or, are you just unwilling to see where it might exist and reach for it? The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

The fact that they passed a few bills along bipartisanlines shows that it's possible. Do you blame only one side? Takes two. And it takes compromise - another new 4 letter words in politics.
“Compromise is what got the Right, to where it was just before we got Trump. It’s the Lefts turn for some of that “compromise”.
Ever notice how the Left only utters “compromise”, when you have your boot on its throat? I do...
Compromise is what allows great bills to be passed.

Like I said (and I guess I'll repeat for the ignorant) - it DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"...and it doesn't apply to just one partisan side.
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

No interest? Or, are you just unwilling to see where it might exist and reach for it? The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

The fact that they passed a few bills along bipartisanlines shows that it's possible. Do you blame only one side? Takes two. And it takes compromise - another new 4 letter words in politics.

Now that McCain is gone, who's going to stand between the "my way or the Highway" blockheads to get things done?
I don't know Will....:(
Unity, decency and collaboration are signs of weakness!


You're being sarcastic, Mac, but when the other side has no interest WHATSOEVER in unity and decency and only exploits you to further their own agenda against your party, you end up being right!

No interest? Or, are you just unwilling to see where it might exist and reach for it? The problem is - unity and decency DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"?

The fact that they passed a few bills along bipartisanlines shows that it's possible. Do you blame only one side? Takes two. And it takes compromise - another new 4 letter words in politics.
“Compromise is what got the Right, to where it was just before we got Trump. It’s the Lefts turn for some of that “compromise”.
Ever notice how the Left only utters “compromise”, when you have your boot on its throat? I do...
Compromise is what allows great bills to be passed.

Like I said (and I guess I'll repeat for the ignorant) - it DOESN'T mean - "I'm the winner, it all goes my way" - it means "where can we find some common ground to build on"...and it doesn't apply to just one partisan side.

Sing it to the Left, Honey, Trump has offered to compromise from the very beginner on many things and has repeatedly reached across the table. The goddamned democrats couldn't even bother to stand or clap for 47 things good for the nation at the State Of The Union Address.

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