Have you had enough of PC liberals ?

But, but, but, she appropriated someone else's culture!
Well, look what they appropriate from white people -- everything our civilization has created. Computers, cell phones, running water, life span beyond 35 years. They should all be paying us tribute.
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Geisha is actually the rough equivalent of an American whore, though they were highly trained and almost ritualized. No stigma over there about it from what I've read.

Also from the comments: Keeping with this logic, next time a black model poses in a magazine, she has to have her breasts exposed and pose in front of an African landscape with lions in the background, otherwise it's "racist" against Europeans.

They make a good point. Of course the same lefties who would rage about the photo shoot, would not see the above as valid - intellectually dishonest. Whatever the mag kissed the whiners asses so there it is.

If they bitch at me for wearing my new clothes, which are of modern Japanese style, I'll be telling them to fuck off.

geisha means person of art

They were hostess not prostitutes (yujo)
I suppose I give the wrong impression to the prudish simply because I do not follow religiously filtered view points on sex heh

Let's say yes and no, it didn't have to involve sex, but it often, perhaps even typically, did. That's why I said highly trained almost ritualized, sex and art were kind of intertwined. Almost... Greek in their opinions and beliefs about sex. Shinto has no tenants about sex, though there is a definite sanctity of marriage and even chastity, it is a lot more in the vein of heirs and bloodlines than perhaps Christianities monogamy; basically "affairs" weren't considered anything at all until much later, 16th century or so when other religions, Confucianism mostly, began to influence. Baishunfu (prostitution,) was ultimately made illegal in the 50s so I think there's definitely been some changes in the "meaning" of the term between ancient and modern. I tend to be a history buff so I lean to the historical heh
My pals on the right need to recognize something...........

The people on the left will never, ever embrace the principles we stand for. And that's fine for me......let them go, go on the PC stuff. Let them go, go on the identity politics stuff. Embrace it....:spinner:...make fun of it like I do but embrace it. As long as this is their strategy, they will keep getting their clocks cleaned in elections. Its all good............encourage them! Im salivating with the prospect of the DUMS putting Keith Ellison in as head of the DNC........go...........go! We should all be sending e-mails to the DNC supporting it!!:2up:

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