Have You Heard OF Hillary's Defense of Rapist Thomas Alfred Taylor?

You are LYING..... and are a PAWN....And happy to be the pawn....that's telling....how far you'd go for your messiah

Lol, yes, I have to follow my orders from the Huffington Post, the Daily Kos, ABC NEws and all those other ultra-rightwing instructors.


'Care'4All, you really need to slow down and actually look at the evidence and who is presenting it. As the general election approaches, 80% of America will.
It is one of the most disgusting cases of twisted law I have ever read, and Hillary laughs about it.

Wow, Clinton Attacked 12-Year Old Rape Victim's Credibility [UPDATED]
Two years into her career of making change and having Day One-readying experience, 27 year old Hillary Rodham was appointed a public defender in a rape case, and played out deep in the gray areas of morality by attacking the 12-year old victim's credibility. Though nobody involved in the case can recall a shred of evidence that the victim had any sort of history of making false claims, Hillary argued it as a centerpiece of her case anyway. And conveniently omitted this aspect of the case from her 2003 book, "Living History."...

The victim was 12 years old. An older man, Thomas Alfred Taylor, was accused of raping her in his car. The man requested a female public defender, which Hillary at first resisted. Once she took the case, however, her defense was aggressive.

In "Living History" and in the Newsday piece, we learn of the issues raised about blood and semen samples, standard criminal defense tactics. But Hillary left out a key piece of the defense.

Newsday explains the omission:

However, that account leaves out a significant aspect of her defense strategy - attempting to impugn the credibility of the victim, according to a Newsday examination of court and investigative files and interviews with witnesses, law enforcement officials and the victim.

Rodham, records show, questioned the sixth grader's honesty and claimed she had made false accusations in the past. She implied that the girl often fantasized and sought out "older men" like Taylor,according to a July 1975 affidavit signed "Hillary D. Rodham" in compact cursive...

But the record shows that Rodham was also intent on questioning the girl's credibility. That line of defense crystallized in a July 28, 1975, affidavit requesting the girl undergo a psychiatric examination at the university's clinic.

"I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and to engage in fantasizing," wrote Rodham, without referring to the source of that allegation. "I have also been informed that she has in the past made false accusations about persons, claiming they had attacked her body."

Dale Gibson, the investigator, doesn't recall seeing evidence that the girl had fabricated previous attacks. The assistant prosecutor who handled much of the case for Mahlon Gibson died several years ago. The prosecutor's files on the case, which would have included such details, were destroyed more than decade ago when a flood swept through the county archives, Mahlon Gibson said. Those files also would have included the forensics evidence referenced in "Living History."

The victim was visibly stunned when handed the affidavit by a reporter this fall. "It kind of shocks me - it's not true," she said. "I never said anybody attacked my body before, never in my life."

Hillary is scum, but in this particular case she didn't do anything that any other defense lawyer wouldn't have done.

Any other lawyer, maybe, since most of them are amoral whores, but in this case Clinton was a court appointed attorney and those guys typically do little more than file the paperwork for their client so they can plead them down well enough.

Hillary went at that little girl like a mad woman, lying about the 12 year old kid, and using legal tricks to throw out evidence that should ahve put a rapist behind bars for decades. Instead he walked and the victim suffered the effects for years.

No, not a typical court appointed lawyer's behavior here, not at all.
But her tactics to get the guy off were legal.
Were they? But beyond that, were they ethical tactics? Are they reflective of the type of behavior we should want in the President of the USA?

She slanders an innocent 12 year old girl that had been raped by a 41 year old man and who was in a coma as a result for days, and then lost her ability to ever have kids again.

And all you can say is, 'Well Hillary did her job?'

Fuck that, she did what an evil slimy whore would do, except in this case she didnt even get paid.
Just wondering why 16 GOPs didn't bother to bring this up.

Um because they were in a primary , not the general . You dumb fuck.

Only stupid ignorant like you will bring this up. Your Adolf Trump mouth is foaming running out of lies could have brought this up already.

You have an English version of that tripe handy?

Let me repeat for you dumb fuck. Only stupid ignorant like you will bring this up. Let me know if you want me to repeat it again.
Yeah, one more time. I like watching libs make fools out of themselves.

This topic just show that your credibility doesn't mean much.
Just wondering why 16 GOPs didn't bother to bring this up.

Um because they were in a primary , not the general . You dumb fuck.

Only stupid ignorant like you will bring this up. Your Adolf Trump mouth is foaming running out of lies could have brought this up already.

You have an English version of that tripe handy?

Let me repeat for you dumb fuck. Only stupid ignorant like you will bring this up. Let me know if you want me to repeat it again.

"RAH Only a stupid idiot will bring up all the wrong things Hillary has done in her scummy life RAH"

shut the fuck up.

Dude help yourself read blackrock post again. Poor boy I can see you are upset.
Um because they were in a primary , not the general . You dumb fuck.

Only stupid ignorant like you will bring this up. Your Adolf Trump mouth is foaming running out of lies could have brought this up already.

You have an English version of that tripe handy?

Let me repeat for you dumb fuck. Only stupid ignorant like you will bring this up. Let me know if you want me to repeat it again.
Yeah, one more time. I like watching libs make fools out of themselves.

This topic just show that your credibility doesn't mean much.
It shows that you aren't very intelligent.
Only stupid ignorant like you will bring this up. Your Adolf Trump mouth is foaming running out of lies could have brought this up already.

You have an English version of that tripe handy?

Let me repeat for you dumb fuck. Only stupid ignorant like you will bring this up. Let me know if you want me to repeat it again.
Yeah, one more time. I like watching libs make fools out of themselves.

This topic just show that your credibility doesn't mean much.
It shows that you aren't very intelligent.
So your saying people that disagree with your ignorance is not intelligent? Good job SJ.
You have an English version of that tripe handy?

Let me repeat for you dumb fuck. Only stupid ignorant like you will bring this up. Let me know if you want me to repeat it again.
Yeah, one more time. I like watching libs make fools out of themselves.

This topic just show that your credibility doesn't mean much.
It shows that you aren't very intelligent.
So your saying people that disagree with your ignorance is not intelligent? Good job SJ.
No, I'm saying you can't put together a coherent sentence.
So your saying people that disagree with your ignorance is not intelligent? Good job SJ.
No, I'm saying you can't put together a coherent sentence.

And think about this; these Clintonistas are slamming on Trump for silly things like stating how beautiful a woman is, or because he said unfriendly things about various women as though he said it be extension regarding all women.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is a former defender of men she knew for a fact committed rape, very heinous cases of rape of an underage girl, but she gets a pass?

No, she wont get a pass.
Let me repeat for you dumb fuck. Only stupid ignorant like you will bring this up. Let me know if you want me to repeat it again.
Yeah, one more time. I like watching libs make fools out of themselves.

This topic just show that your credibility doesn't mean much.
It shows that you aren't very intelligent.
So your saying people that disagree with your ignorance is not intelligent? Good job SJ.
No, I'm saying you can't put together a coherent sentence.

Dude you and JimBowel need to grow up.
Yeah, one more time. I like watching libs make fools out of themselves.

This topic just show that your credibility doesn't mean much.
It shows that you aren't very intelligent.
So your saying people that disagree with your ignorance is not intelligent? Good job SJ.
No, I'm saying you can't put together a coherent sentence.

Dude you and JimBowel need to grow up.
You need to learn how to talk.
The witch was never appointed to defend anyone. Some years later the prosecutor who asked her to represent the rapist started the lie that she was appointed by the judge. Had any of that been true, she would've offered it in that unguarded interview.

It's not that odd when you consider the case was likely thrown to prop this witch's early career. What were the results if they tested it? How would she know the crime lab threw away the bloody cut-out? I think it's more likely the prosecutor's office threw away the evidence. How extraordinarily ironic it is that the 12 year old victim was black.

Hillary Clinton was doing her job as a defense attorney, unless you want to say that rapists don't deserve a fair trial, which is actually an item on the feminist agenda to say that men accused of rape should not get a fair trial.

Representing a defendant in a trial does not mean that lawyer should make up lies in order to win a case. Sad thing about our justice system is that people think a "fair trial" means do anything and everything to win on behalf of a scumbag defendent. Making up such false statements with no references should not be allowed.
Hillary Clinton, champion of "women's rights", by being a defender of rapists.

But hey, Trump is the bad guy right? I mean he built hotels and bought real estate for a living, and that kind of lowlife shit. If he just would had been a lawyer and defended rapists, Dems would love him.
State of Arkansas V. Thomas Alfred Taylor

There's nothing in the case file about any lost or tested evidence that I can see. It magically skips to a plea agreement without any explanation for doing so. It very well could be that the story of lost underwear was entirely made up by the prosecutor as a gift to an up and coming Hillary Rodham. It's hard to imagine that sending out evidence for testing would not require filing a legal brief. I wonder if the Sheriff's Department still has Taylor's intact underwear with the vicitm's blood on it?

She was doing her job.

There's plenty of other things to go after Hillary for, this isn't one of them.

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