Have You Heard Of Medical Tourism

Ok... procedures... what about medication? I know people up here in the NE who go to Canada to buy their prescriptions because it's 1/3(or even less) of the cost as in these great United States. That would ALSO be a form of medical tourism.

You people are too damned dumb to realize that our own Medical companies are raking us across the coals while giving huge breaks to the rest of the world.

Sorry, getting meds is not what medical tourism is in my book. Also, getting meds from mexico.... i would not trust.

But i do agree with you. Meds should be cheap here and we should charge the rest of the world up the ass for them.
The US provides a disproportionate share of the drug company profits and research dollars. So the next time you shell out a hundred dollars a month for a prescription, that the rest of the world is paying $30 or $40, you can take comfort in the fact that you're paying the lion's share of the drug research and CEO salaries of the world's drug companies.
Ok... procedures... what about medication? I know people up here in the NE who go to Canada to buy their prescriptions because it's 1/3(or even less) of the cost as in these great United States. That would ALSO be a form of medical tourism.

You people are too damned dumb to realize that our own Medical companies are raking us across the coals while giving huge breaks to the rest of the world.

Sorry, getting meds is not what medical tourism is in my book. Also, getting meds from mexico.... i would not trust.

But i do agree with you. Meds should be cheap here and we should charge the rest of the world up the ass for them.
The US provides a disproportionate share of the drug company profits and research dollars. So the next time you shell out a hundred dollars a month for a prescription, that the rest of the world is paying $30 or $40, you can take comfort in the fact that you're paying the lion's share of the drug research and CEO salaries of the world's drug companies.

i know all about that. Did you read my post above?

I would have zero issue charging the rest of the world the high prices.

Prescriptions are not medical tourism.
Too expensive to get done here, but cheap enough to afford travel to another country and let some hack operate on you?


Travel to another country......have you checked airline rates lately

500 American companies are sticking it to the public. About 50,000,000 can't even afford health insurance. That's the way Republicans like it.

So are people hoping planes to get medical care or not?

Sorry, I have rounded with fourth year Medical Students from Mexico. The difference? After they graduate, they can start treating people.

The best of them were clamoring to get a residency in the United States so they could be adequately trained.

I wouldn't let the others treat my dog.

Folks who talk the way you talk are Republicans. That means simply, "I've Got Mine...Now By Gawd You Get Yours"
And those 'rich assholes' get their medical procedures WHERE?? Their cancer treatment WHERE?? Their physical therapy WHERE??

Idiot asshole hyper-partisan twit

That's the point.... they can AFFORD it numbnuts.

Do they make millions by overspending... if they could go to France or Bali to get it cheaper, they FUCKING WOULD IF OT WERE THE SAME QUALITY

You fucking buffoon
The cost is irrelevant to them... they can afford anything they want. Why go to the hassle of flying somewhere when they can get perfectly good treatment here and have their cadillac insurance pay for it?
Travel to another country......have you checked airline rates lately

500 American companies are sticking it to the public. About 50,000,000 can't even afford health insurance. That's the way Republicans like it.

So are people hoping planes to get medical care or not?

Sorry, I have rounded with fourth year Medical Students from Mexico. The difference? After they graduate, they can start treating people.

The best of them were clamoring to get a residency in the United States so they could be adequately trained.

I wouldn't let the others treat my dog.

Folks who talk the way you talk are Republicans. That means simply, "I've Got Mine...Now By Gawd You Get Yours"

He speaks like someone who knows what he is talking about. It has nothing to do with politics... but everything to do with being IN medicine.

But if it gives you comfort.... please feel free to go to mexico or where ever else you want to go for your medical treatment and get yourself the very best deal you can find.
100,000+ Americans travel to places like India, Belgium, Mexico, Spain, Columbia, S. Korea etc. each year to get medical procedures either denied to them here or too expensive for them to afford. The trend and numbers are growing.

Know what the problem is........we're the only industriali ed country in the world where over 500 companies make profits off of sick people. After all that we still rank 37th in general health and longeivity.

It's a great thing.

My, what the market can do when it is allowed to work !

Many, as I understand it, will travel the countries on a vacation and then have the procedure.

Sounds pretty good to me.
Too expensive to get done here, but cheap enough to afford travel to another country and let some hack operate on you?


Travel to another country......have you checked airline rates lately

500 American companies are sticking it to the public. About 50,000,000 can't even afford health insurance. That's the way Republicans like it.

So are people hoping planes to get medical care or not?

Sorry, I have rounded with fourth year Medical Students from Mexico. The difference? After they graduate, they can start treating people.

The best of them were clamoring to get a residency in the United States so they could be adequately trained.

I wouldn't let the others treat my dog.

Scary isn't it?

100,000+ Americans travel to places like India, Belgium, Mexico, Spain, Columbia, S. Korea etc. each year to get medical procedures either denied to them here or too expensive for them to afford. The trend and numbers are growing.

Know what the problem is........we're the only industriali ed country in the world where over 500 companies make profits off of sick people. After all that we still rank 37th in general health and longeivity.
Of course, all the 36 countries on that list that outrank the US have a more socialized healthcare system than the US. In fact, every country ranking higher than the US has universal coverage or universal healthcare. The US healthcare system is the most expensive in world and healthcare outcomes are one of worst among developed countries.

This is such drivel. And I surprized you continue to post it.

Those countries have an industry that caters to people who have the time and money to travel to places (often doing some vacationing as I understand it) and then having a procedure.

Our "healthcare system" is not a monolith.
Yeah I know all about it.

Medical Tourism | Affordable Cosmetic Surgery | Cosmetic Dental Abroad - Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego Riverside

Great Tummy Tuck.

More patients go abroad for medical treatment from the UK than the US. Why? Maybe socialized medicine.

Now if you look at medical tourism realistically, MANY such destinations are in countries that have socialized medicine already. The medical facilities rely on medical tourism to MAKE A PROFIT. The best doctors, the best hospitals aren't available for the citizens condemned to socialized medicine but reserved for the paying customers.

Standard Republican bull shit. It's good for more than 500 companies to turn profits off of the ill and infirm. Like I posted before...the Republicans have been trying to do away with social security ever since FDR signed it into law in the mid thirties. They even managed to get it to the supreme court twice but it was still ruled constitutional. See....someday every single American will catch on to the Republican mantra, "By Gawd I've Got Mine...Now By Gawd You Get Yours." You know.....Alan Kooi Simpson personified.

Most of the rich assholes had it handed to them with no strings attached. Either that or they're too busy thumpin' their bibles to ever wake up and read anything.

If you just wanted to rant like a moron...why didn't you do so in your opening post.

Save us the trouble of thinking that you actually wanted to debate a topic.
100,000+ Americans travel to places like India, Belgium, Mexico, Spain, Columbia, S. Korea etc. each year to get medical procedures either denied to them here or too expensive for them to afford. The trend and numbers are growing.

Know what the problem is........we're the only industriali ed country in the world where over 500 companies make profits off of sick people. After all that we still rank 37th in general health and longeivity.

Here is a typically excellent article from the excellent "Fast Company" magazine:

Medical Leave -- Offshore Medicine -- Bumrungrad International Hospital | Fast Company
Move to Korea for your Lobotomy and stay there


It's the jackass statements that drive me nuts. Instead of having anything useful to say, you just blurt out some stupid shit, and then you think it makes you look intelligent.

Do you realize that some insurance companies are actually starting to promote medical tourism as part of their insurance coverage? Some of these companies are playing with the idea of offering companies lower rates if their employees have certain medical procedures done outside of the US.

Health Insurance Companies Promoting Medical Tourism

'Medical Travel is Going to Be Part of the Solution'

Medical Tourism: The Insurance Debate - BusinessWeek

Why don't you take the time to educate yourself on this issue rather than trying to insult the op, making you look like a real idiot?
100,000+ Americans travel to places like India, Belgium, Mexico, Spain, Columbia, S. Korea etc. each year to get medical procedures either denied to them here or too expensive for them to afford. The trend and numbers are growing.

Know what the problem is........we're the only industriali ed country in the world where over 500 companies make profits off of sick people. After all that we still rank 37th in general health and longeivity.

There is a lot more to medical tourism than your idealogical point.

One reason people travel for surgeries is they face a long wait time in their country due to socialized medicine. Another is the lower standards, infection rate, and sub-par medical products.

Another thread that is not going how you wanted.

Another twit; why don't you research medical tourism? you might just learn something. BTW, insurance companies are starting to cover medical procedures performed outside the US. They are promoting it by offering lower insurance rates. You may be the next ignorant individual headed to India.

I really hate being so rude, but God Damn, I'm sick of the trash talking, especially when you have your fucking head stuck in the sand.
Ok... procedures... what about medication? I know people up here in the NE who go to Canada to buy their prescriptions because it's 1/3(or even less) of the cost as in these great United States. That would ALSO be a form of medical tourism.

You people are too damned dumb to realize that our own Medical companies are raking us across the coals while giving huge breaks to the rest of the world.

Sorry, getting meds is not what medical tourism is in my book. Also, getting meds from mexico.... i would not trust.

But i do agree with you. Meds should be cheap here and we should charge the rest of the world up the ass for them.
The US provides a disproportionate share of the drug company profits and research dollars. So the next time you shell out a hundred dollars a month for a prescription, that the rest of the world is paying $30 or $40, you can take comfort in the fact that you're paying the lion's share of the drug research and CEO salaries of the world's drug companies.

We subsidize the rest of the world when it comes to prescription drugs. It's absolute bullshit, yet we not only allow it, we promote it as being in our best interest. The worst thing about it is that it has nothing to do with how much the pharmaceutical companies make. Governments throughout the world tell these companies how much they will pay. So much for capitalism, right? I support capitalism in the pharmaceutical industry. I don't want to pay anymore than what anyone in any other country pays. If they need to charge more, charge more to everyone, and quit sucking the lifeblood out of America.
100,000+ Americans travel to places like India, Belgium, Mexico, Spain, Columbia, S. Korea etc. each year to get medical procedures either denied to them here or too expensive for them to afford. The trend and numbers are growing.

Know what the problem is........we're the only industriali ed country in the world where over 500 companies make profits off of sick people. After all that we still rank 37th in general health and longeivity.

It's a great thing.

My, what the market can do when it is allowed to work !

Many, as I understand it, will travel the countries on a vacation and then have the procedure.

Sounds pretty good to me.

Tell that to the 50,000,000 who can't afford health insurance and have to live every day hoping that their children won't get sick. The goddam "Let Them Eat Cake Crew" continues to bowl me over with their right wing ignorance and or callousness each passing day. It's not coincidence that we rate 37th in the world when general health and longevity are studied.
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anyone with bad knees has considered medical tourism....

you can get a knee done in thailand for about 20k....but if they fuck you up.....you have zero recourse...no medical malpractice suits etc...
Guess the thousands that come here better get here quick before ObamaCare kicks in, huh?:eusa_whistle::eusa_hand:
Yeah.....right.....before Obamacare......

Stupid Teabaggers.

Oh the biggest thing about Obamacare would be a single payer situation where every citi en was covered but of course corporations and their 5000 lobbyists want no part of that and that means Republicans don't either.

The only two features of Obamacare which are already effective are insurance companies not being able to exclude someone because of pre existing conditions and young people being eligible for coverage on their parent's health care to age 26. The rest of it won't kick in till 2014...thanks to Republican opposition.

We could become a civili ed nation but instead we continue to play a game where our record on real health care rates 37th in the world and more than 500 companies continue to make a profit off of the infirm. Makes a lot of sense to Republicans who already have it made.

We're gonna kick your right wing asses in 2012...bet on it.
100,000+ Americans travel to places like India, Belgium, Mexico, Spain, Columbia, S. Korea etc. each year to get medical procedures either denied to them here or too expensive for them to afford. The trend and numbers are growing.

Know what the problem is........we're the only industriali ed country in the world where over 500 companies make profits off of sick people. After all that we still rank 37th in general health and longeivity.

There is a lot more to medical tourism than your idealogical point.

One reason people travel for surgeries is they face a long wait time in their country due to socialized medicine. Another is the lower standards, infection rate, and sub-par medical products.

Another thread that is not going how you wanted.
Yeah......whatta shame you were unable to provide any details/facts to support your ideological point.



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