Have you heard the left attempt to say Jesus IS a socialist?

Jesus a socialist?

That turning water into wine was a BRILLIANT money making endeavor, what with His reducing His overhead to nearly zero and all.
About that - that's something else the left likes to attribute to Jesus that is not in the Scriptures - that he was married.

Not during this wedding at Cana he wasn't, anyway. When Jesus answered his mother about the wine running out, he asked her why it was his concern. "My hour has not yet come," he said. It wasn't his time be married. It wasn't his wedding.
If you knew the Bible you'd know she gave her permission.

Good gawd...you're ignorant

Here is the account of Mary learning that she'll be the mother of Christ, as told in the first chapter of Luke's gospel:

In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin's name was Mary. And he came to her and said, "Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!" But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. And the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end."

And Mary said to the angel, "How will this be, since I am a virgin?"

And the angel answered her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God. And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For nothing will be impossible with God." And Mary said, "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." And the angel departed from her.

She knew the stories of Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt and she did not want that to happen to her...what is a child going to say to an angel?
She turned into a pillar of salt for LOOKING BACK.

I know right.

Just imagine what would have happened to Mary had she told Gabriel "no thanks"....which is far worse than looking over your shoulder.

You do understand that she was born for that reason. God has given us all a purpose.

I do understand that is what many people believe.

I do understand that your doubt will eventually be solved.
Jesus a socialist?

That turning water into wine was a BRILLIANT money making endeavor, what with His reducing His overhead to nearly zero and all.
About that - that's something else the left likes to attribute to Jesus that is not in the Scriptures - that he was married.

Not during this wedding at Cana he wasn't, anyway. When Jesus answered his mother about the wine running out, he asked her why it was his concern. "My hour has not yet come," he said. It wasn't his time be married. It wasn't his wedding.

You guys make up a lot of things about the left. But the right believes this and a lot of other far more erroneous things.
Excuse me but FREEDMEN'S TOWN is a
NATIONAL historic landmark Freed Slave settlement.

Are you saying that if White people don't live in your
city, then you should not be complaining about them and what they do???

What if the problems are NATIONAL.
Doesn't that involve ALL AMERICANS.

BTW you could argue that people of ALL COLOR
should be helping Gladys to save it as a NATIONAL
CIVIL RIGHTS LANDMARK that is recognized as well.

But YOU cannot do that if YOU ARE NOT HELPING.

Gladys House is helping (she's BLACK and believes as you do that Racism is by definition WHITE oppression of all others)
Catherine Roberts is helping (she's WHITE).

But because these are WOMEN they aren't getting help
or credence by "men" like YOU making excuses.

So now you are saying it's MY problem as an

Yet you won't go help Freedmen's town as

What's the REAL REASON IM2

Because I offended you by asking you to
connect and help Gladys because YOU

And I offended you by asking you?

IM2 how is Freedmen's Town more
my issue than yours when it's a NATIONAL

It became my problem because I went to help
Gladys and others who weren't getting the help that is deserved.

please explain IM2

I'm a Democrat progressive trying to bring knowledge
and understanding of Constitutional law and authority
to clean up the Democrats who have made huge expensive messes.

As a Constitutionalist I align with other Conservatives who put
the Constitution first or who practice Christianity in terms of
NORMALIZING and HEALING relationships not rejecting and judging.

Suuuure you're a progressive Democrat....

Yes, I have worked with the highest elected Democrats in my district
Precinct 30, Chair Darrell Patterson where he and I co-wrote Resolutions
that passed at Senate District Conventions to try to fix the abuses in Freedmen's Town,
and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee where we are still trying to save the
last 10 historic houses before any more are removed or demolished.

Here are the resolutions that I have been working for
20 years to promote and invested over $60,000 in personal
credit I borrowed on cards to help two Black districts under
Sheila Jackson Lee (Fourth Ward and North Forest):

Allen Parkway Community Campus Concepts
Signed by Sheila Jackson Lee

Passed March, 2004, and March, 2002

We, the undersigned Delegates and/or Participants
hereby Petition and Resolve to include the
following items in the Democratic Platform:

I. A Civil Rights Center*, including
a museum, and legal education and outreach,
to be located in the National Historic District
of FREEDMEN’S TOWN in accordance with
the Allen Parkway Community Campus Concepts
approved by HUD, and the Fourth Ward Youth
Master Plan compiled by Darrell J. Patterson,
Precinct 30 Chair, in fulfillment of federal subgrant
agreements regarding historical community development.

II. A comprehensive investigation into continuing
complaints of misallocation of funds; denial of
democratic due process and the right to petition;
and harassment, exclusion, and unequal protection
of elderly, immigrant, low-income, and other minority

III. A plan to correct the above wrongdoings*,
including a proposed microcredit system to support
financial restitution* to affected African-American,
immigrant, elderly, or other abused citizens found to have
been denied basic civil rights peaceably to assemble to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances, instead
of enjoying equal protection under the law.

PASSED originally by all 8 Delegates present and SIGNED March 12, 2002:

Emily Nghiem, Convention Chair
Darrell J. Patterson, Precinct Chair/Election Judge
Ruby Reuben, Convention Secretary

PASSED and RENEWED by agreement of Delegates present and SIGNED March 8, 2004:

Edison Hall, Convention Chair

Darrell J. Patterson, Election Judge/Convention Secretary

*REVISED by the Resolutions Committee and PASSED by Democratic Party

Senate District 13 on March 27, 2004, for proposal to the State Democratic Convention


Here's the letter I had written to Ted Cruz Office
Bull Ring - Anonymous1977: emilynghiem is Asian I support Freedmen's Town plan for Constitutional equality
after his local rep came to visit Gladys House, a Black
Republican business leader and native Descendant
of Freedmen's Town, who has been investing her own
efforts working 2-3 jobs to back her plans, while
fellow blacks like IM2 and Asclepias are too
embarrassed that Black women are doing more
to save this district while Black men whine like
victims blaming whites and doing nothing to help.

And you had no business saying my name pertaining to things that are not about where I have lived. You were begging me to come to Houston. You see Emily there are plenty of black men doing work in Houston. Just because they have not joined your cause doesn't mean you get to talk shit. You are probably why those men don't help. In my state I have done plenty. I have helped blacks start and maintain successful businesses. I put together 3 different programs providing alternatives to drug sales for youth so to keep them out of gangs. I have trained ex dug offenders, crack addicts and single mothers formerly on welfare to prepare them for jobs and to help them maintain them. I sat on the state planning board to help implement a strategy to address a deadly disease that's killing more blacks than any other race. I have raised money to help provide affordable housing for low to moderate income families. I have fought 2 city governments In order to get them to change funding policies so all communities had equal access to funds needed to address problems. Now I volunteer my time working to organize MLK Day activities and sit on a task force working to rid our local police of racial bias.

So I don't whine about shit. And unlike you, I am not in here to kiss these racists asses hoping that will bring a solution. So the next time MY name comes out your mouth or off your fingertips, you better ask somebody.
I disagree with the OP video's definition of socialism. The definition used in the video is better suited towards fascism. It's my way of thinking that Jesus' teaching emphasized putting God first, others second, and oneself third. Whether that fits capitalism or socialism more is an interesting question and leads me to prefer a mixed bag with bits and pieces of each.
No, because unlike the bible's account of Jesus, socialists themselves live extremely wealthy, pampered lives. What socialists want is for everyone else in society to be equally poverty-stricken while these socialists themselves live it up large. Socialism is the sneakiest scam among greedy, money-hording pigs ever invented.
BTW IM2 you can help without moving to Houston.
All I meant was for you and Asclepias to CONTACT
Gladys, organize ONLINE or by radio/cell phone,
and ask KAEPERNICK to help set up that center
and save the houses under the plans and budget

Sorry if this wasn't clear.

I posted Gladys number online, it's THAT
important that everyone like you who BELIEVES

Thank you IM2 and sorry to misdirect this
distress at you "personally" when it's just so
that is SO DESERVING for support for VIABLE
go without support for so long wondering how long
will it take for Black leaders to unite and reclaim that heritage.

If you talked with Gladys for two minutes you would
understand why Catherine and everyone who knows the
fights she has been defending on her own is so up in arms
and baffled that she doesn't get full national support for FT.

I'm a Democrat progressive trying to bring knowledge
and understanding of Constitutional law and authority
to clean up the Democrats who have made huge expensive messes.

As a Constitutionalist I align with other Conservatives who put
the Constitution first or who practice Christianity in terms of
NORMALIZING and HEALING relationships not rejecting and judging.

Suuuure you're a progressive Democrat....

Yes, I have worked with the highest elected Democrats in my district
Precinct 30, Chair Darrell Patterson where he and I co-wrote Resolutions
that passed at Senate District Conventions to try to fix the abuses in Freedmen's Town,
and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee where we are still trying to save the
last 10 historic houses before any more are removed or demolished.

Here are the resolutions that I have been working for
20 years to promote and invested over $60,000 in personal
credit I borrowed on cards to help two Black districts under
Sheila Jackson Lee (Fourth Ward and North Forest):

Allen Parkway Community Campus Concepts
Signed by Sheila Jackson Lee

Passed March, 2004, and March, 2002

We, the undersigned Delegates and/or Participants
hereby Petition and Resolve to include the
following items in the Democratic Platform:

I. A Civil Rights Center*, including
a museum, and legal education and outreach,
to be located in the National Historic District
of FREEDMEN’S TOWN in accordance with
the Allen Parkway Community Campus Concepts
approved by HUD, and the Fourth Ward Youth
Master Plan compiled by Darrell J. Patterson,
Precinct 30 Chair, in fulfillment of federal subgrant
agreements regarding historical community development.

II. A comprehensive investigation into continuing
complaints of misallocation of funds; denial of
democratic due process and the right to petition;
and harassment, exclusion, and unequal protection
of elderly, immigrant, low-income, and other minority

III. A plan to correct the above wrongdoings*,
including a proposed microcredit system to support
financial restitution* to affected African-American,
immigrant, elderly, or other abused citizens found to have
been denied basic civil rights peaceably to assemble to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances, instead
of enjoying equal protection under the law.

PASSED originally by all 8 Delegates present and SIGNED March 12, 2002:

Emily Nghiem, Convention Chair
Darrell J. Patterson, Precinct Chair/Election Judge
Ruby Reuben, Convention Secretary

PASSED and RENEWED by agreement of Delegates present and SIGNED March 8, 2004:

Edison Hall, Convention Chair

Darrell J. Patterson, Election Judge/Convention Secretary

*REVISED by the Resolutions Committee and PASSED by Democratic Party

Senate District 13 on March 27, 2004, for proposal to the State Democratic Convention


Here's the letter I had written to Ted Cruz Office
Bull Ring - Anonymous1977: emilynghiem is Asian I support Freedmen's Town plan for Constitutional equality
after his local rep came to visit Gladys House, a Black
Republican business leader and native Descendant
of Freedmen's Town, who has been investing her own
efforts working 2-3 jobs to back her plans, while
fellow blacks like IM2 and Asclepias are too
embarrassed that Black women are doing more
to save this district while Black men whine like
victims blaming whites and doing nothing to help.

And you had no business saying my name pertaining to things that are not about where I have lived. You were begging me to come to Houston. You see Emily there are plenty of black men doing work in Houston. Just because they have not joined your cause doesn't mean you get to talk shit. You are probably why those men don't help. In my state I have done plenty. I have helped blacks start and maintain successful businesses. I put together 3 different programs providing alternatives to drug sales for youth so to keep them out of gangs. I have trained ex dug offenders, crack addicts and single mothers formerly on welfare to prepare them for jobs and to help them maintain them. I sat on the state planning board to help implement a strategy to address a deadly disease that's killing more blacks than any other race. I have raised money to help provide affordable housing for low to moderate income families. I have fought 2 city governments In order to get them to change funding policies so all communities had equal access to funds needed to address problems. Now I volunteer my time working to organize MLK Day activities and sit on a task force working to rid our local police of racial bias.

So I don't whine about shit. And unlike you, I am not in here to kiss these racists asses hoping that will bring a solution. So the next time MY name comes out your mouth or off your fingertips, you better ask somebody.
Without the Holy Spirit, there is really no true faith. Must be a sanctification and without that, conversion is not real.

I do find it just fascinating and I also think it is pathetic how the left like IM2 dismiss the decadence that is displayed with the elitists on the left.

Just how in the hell the left somehow make themselves to be champions for the poor while living out their outrageously decedant lifestyles is beyond me.

How do left wingers or why do left wingers ignore this?

How in the world the left elites are able to get away with that claim that the Republicans are the "party of the rich" is just astounding.

How is that?
Jesus was not a socialist as the word is actually defined but he had some definite thoughts on how we should treat each other. Right wing Christians think they have found a way into Heaven without having to be good, kind gentle people.
She knew the stories of Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt and she did not want that to happen to her...what is a child going to say to an angel?
She turned into a pillar of salt for LOOKING BACK.

I know right.

Just imagine what would have happened to Mary had she told Gabriel "no thanks"....which is far worse than looking over your shoulder.

You do understand that she was born for that reason. God has given us all a purpose.

I do understand that is what many people believe.

I do understand that your doubt will eventually be solved.

As it will for all of us.
"we all do better when we all do better" - Eloquent Paul Wellstone, a socialist...others include Robin Hood and Pope Francis
Socialism is a government construct. A political belief. Jesus did not espouse a political stance at all. Jesus was not a socialist. Neither was he a libertarian nor a constitutional conservative. He didn't espouse any political belief or government

Not true. He espoused kicking the Romans out. That seems kinda political.

He did? Where?
Hey, I'm just impressed.

In post 50, you try to come off as a sincere and devout Christian.

And then there's ugliness & hate you regularly and freely spew otherwise.

I'd guess you Cafeteria Christians have a SLEW of methods and techniques to justify your breathtakingly hypocritical behavior.

Do you keep them on some kind of spreadsheet for handy reference, or have you just memorized them all by now?
Sincere devout Christian? Is that what you think I said about myself idiot?

You have severe learning disabilities and you have no control over your hypocrisy.
Oh, so that post was just a big ol' stinky pile of phony religious bullshit, was it? Are you pretending to be a Christian for some weird imagined political advantage?

Yes or no, slugger? See if you can find the balls to give me a straight and clear answer here, for a change, O loving Christian one.
My response is in post 50 as you say. I think it is rather clear.

That's okay I'd never expect a straight answer from someone like you.

Even on THIS topic.

You are a fool. Cannot help it if you cannot understand post 50 after you read it.

You socialist ass.
Last try, coward:

Are you a Christian?
Sincere devout Christian? Is that what you think I said about myself idiot?

You have severe learning disabilities and you have no control over your hypocrisy.
Oh, so that post was just a big ol' stinky pile of phony religious bullshit, was it? Are you pretending to be a Christian for some weird imagined political advantage?

Yes or no, slugger? See if you can find the balls to give me a straight and clear answer here, for a change, O loving Christian one.
My response is in post 50 as you say. I think it is rather clear.

That's okay I'd never expect a straight answer from someone like you.

Even on THIS topic.

You are a fool. Cannot help it if you cannot understand post 50 after you read it.

You socialist ass.
Last try, coward:

Are you a Christian?

Have you heard the left attempt to say Jesus IS a socialist?
Only specific fools like me would carry on in sin or struggle with sin after understanding this. Hence, the reason I believe there is really no hope for a disgrace like me.

However, that does not mean I don't believe. I also believe that there are simply ears that have been closed. I know there are eyes that have been blinded to see. So, it will only be those who have the ears to hear and eyes to see that the Holy Spirit will guide.

As far as what governments would be best? Well, the one that governs least. However, that does not dismiss us from serving Him and do believe there are those that are TRULY serving Him. If they are TRUE then are not doing it for their own glory. That is why there will be those who will be accepted that are serving Him without even knowing they are. Mathew 25:31-46 describes that..

Translate what that means to you.
Oh, so that post was just a big ol' stinky pile of phony religious bullshit, was it? Are you pretending to be a Christian for some weird imagined political advantage?

Yes or no, slugger? See if you can find the balls to give me a straight and clear answer here, for a change, O loving Christian one.
My response is in post 50 as you say. I think it is rather clear.

That's okay I'd never expect a straight answer from someone like you.

Even on THIS topic.

You are a fool. Cannot help it if you cannot understand post 50 after you read it.

You socialist ass.
Last try, coward:

Are you a Christian?

Have you heard the left attempt to say Jesus IS a socialist?
Only specific fools like me would carry on in sin or struggle with sin after understanding this. Hence, the reason I believe there is really no hope for a disgrace like me.

However, that does not mean I don't believe. I also believe that there are simply ears that have been closed. I know there are eyes that have been blinded to see. So, it will only be those who have the ears to hear and eyes to see that the Holy Spirit will guide.

As far as what governments would be best? Well, the one that governs least. However, that does not dismiss us from serving Him and do believe there are those that are TRULY serving Him. If they are TRUE then are not doing it for their own glory. That is why there will be those who will be accepted that are serving Him without even knowing they are. Mathew 25:31-46 describes that..

Translate what that means to you.
What it means to me is that you don't have the balls to provide a yes or no answer. To the easiest question imaginable.

Obviously you're afraid to say "yes" or "no".

You're a coward and a hypocrite. And a hateful one, at that.
Have you heard the left attempt to say Jesus IS a socialist

Heard The New-Think From Socialist Youth Pastors Long Ago
They Picked It Up From All Their Secular University Schooling

University Is Were Teenagers,
Trying To Extend Their Childhood
Go To Have The Common Sense Schooled Out Of Them

How Else Would You Explain
People Like AOC, With Their Academic Credentials
Being Such Bird-Brains
Last edited:
My response is in post 50 as you say. I think it is rather clear.

That's okay I'd never expect a straight answer from someone like you.

Even on THIS topic.

You are a fool. Cannot help it if you cannot understand post 50 after you read it.

You socialist ass.
Last try, coward:

Are you a Christian?

Have you heard the left attempt to say Jesus IS a socialist?
Only specific fools like me would carry on in sin or struggle with sin after understanding this. Hence, the reason I believe there is really no hope for a disgrace like me.

However, that does not mean I don't believe. I also believe that there are simply ears that have been closed. I know there are eyes that have been blinded to see. So, it will only be those who have the ears to hear and eyes to see that the Holy Spirit will guide.

As far as what governments would be best? Well, the one that governs least. However, that does not dismiss us from serving Him and do believe there are those that are TRULY serving Him. If they are TRUE then are not doing it for their own glory. That is why there will be those who will be accepted that are serving Him without even knowing they are. Mathew 25:31-46 describes that..

Translate what that means to you.
What it means to me is that you don't have the balls to provide a yes or no answer. To the easiest question imaginable.

Obviously you're afraid to say "yes" or "no".

You're a coward and a hypocrite. And a hateful one, at that.
You are a fucking loser.

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

Just debated a Leftist from Europe this week here that Jesus would want us to have "universal health care" because "that's the best way to care for the sick" or some such other dreck. I told him in no uncertain terms that Jesus made no such political case. I cannot claim that Jesus made a case for "private health insurance" and he cannot claim that Jesus made a case for 'universal health care".

Jesus came to save lost sinners. The way to save lost sinners is not a political issue nor a political question. It wasn't then. It isn't now.

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