Have you heard the left attempt to say Jesus IS a socialist?

Democrats Have Already Demonstrated
They Would Rather Vote For A Complete Unknown Off The Sidewalk
Than Anyone With A Record To Defend

Oh Look
Tom Steyer To The Rescue !!

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

Just debated a Leftist from Europe this week here that Jesus would want us to have "universal health care" because "that's the best way to care for the sick" or some such other dreck. I told him in no uncertain terms that Jesus made no such political case. I cannot claim that Jesus made a case for "private health insurance" and he cannot claim that Jesus made a case for 'universal health care".

Jesus came to save lost sinners. The way to save lost sinners is not a political issue nor a political question. It wasn't then. It isn't now.
Jesus specifically Judges the Nations, on how the Nation's people He gathers... took care of the sick, the poor, the stranger, the imprisoned... and however they treated them, they treated Him... in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats???

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:31-46 - New International Version

And you have to wonder, what is He trying to teach us in this passage??

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

Just debated a Leftist from Europe this week here that Jesus would want us to have "universal health care" because "that's the best way to care for the sick" or some such other dreck. I told him in no uncertain terms that Jesus made no such political case. I cannot claim that Jesus made a case for "private health insurance" and he cannot claim that Jesus made a case for 'universal health care".

Jesus came to save lost sinners. The way to save lost sinners is not a political issue nor a political question. It wasn't then. It isn't now.
Jesus specifically Judges the Nations, on how the Nation's people He gathers... took care of the sick, the poor, the stranger, the imprisoned... and however they treated them, they treated Him... in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats???

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:31-46 - New International Version

And you have to wonder, what is He trying to teach us in this passage??

In the Bible "the nations" should be understood theologically, not politically. Not, "how well did you confiscate money from others to give to the poor", but, "how VOLUNTARILY generous were your citizens to the poor, sick, lonely, etc"?

I'm sure you can see the difference.

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

Just debated a Leftist from Europe this week here that Jesus would want us to have "universal health care" because "that's the best way to care for the sick" or some such other dreck. I told him in no uncertain terms that Jesus made no such political case. I cannot claim that Jesus made a case for "private health insurance" and he cannot claim that Jesus made a case for 'universal health care".

Jesus came to save lost sinners. The way to save lost sinners is not a political issue nor a political question. It wasn't then. It isn't now.
Jesus specifically Judges the Nations, on how the Nation's people He gathers... took care of the sick, the poor, the stranger, the imprisoned... and however they treated them, they treated Him... in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats???

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:31-46 - New International Version

And you have to wonder, what is He trying to teach us in this passage??

Well, considering this nation gives more foreign aid to other countries than every other country in the world, combined I would say it is in good standing.

When was the last time you even heard of the old ussr giving to the poor? How about Cuba, or North Korea, or Iran? When?

Those are the countries that you people vote for emulate.

U.S. Gives Financial Aid to 96% of All Countries

Let us know how much in foreign aid any of those socialist paradises give. You know how many volunteer organizations this country has? Do you?

You have any idea what you are talking about?

You side with the enemies of Christ and you will be judged for that. I would suggest you reevaluate your disposition.
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Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

Just debated a Leftist from Europe this week here that Jesus would want us to have "universal health care" because "that's the best way to care for the sick" or some such other dreck. I told him in no uncertain terms that Jesus made no such political case. I cannot claim that Jesus made a case for "private health insurance" and he cannot claim that Jesus made a case for 'universal health care".

Jesus came to save lost sinners. The way to save lost sinners is not a political issue nor a political question. It wasn't then. It isn't now.
Jesus specifically Judges the Nations, on how the Nation's people He gathers... took care of the sick, the poor, the stranger, the imprisoned... and however they treated them, they treated Him... in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats???

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:31-46 - New International Version

And you have to wonder, what is He trying to teach us in this passage??

In the Bible "the nations" should be understood theologically, not politically. Not, "how well did you confiscate money from others to give to the poor", but, "how VOLUNTARILY generous were your citizens to the poor, sick, lonely, etc"?

I'm sure you can see the difference.

It's just strange.... He could have simply gathered all the people on Earth to give the ''Last Judgement'', but instead He mentions gathering them by the Nation....? not by who is Christian and who is not, or who 'believeth in Him"? There has to be a reason behind Him doing this, that is purposeful, and meant for us to understand?

I don't expect you to know the answer, I suppose it is something that will be revealed to me, when the good Lord knows the time is right... in the mean time, I will keep praying, for Him to give me some wisdom on it! :lol:

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

Just debated a Leftist from Europe this week here that Jesus would want us to have "universal health care" because "that's the best way to care for the sick" or some such other dreck. I told him in no uncertain terms that Jesus made no such political case. I cannot claim that Jesus made a case for "private health insurance" and he cannot claim that Jesus made a case for 'universal health care".

Jesus came to save lost sinners. The way to save lost sinners is not a political issue nor a political question. It wasn't then. It isn't now.
Jesus specifically Judges the Nations, on how the Nation's people He gathers... took care of the sick, the poor, the stranger, the imprisoned... and however they treated them, they treated Him... in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats???

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:31-46 - New International Version

And you have to wonder, what is He trying to teach us in this passage??

He didn't mean nations in the political sense

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

Just debated a Leftist from Europe this week here that Jesus would want us to have "universal health care" because "that's the best way to care for the sick" or some such other dreck. I told him in no uncertain terms that Jesus made no such political case. I cannot claim that Jesus made a case for "private health insurance" and he cannot claim that Jesus made a case for 'universal health care".

Jesus came to save lost sinners. The way to save lost sinners is not a political issue nor a political question. It wasn't then. It isn't now.
Jesus specifically Judges the Nations, on how the Nation's people He gathers... took care of the sick, the poor, the stranger, the imprisoned... and however they treated them, they treated Him... in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats???

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:31-46 - New International Version

And you have to wonder, what is He trying to teach us in this passage??

In the Bible "the nations" should be understood theologically, not politically. Not, "how well did you confiscate money from others to give to the poor", but, "how VOLUNTARILY generous were your citizens to the poor, sick, lonely, etc"?

I'm sure you can see the difference.

Great response

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

Just debated a Leftist from Europe this week here that Jesus would want us to have "universal health care" because "that's the best way to care for the sick" or some such other dreck. I told him in no uncertain terms that Jesus made no such political case. I cannot claim that Jesus made a case for "private health insurance" and he cannot claim that Jesus made a case for 'universal health care".

Jesus came to save lost sinners. The way to save lost sinners is not a political issue nor a political question. It wasn't then. It isn't now.
Jesus specifically Judges the Nations, on how the Nation's people He gathers... took care of the sick, the poor, the stranger, the imprisoned... and however they treated them, they treated Him... in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats???

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:31-46 - New International Version

And you have to wonder, what is He trying to teach us in this passage??

Throughout the Bible people are always grouped. Tribes, nations, Israelites, Gentiles. People come to Jesus in "nations" (earthly groups) but they leave the Judgment Throne in only two groups: Sheeps and Goats--believers and unbelievers.

In the end, that is the only thing that matters. I believe that is the most important lesson, although in this "earthly age" nations and groups are not unimportant, as we see throughout. But again: our individual standing with God is our primary identity.

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

Just debated a Leftist from Europe this week here that Jesus would want us to have "universal health care" because "that's the best way to care for the sick" or some such other dreck. I told him in no uncertain terms that Jesus made no such political case. I cannot claim that Jesus made a case for "private health insurance" and he cannot claim that Jesus made a case for 'universal health care".

Jesus came to save lost sinners. The way to save lost sinners is not a political issue nor a political question. It wasn't then. It isn't now.
Jesus specifically Judges the Nations, on how the Nation's people He gathers... took care of the sick, the poor, the stranger, the imprisoned... and however they treated them, they treated Him... in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats???

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:31-46 - New International Version

And you have to wonder, what is He trying to teach us in this passage??

In the Bible "the nations" should be understood theologically, not politically. Not, "how well did you confiscate money from others to give to the poor", but, "how VOLUNTARILY generous were your citizens to the poor, sick, lonely, etc"?

I'm sure you can see the difference.

It's just strange.... He could have simply gathered all the people on Earth to give the ''Last Judgement'', but instead He mentions gathering them by the Nation....? not by who is Christian and who is not, or who 'believeth in Him"? There has to be a reason behind Him doing this, that is purposeful, and meant for us to understand?

I don't expect you to know the answer, I suppose it is something that will be revealed to me, when the good Lord knows the time is right... in the mean time, I will keep praying, for Him to give me some wisdom on it! :lol:

to know Jesus and his socialism -----consider the writings and beliefs of the Pharisees of his time. Of course he supported some "SOCIALISM IDEAS"----
I'm atheist but I was born and raised catholic and catholics [or at least catholicism] are/is socialist while most of the rest of the christian world appears to be more fiscally motivated to me.


In that the Vatican takes the money and redistributes it to the parishes.....yep
This thread is a perfect illustration.

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

John Kenneth Galbraith
BTW.......To the op the left uses the Mind Game of what would Jesus do..............Psycho ops is all it is............

Playing the pity party of who BAD YOU ARE.

YOU BAD PERSON...........sniff sniff........being the emotional critters they are as they rob people blind with their taxation and wacky save the planet BS.....

Difference between Jesus and them.......Jesus would hand out all offerings to him.............not put it into his pockets and say SUCKERS like the left.

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