Have you heard the left attempt to say Jesus IS a socialist?

...well---no-----not like STALIN
Stalin was not a communist, neither was the Party he (and his predecessor and successors) led.
your confusing Marxism with Communism

Marxism is a unworkable theory a fantasy that could never be applied in reality not in any large numbers

communism is the result of trying to apply Marxism in reality
...well---no-----not like STALIN
Stalin was not a communist, neither was the Party he (and his predecessor and successors) led.
your confusing Marxism with Communism

Marxism is a unworkable theory a fantasy that could never be applied in reality not in any large numbers

communism is the result of trying to apply Marxism in reality

don't give up your day job

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

Jesus of Nazareth as not a Socialist.

Jesus of Nazareth was a Communist.

Communism = communal ownership of all things.

Which is exactly the way that the Master and His community of followers lived during His ministry on Earth.


"Go sell all that thou hast, and give it to the poor, and follow me."

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."

"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them."

I'm convinced that most Evangelicals worship Satan.
NOT Jesus.

They worship war, the rich, greed, despise the environment, kill God's creatures for fun, neglect the clear Socialist message of Jesus.

I am convince that your early education came from an old polish BUBUH
...well---no-----not like STALIN
Stalin was not a communist, neither was the Party he (and his predecessor and successors) led.
your confusing Marxism with Communism

Marxism is a unworkable theory a fantasy that could never be applied in reality not in any large numbers

communism is the result of trying to apply Marxism in reality

don't give up your day job
great debating skills
...well---no-----not like STALIN
Stalin was not a communist, neither was the Party he (and his predecessor and successors) led.
your confusing Marxism with Communism

Marxism is a unworkable theory a fantasy that could never be applied in reality not in any large numbers

communism is the result of trying to apply Marxism in reality

don't give up your day job
great debating skills

great and utter idiocy-----Marx wrote about an economic theory------"Marxism" is the name of a few million INTERPRETATIONS of the writings of a theoretical
utopian economist. During the time of Marx----there were MANY MANY such
writings-------persons who got educated in the USA ---SHOULD know. Your
statement is banal and shallow minded-------you said NOTHING. Books on the theory of CAPITALISM can be critiqued using the same shallow words you have
...well---no-----not like STALIN
Stalin was not a communist, neither was the Party he (and his predecessor and successors) led.

yeah he was-------you just do not like his brand of communism. I do not like the
silly LEFT vs RIGHT feud going on here
What's silly about it ..............LOL

it is meaningless. something like the Shiite, Sunni feud-------or the Hatfield
vs McCoy ------or montegue vs capulet--------or -----WHATEVAH

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

Just debated a Leftist from Europe this week here that Jesus would want us to have "universal health care" because "that's the best way to care for the sick" or some such other dreck. I told him in no uncertain terms that Jesus made no such political case. I cannot claim that Jesus made a case for "private health insurance" and he cannot claim that Jesus made a case for 'universal health care".

Jesus came to save lost sinners. The way to save lost sinners is not a political issue nor a political question. It wasn't then. It isn't now.
Jesus specifically Judges the Nations, on how the Nation's people He gathers... took care of the sick, the poor, the stranger, the imprisoned... and however they treated them, they treated Him... in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats???

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:31-46 - New International Version

And you have to wonder, what is He trying to teach us in this passage??

In the Bible "the nations" should be understood theologically, not politically. Not, "how well did you confiscate money from others to give to the poor", but, "how VOLUNTARILY generous were your citizens to the poor, sick, lonely, etc"?

I'm sure you can see the difference.

Or if not theologically, then theocratically. Or maybe politically, in a sense, really. The nation Jesus delivered shattered all expectations.

The traditional kingdom that the Israelites expected was the one that the Baptist also expected, who expressed disappointment with Jesus when he supposed that God’s dominion had not arrived in a timely enough fashion (Mt 11:2-3; Lk 7:20). Like his countrymen, John wanted to see an earthly empire of his people with Jerusalem as the capital. Instead, he saw that Jesus had been spending his time preaching and healing while he himself was in jail, while Rome was still reigning, and while the temple and the old covenant were still in place.

Jesus himself related some impatience regarding the kingdom (Lk 12:49-50). He knew, however, that it would come in due time and that this kingdom was, as you say, not political; it was spiritual. The axe may have traveled the arc of the swing to the root of the tree, but the Jewish state was not a tree that would be felled in a day and the kingdom likewise established. A generation, sure, but not a day.
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Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

Yea jesus wanted the Roman's to dispense healthcare

the preacher is a JERK
In fact-----try to stick to reality-----what Jesus wanted was for the ROMANS TO
GO AWAY and for biblical law-----including its mechanisms for social welfare. ----
Just about every word from the mouth of that idiot preacher was BULL SHIT
People come to Jesus in "nations" (earthly groups) but they leave the Judgment Throne in only two groups: Sheeps and Goats--believers and unbelievers.
On that I have to disagree.... He specifically did not separate them by who believed in Him and who did not... That was NOT Jesus's lesson in this Scripture?

If you noticed, BOTH GROUPS called him LORD? Both of those groups knew Jesus as Lord, both of those groups asked of Jesus, "but when did we do this for/to you?" And He said, basically, however you treated those that He mentioned, (the sick, poor, stranger, imprisoned) you treated Him...???
Sweet Sue is right, I think. Only believers inherit the kingdom of God. Calling someone "lord" matters not a whit to people who could care less about that someone, unless they think that doing so might reward them somehow.
...well---no-----not like STALIN
Stalin was not a communist, neither was the Party he (and his predecessor and successors) led.
your confusing Marxism with Communism

Marxism is a unworkable theory a fantasy that could never be applied in reality not in any large numbers

communism is the result of trying to apply Marxism in reality

don't give up your day job
great debating skills

great and utter idiocy-----Marx wrote about an economic theory------"Marxism" is the name of a few million INTERPRETATIONS of the writings of a theoretical
utopian economist. During the time of Marx----there were MANY MANY such
writings-------persons who got educated in the USA ---SHOULD know. Your
statement is banal and shallow minded-------you said NOTHING. Books on the theory of CAPITALISM can be critiqued using the same shallow words you have
Marx believed that people would voluntary give up their labor and fruits of their labor to the collective for the betterment of the collective and only keep or take just what they need and eventually you wouldn't have a need for government
Thats a fantasy an unworkable fantasy because it goes against basic human nature

so for Marxism to work in reality labor and fruits of ones labor has to be taken by the threat of force or actual force and you end up with communism a tyrannical police state which there are no individuals just the collective and everything is done under charade of bettering the collective at the expense of the individual

and as a foot note more then 140 million have been mass murdered under communism over 7 times more then was murdered under fascist rule
Communism/Marxism is the most deadly political and economic ideology that ever graced this earth
People come to Jesus in "nations" (earthly groups) but they leave the Judgment Throne in only two groups: Sheeps and Goats--believers and unbelievers.
On that I have to disagree.... He specifically did not separate them by who believed in Him and who did not... That was NOT Jesus's lesson in this Scripture?

If you noticed, BOTH GROUPS called him LORD? Both of those groups knew Jesus as Lord, both of those groups asked of Jesus, "but when did we do this for/to you?" And He said, basically, however you treated those that He mentioned, (the sick, poor, stranger, imprisoned) you treated Him...???
Sweet Sue is right, I think. Only believers inherit the kingdom of God. Calling someone "lord" matters not a whit to people who could care less about that someone, unless they think that doing so might reward them somehow.

in the language of Jesus during his time------which was Aramaic and Hebrew----
calling a man "lord" -----"adon" "mar" "rav" was simple courtesy

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

Jesus of Nazareth as not a Socialist.

Jesus of Nazareth was a Communist.

Communism = communal ownership of all things.

Which is exactly the way that the Master and His community of followers lived during His ministry on Earth.


"Go sell all that thou hast, and give it to the poor, and follow me."

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."

"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them."

I'm convinced that most Evangelicals worship Satan.
NOT Jesus.

They worship war, the rich, greed, despise the environment, kill God's creatures for fun, neglect the clear Socialist message of Jesus.

I am convince that your early education came from an old polish BUBUH

Catholics follow Jesus mostly, Evangelicals follow Satan mostly.
As for your people I'm convinced you're anti-Christs.
...well---no-----not like STALIN
Stalin was not a communist, neither was the Party he (and his predecessor and successors) led.

yeah he was-------you just do not like his brand of communism. I do not like the
silly LEFT vs RIGHT feud going on here
What's silly about it ..............LOL

it is meaningless. something like the Shiite, Sunni feud-------or the Hatfield
vs McCoy ------or montegue vs capulet--------or -----WHATEVAH
Then mankind is meaningless to you...........as this has been going on since the caveman times...........

It is the nature of man to kill each other.........whether to plunder.........whether religion..........or whether just bored.........

The left versus right issue here..........is about our opinions on the path of this country........we are dead set against each other now........No denying that..........which always happens in history....................Divided nation we have today.........divided world............always leads to something.
I'm atheist but I was born and raised catholic and catholics [or at least catholicism] are/is socialist while most of the rest of the christian world appears to be more fiscally motivated to me.

I'm convinced Protestants are mostly Demonic.

A.) They are tratiors of the Vatican the original Christianity.

B.) In Europe they are very pro- Gay, pro- Abortion & even pro- Euthanasia.

C.) In America they tend to be pro- War, pro- Greed, pro- Rich & pro- destroying God's nature & creatures.

D.) Catholics get it right overwhelming. Being anti- Abortion, Anti -Euthanasia, anti- War, anti- Gay,anti- Greed & anti- Rich.
...well---no-----not like STALIN
Stalin was not a communist, neither was the Party he (and his predecessor and successors) led.

yeah he was-------you just do not like his brand of communism. I do not like the
silly LEFT vs RIGHT feud going on here
What's silly about it ..............LOL

it is meaningless. something like the Shiite, Sunni feud-------or the Hatfield
vs McCoy ------or montegue vs capulet--------or -----WHATEVAH
Then mankind is meaningless to you...........as this has been going on since the caveman times...........

It is the nature of man to kill each other.........whether to plunder.........whether religion..........or whether just bored.........

The left versus right issue here..........is about our opinions on the path of this country........we are dead set against each other now........No denying that..........which always happens in history....................Divided nation we have today.........divided world............always leads to something.
The fact is though, we are supposed to be divided. Seems weird, but that is how the republic was supposed to work.

We are supposed to have debate. We are supposed to have freedom of EXPRESSION. Not all united under one "bipartisan" banner.

That is the great deception. We think we have had a true opposition party that has represented we the people?

Not really. If I showed you quotes without names it would be hard for you to know which was conservative and which was not.

If I showed you the speech from al gore for instance in 1992 about saddam still being in power and crushing Bush for not getting rid of his terrorist regime, well most here would not believe it was gore. Based on his 180 degree peacenik speeches after W enforced the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds signed by clinton.

The fact is special interests have held this country (world) hostage for a long time. That is the reality of our corrupted nature.
Stalin was not a communist, neither was the Party he (and his predecessor and successors) led.
your confusing Marxism with Communism

Marxism is a unworkable theory a fantasy that could never be applied in reality not in any large numbers

communism is the result of trying to apply Marxism in reality

don't give up your day job
great debating skills

great and utter idiocy-----Marx wrote about an economic theory------"Marxism" is the name of a few million INTERPRETATIONS of the writings of a theoretical
utopian economist. During the time of Marx----there were MANY MANY such
writings-------persons who got educated in the USA ---SHOULD know. Your
statement is banal and shallow minded-------you said NOTHING. Books on the theory of CAPITALISM can be critiqued using the same shallow words you have
Marx believed that people would voluntary give up their labor and fruits of their labor to the collective for the betterment of the collective and only keep or take just what they need and eventually you wouldn't have a need for government
Thats a fantasy an unworkable fantasy because it goes against basic human nature

so for Marxism to work in reality labor and fruits of ones labor has to be taken by the threat of force or actual force and you end up with communism a tyrannical police state which there are no individuals just the collective and everything is done under charade of bettering the collective at the expense of the individual

and as a foot note more then 140 million have been mass murdered under communism over 7 times more then was murdered under fascist rule
Communism/Marxism is the most deadly political and economic ideology that ever graced this earth

Marx & Engels the forebearers of Communusm were idiots.

Adam Smith & Hume the founders of Capitalism were apathetic.

It's not one or the other.
Neither are right.

As for Commies, yes they killed a lot more than Fascists
Did the Capitalists particularly British Capitalists in the British Empire & USA Imperialists have killed 10's of millions if not 100 + million.

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