Have you heard the left attempt to say Jesus IS a socialist?

The left doesn't believe in Jesus....then claims he was socialist.

The left makes my head hurt

Dear SassyIrishLass
They believe in PEACE AND JUSTICE
which is the same as Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

But they believe it will imposed through Govt as the central Authority.
they somehow see that Institution as the central filter for
establishing collective will of the people.

But instead of seeking a consensus by free will
they keep wanting to use PARTY and MEDIA to force it by coercive bullying tactics
while complaining about the same tactics for ESTABLISHING POLITICAL RELIGION.

This is, of course, problematic on several levels
1. first it violates Constitutional principles, laws and process
on equal protection from establishment and discrimination by creed
2. it CONTRADICTS itself by violating party principles of
prochoice without govt imposition on private individual liberty
and separation of religious beliefs from govt establishment
3. it promotes equal bullying, exclusion and oppression
instead of solving the real problems preventing equal justice under law
that are really necessary to resolve for true Peace and Justice

So it violates all three: Constitutional laws, Party principles,
and the real process of achieving true Justice and Peace.

The SADDEST thing SassyIrishLass is these people
truly believe they are fighting evil and are working on the
side of Peace and Justice.

When you realize this, that's when you fully comprehend
the TRAGEDY that befalls the human race. It more heartbreaking
than maddening. When you feel SORROW that exceeds the rage,
that's when we can finally understand where this has gone wrong.

When your sadness is greater than your anger.
Look in the mirror. You folks are the ones trying to shove your version of religion down everyone's throats and you're happy to use government to do it

who is "you" Lesh
I'm a Democrat progressive trying to bring knowledge
and understanding of Constitutional law and authority
to clean up the Democrats who have made huge expensive messes.

As a Constitutionalist I align with other Conservatives who put
the Constitution first or who practice Christianity in terms of
NORMALIZING and HEALING relationships not rejecting and judging.

I believe in RESTORATIVE JUSTICE and work with other PEACE
AND JUSTICE activists who are mostly progressive liberals.

No, they don't understand Constitutional law and authority
as I do.

I work equally with Greens, Libertarians (and Republicans
and Democrats who seem the most problematic when
they put their PARTY before Constitutional principles)

The party hierarchy and clobbering back and forth
is the worst obstruction to establishing common
solutions that would include and represent everyone.

Up until this year, I was working as a member of the
Democratic party and precinct in order to work with
fellow Democrats to save Freedmen's Town which has
been predominantly under Democratic admin and leadership.

This year, friends of the GREEN party asked me to register
and work with them to straighten out party representation issues
and policies WITHIN their city, county and state party structure.

Which people or group(s) are you addressing me
as representing or a part of Lesh

I can work with INDIVIDUALS from any of these parties,
but each has their limits, each has their points where we
agree, but also each has problems that keep me out of their politics.

I thought my best bet was working with Democrats and Greens
because they will at least try to work with and include me.

The minute my conservative friends hear I am trying to work
with fellow Progressives, this brings up conflicts in their minds
because of OTHER PEOPLE. Why do we keep dragging group
politics in to prevent from working out issues logically?

But I keep hearing this from people, they don't have a problem
with the solutions I am looking to coordinate but it's always
And that's their excuse for not doing more to support
more SENSIBLE solutions. Dragging in other groups!

When everyone does that, nothing gets done.
If we just LISTEN and work things out between us,
WE would put together solutions and bring THOSE
out to share with more people and parties.
Not letting those other groups dictate what we
can or cannot propose as solutions.

Can't stand this. That's the bad side of parties
that just defeats its own goals and gets in the way.

The PROPER use of parties would be to organize
solutions that members of ALL parties could support
and contribute to perfecting by resolving all objections
and covering all grounds; Then taking THOSE solutions
and promoting them THROUGH the party structures
so everyone can work together to implement better plans.

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

I heard he was dead.

Jesus is.

That's all.

Jesus is dead, dude. There may be some historical accounts of his life, assuming he was ever real.
There is some question as to whether Christ exists.

Dear bendog
Jesus represents JUSTICE.
All groups and people I know are STRIVING and FIGHTING to defend
Justice, Peace and Justice, Equal Justice, Social Justice
whatever their understanding of Justice is they BELIEVE in living for.
That's what Jesus means, and everyone has a sense of this innately
which drives us.

Christ is the connection between people by Conscience.
* Individuals in relationships.
* Individuals with larger collective institutions, society and humanity.
* The physical world we know and the collective universe beyond our scope.

Is Justice dead? Our faith in justice comes and goes,
gets clobbered and comes back, has ups and downs.

Our relationships, too, and any faith we had in humanity,
in one group or another, church or state, whoever we blame,
have been SHATTERED by division rejection and destruction.

Everyone I know is seeking healing and JUSTICE
to answer for wrongs, correct and/or prevent them in the future.

The whole process of growing and developing toward a
SUSTAINABLE lasting justice and peace for ALL HUMANITY
is what keeps us going despite these ups and downs
and loss of faith.

Everyone is going through this process bendog
whether in denial, in anger or depression, in
bargaining or resolution at peace. WE are all going
through recovery from past injustice and setbacks,
wrongs and vicious cycles of abuse and oppression.

That doesn't mean justice is dead.
It means humanity still has work
and growing to do before we achieve
this elusive JUSTICE we envision should be
but hasn't been, and yet we still demand it.
I'm a Democrat progressive trying to bring knowledge
and understanding of Constitutional law and authority
to clean up the Democrats who have made huge expensive messes.

As a Constitutionalist I align with other Conservatives who put
the Constitution first or who practice Christianity in terms of
NORMALIZING and HEALING relationships not rejecting and judging.

Suuuure you're a progressive Democrat....
Jesus does command that we redistribute our wealth; clothe, feed, and care for the sick and the poor. As for the Left, they should have no problem with schools teaching Jesus. Further, while Jesus does command us to redistribute our wealth, NO WHERE does he mention that we should first give it to government so they can pay off their cronies then give whatever is leftover to the poor.
Socialism is a government construct. A political belief. Jesus did not espouse a political stance at all. Jesus was not a socialist. Neither was he a libertarian nor a constitutional conservative. He didn't espouse any political belief or government

Not true. He espoused kicking the Romans out. That seems kinda political.
No. I did heard some say he espoused communist ideals.

Does that make a difference?

However after listening his def. of Socialism. We live under it already.
I'm a Democrat progressive trying to bring knowledge
and understanding of Constitutional law and authority
to clean up the Democrats who have made huge expensive messes.

As a Constitutionalist I align with other Conservatives who put
the Constitution first or who practice Christianity in terms of
NORMALIZING and HEALING relationships not rejecting and judging.

Suuuure you're a progressive Democrat....

Yes, I have worked with the highest elected Democrats in my district
Precinct 30, Chair Darrell Patterson where he and I co-wrote Resolutions
that passed at Senate District Conventions to try to fix the abuses in Freedmen's Town,
and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee where we are still trying to save the
last 10 historic houses before any more are removed or demolished.

Here are the resolutions that I have been working for
20 years to promote and invested over $60,000 in personal
credit I borrowed on cards to help two Black districts under
Sheila Jackson Lee (Fourth Ward and North Forest):

Allen Parkway Community Campus Concepts
Signed by Sheila Jackson Lee

Passed March, 2004, and March, 2002

We, the undersigned Delegates and/or Participants
hereby Petition and Resolve to include the
following items in the Democratic Platform:

I. A Civil Rights Center*, including
a museum, and legal education and outreach,
to be located in the National Historic District
of FREEDMEN’S TOWN in accordance with
the Allen Parkway Community Campus Concepts
approved by HUD, and the Fourth Ward Youth
Master Plan compiled by Darrell J. Patterson,
Precinct 30 Chair, in fulfillment of federal subgrant
agreements regarding historical community development.

II. A comprehensive investigation into continuing
complaints of misallocation of funds; denial of
democratic due process and the right to petition;
and harassment, exclusion, and unequal protection
of elderly, immigrant, low-income, and other minority

III. A plan to correct the above wrongdoings*,
including a proposed microcredit system to support
financial restitution* to affected African-American,
immigrant, elderly, or other abused citizens found to have
been denied basic civil rights peaceably to assemble to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances, instead
of enjoying equal protection under the law.

PASSED originally by all 8 Delegates present and SIGNED March 12, 2002:

Emily Nghiem, Convention Chair
Darrell J. Patterson, Precinct Chair/Election Judge
Ruby Reuben, Convention Secretary

PASSED and RENEWED by agreement of Delegates present and SIGNED March 8, 2004:

Edison Hall, Convention Chair

Darrell J. Patterson, Election Judge/Convention Secretary

*REVISED by the Resolutions Committee and PASSED by Democratic Party

Senate District 13 on March 27, 2004, for proposal to the State Democratic Convention


Here's the letter I had written to Ted Cruz Office
Bull Ring - Anonymous1977: emilynghiem is Asian I support Freedmen's Town plan for Constitutional equality
after his local rep came to visit Gladys House, a Black
Republican business leader and native Descendant
of Freedmen's Town, who has been investing her own
efforts working 2-3 jobs to back her plans, while
fellow blacks like IM2 and Asclepias are too
embarrassed that Black women are doing more
to save this district while Black men whine like
victims blaming whites and doing nothing to help.

Yes, I have seen the left wing losers claim that. I am sure you have too.

I heard he was dead.

Jesus is.

That's all.

Jesus is dead, dude. There may be some historical accounts of his life, assuming he was ever real.
There is some question as to whether Christ exists.

Dear bendog
Jesus represents JUSTICE.
All groups and people I know are STRIVING and FIGHTING to defend
Justice, Peace and Justice, Equal Justice, Social Justice
whatever their understanding of Justice is they BELIEVE in living for.
That's what Jesus means, and everyone has a sense of this innately
which drives us.

Christ is the connection between people by Conscience.
* Individuals in relationships.
* Individuals with larger collective institutions, society and humanity.
* The physical world we know and the collective universe beyond our scope.

Is Justice dead? Our faith in justice comes and goes,
gets clobbered and comes back, has ups and downs.

Our relationships, too, and any faith we had in humanity,
in one group or another, church or state, whoever we blame,
have been SHATTERED by division rejection and destruction.

Everyone I know is seeking healing and JUSTICE
to answer for wrongs, correct and/or prevent them in the future.

The whole process of growing and developing toward a
SUSTAINABLE lasting justice and peace for ALL HUMANITY
is what keeps us going despite these ups and downs
and loss of faith.

Everyone is going through this process bendog
whether in denial, in anger or depression, in
bargaining or resolution at peace. WE are all going
through recovery from past injustice and setbacks,
wrongs and vicious cycles of abuse and oppression.

That doesn't mean justice is dead.
It means humanity still has work
and growing to do before we achieve
this elusive JUSTICE we envision should be
but hasn't been, and yet we still demand it.

Jesus can stand for an idea. But he's dead. They nailed him to a tree. Assuming he ever really existed. The myth is that His death atoned for man's sin of walking away from God. The concept of "man being born into sin." There are several online sites to explore that concept if it interests you.

Some people use Jesus as an example of what they believe is politically right. That's usually a way to lie to gain some "moral highground."

Christ rose from the dead. Assuming you believe the myth. I find it more symbolic than literal.
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Jesus does command that we redistribute our wealth; clothe, feed, and care for the sick and the poor. As for the Left, they should have no problem with schools teaching Jesus. Further, while Jesus does command us to redistribute our wealth, NO WHERE does he mention that we should first give it to government so they can pay off their cronies then give whatever is leftover to the poor.
Yes, greed is one of the deadly sins. Yes, there are sins worse than others. Sins with full consent of the will. The Lord could not be pigeonholed by our limited capacity and our corrupt nature. If Christ came around today and talked and walked His message (which would not change), I would imagine He would suffer and meet a similar fate. Those that are indeed sanctified by the Holy Spirit and truly know the FEAR OF THE LORD, also know the greater glory of God.

Only specific fools like me would carry on in sin or struggle with sin after understanding this. Hence, the reason I believe there is really no hope for a disgrace like me.

However, that does not mean I don't believe. I also believe that there are simply ears that have been closed. I know there are eyes that have been blinded to see. So, it will only be those who have the ears to hear and eyes to see that the Holy Spirit will guide.

As far as what governments would be best? Well, the one that governs least. However, that does not dismiss us from serving Him and do believe there are those that are TRULY serving Him. If they are TRUE then are not doing it for their own glory. That is why there will be those who will be accepted that are serving Him without even knowing they are. Mathew 25:31-46 describes that.

If we really want to know or learn where you are in relation to God, try serving others without looking for credit. Could be small things. Just try it and see. You will learn a lot.

I have heard Christians boast that they are Saints. I tend to avoid such talk and stay clear of such people in the same way I no longer associate with the godless left. Even though I myself am godless in many many ways. A viscous pride for example.

Anyway, my 2 cents.
The left doesn't believe in Jesus....then claims he was socialist.

The left makes my head hurt

Dear SassyIrishLass
They believe in PEACE AND JUSTICE
which is the same as Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

But they believe it will imposed through Govt as the central Authority.
they somehow see that Institution as the central filter for
establishing collective will of the people.

But instead of seeking a consensus by free will
they keep wanting to use PARTY and MEDIA to force it by coercive bullying tactics
while complaining about the same tactics for ESTABLISHING POLITICAL RELIGION.

This is, of course, problematic on several levels
1. first it violates Constitutional principles, laws and process
on equal protection from establishment and discrimination by creed
2. it CONTRADICTS itself by violating party principles of
prochoice without govt imposition on private individual liberty
and separation of religious beliefs from govt establishment
3. it promotes equal bullying, exclusion and oppression
instead of solving the real problems preventing equal justice under law
that are really necessary to resolve for true Peace and Justice

So it violates all three: Constitutional laws, Party principles,
and the real process of achieving true Justice and Peace.

The SADDEST thing SassyIrishLass is these people
truly believe they are fighting evil and are working on the
side of Peace and Justice.

When you realize this, that's when you fully comprehend
the TRAGEDY that befalls the human race. It more heartbreaking
than maddening. When you feel SORROW that exceeds the rage,
that's when we can finally understand where this has gone wrong.

When your sadness is greater than your anger.
Look in the mirror. You folks are the ones trying to shove your version of religion down everyone's throats and you're happy to use government to do it

BTW Lesh
As a Constitutionalist first and a Democrat second,
I've been working with prochoice and prolife people from both
left and right and all parties to stop imposing their beliefs
at the expense of the others!

My stance is that if we all focus on PREVENTION of abortion,
by free choice as prolife advocates are doing now without
relying on or requiring laws banning abortion, then preventing
abortion 100% by stopping rape, abuse and unwanted pregnancy
will satisfy both prochoice and prolife and not violate either belief.

That's my position as a Constitutionalist:
neither should prolife impose their beliefs on prochoice
or prochoice impose theirs on prolife, but both should
be protected from infringement by the other by beliefs,
and thus our laws would require consensus of both.
Hey, I'm just impressed.

In post 50, you try to come off as a sincere and devout Christian.

And then there's ugliness & hate you regularly and freely spew otherwise.

I'd guess you Cafeteria Christians have a SLEW of methods and techniques to justify your breathtakingly hypocritical behavior.

Do you keep them on some kind of spreadsheet for handy reference, or have you just memorized them all by now?
Hey, I'm just impressed.

In post 50, you try to come off as a sincere and devout Christian.

And then there's ugliness & hate you regularly and freely spew otherwise.

I'd guess you Cafeteria Christians have a SLEW of methods and techniques to justify your breathtakingly hypocritical behavior.

Do you keep them on some kind of spreadsheet for handy reference, or have you just memorized them all by now?
Sincere devout Christian? Is that what you think I said about myself idiot?

You have severe learning disabilities and you have no control over your hypocrisy.
I'm a Democrat progressive trying to bring knowledge
and understanding of Constitutional law and authority
to clean up the Democrats who have made huge expensive messes.

As a Constitutionalist I align with other Conservatives who put
the Constitution first or who practice Christianity in terms of
NORMALIZING and HEALING relationships not rejecting and judging.

Suuuure you're a progressive Democrat....

Yes, I have worked with the highest elected Democrats in my district
Precinct 30, Chair Darrell Patterson where he and I co-wrote Resolutions
that passed at Senate District Conventions to try to fix the abuses in Freedmen's Town,
and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee where we are still trying to save the
last 10 historic houses before any more are removed or demolished.

Here are the resolutions that I have been working for
20 years to promote and invested over $60,000 in personal
credit I borrowed on cards to help two Black districts under
Sheila Jackson Lee (Fourth Ward and North Forest):

Allen Parkway Community Campus Concepts
Signed by Sheila Jackson Lee

Passed March, 2004, and March, 2002

We, the undersigned Delegates and/or Participants
hereby Petition and Resolve to include the
following items in the Democratic Platform:

I. A Civil Rights Center*, including
a museum, and legal education and outreach,
to be located in the National Historic District
of FREEDMEN’S TOWN in accordance with
the Allen Parkway Community Campus Concepts
approved by HUD, and the Fourth Ward Youth
Master Plan compiled by Darrell J. Patterson,
Precinct 30 Chair, in fulfillment of federal subgrant
agreements regarding historical community development.

II. A comprehensive investigation into continuing
complaints of misallocation of funds; denial of
democratic due process and the right to petition;
and harassment, exclusion, and unequal protection
of elderly, immigrant, low-income, and other minority

III. A plan to correct the above wrongdoings*,
including a proposed microcredit system to support
financial restitution* to affected African-American,
immigrant, elderly, or other abused citizens found to have
been denied basic civil rights peaceably to assemble to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances, instead
of enjoying equal protection under the law.

PASSED originally by all 8 Delegates present and SIGNED March 12, 2002:

Emily Nghiem, Convention Chair
Darrell J. Patterson, Precinct Chair/Election Judge
Ruby Reuben, Convention Secretary

PASSED and RENEWED by agreement of Delegates present and SIGNED March 8, 2004:

Edison Hall, Convention Chair

Darrell J. Patterson, Election Judge/Convention Secretary

*REVISED by the Resolutions Committee and PASSED by Democratic Party

Senate District 13 on March 27, 2004, for proposal to the State Democratic Convention


Here's the letter I had written to Ted Cruz Office
Bull Ring - Anonymous1977: emilynghiem is Asian I support Freedmen's Town plan for Constitutional equality
after his local rep came to visit Gladys House, a Black
Republican business leader and native Descendant
of Freedmen's Town, who has been investing her own
efforts working 2-3 jobs to back her plans, while
fellow blacks like IM2 and Asclepias are too
embarrassed that Black women are doing more
to save this district while Black men whine like
victims blaming whites and doing nothing to help.

And you had no business saying my name pertaining to things that are not about where I have lived. You were begging me to come to Houston. You see Emily there are plenty of black men doing work in Houston. Just because they have not joined your cause doesn't mean you get to talk shit. You are probably why those men don't help. In my state I have done plenty. I have helped blacks start and maintain successful businesses. I put together 3 different programs providing alternatives to drug sales for youth so to keep them out of gangs. I have trained ex dug offenders, crack addicts and single mothers formerly on welfare to prepare them for jobs and to help them maintain them. I sat on the state planning board to help implement a strategy to address a deadly disease that's killing more blacks than any other race. I have raised money to help provide affordable housing for low to moderate income families. I have fought 2 city governments In order to get them to change funding policies so all communities had equal access to funds needed to address problems. Now I volunteer my time working to organize MLK Day activities and sit on a task force working to rid our local police of racial bias.

So I don't whine about shit. And unlike you, I am not in here to kiss these racists asses hoping that will bring a solution. So the next time MY name comes out your mouth or off your fingertips, you better ask somebody.
Conservatives say Jesus is a conservative. Jesus was no politician. And he was unbending in his teachings. He pandered to no one and was not concerned about who got upset when he spoke.

Capitalists say he was a capitalist. But Jesus said it would be easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than to enter heaven. He tells us to care for the poor, sick and hungry. He did not mention work requirements nor did he say it's not governments role to provide the help. He put the responsibility on us, no matter what capacity we serve.

During his time there was a group of very religious types called Pharisees. They knew all the verses and could quote them in any situation. They would use that knowledge to justify corrupt actions and draconian measures. There are people out there today doing the same thing.

So imo, Jesus was none of the above. He was non political and non partisan.
Conservatives say Jesus is a conservative. Jesus was no politician. And he was unbending in his teachings. He pandered to no one and was not concerned about who got upset when he spoke.

Capitalists say he was a capitalist. But Jesus said it would be easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than to enter heaven. He tells us to care for the poor, sick and hungry. He did not mention work requirements nor did he say it's not governments role to provide the help. He put the responsibility on us, no matter what capacity we serve.

During his time there was a group of very religious types called Pharisees. They knew all the verses and could quote them in any situation. They would use that knowledge to justify corrupt actions and draconian measures. There are people out there today doing the same thing.

So imo, Jesus was none of the above. He was non political and non partisan.
Huh, we agree. Go figure.

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