Have you seen 2000 Mules yet? Not a trailer. The whole thing?

Of course you lied. You falsely claim more than half the country are as dumb as you as to believe the election was stolen. I just proved you lied as that number is currently at 39%.

Shit, you can't even acknowledge when you're caught lying. Explains why you cling to the nonsense that the election was stolen.

laughing animated.gif
Nope, there was no evidence presented in that film. Just claims. They claimed geotracking found "mules" going to multiple drop boxes. They did not show their data and they the map they showed was made up and didn't match the official map which showed where the drop boxes were actually located. They claimed non-profits were doling out ballots to mules but they offered absolutely nothing to back that claim up. They claimed as many as 54,000 "mules" went to multiple drop boxes but they did not show anybody going to more than one drop box. They claimed some people wore gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints on ballots but they offered nothing to confirm that. They claimed some took photos to get paid but they offered nothing to confirm that either. The movie itself opened with the lie that Biden created an organization to generate fraud. Then proceeded to a round table among colleagues who rehashed old conservative talking points like Biden campaigning from his basement. Then shockingly (not really), at the end, all his colleagues act outraged as though anything had been proven.

Nothing will come of this.
The fact that progressives like you are so outraged at the mere questions raised by things like this movie is telling.
The fact that progressives like you are so outraged at the mere questions raised by things like this movie is telling.
No one on the left is outraged.... They are trying to show you, the error in your ways, your thoughtless acceptance of bull shit.

It's just past the time that you all get a grip on reality and stop believing in every fairly tale of lies, you are fed.

It makes you look stupid... Lacking in the ability to discern fact from fiction, or to use logic, and deductive reasoning.
No one on the left is outraged.... They are trying to show you, the error in your ways, your thoughtless acceptance of bull shit.

It's just past the time that you all get a grip on reality and stop believing in every fairly tale of lies, you are fed.

It makes you look stupid... Lacking in the ability to discern fact from fiction, or to use logic, and deductive reasoning.
I never said I believe it or not….I think it raises questions that should be investigated. But YOU don’t want ANYTHING looked into…that says a lot.
I never said I believe it or not….I think it raises questions that should be investigated. But YOU don’t want ANYTHING looked into…that says a lot.
I WANT IT TO BE LOOKED IN TO, silly one.... To show you how wrong you are to believe this crud.

But guess what?

True the Vote have refused to turn over any of the evidence they claim they have, so the Secretary of State investigators can investigate it. The SOS INVESTIGATORS have had to subpoena them....

Why is that? Why do they make all of these claims to you all in your right wing media and make a Movie on it, and pretending they want it investigated, and NOT turn over the so called evidence they say they have, or give investigators the name of the person they claim said he was paid $10 a ballot?

Please, think this through and learn to recognize political propaganda when you see it!

Who were the ballots allegedly harvested from? How did they get the ballots, when the only way to get a ballot is for an individual registered voter requests for one to be mailed to them.....

Are there any voters that have come forward to say some stranger harvested their ballot? Nope.

So what are you claiming?

are you suggesting that Nonprofits somehow made illegal individual requests for Ballots of registered voters ....going to thousands of different addresses, and stole the ballots from the individual's mail box without them knowing, and filled them out fraudulently then forged each voter's signature... then handed them off to mules to drop off?

Please, think this through.
What part of, they never showed a single person at more than one drop box, don't you understand?

As far as the gloves, for all anyone knows, she was wearing them to avoid touching the drop box due to covid and she had no idea how many people before her touched them. I did exactly the same thing for a period of time when pumping gas.

As far as the pictures, there's still no evidence those people were harvesting ballots, delivering them to multiple drop boxes, or being paid for such. It's merely a blank accusation by Gregg Phillips, who's already been caught lying about voter fraud. There are other reasons for taking such pictures such as wanting a record you dropped your ballot off. Here's an example of someone taking a picture with what appears to be a single ballot...


You got nothing because there's nothing there.
That guy is obviously cheating

Why else would he be wearing a mask?
I WANT IT TO BE LOOKED IN TO, silly one.... To show you how wrong you are to believe this crud.

But guess what?

True the Vote have refused to turn over any of the evidence they claim they have, so the Secretary of State investigators can investigate it. The SOS INVESTIGATORS have had to subpoena them....

Why is that? Why do they make all of these claims to you all in your right wing media and make a Movie on it, and pretending they want it investigated, and NOT turn over the so called evidence they say they have, or give investigators the name of the person they claim said he was paid $10 a ballot?

Please, think this through and learn to recognize political propaganda when you see it!

Who were the ballots allegedly harvested from? How did they get the ballots, when the only way to get a ballot is for an individual registered voter requests for one to be mailed to them.....

Are there any voters that have come forward to say some stranger harvested their ballot? Nope.

So what are you claiming?

are you suggesting that Nonprofits somehow made illegal individual requests for Ballots of registered voters ....going to thousands of different addresses, and stole the ballots from the individual's mail box without them knowing, and filled them out fraudulently then forged each voter's signature... then handed them off to mules to drop off?

Please, think this through.
Look, I told you I neither believe it, nor don't believe it...One possible reason for not turning over their evidence could be because the SOS was among the original departments who were in on the scam, so there's reason not to trust them..
It is telling though that when I don't agree with your position you feel the need to attack, and falsely assign my position to make your point.

Why don't you read what I say, instead of making it up yourself?
Look, I told you I neither believe it, nor don't believe it...One possible reason for not turning over their evidence could be because the SOS was among the original departments who were in on the scam, so there's reason not to trust them..
It is telling though that when I don't agree with your position you feel the need to attack, and falsely assign my position to make your point.

Why don't you read what I say, instead of making it up yourself?

What "scam" was Raffensperger involved in?
Yeah, you're laughing Allright...Much the same way someone laughs as they break something in anger.

I've been laughing at you nutjobs for the last 18 months over this. I've said for quite some time now how deranged most righties are and now that's quantifiable.

It has been proven to the point of filing charges for breaking 30 laws.
Where can I find where those 30 charges were filed...? Oh, I can't. They never were.

Well, no surprise there. The always-on-his-game poster, Faun, beat me to the punch.

I WAS....gonna ask the poster Lastamender about those charges (30?):

  1. Which jurisdiction(s) were they filed in?
  2. Who filed them?
  3. Police?
  4. Local DA?
  5. Feds?
  6. When were they filed?
  7. What is the status at this time?

    Anyway, that's what I WAS gonna ask....but it may appear they were never filed.

    Unless, of course, the good poster Lastamender can back himself up by:

    1. Denying and disproving poster Faun's assertion that they were never filed, at all.
    2. Or, if able to do that, then Lastamender need answer those questions I was gonna ask.

    Saddle up, Slim. And show us your rope tricks.
    Lest folks think you are an all hat/no cows cowboy.
Biggest problem for Dinesh D’Sousa is his movies are just plain boring

Michael Moore is a Douchebag but his movies are funny

D’Sousa thinks he is being profound and that his content is compelling. It is very low grade propaganda

Who watches things like this for the entertainment value?
We haven't had a fair POTUS election since George Washington. Both sides cheat. This time, Bidens supporters cheated better.

And we all lose. In this case, the left doesn't care that their side cheated, because they won. Had Trump won, and there was evidence that his side cheated, the right wouldn't care, because they would've won.

In the end, we all lose.
We haven't had a fair POTUS election since George Washington. Both sides cheat. This time, Bidens supporters cheated better.

And we all lose. In this case, the left doesn't care that their side cheated, because they won. Had Trump won, and there was evidence that his side cheated, the right wouldn't care, because they would've won.

In the end, we all lose.
History shows Trump tried to steal an election he was soundly defeated in.

First he used the Conservative Court assuming they owed him a favor. They rejected his wild claims.

Then he pressured local electors to change the vote of the people.

Then he pressured his Vice President to overturn the States

When all that failed, he sent an angry mob to attack Congress

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