Have you seen 2000 Mules yet? Not a trailer. The whole thing?

I asked if anyone saw the whole thing. Give yer opinions, then move along. Bogarting the whole subject matter is bullshit.

Yeah, I did. I hope to God all the states have tightened up their mail-in ballot process to preclude this shit from happening again. But I don't think it's going to stop until people get indicted and start going to prison. No consequences - no deterrence. I think we need to run some sting operations to go after the people who are financing this shit.
Near all TV broadcaster spew Prog agendas are doing the same and they are powerful as their voices are over the airwaves. The city where i lived had two close mayor elections decades ago in which at the last minutes massive votes came out of ghetto areas. The city has not had a Repub mayor since 1950 and near everything is Prog. That is when it became a suspicious thing. If one is caught doing it then others do it. Winning elections is not the same as having the power as we see areas being run into the ground.
The Repubs win every election around here and have for a long time, isn't that cheating?
Biggest problem for Dinesh D’Sousa is his movies are just plain boring

Michael Moore is a Douchebag but his movies are funny

D’Sousa thinks he is being profound and that his content is compelling. It is very low grade propaganda

I happen to like Michael Moore.
His videos are not just funny, but truthful, and well researched.

But as much as I do not like Trump or believe there was a massive voter fraud, voting machines are INSANE!
They should NEVER have been used.
There is zero need or advantage, and they are very EASILY defrauded.
They all have an easily accessed, external USB port that any one can reprogram them with.
Using voting machines are very suspicious, like butterfly ballots and hanging chads.
Very suspicious.
Trump never conceded because he's a first class asshole who won't admit that Biden beat his ass. So he lies to you MAGA rubes.

That doesn't mean there was voter fraud.

"Capisce” (also spelled “capeesh” or “kapeesh") is Italian for “understand.” The slang spellings and pronunciation have long been a part of New York City’s Italian-American communities, and the term is now in the general vernacular. “Capisce” was printed in the United States Service Magazine in July 1864.
Then someone needs to take this to court, where the evidence can be presented and challenged in front of the world. We need to be sure the evidence is real, defensible and actionable. Right?

Prove it in court, and then we go after the perpetrators.

Easy peasy.
First you have to have a judge that’s either strong enough to hear the evidence, and isn’t corrupted by ideology.
First you have to have a judge that’s either strong enough to hear the evidence, and isn’t corrupted by ideology.
Like the seventy trump judges that heard the case after the election. Oh you said not corrupt. They are republicans so that doesn't happen.
1st you have to have video of these people dropping in multiple ballots that were not for relatives each time you claim their phones pinged in the area of a drop box.... The ping itself, only gives being in the general vicinity of an election drop box. Why not ping people in the vicinity of a mail box and how many times they pass it during a three week period as you did for drop boxes? just as easy for Ballots to be dropped in a mail box too...

And how do you know these pings do not belong to people who work in the immediate vicinity?

Second you have to prove these people were hired by someone to collect ballots illegally....or were actually ballot harvesting.

Do you have any citizens claiming that someone came to their house or work etc to collect their ballots?

Third- Making the claim that they were fraudulent ballots, created by the ballot harvesters or who hired them, you would need proof that the ballots did not come from the legal registered voter, who had to request an absentee ballot.....that these NGOs or harvesters did something illegal to the registered voters requested ballot in order to get them on a fraud charge that would remove the ballot, not count

Otherwise the ballot harvesters would be charged with illegal ballot harvesting only.

The citizens who voted, that unsuspectingly had their ballot collected by a harvester is not punished....the illegal harvester is punished.....the citizen's constitutional right to vote and their vote to be counted, is not infringed....unless proven their sealed ballots were tampered with, then there could be a do over election.
It was not n the area. It was right there. The technology is precise. Whistle blowers said they were paid. How hard would it be to prove that the ballots that came from the non-profits did not come from the original voter? What would it being doing there? You are making ridiculous excuses. Please.
So you discount "2,000 Mules" completely? That makes your very stupid.

All those ruby red states and you all cannot find a single prosecute or judge that will hear you case.

That should tell you something.
It should tell me what it does tell me. They are ignoring like they did when it happened. They are corrupt. If there was proper attention paid to the boxes cameras they themselves would have seen it. Who knows maybe they did and said nothing.

Your Big Lie has crashed and burned.

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