Have you seen 2000 Mules yet? Not a trailer. The whole thing?

Word of advice for Conservatives on how to present propaganda

Watch the videos from the Lincoln Project

Short, concise and very effective

Dinesh D’Sousa‘s theatrical releases are too boring for even rabid Conservatives to sit through
Word of advice for Conservatives on how to present propaganda

Watch the videos from the Lincoln Project

Short, concise and very effective

Dinesh D’Sousa‘s theatrical releases are too boring for even rabid Conservatives to sit through
Diddling little boys are part of it? No wonder you like the Lincoln Project.
Yeah, saw it.
It isn't what it's cracked up to be. It doesn't prove anything.
It does raise some doubt about our elections.
At best it should be seen as a warning as to what could(or could've) happen.
It does raise questions about our elections, especially drop boxes.
Those questions shouldn't be partisan.
In the past 4 presidential elections there have been an increasing number of concerns about elections.

Shouldn't we just fix whatever we can?
What were those people doing then?
1st you have to have video of these people dropping in multiple ballots that were not for relatives each time you claim their phones pinged in the area of a drop box.... The ping itself, only gives being in the general vicinity of an election drop box. Why not ping people in the vicinity of a mail box and how many times they pass it during a three week period as you did for drop boxes? just as easy for Ballots to be dropped in a mail box too...

And how do you know these pings do not belong to people who work in the immediate vicinity?

Second you have to prove these people were hired by someone to collect ballots illegally....or were actually ballot harvesting.

Do you have any citizens claiming that someone came to their house or work etc to collect their ballots?

Third- Making the claim that they were fraudulent ballots, created by the ballot harvesters or who hired them, you would need proof that the ballots did not come from the legal registered voter, who had to request an absentee ballot.....that these NGOs or harvesters did something illegal to the registered voters requested ballot in order to get them on a fraud charge that would remove the ballot, not count

Otherwise the ballot harvesters would be charged with illegal ballot harvesting only.

The citizens who voted, that unsuspectingly had their ballot collected by a harvester is not punished....the illegal harvester is punished.....the citizen's constitutional right to vote and their vote to be counted, is not infringed....unless proven their sealed ballots were tampered with, then there could be a do over election.
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That proves the fraud. Thanks.
Yeah, saw it.
It isn't what it's cracked up to be. It doesn't prove anything.
It does raise some doubt about our elections.
At best it should be seen as a warning as to what could(or could've) happen.
It does raise questions about our elections, especially drop boxes.
Those questions shouldn't be partisan.
In the past 4 presidential elections there have been an increasing number of concerns about elections.

Shouldn't we just fix whatever we can?
Well, it doesn't need to prove anything. It's meant to please and further enrage a certain audience.

And we certainly do need to do whatever we can. Unfortunately, a circus like this makes it more difficult to do so, because now it's much more difficult to take accusations seriously. "The boy who cried wolf".
And the Republican supreme court threw out the section challenge on it's merits.
no matter what you type, Or what you say. Voting fraud exists. Every blue city has it. The ghettos get away with massive fraud. No one questions them. Before you even get to anything else. Even before this became an issue I believed this happened decades ago.
I don't know how anyone can look at this and not be deeply concerned about election fraud. Geo-tracking shows the same person going from drop box to drop box on multiple nights. And when you've got at least hundreds of these people in each of the swing states all doing the same thing then how do you not think that something was not kosher? In Arizona somebody gets indicted based on ballot fingerprints on Dec 22nd and now a day later in Georgia people are dropping ballots off in the middle of the night and they're all of a sudden wearing surgical gloves? Are you freaking kidding me? And taking pictures of the ballots in the drop box? Why do that unless it's to prove they are going to get paid? WTF does it take to convince you something is wrong here?
I don't know how anyone can look at this and not be deeply concerned about election fraud. Geo-tracking shows the same person going from drop box to drop box on multiple nights. And when you've got at least hundreds of these people in each of the swing states all doing the same thing then how do you not think that something was not kosher? In Arizona somebody gets indicted based on ballot fingerprints on Dec 22nd and now a day later in Georgia people are dropping ballots off in the middle of the night and they're all of a sudden wearing surgical gloves? Are you freaking kidding me? And taking pictures of the ballots in the drop box? Why do that unless it's to prove they are going to get paid? WTF does it take to convince you something is wrong here?
Then someone needs to take this to court, where the evidence can be presented and challenged in front of the world. We need to be sure the evidence is real, defensible and actionable. Right?

Prove it in court, and then we go after the perpetrators.

Easy peasy.
no matter what you type, Or what you say. Voting fraud exists. Every blue city has it. The ghettos get away with massive fraud. No one questions them. Before you even get to anything else. Even before this became an issue I believed this happened decades ago.
And you say this without a shred of evidence and a straight face.
Then someone needs to take this to court, where the evidence can be presented and challenged in front of the world. We need to be sure the evidence is real, defensible and actionable. Right?

Prove it in court, and then we go after the perpetrators.

Easy peasy.

This is the key.

A very wise man once said "The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him".

If this evidence is so strong it will stand up to a cross examination.

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