Having a multicultural society is bad for the country


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
A German officer spoke out recently on all the Muslim immigrants. She says she is not racially prejudiced and just stating facts. The Muslims want their own culture and have no intention of ever assimilating. They display a general disrespect of fundamental law and human rights. Too many of them just aren't friendly and want nothing to do with our customs or laws. We can't have countries within countries where they draw a line and let it be known that no outsiders are welcome. That isn't immigrating and becoming a citizen. It's simply taking over part of our land while they thumb their noses at us. And Obama thinks it's great.

A multicultural society just doesn't work. There is no harmony when some want their own laws and show disrespect for the rest of society. Obama invited this same kind of disruption for America when he told immigrants, legal and illegal, that they need not assimilate. So, they come knowing that no one will expect them to learn the language or respect our laws or cultures. The Muslim culture is very different from Western cultures and the two are bound to clash, often ending in violence. A woman was severely beaten in Denmark by several Muslim refugees after they approached her and told her she dressed like a whore. They seem to think the only appropriate dress for women is the complete body covering garb(age) that Muslim women are forced to wear. They have shown little tolerance for any other cultures. They do want their sharia law and some seem to think they should be able to abide by that even when it conflicts with the laws of the state. And too many are giving them too much freedom to create these parallel societies, where non-Muslims are not welcome. Why don't they stay and make their own countries better instead of spreading their bullshit?

"A German police commissioner has told an audience of how "delinquent", mainly Muslim migrants refuse to accomodate to their host nations, adding: "We have an increasing number of migrants in Germany, and many have not learned to have respect for women and the state. They live in parallel societies, where different rules apply.""

Police Chief: Delinquent Muslim Migrants Don't Integrate, Generally Disrespect Western Cultures


How far will the Obama administration go to cater to Muslims? Aside from insisting that we tolerate them, his DOJ is suing a city for failing to rezone a manufacturing area to accommodate a new mosque. This administration has often sued states for not doing as he wishes. I think the city officials are the best ones to say what is best for them, but Obama seems to think that bending over for Muslims is the right thing.

"The real question raised by the lawsuit revolves around the intentions of the Justice Department. Is the DOJ trying to protect religious freedom or they trying to protect one particular religion vs. the right of a local community?

Des Planes did not change the zoning rights to prevent the Islamic Temple from taking over the abandoned building; they simply refused to change existing laws.

As explained by Judicial Watch, during the Obama administration, the DOJ has seemed overly zealous in protecting Muslim rights over the rights of others.

"Back in 2010 Obama’s first Attorney General, Eric Holder, personally reassured Muslims of DOJ protection during an address at a San Francisco-based organization (Muslim Advocates) that urges members not to cooperate in federal terrorism investigations. It was a first for the nation’s top federal prosecutor to publicly condone illegal behavior. A few years later the DOJ warned against using social media to spread information considered inflammatory against Muslims and threatened that it could constitute a violation of civil rights.

"One of the biggest and most unbelievable moves by the DOJ came in 2012 when it issued a broad order changing the way the U.S. government trains federal agents to combat terrorism and violent extremism by eliminating all materials that shed a negative light on Muslims. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) actually destroyed instructional material that characterized Muslims as prone to violence or terrorism and hundreds of pages from the 9/11 attacks were purged because they were considered offensive to Muslims under the new initiative. In 2013 Judicial Watch published an in-depth report documenting and analyzing Islamist active measures and influence operations targeting anti-terrorism training in the U.S.""

Oh we a know how the Germans feel about non blue eyed blonde hair types!

We won ww2 because they couldn't break the code speak of the Native American . Multi culture rocks !
Oh we a know how the Germans feel about non blue eyed blonde hair types!

We won ww2 because they couldn't break the code speak of the Native American . Multi culture rocks !

No, we didn't win because of that. There is little bit more then code breaking involved.

Btw, native American "code talkers" were used by US Marines against Japan.
Oh we a know how the Germans feel about non blue eyed blonde hair types!

We won ww2 because they couldn't break the code speak of the Native American . Multi culture rocks !

No, we didn't win because of that. There is little bit more then code breaking involved.

Btw, native American "code talkers" were used by US Marines against Japan.

Oh that's all we did ? Our multicultural country seemed to win ww2 . We were far more segregated back then than we are now .
Oh we a know how the Germans feel about non blue eyed blonde hair types!

We won ww2 because they couldn't break the code speak of the Native American . Multi culture rocks !



The United States won WWII because they had the support of their native German-American population which made up over half the United States population when they entered the war. If the US did not have that support it would have stayed out of the WWI and WWII entirely.

Now what was that about how those blue eyed blonde haired Germanic types are?


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Oh we a know how the Germans feel about non blue eyed blonde hair types!

We won ww2 because they couldn't break the code speak of the Native American . Multi culture rocks !

No, we didn't win because of that. There is little bit more then code breaking involved.

Btw, native American "code talkers" were used by US Marines against Japan.

Oh that's all we did ? Our multicultural country seemed to win ww2 . We were far more segregated back then than we are now .

And far less multicultural than we are now.
I'm using the term 'multicultural' in the same way the left has been pushing it. To Obama, it means thumbing your nose at our language, our customs and even our laws.

By the actual definition, the Muslims don't want to simply be multicultural. What they call their culture is not recognizing America's laws and the Bill of Rights, especially when it comes to women. They can't separate government and religion because to them, they are one and the same. Carson was right on when he said we should never even consider electing a devout Muslim who follows sharia law because it is impossible to uphold and defend the constitution with those archaic, fucked up Islamic beliefs.

No, we cannot live among people who despise everything about our culture and our laws. Sorry, but Muslims are guilty of discrimination far more than anyone else. It's their nasty attitude towards women and other things that make it too fucking difficult to accept their ways. No one should ever come to the U.S. with the expectation that they can continue to deny people rights and ignore our laws in favor of their own.

People practice their own traditions, religions and cultures, but we all follow the same laws and each and every person has guaranteed rights. How can we tolerate those calling themselves American citizens denying rights of others?

While the left makes every attempt to interfere with parental rights when it comes to Christians, they back off Muslims no matter what they do.
The Muslims don't want to simply be multicultural. What they call their culture is not recognizing America's laws and the Bill of Rights, especially when it comes to women. They can't separate government and religion because to them, they are one and the same. Carson was right on when he said we should never even consider electing a devout Muslim who follows sharia law because it is impossible to uphold and defend the constitution with those archaic, fucked up Islamic beliefs.

No, we cannot live among people who despise everything about our culture and our laws. Sorry, but Muslims are guilty of discrimination far more than anyone else. It's their nasty attitude towards women and other things that make it too fucking difficult to accept their ways. No one should ever come to the U.S. with the expectation that they can continue to deny people rights and ignore our laws in favor of their own.

People practice their own traditions, religions and cultures, but we all follow the same laws and each and every person has guaranteed rights. How can we tolerate those calling themselves American citizens denying rights of others?

While the left makes every attempt to interfere with parental rights when it comes to Christians, they back off Muslims no matter what they do.
1/3 of this country is crazy ass evangelical Christians who think the law and religion should be the same. Our laws have put them in their place, as they will any other religious nutters that come here. Fact: the overwhelming amount of Muslims in this country mind their own damn business.
This county became the lone world superpower by riding the wave of multiculturalism. The OP is BS.

Horseshit. It became a superpower because our free enterprise society created the largest industrial machine in the world. Men like Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie and Cornelius Vanderbilt made this country great, not a bunch of peasant farmers from Mexico.
This county became the lone world superpower by riding the wave of multiculturalism. The OP is BS.

Horseshit. It became a superpower because our free enterprise society created the largest industrial machine in the world. Men like Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie and Cornelius Vanderbilt made this country great, not a bunch of peasant farmers from Mexico.
Don't forget to thank hydrocarbons.
The Muslims don't want to simply be multicultural. What they call their culture is not recognizing America's laws and the Bill of Rights, especially when it comes to women. They can't separate government and religion because to them, they are one and the same. Carson was right on when he said we should never even consider electing a devout Muslim who follows sharia law because it is impossible to uphold and defend the constitution with those archaic, fucked up Islamic beliefs.

No, we cannot live among people who despise everything about our culture and our laws. Sorry, but Muslims are guilty of discrimination far more than anyone else. It's their nasty attitude towards women and other things that make it too fucking difficult to accept their ways. No one should ever come to the U.S. with the expectation that they can continue to deny people rights and ignore our laws in favor of their own.

People practice their own traditions, religions and cultures, but we all follow the same laws and each and every person has guaranteed rights. How can we tolerate those calling themselves American citizens denying rights of others?

While the left makes every attempt to interfere with parental rights when it comes to Christians, they back off Muslims no matter what they do.
1/3 of this country is crazy ass evangelical Christians who think the law and religion should be the same. Our laws have put them in their place, as they will any other religious nutters that come here. Fact: the overwhelming amount of Muslims in this country mind their own damn business.

They mind their own business only as long as remain a small minority. But the experience of other countries shows that as soon as their numbers approach 7-8% of the population, they will then demand that Sharia law be imposed and refuse to respect the laws of their host country. They will rape women who dress in Western fashion and assault people who enter their exclusion zones.
Multiculturalism is fine as long as everyone has the same national identity. That is, as it applies to America, everyone is first an American, then a Muslim or whatever. Islam is particularly troublesome because it is basically a nation into itself; they will many times identify as first a Muslim.

This kind of ethnicity-first identification is what caused wars in the Balkans and in the former Yugoslavia. There is no reason to think that we are any different. Without a unified national identity we will cease to be a nation-state and become just a set of borders... A state. In other words, multiculturalism without assimilation is detrimental to us and our existence.

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