Having Second Thoughts About Trump...

I have always liked Cruz. I think his religion gets in the way as far as actual support for me. Could just come down to who he would appoint to positions and VP.
Supreme court is going to need to be filled back up, soon.

I respect his openness about his faith, and it pisses off the moonbats.

Cruz is the one guy I believe who will roll back regressive democrook policy as much as possible. He would actively seek to reduce federal power and place it back in the hands of the states as the framers intended. That is why he is reviled by bed wetters and republicrat elites alike.

It seems to me that the states passed the buck by allowing the feds to accumulate power and enact democrook policies so that the federal government could be blamed when the policies failed, because regressive policies always fail. It's time our leaders grew a pair and told the howling mobs of parasites that the free ride is over. The free shit ain't free and the people paying for it are 20 trillion in debt because of it.

That's what real leaders do. It's like parenting in a way, and the feds have spoiled millions of "adults" who could be and should be independent. Ted Cruz will give them back their independence whether they want it or not.

Cruz will also appoint judges who will read what the constitution says and apply it, rather than "interpret" it and make decisions based on how euroweenies do shit.

The left can not be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until we are all enslaved or dead.


The left must be defeated, not compromised, not slowed down, DEFEATED.

I can't conceive of anybody less presidential in his mien than our current traitor president.

Trump is abrasive and gets a little hot under the collar, says some pretty rude things. I would like to see just a tad more class for my tastes but on the other hand, if you're too classy, the party tromps all over you.
OP what Trump has said is NOTHING compared to the nasty dirty politics practiced by the GOP establishment. Check into what they/Bush did to McCain in SC. Do not think for one minute the GOP establishment is nice, they are ruthless, Trump is a fluffy white kitten compared to those people.

That said Cruz is probably the top candidate right now.

Probably my ass. He is the best candidate, and I'm confident that he can and will rise to the top.

I can't conceive of anybody less presidential in his mien than our current traitor president.

Trump is abrasive and gets a little hot under the collar, says some pretty rude things. I would like to see just a tad more class for my tastes but on the other hand, if you're too classy, the party tromps all over you.

As far as class goes the following illustration would be a step above what we currently have in the WH.


Way better than a faggot meat muppet and a rabid shaved wookie.

When a candidate says they will "abolish the IRS", they are doing the worst sort of pandering. And the rubes who applaud that line are idiots being played like fiddles.

That's true if they aren't proposing to abolish the income tax. As long as the income tax exists, then taxpayers will have to determine their income, and that can never be made as simple as they claim, especially for businesses.
Here is the hilarious part: When Trump self-destructs - NaziCons are left with Rain Man Carson, idiot savant. Hilarious!

If someone in 2006 told me we were going to elect the first black president in 2008, I would have told them they were crazy. Now the ante is up: A black candidate who is also a self-proclaimed psychopath. I wish Obama could run for a third term, but frankly, I think he's looking forward to leaving D.C. and writing his memoirs.
IDK... believe it or not, he just might be a little TOO over the top for me. Some of things he says do make me go... "aaaahh... wha...?"

I started backing Cruz long ago, and I really would be all for him under any circumstances, and if Trump does falter, it will come down to Cruz and Carson, in fact, a Cruz/Carson or Carson/Cruz ticket would be awesome.

But Trump, I'm afraid the guy is going to self destruct. His last campaign stop in Iowa he said in response to Carson's story about a "knife breaking because it hit a belt," he said, "how STUPID are the people of Iowa?" So IDK, I don't think that helped him at all.

How stupid are the people of Iowa? We will soon find out.

The thing is, the remark is also offensive to the evangelicals in Ohio, Nebraska, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Missouri, et al. I find it offensive and I'm an atheist.
Cruz is being dishonest when he says he would shut down the IRS. Even under his tax plan, the IRS would still be necessary.

I actually agree. The FAIR tax and repealing the 16th Amendment is the only thing that will eliminate the IRS.
Who would be writing the prebate checks and collecting the FAIR tax from retailers?

The Treasury Dept.

What department do you think the IRS is in?
What difference does that make? No one will be filing an income tax return if the 16th Amendment is repealed, so what will the IRS do?

Sorry, Sparky. You stepped in it.
I can't conceive of anybody less presidential in his mien than our current traitor president.

Trump is abrasive and gets a little hot under the collar, says some pretty rude things. I would like to see just a tad more class for my tastes but on the other hand, if you're too classy, the party tromps all over you.

As far as class goes the following illustration would be a step above what we currently have in the WH.


Way better than a faggot meat muppet and a rabid shaved wookie.

Please, for the sake of your family's privacy, don't publish your daughter's wedding pictures here.
IDK... believe it or not, he just might be a little TOO over the top for me. Some of things he says do make me go... "aaaahh... wha...?"

I started backing Cruz long ago, and I really would be all for him under any circumstances, and if Trump does falter, it will come down to Cruz and Carson, in fact, a Cruz/Carson or Carson/Cruz ticket would be awesome.

But Trump, I'm afraid the guy is going to self destruct. His last campaign stop in Iowa he said in response to Carson's story about a "knife breaking because it hit a belt," he said, "how STUPID are the people of Iowa?" So IDK, I don't think that helped him at all.

How stupid are the people of Iowa? We will soon find out.

The thing is, the remark is also offensive to the evangelicals in Ohio, Nebraska, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Missouri, et al. I find it offensive and I'm an atheist.
Hillary hexed the knife.
I actually agree. The FAIR tax and repealing the 16th Amendment is the only thing that will eliminate the IRS.
Who would be writing the prebate checks and collecting the FAIR tax from retailers?

The Treasury Dept.

What department do you think the IRS is in?
What difference does that make? No one will be filing an income tax return if the 16th Amendment is repealed, so what will the IRS do?

Sorry, Sparky. You stepped in it.

You're obviously an imbecile who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. I "stepped in" nothing.
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You know, they could get rid of the IRS

and start up the Fair Tax and Federal Liens Collection Office.

A shell game with names.
And I just heard that too, that Trump is up again. I'm good with that.

I do like Cruz though, and Carson. I just think either of those are more "presidential" in the way they speak and conduct themselves. I love what Trump says he's going to do, I just wish he'd dial it back a notch.

He needs to quit with the cheap attacks on other Republicans. Calling Jeb "low energy" was good, but repeating the Politico slanders against Carson is a bad move.

Trump doesn't need Politico. The Wall Street Journal, the premier right wing conservative rag, backs him up completely. Sorry, oh low-info poster.

Ben Carson’s Past Faces Deeper Questions
In harsh light of presidential politics, parts of his inspirational biography are questioned
Ben Carson’s Past Faces Deeper Questions

The WSJ is simply repeating Politico's slanders. Although the editorial staff of the Journal may be conservative, the news staff is decidedly liberal.

Once you righties lock in on a shiny object, you just insist on staying with it, like Pavlov's dog.
is the bell the shiny object in your simile ?
You know, they could get rid of the IRS

and start up the Fair Tax and Federal Liens Collection Office.

A shell game with names.

Only idiots claim there's no difference between a sales tax and an income tax. Do you know anyone who complains that their sales tax is intrusive and the enforcement agency is similar to the Gestapo?
You know, they could get rid of the IRS

and start up the Fair Tax and Federal Liens Collection Office.

A shell game with names.

Only idiots claim there's no difference between a sales tax and an income tax. Do you know anyone who complains that their sales tax is intrusive and the enforcement agency is similar to the Gestapo?

You still need a federal bureau to collect the taxes--which is the point I am trying to make, but you are too dog-headed to realize the point.

P.S. I did not say there was or was not a distinction between a sales tax or the income tax. Why did you bring that up?
Maybe this should be a start to a new thread, but I am going to put it in longs instead, as l
IDK... believe it or not, he just might be a little TOO over the top for me. Some of things he says do make me go... "aaaahh... wha...?"

I started backing Cruz long ago, and I really would be all for him under any circumstances, and if Trump does falter, it will come down to Cruz and Carson, in fact, a Cruz/Carson or Carson/Cruz ticket would be awesome.

But Trump, I'm afraid the guy is going to self destruct. His last campaign stop in Iowa he said in response to Carson's story about a "knife breaking because it hit a belt," he said, "how STUPID are the people of Iowa?" So IDK, I don't think that helped him at all.

Maybe this should be a start to a new thread, but I am going to put it in longs instead, if he doesn't mind because it is pertinent to what he said.

We as conservatives now need to make rational choices, since it has become obvious to even Helen Keller, that Hillary can be beat a lot easier than was ever thought! So here is the question..................of those remaining in the GOP primary, which ones do YOU think can NOT beat her? That is the a very important question, considering that most everything they are all saying sound almost parrot like, except when it come to illegal immigration.

Now, I am going to say this, then leave it to longknife.................if Bernie Sanders was the Democratic nominee, I have little doubt that Trump could beat him like a drum, no matter what these lefty polls say today. But Hillary? Sorry Trump supporters, I do not think so. And do not think it is because I believe he is a weak candidate. The problem is two fold. He is to brash to face a female for one, even if it is the lying Hillary; and, it is going to take more knowledge than he possesses on what has actually gone on with her and Bill to destroy her using quick wit and debate skills. The winner of the general election debates is going to win the Presidency.

Why do I say that?

Because the people on the fence on who they will vote for are the ones who are going to drive this election to victory. Can Trump articulate NICELY, but CONFIDENTLY, that Hillary has lied repeatedly, and is as full of sh** as a Christmas turkey? Even Trump supporters know the answer to that question. When asked things about other countries, will he be able to answer, or if he can't, will he have a like question for her she also can NOT answer?

People who just want to elect the best person, and do not pay attention like we do, WANT Hillary to look good, because she is the easy choice. They do not want to believe for an instant what is said about her, and if the GOP nominee can NOT get up there and BURY her, she is going to win. She was the sec of state, nobody showed in the debate she was a liar and/or incompetent, and if her opponent who could not do these things in front of America was on a reality show a year ago, who would you vote for?

We need to understand that it is not only about pushing the best person through our primary, but it is also about pushing the best person through who will be able to dismantle Hillary; who is none to bright I might add. Sadly, I do not think Trumps persona allows him to do that. If he said about Hillary what he just said about Carson, it would already be Katie bar the door, and you thinking conservatives know it.
Rubio possibly because he'd obviously take Fla, but imo he'd be a dangerous potus, and I'd never vote for him. Kasich or Jeb, for similar reasons, but they'll never be nominated unless the convention is hopelessly deadlocked and they just go with Jeb, in which case Hillary would probably win. I don't think Carley has it in that she will wilt.
Trump is the only canidate who wants to reduce the income tax to zero for people earning under 25,000. That got my vote.

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