Hawaii University wearing rainbow uniforms to honor gays vs #1 Ohio State today


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Hawaii honoring homosexuals with uniform vs Ohio State. The team stopped wearing them in 1999 because it hurt recruiting. Who'd have ever thought 18-22 year old alpha personality black males and rough white dudes (best recruits in college football) wouldn't wanna wear the homo flag colors on a football field!!!??

Now....they're breaking out the homo flag uniforms...on the road....at top ranked #1 Ohio State....where they're gonna lose by 50 points....in front of 100,000 drunk Ohio frat guys....while they wear God damn rainbow uniforms. WHO thought that was a GOOD idea hahaha!!!??

Hawaii football has always been mediocre. They are desperate to recruit more kids from the mainland. Good football players. Black kids mostly...and some white kids. Alpha males. Some from rough neighborhoods.

What better way than to cover them in the rainbow haha!!

It's a state school too. And that flag...to some...is a symbol of anti Christian hatred. Maybe people should sue!
I think I got teleported to another earth full of idiots.

I wonder who the hell at Hawaii thought this would HELP their program?

But...I bet the gays will do a great job covering the "tight end" haha
there's a hell of a lot more important people in this country they could honor. Like our military, our hero police or firefighters who puts their LIVES on the line everyday for all of us. this is gone overboard and they're going to shove this down our throats no matter what. I wouldn't watch the game just so I can make a point right back at them
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there's a hell of a lot more important people in this country they could honor. Like our military, our hero police or firefighters who puts their LIVES on the line everyday for these all of us. this is gone overboard and they're going to shove this down our throats no matter what. I wouldn't watch the game just so I can make a point right back at them

Well....their original nickname was "Rainbow Warriors" for decades. Until 1999. Homos hijacked the rainbow...and it crippled Hawaii footballs ability to recruit 18-22 year old alpha male players.

So they hired highly successful coach June Jones. They changed it to just "Warriors" and went to black, silver, dark green. The Warriors started winning. Even made the elite Sugar Bowl in 2005.

NOW....someone in the schools administrative chain of command decided it's time to bring the gayness back.

But hey....they're only down 7-0 in the 2nd quarter to mighty #1 Ohio State. Maybe the rainbow is giving them some...homotivation bahaha!!!
Ohio State just scored and up 14-0. All American RB Ezekiel Elliot just pounder the Rainbow Warriors up the middle for the score. Not that they resisted the pounding......:banana:
Ohio State just scored and up 14-0. All American RB Ezekiel Elliot just pounder the Rainbow Warriors up the middle for the score. Not that they resisted the pounding......:banana:

Now that's penetration!
Hawaii University wearing rainbow uniforms to honor gays vs #1 Ohio State today

News flash, fucktard, this has nothing to do with honoring gays. These are retro uniforms. The team used to be the Rainbow Warriors. It's Hawaii. It's a tropical paradise. Rainbow symbols are pretty common there.
Ohio State just scored and up 14-0. All American RB Ezekiel Elliot just pounder the Rainbow Warriors up the middle for the score. Not that they resisted the pounding......:banana:

Now that's penetration!

Hawaii is trying to schedule the South Carolina Gamecocks next year. They say they've wanted to pound some Cocks for a while. The Oregon State Beavers offered a game. But they declined....dont like Beavers apparently.
Hawaii University wearing rainbow uniforms to honor gays vs #1 Ohio State today

News flash, fucktard, this has nothing to do with honoring gays. These are retro uniforms. The team used to be the Rainbow Warriors. It's Hawaii. It's a tropical paradise. Rainbow symbols are pretty common there.

They changed it in 1999 because no good players would go there because of the homo stigma. Now....they bring it back. You know damn well why they're bringing it back. Hint: It's NOT because 5-star high school recruits in Compton and Atlanta think rainbows are cool.
Hawaii University wearing rainbow uniforms to honor gays vs #1 Ohio State today

News flash, fucktard, this has nothing to do with honoring gays. These are retro uniforms. The team used to be the Rainbow Warriors. It's Hawaii. It's a tropical paradise. Rainbow symbols are pretty common there.

They changed it in 1999 because no good players would go there because of the homo stigma. Now....they bring it back. You know damn well why they're bringing it back. Hint: It's NOT because 5-star high school recruits in Compton and Atlanta think rainbows are cool.

Yes, I do know why they're bringing it back, to be retro, just like many NFL teams do. The Packers have worn their throwback uniforms. The Steelers do a couple games every year in their ugly bumble bee uniforms from the 1930s.

You're just a bigoted homophobic loon.
Hawaii University wearing rainbow uniforms to honor gays vs #1 Ohio State today

News flash, fucktard, this has nothing to do with honoring gays. These are retro uniforms. The team used to be the Rainbow Warriors. It's Hawaii. It's a tropical paradise. Rainbow symbols are pretty common there.

They changed it in 1999 because no good players would go there because of the homo stigma. Now....they bring it back. You know damn well why they're bringing it back. Hint: It's NOT because 5-star high school recruits in Compton and Atlanta think rainbows are cool.

Yes, I do know why they're bringing it back, to be retro, just like many NFL teams do. The Packers have worn their throwback uniforms. The Steelers do a couple games every year in their ugly bumble bee uniforms from the 1930s.

You're just a bigoted homophobic loon.

None of those teams changed uniforms because of a political stigma like Hawaii did. They sucked. Couldn't recruit for shit. June Jones comes. Changes mascot to just Warriors and goes from rainbows to black/silver/green. They recruited better...went to the elite Sugar Bowl.

Now....they're slapping the rainbows back on. Hmmm. No football minds would recommend that...so it wasn't the coaching staffs choice. Players? No way. They have 100,000 drunk Ohioans calling them faggots in Columbus right now.

You know damn well why their athletic director and president wanted this haha! Hey wait....Obama is from Hawaii....hmmmm....
DontTazeMeBro.....these uniforms were actually brought back in 2013....the days after Hawaii passed gay marriage. It's absolutely a salute to gays.

August 1999 Hawaii rids self of rainbows to avoid LGBT similarity
November 13th 2013....Hawaii legalizes gay marriage
November 16th 2013....Hawaii revives rainbow uniforms vs San Diego State

It was and is absolutely a salute to gayness.
Only 14-0 late in the 3rd quarter though! Them homos are putting up a decent fight on defense.

They just can't score today in Columbus, Ohio.

They should try Vegas or SanFran:cheers2:
Thanks to Oregon setting a uniform standard that Maryland, et al, followed, most college football games look like pajama parties these days anyway.

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