Hawley is right, Biden endangers Americans

I thought it was remarkably threatening. He said you and I are a threat to the nation. Well, what CAN'T a prez say in speeches now? Can he say the military should line us all up and shoot us? Can he say we shouldn't be allowed to vote? Can he say we should be put in concentration camps? --- that was what Hitler did shortly after saying the communists and Jews were a threat to the German nation.

Serious question. I view that speech as a breaking point. I've never been called a threat to the nation before, by a president or other important official. So --- what happens now?

What happens now is the MSM is going to continue to lie about that speech or just stop talking about it hoping everybody forgets and moves on to the next thing.
What happens now is the MSM is going to continue to lie about that speech or just stop talking about it hoping everybody forgets and moves on to the next thing.
!!! That would be kind of an anticlimax after such a terrible denunciation of the better part of America. I don't think Biden can get away with hoping we all forget: we never forgot Hillary's "Basket of Deplorables."
There's not going to be any grand jury, just like that last three grand juries you clowns predicted.

He never said anything related to the riot......nothing. The 1/6 clown show is only being conducted by a major network CEO to try and damage his name and hope for a way to stop him from running because the Communists are so scared to death of this guy.

Trump loves communist, and they love Trump.

September 4 2022
Former President Donald Trump renewed praise for Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin during a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

Horse shit. And when are we going after Shoemaker for saying "Justice Kavanaugh, you have started a whirlwind, and you will pay the price!" It ultimately led to the court being attacked.
No, it didn't idiot.

When were they attacked?
When are we going to impeach and hold trials for Garland because by him not enforcing the law, it led to a plot to assassinate a supreme court justice?
A guy sightseeing in Kavanaugh's Neighborhood?
When are we going after Bernie Sanders for his attacks on Trump that ultimately led to the baseball field shooting?
Political campaign talk.
Bernie never threatened the orange retard's life.
If we're going to hold everybody accountable for words, which are protected by the US Constitution (I know that's like holding a cross up to Dracula for you guys)
Sure..........Trump humpers, say "Trump never said that", then when they find out he did say that, the claim "He was joking".
then let's hold everybody accountable on both sides. Fair enough?
Sure, your side never does...................just like now.
No, it didn't idiot.

When were they attacked?

A guy sightseeing in Kavanaugh's Neighborhood?

A plot to kill a supreme court justice is not sight seeing. He didn't even live anywhere near Kavanaugh.

Political campaign talk.
Bernie never threatened the orange retard's life.

And Trump never threatened anybody's life either.

Sure..........Trump humpers, say "Trump never said that", then when they find out he did say that, the claim "He was joking".

Trump is known for his sarcasm, and leftists have zero sense of humor, so you people take every comment as if he was serious.

Sure, your side never does...................just like now.

Like now what?
A plot to kill a supreme court justice is not sight seeing. He didn't even live anywhere near Kavanaugh.
All he forgot was his selfie stick.
And Trump never threatened anybody's life either.

Trump is known for his sarcasm, and leftists have zero sense of humor, so you people take every comment as if he was serious.
WOW, that's a stretch.
Like now what?
So what? He's got to deal with these people. What do you want him to do, insult them and expect to keep peace?
Every other president of the US "dealt" with these people, but NEVER praised them, maybe thanked them for doing the right thing.
But NEVER praised them, unsolicited, like Trump............and Carlson.
Every other president of the US "dealt" with these people, but NEVER praised them, maybe thanked them for doing the right thing.
But NEVER praised them, unsolicited, like Trump............and Carlson.
The rules and standards don't apply to the orange con man. All they want him to do is "fight" and destroy stuff.

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