Hawley is right, Biden endangers Americans

What is it called when you project others projecting?

Your president just call for war you fucking twat.

It's repulsive really. I think of mid-level apologizers for the worst regimes. Those people who crawled away later with excuses like they had to go along to get along, etc.

And in the end, all this because these cretins just think they're better than us. That's it. They're better than Trump, which makes them better than us. That's the whole reason for all of it.

Mac did you make this meme or just think it was clever? Either way it's a massive fail. This is not an equal power situation here. Average Joe with a blowhorn is not equal to the Leader of the Free World. If you need a similar comparison, I'm just a lowly teacher, but even I know if a student says "Mrs. Sue is a poopy head", I don't respond by saying, "Yeah, well you're a poopy head too."

Because I'm supposed to be a LEADER

You have really lost it, huh?

This is where Mac, soundly getting his ass kicked, pretends the forum is really all about him and he sits back and says something like "I love this, these people just play into my hands".

Not really Mac. Unless you enjoy getting your ass kicked. To each his own I guess.

Unhinged Joe’s Diatribe​

“What the hell’s the matter with us?” Biden demanded to know. Good question!

Yesterday, Joe Biden took a taxpayer-funded trip to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, where he was supposed to unify Americans behind a “Safer America” agenda to support law enforcement and reduce crime. It was meant to be a layup speech for his Thursday night address about saving democracy and promoting Unity™. Instead, an angry old man divided Americans with an unhinged, hateful, and at times downright threatening message condemning his political opponents. Taxpayers should demand a refund for that disgraceful and decidedly unpresidential demagoguery.

In the last few days Biden has declared: “I respect conservative Republicans. I don’t respect these MAGA Republicans.” He referred to Republican policies as “semi-fascism.” Yesterday was no better.

Let’s start with his implied threats to American citizens.
For those brave, right-wing Americans who say it’s all about keeping America — keeping America as independent and safe: If you want to fight against a country, you need an F-15. You need something a little more than a gun.

Uh, no he wasn't. Trump never took a cent of his salary. Did you not know that?
I know that's what Trump told his gullible cult, of course, they believed him, just like everything else he says.
But of course, Biden does.

And just because you work for the govt doesn't mean you cannot also campaign. All politicians do this. But there are to be official duties (non-political) and political ones.
Trump's was political.
Trump wasn't being paid, then he was, now ALL politicians do it.
Why do I constantly have to explain the most basic things to Leftists? hahaha...obvious things are obvious
Surely not your intellect.
I know that's what Trump told his gullible cult, of course, they believed him, just like everything else he says.

The presidential salary is a requirement of the U.S. Constitution in Article II, Section 1, Clause 7 and the specific amount is set by Congress. Presidents are not legally allowed to decline their salary, but can donate it to organizations of their choosing.

Trump is the first president since John F. Kennedy to donate his salary. Both John F. Kennedy and Herbert Hoover donated their presidential salaries to charitable causes. According to congressional records, George Washington initially declined his $25,000 salary, but Congress wouldn’t let him.

August 15 2019
President Donald Trump on Wednesday referred to Democrats as "socialists" or "communists," and said he would be hit by what he called the fake news media for making the remark.

"Now we have a group of socialists – or communists could be, could be, they're not far away," Trump said during a speech at a rally in New Hampshire. "Now, the fake news will hit me on that. How dare he say that. But they're not far away, right?"

So what's your problem with that comment? it's entirely true. Just go to the US Communist party website and see for yourself.
The presidential salary is a requirement of the U.S. Constitution in Article II, Section 1, Clause 7 and the specific amount is set by Congress. Presidents are not legally allowed to decline their salary, but can donate it to organizations of their choosing.

Trump is the first president since John F. Kennedy to donate his salary. Both John F. Kennedy and Herbert Hoover donated their presidential salaries to charitable causes. According to congressional records, George Washington initially declined his $25,000 salary, but Congress wouldn’t let him.

That's all the orange grifter, cares about..............................$$$.

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