Hawley is right, Biden endangers Americans

Imagine you eating your own liver out if Trump had put on what the Demented Basement Dummy did on Thursday night. Because you've done everything else, Ol' Mac. Over Trump. Eating out your own organs would be all that would be left.

But of course, Trump never did anything close.
August 15 2019
President Donald Trump on Wednesday referred to Democrats as "socialists" or "communists," and said he would be hit by what he called the fake news media for making the remark.

"Now we have a group of socialists – or communists could be, could be, they're not far away," Trump said during a speech at a rally in New Hampshire. "Now, the fake news will hit me on that. How dare he say that. But they're not far away, right?"
This is what MAGA media pours into them 24/7/365. TV, radio, internet, social media.

They're terrified. The commie tanks are coming any minute now, and they're pulling gas chambers behind them. And Hitler. And Satan.

And they're not kidding or lying. I have several MAGA clients and I look in their eyes. They're dead fuckin' serious, scared shitless. I still don't think enough people realize that.

Wakey wakey Mac
August 15 2019
President Donald Trump on Wednesday referred to Democrats as "socialists" or "communists," and said he would be hit by what he called the fake news media for making the remark.

"Now we have a group of socialists – or communists could be, could be, they're not far away," Trump said during a speech at a rally in New Hampshire. "Now, the fake news will hit me on that. How dare he say that. But they're not far away, right?"
They're so used to it, it doesn't matter. When he says it, it's gospel. He's been doing this for six years, and they don't care. Ol' Joe says it, and they melt down.
August 15 2019
President Donald Trump on Wednesday referred to Democrats as "socialists" or "communists," and said he would be hit by what he called the fake news media for making the remark.

"Now we have a group of socialists – or communists could be, could be, they're not far away," Trump said during a speech at a rally in New Hampshire. "Now, the fake news will hit me on that. How dare he say that. But they're not far away, right?"

Again--that gotcha is pathetic. It was a campaign stop and they were passing comments. Biden has said worse.

It wasn't a TAXPAYER FUNDED speech at Independence Hall with military in the background. That you can't see the difference is not surprising, and yet, pathetic.
They're so used to it, it doesn't matter. When he says it, it's gospel. He's been doing this for six years, and they don't care. Ol' Joe says it, and they melt down.

No, dumbass. It's that it was a TAXPAYER FUNDED OFFICIAL SPEECH AT INDEPENDENCE HALL. The entire point of which was to call half the nation extremist fascists.
Again--that gotcha is pathetic. It was a campaign stop and they were passing comments. Biden has said worse.
"Passing comments"?
At a CAMPAIGN speech?

You're delusional.
It wasn't a TAXPAYER FUNDED speech
Yes, it was, the orange traitor was on the government payroll.
at Independence Hall with military in the background. That you can't see the difference is not surprising, and yet, pathetic.
You're the pathetic one.
Turning yourself into a pretzel, defending a traitor.
Sure thing, Trumpster. "Everybody knows it". What a child.


It's been discussed in many threads, as you well know. Trump broke you. Many people have said you used to be reasonable--then Trump. I agree with that. You know it too, so you call me names.

So stop projecting on me. I never lost my mind over any politician. Never. They're mostly egomaniacs, including Trump, including Biden, all of them. I'm not over there with you Mac, you having lost your mind.
Unlike you Mac, a politician has never broken me. Not one, ever.

So stop projecting. This entire forum knows that Trump broke you.
Somebody broke the country because the ultra-MAGA have lost their grip on reality and it’s dangerous for the country to have some many people like that.

The rubes have something to cry about. They'll ignore the shit that their cult leader said damn near every day so that they can play the victim.

That's fine. The old man punched the bully in the nose and the bully is crying like a child. Too bad.
Oh, fuck you.

Here you are accusing us of thinking we are at war, and your pants-shitting president gets up there and insights half the country to violence.

Go fuck yourself, you sanctimonious kuuunt.
"Passing comments"?
At a CAMPAIGN speech?

You're delusional.

Yes, it was, the orange traitor was on the government payroll.

You're the pathetic one.
Turning yourself into a pretzel, defending a traitor.

Uh, no he wasn't. Trump never took a cent of his salary. Did you not know that? But of course, Biden does.

And just because you work for the govt doesn't mean you cannot also campaign. All politicians do this. But there are to be official duties (non-political) and political ones.

Why do I constantly have to explain the most basic things to Leftists? hahaha...obvious things are obvious

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