He actually received 81 million votes (supposedly) and his voters aren't embarrassed at all.

Proving you a liar is akin to gilding the lily......but it is fun:

President Trump made the United States energy independent, and, by the same token, rammed a stake through the heart of the gas-station-masquerading-as -a-nation, Russia.

That's because Trump was pro-America.

Now, what kind of fool would vote for Biden over Trump????

Biden is nothing more than a bag-man, collecting bribes from Russia, Communist China, and the Ukraine, among others.

Based on that, he stopped the Keystone Pipeline, and...

US President Joe Biden's administration will suspend oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge pending an environmental review. The move reverses former President Donald Trump's decision to sell oil leases in the refuge to expand fossil fuel and mineral development.Jun 2, 2021

Alaska: Biden to suspend Trump Arctic drilling leases - BBC ...

https://www.bbc.com › news › world-us-canada-57322511

....but accepted a fee from Russia to remove sanctions on the Nord Steam Project.

You haven't proven anything. I'm laughing at your nonsense.
81 million, sure yeah right, you can really tell
How do you figure a man who lost the popular vote in 2016 and who let 600,000 Americans die on his watch when it could have been prevented, could be re elected?
My only embarrassment is that my country has lowered its standards this far.

I don't care all that much for Biden, but the choice was not difficult.
Remember when the "3 AM call" was a subject of discussion. What I'm worried about now is a "3 PM call". Our president will likely be done for the day when that "3 PM call" comes in. So many Americans tried so hard to convince their fellow countrymen that Biden was simply a senile puppet that would be used to destroy our way of life. Those same Americans are now screaming "We freeking told you so" as we all watch our nation nose dive. Those Americans that voted for Biden may only admit to their mistake while they are dining on the family pet.
Let's check.....not that everyone doesn't already know that the truth is always the very opposite of anything you post.

"Call It the Critical Trump Theory: Free Enterprise Is a Miracle for Minorities

Now we come to the economic part of this story. Usually welfare and entitlement subsidies are at the center of discussions of black economic development, but it didn't work. Government dependency won out over black ownership. During the Trump years, though, a new model was put in place with great success.

In his National Review online article, my friend and Trump alumnus, Scott Turner, writes convincingly with facts about the success of African Americans under free enterprise policies. While Mr. Trump is often accused of being one of the most racist presidents, the facts are that black Americans experienced huge benefits from lower taxes and fewer regulations.

The unemployment rate, pre-pandemic, for blacks reached a record low of 5.2%. The poverty rate for black Americans hit record lows, while a total of 1 million lifted themselves out of poverty. Real median household income for black families rose above $4,000 dollars after falling over the previous 14 years. Black home ownership sky-rocketed.

Median weekly earnings grew 4.1% on average, higher than the 3.4% earnings growth for whites. Scott argues that the 2017 tax cut was crucial, as was the de-regulation of business and perhaps most important, the creation of nearly 9,000 opportunity zones, which attracted roughly $75 billion in capital for under-served communities.

That’s enough to create half a million jobs, lift another million persons out of poverty, by using a simple tool where capital gains of long-term investments were taxed at zero. These are important achievements by a Republican president and a Republican party who are always viciously attacked by the CRT, woke crowd. The wokes, though, are wrong.

And their woke economics of welfare and entitlement subsidies do African Americans over the long run a great disservice and great harm, with poor results. The same holds true for other minority groups. It’s no secret that Mr. Trump’s reelection attracted a big increase in African American voters and a whopping gain from Hispanics.

Give free enterprise a chance, and it will work economic miracles. Unfortunately, President Biden appears to be siding with the woke crowd."

Under the Trump administration, the Black unemployment rate steadily improved, dropping to 5.4 percent at its bottom in August 2019, compared to 7.5 percent when Trump took office in January 2017. But that achievement is attributable to economic growth that was already revving when Trump took office, economists say.

“Basically, we saw a continuation of the steady growth of the economy that we saw in the years prior to this administration,” said Elise Gould of the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute. Under the Trump administration, she said, Black workers did not see employment levels ever go “above the trend.”

Even with record-low unemployment rates in 2019, Black Americans still had fewer jobs than their white counterparts — even for those with college or advanced degrees — according to research by EPI.

It is true that Black unemployment was at an all-time low in February 2020, before COVID-19. Yet, the Black unemployment rate under the Obama-Biden administration had one of the largest declines in American history following The Great Recession. Trump largely inherited a growing economy.

Trump’s recent Platinum Plan claims to increase investments in Black communities by creating Black-small businesses and jobs. Despite the rapper Ice Cube’s contributions, for some it is too little, too late. The Pay Protection Plan (PPP) from the Small Business Administration left Black businesses out in the cold. Over 90% of Black-owned small businesses that applied for PPP funding were denied. This has led to over 40% of Black-owned small businesses being shuttered during COVID-19. These realities document a callousness towards Black business owners who already have difficulties securing loans for development, and if provided a loan, are more likely to be offered one at higher interest rates than similar white-owned businesses would obtain, thereby increasing their operating costs. If achieving racial equity were actually part of Trump’s agenda, the distribution of resources from the PPP would have explicitly included Black-and-other-minority-owned small businesses and would have allowed them to receive an equitable share.

Shut the hell up.
Remember when the "3 AM call" was a subject of discussion. What I'm worried about now is a "3 PM call". Our president will likely be done for the day when that "3 PM call" comes in. So many Americans tried so hard to convince their fellow countrymen that Biden was simply a senile puppet that would be used to destroy our way of life. Those same Americans are now screaming "We freeking told you so" as we all watch our nation nose dive. Those Americans that voted for Biden may only admit to their mistake while they are dining on the family pet.
No one is admitting a mistake. The merchants of disinformation are feeding you fake news.
You can spend your entire day lying to yourself if you want to, but nobody else believes you.
Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3 million and 600,000 Americans died from COVID on his watch when he could have used the defense production act to make all the equipment needed as well as vaccines. When the vaccine finally came out, he didn't order enough. These are all true statements. You are the one lying to yourself.
Under the Trump administration, the Black unemployment rate steadily improved, dropping to 5.4 percent at its bottom in August 2019, compared to 7.5 percent when Trump took office in January 2017. But that achievement is attributable to economic growth that was already revving when Trump took office, economists say.

“Basically, we saw a continuation of the steady growth of the economy that we saw in the years prior to this administration,” said Elise Gould of the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute. Under the Trump administration, she said, Black workers did not see employment levels ever go “above the trend.”

Even with record-low unemployment rates in 2019, Black Americans still had fewer jobs than their white counterparts — even for those with college or advanced degrees — according to research by EPI.

It is true that Black unemployment was at an all-time low in February 2020, before COVID-19. Yet, the Black unemployment rate under the Obama-Biden administration had one of the largest declines in American history following The Great Recession. Trump largely inherited a growing economy.

Trump’s recent Platinum Plan claims to increase investments in Black communities by creating Black-small businesses and jobs. Despite the rapper Ice Cube’s contributions, for some it is too little, too late. The Pay Protection Plan (PPP) from the Small Business Administration left Black businesses out in the cold. Over 90% of Black-owned small businesses that applied for PPP funding were denied. This has led to over 40% of Black-owned small businesses being shuttered during COVID-19. These realities document a callousness towards Black business owners who already have difficulties securing loans for development, and if provided a loan, are more likely to be offered one at higher interest rates than similar white-owned businesses would obtain, thereby increasing their operating costs. If achieving racial equity were actually part of Trump’s agenda, the distribution of resources from the PPP would have explicitly included Black-and-other-minority-owned small businesses and would have allowed them to receive an equitable share.

Shut the hell up.

I love making you Leftists demand the censorship of opposing voices.

All you Nazis demand the same.
Nope. Not at all. And if you've paid attention to the media over the last two weeks, Trump's popularity is slowly waning.
He gets no credit for an economy that was already booming and unemployment that was already falling under his predecessor and he
certainly gets no credit for Middle East peace..because without solving the Palestinian state issue, there is no Middle East peace.
Deals with podunk Arab countries don't count. Oh..yeah...the US has never been "energy independent"...well, maybe a long time ago. :)
You're still on the rebound after Biden wiped the floor with 45.
Just Watch Old creepy Joe as he walks.Very gingerly.As if literally on
Nails ... or Snails ... Maybe even puppy dogs tails.
They ain't nuthin' this Old Joe can't do when he puts his mind to.
Cept Telling the God's Honest Truth.Which is proof he ain't goin
to heaven.The goal of all righteous Catholics.
I love making you Leftists demand the censorship of opposing voices.

All you Nazis demand the same.
Nazi is as Nazi talks.And does.
Think Joe Goebbels. { Democrats new Minister of Propaganda }.
Nope. Not at all. And if you've paid attention to the media over the last two weeks, Trump's popularity is slowly waning.
He gets no credit for an economy that was already booming and unemployment that was already falling under his predecessor and he
certainly gets no credit for Middle East peace..because without solving the Palestinian state issue, there is no Middle East peace.
Deals with podunk Arab countries don't count. Oh..yeah...the US has never been "energy independent"...well, maybe a long time ago. :)

You are, of course, a lying low-life.
I never mind proving it.

Any praise for Obama is purely propaganda. The man is an incompetent ingrate....very much like you.

Obama inherited an average economy, and never improved it.

So says the Left-leaning Reuters:

The unemployment rate announced three days after his election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression." http://www.reuters.com/article/2008/10/08/usa-politics-debate-economy-idUSN0749084220081008

Obama did a terrible job with his Democrat policies:

"...the economy was stagnating in 2016 after the weakest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

In fact, The New York Times itself described Obama's economy this way in August 2016: "For three quarters in a row, the growth rate of the economy has hovered around a mere 1%. In the last quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, the economy expanded at feeble annual rates of 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively. The initial reading for the second quarter of this year, released on Friday, was a disappointing 1.2%."

...GDP growth decelerated in each of the last three quarters of 2016."

And on January 27, 2017, after the government reported that GDP growth for all 2016 was a mere 1.6% — the weakest in five years —"

Trump picked up and revitalized the economy:

In short, there was no upward trajectory to the economy on anyone's radar when Trump took office.” Economic Boom: Media Rewrite History To Credit Obama Instead Of Trump

Nazi is as Nazi talks.And does.
Think Joe Goebbels. { Democrats new Minister of Propaganda }.

And your post relates to the one you linked to....

You are, of course, a lying low-life.
I never mind proving it.

Any praise for Obama is purely propaganda. The man is an incompetent ingrate....very much like you.

Obama inherited an average economy, and never improved it.

So says the Left-leaning Reuters:

The unemployment rate announced three days after his election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression." http://www.reuters.com/article/2008/10/08/usa-politics-debate-economy-idUSN0749084220081008

Obama did a terrible job with his Democrat policies:

"...the economy was stagnating in 2016 after the weakest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

In fact, The New York Times itself described Obama's economy this way in August 2016: "For three quarters in a row, the growth rate of the economy has hovered around a mere 1%. In the last quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, the economy expanded at feeble annual rates of 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively. The initial reading for the second quarter of this year, released on Friday, was a disappointing 1.2%."

...GDP growth decelerated in each of the last three quarters of 2016."

And on January 27, 2017, after the government reported that GDP growth for all 2016 was a mere 1.6% — the weakest in five years —"

Trump picked up and revitalized the economy:

In short, there was no upward trajectory to the economy on anyone's radar when Trump took office.” Economic Boom: Media Rewrite History To Credit Obama Instead Of Trump

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You can sling all the hate you'd like. Trump inherited a growing economy and falling unemployment from Obama. He didn't usher any upward trajectory.
While Obama will be remembered as a good President, Trump will be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected.


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