He always hated women. Then he decided to kill them.

Even with stop and frisk it will still be difficult to prevent a mass shooting. Police do not have the resources to follow and observe a potentially dangerous person 24/7. The main resources are still the people around the individual (parents, sibling, friends, etc). Victims of ANY crime committed against them by the individual, no matter how minor, must press charges and DA's must prosecute.
True, however there were at least 30+ opportunities to interrupt his course of action, any one of which could have possibly resulted in him being locked up where he would have been unable to carry out his vengence. That's all I'm saying. Well that and that people have to stop being so squimish and letting the offspring of others put them & their loved ones at risk.
Why are so many "conservative" guys neither sexual? They don't like men. They don't like women.
Asexuals don't feel rejected. If someone is not sexually attracted to men or women they don't want to be bothered. They are the least likely to shoot up a school or anything else.

So why do these guys who describe themselves as "conservative" hate women and men at the same time? I will never forget seeing some guy interviewed on tv who said he was a member the the southern-baptist cult and was a "reverend." He openly bragged that he won disagreements with this woman who was stupid enough to marry him because he has a penis and she doesn't. I am not making this up. He wins arguments with his dick.
Asexuals don't hate anyone they are not sexually attracted to either men or women. How does this translate to hate in your mind?

One man who thinks he wins arguments with his dick is just too inconsequential to even think about. Why in the world would anyone find meaning in one person's opinion?

I get the impression that this is not one guy. This shit appears to be all over the "Christian" cults. The penis is supposed to win.
Why are so many "conservative" guys neither sexual? They don't like men. They don't like women.
Asexuals don't feel rejected. If someone is not sexually attracted to men or women they don't want to be bothered. They are the least likely to shoot up a school or anything else.

So why do these guys who describe themselves as "conservative" hate women and men at the same time? I will never forget seeing some guy interviewed on tv who said he was a member the the southern-baptist cult and was a "reverend." He openly bragged that he won disagreements with this woman who was stupid enough to marry him because he has a penis and she doesn't. I am not making this up. He wins arguments with his dick.
Asexuals don't hate anyone they are not sexually attracted to either men or women. How does this translate to hate in your mind?

One man who thinks he wins arguments with his dick is just too inconsequential to even think about. Why in the world would anyone find meaning in one person's opinion?

I get the impression that this is not one guy. This shit appears to be all over the "Christian" cults. The penis is supposed to win.
If you can't put the pointy stabby end to some assholes right eye and say "how bout I cut your balls off and feed them to you?" You deserve what you get.
Why are so many "conservative" guys neither sexual? They don't like men. They don't like women.
Asexuals don't feel rejected. If someone is not sexually attracted to men or women they don't want to be bothered. They are the least likely to shoot up a school or anything else.

So why do these guys who describe themselves as "conservative" hate women and men at the same time? I will never forget seeing some guy interviewed on tv who said he was a member the the southern-baptist cult and was a "reverend." He openly bragged that he won disagreements with this woman who was stupid enough to marry him because he has a penis and she doesn't. I am not making this up. He wins arguments with his dick.
Asexuals don't hate anyone they are not sexually attracted to either men or women. How does this translate to hate in your mind?

One man who thinks he wins arguments with his dick is just too inconsequential to even think about. Why in the world would anyone find meaning in one person's opinion?

I get the impression that this is not one guy. This shit appears to be all over the "Christian" cults. The penis is supposed to win.
If you can't put the pointy stabby end to some assholes right eye and say "how bout I cut your balls off and feed them to you?" You deserve what you get.

She's such a mindless little liberal from DC, and also my favorite poster. Not in a good way.
Be careful what you wish for. If you think law enforcement should have the power and the resources to prevent crime you would be entering into the realm of socialist dictatorships.
--------------------------------------- let him and those on the board read it again !!
Why are so many "conservative" guys neither sexual? They don't like men. They don't like women.
Asexuals don't feel rejected. If someone is not sexually attracted to men or women they don't want to be bothered. They are the least likely to shoot up a school or anything else.

So why do these guys who describe themselves as "conservative" hate women and men at the same time? I will never forget seeing some guy interviewed on tv who said he was a member the the southern-baptist cult and was a "reverend." He openly bragged that he won disagreements with this woman who was stupid enough to marry him because he has a penis and she doesn't. I am not making this up. He wins arguments with his dick.
Asexuals don't hate anyone they are not sexually attracted to either men or women. How does this translate to hate in your mind?

One man who thinks he wins arguments with his dick is just too inconsequential to even think about. Why in the world would anyone find meaning in one person's opinion?

I get the impression that this is not one guy. This shit appears to be all over the "Christian" cults. The penis is supposed to win.
No matter how you spin it, the anti-gods have ALWAYS been more merciless and brutal than anyone who falsely interprets Christianity.

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