He killed 3 by stabbing, shot 3 yet it is a "shooting"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
And once again people calling for NRA and gun ban!
Where is the call for a "knife ban"?
After promising a "day of retribution" on YouTube, a heavily armed, mentally disturbed 22-year-old went on a killing spree in a California college town, authorities said.
Rampage in college town began with stabbings - CNN.com

When will the Daily Beast headline story and other MSM be instead of "How the NRA Enables Massacres" "How the Knife industry enables Massacres"

Despite news media impressions to the contrary, there are not many murders in the United States that are committed with rifles or shotguns. Combined, it is under 1,000 per year---more people are murdered with knives. FBI data shows that most murders are done with handguns. Random killings are very rare, most are between people who know each or rival gang members. In other words, stay out of areas, such as parts of Rahamland, and your chance of being killed by a stranger is very, very slim. Further data to contemplate: In 32% of the murders in 2010, no firearm was used.

Killed by
Knives or cutting instruments 1,704
Blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.) 540
Personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc) 745
poison,strangling,other weapons 1,232

4,221 people killed by knives, blunt objects hands,fists,feet,etc.
EconomicPolicyJournal.com: How People Are Murdered in the United States
3 people killed by hand guns and that's all we hear! BAN GUNS!
He killed 3 by knife and 4 by gun(including himself), "but the rampage would continue as Rodger drove across Isla Vista, shooting at some and running down others with his car, twice exchanging gunfire with deputies. He was shot in the hip, but the gunshot to the head that killed him was thought to be self-inflicted, Brown said.

Thirteen people were injured, eight from gunshot wounds, four from the vehicle and one whose origin wasn't clear."

Yeah it was a shooting. Your point?

Had he not shot anyone, then it wouldn't be a shooting.

The level of stupidity of the conservatives on this forum is such that one is forced to consider the possibility that most of it is faked, as a joke. That people are really this stupid tends towards the unbelievable.

(lol, and remember folks, common sense would tell one that USMB RW'ers are probably the smarter of conservatives in general. Whew....)
Had he not shot anyone, then it wouldn't be a shooting.

The level of stupidity of the conservatives on this forum is such that one is forced to consider the possibility that most of it is faked, as a joke. That people are really this stupid tends towards the unbelievable.

(lol, and remember folks, common sense would tell one that USMB RW'ers are probably the smarter of conservatives in general. Whew....)

So why didn't they call it a "stabbing"? 3 died by a knife!
Yet idiots like you are calling for "Gun bans"... Lot a good.
It was the Xbox and violent video games that motivated him to use weapons, knives, guns... Never heard of a knife killing someone much less a gun firing off on it's own!

Remember Calif. has some of the strictest gun laws... yet it happened.

It is people like and like him that don't have enough self restraint.
You want laws because YOU can't keep from violence!
Obviously you want us all to live by rules that you obviously are unable to live by!
Called "Golden Rule"... do unto others as you would have others do unto you!
Civilizations in the future will say the demise of Western civilization was the total abandonment of people able to
understand that laws, more laws, bans, etc. aren't the answer!
Self restraint again something people like you have NO idea as to what it means!
You want the media to suppress news about gun violence? :eusa_think:

I want FAIR AND BALANCED coverage, not biased anecdotal stories about exceptions!

These rampages become front page...and the majority of idiots because of the MSM coverage make it sound like it happens ALL the time!

I want people to comprehend that just because it happens Occasionally it shouldn't be a reason that the mentality "we need more laws"
comes into play!

Stupidity of people without common sense that get all agitated by rare situations as these is the fault of the MSM that has followed for
years "if it bleeds it leads"... motto.

So when we have CNN/FOX,etc. all covering these exceptional situations, idiots make it out to be the norm!

More than 900 people died in mass shootings during the past seven years, and a majority of them were killed by people they knew, according to a USA TODAY analysis of gun-related slayings.

The 934 deaths account for less than 1% of all gun-related homicides, and nearly half involve a suspect slaying his or her family members, the detailed examination shows. USA TODAY combed through FBI records and news accounts to identify 146 mass shootings since 2006 that matched the FBI definition of mass shooting, where four or more people were killed.
Mass shootings toll exceeds 900 in past seven years

934 deaths or 133 per year! from 146 mass shooting since 2006 or less then 2 per month.

And we get all excited and want "BAN GUNS"!!!

AGAIN blown way out of proportion by the MSM and rather then BLAME the people ... BLAME the inanimate GUN!
I mean why do we do that when 34,000 people killed each year by cars driven by themselves Right??
NO human was involved
in these deaths because the cars did it!
Had he not shot anyone, then it wouldn't be a shooting.

The level of stupidity of the conservatives on this forum is such that one is forced to consider the possibility that most of it is faked, as a joke. That people are really this stupid tends towards the unbelievable.

(lol, and remember folks, common sense would tell one that USMB RW'ers are probably the smarter of conservatives in general. Whew....)

yet you lefties aren't talking about the stabbings, only the shootings....
And once again people calling for NRA and gun ban!
Where is the call for a "knife ban"?
After promising a "day of retribution" on YouTube, a heavily armed, mentally disturbed 22-year-old went on a killing spree in a California college town, authorities said.
Rampage in college town began with stabbings - CNN.com

When will the Daily Beast headline story and other MSM be instead of "How the NRA Enables Massacres" "How the Knife industry enables Massacres"

Despite news media impressions to the contrary, there are not many murders in the United States that are committed with rifles or shotguns. Combined, it is under 1,000 per year---more people are murdered with knives. FBI data shows that most murders are done with handguns. Random killings are very rare, most are between people who know each or rival gang members. In other words, stay out of areas, such as parts of Rahamland, and your chance of being killed by a stranger is very, very slim. Further data to contemplate: In 32% of the murders in 2010, no firearm was used.

Killed by
Knives or cutting instruments 1,704
Blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.) 540
Personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc) 745
poison,strangling,other weapons 1,232

4,221 people killed by knives, blunt objects hands,fists,feet,etc.
EconomicPolicyJournal.com: How People Are Murdered in the United States
3 people killed by hand guns and that's all we hear! BAN GUNS!

Because there are many other useful purposes for knives outside of killing people, hence why putting the same restrictions on knives doesn't make sense. You can't say the same for guns.

And now you know. You're welcome.
Had he not shot anyone, then it wouldn't be a shooting.

The level of stupidity of the conservatives on this forum is such that one is forced to consider the possibility that most of it is faked, as a joke. That people are really this stupid tends towards the unbelievable.

(lol, and remember folks, common sense would tell one that USMB RW'ers are probably the smarter of conservatives in general. Whew....)

So why didn't they call it a "stabbing"? 3 died by a knife!
Yet idiots like you are calling for "Gun bans"... Lot a good.
It was the Xbox and violent video games that motivated him to use weapons, knives, guns... Never heard of a knife killing someone much less a gun firing off on it's own!

Remember Calif. has some of the strictest gun laws... yet it happened.

It is people like and like him that don't have enough self restraint.
You want laws because YOU can't keep from violence!
Obviously you want us all to live by rules that you obviously are unable to live by!
Called "Golden Rule"... do unto others as you would have others do unto you!
Civilizations in the future will say the demise of Western civilization was the total abandonment of people able to
understand that laws, more laws, bans, etc. aren't the answer!
Self restraint again something people like you have NO idea as to what it means!

All I want at this point are loophole/exception free background checks for gun transfers.
Sorry bout that,

1. None of this would of happened if some of those stuck up girls there in California would of just given this guy a little you know,......*P***Y*, give it up for humanity girls!!!!

Sorry bout that,

1. He wasn't ugly, and yet he couldn't get a little action!
2. Sure he was scared of women, but some kind girl could of made his life easier, and yet it seemed hopeless for him.
3. Sad that.

Because there are many other useful purposes for knives outside of killing people, hence why putting the same restrictions on knives doesn't make sense. You can't say the same for guns.

And now you know. You're welcome.

Killing the goats, sheep and hogs that ended up as food on my childhood table was always done with a gun, never done with a knife. Those same guns never killed a person.
I guess I can say the same for guns.

And now you know. You're welcome.
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