He ran on Law and Order in 2016, and he is running on Law and Order in 2020, why he hasn't done anything

about Law and Order for 4 years!!

Democrats have denyed him to help protect black lives for 4 years. Trump said he’s not standing around anymore watching black skin shot up by Democrats. We can’t allow Democrats to continue to kill black babies

Help me out then. Explain why one of his first actions in office was to eliminate one of those tools, the most effective tool, to changing the culture in Police Departments to protect Black lives in the cities?

Investigations into entire Police Departments almost always exposed severe examples of unconstitutional policing. For example, the investigation into the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department found a hundred examples of constitutional violations. These examples were not incidents. But practices, policies, and procedures that were clearly unconstitutional. Moreover, the Sheriff himself was locked up as was several senior officers. Not for those violations, but because they worked to hide those violations from Federal Investigators.

Those investigations not only ran during the Obama era, but during the era of George W. Bush, Clinton, Bush, and began long ago.

So why did Trump and the DOJ end those investigations? Imagine how many lives would have been saved if only we had for the last three years been looking into widespread department wide corruption in the cities you detest. There might not be any Protests, or Riots, at all.

Instead, to show he was a Law and Order President, Trump stopped the enforcing of laws. They stopped policing the Police. So how exactly is Trump a Law and Order President when he has not been enforcing the laws, and using the tools to end the corruption and brutalities that are the cause of the protests and riots we are now enduring?


Link? On what? Trump shutting down the Compliance Investigations that found Unconstitutional practices?

On the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department?

Since you probably exceeded your free article limit and do not like clearing cookies, let me post a freebie.

Or was there some other statement of fact in my response that you refuse to believe even with links?

You know that less black were shot under tumor thank obama right? Lol APPARENTLY IT WORKED HAHA you dip shit lol

So you read the links and ignored them? Amazing. You are apparently the fastest speed reader in history there Kafka.

about Law and Order for 4 years!!

Unfortunately, he had to deal with a Paul Ryan Republican House and then Nancy Pelosi's House. The Democrats have refused to even sit with Trump. He did, though, get criminal justice reform through.

Everything he's tried has been challenged by Obama appointed judges who exceeded their power and gave nation-wide orders. Trump's failure was in not telling those judges to kiss his ass. He's damaged the Office of the Presidency forever by accepting that but that's a different problem from his law-and-order work. He's been amazing in his stand on law-and-order and to get done as much as he has in spite of a bipartisan effort in Congress to destroy him.

He could do more in the riots and in the gang murders but he knows the courts will stop him (because he lets them) even though, in all likelihood, the Supreme Court would, long after the election, find in his favor. He's trying to play the information card instead of the Constitution card because he wants to get something done rather than spend the next years in court.

about Law and Order for 4 years!!

Democrats have denyed him to help protect black lives for 4 years. Trump said he’s not standing around anymore watching black skin shot up by Democrats. We can’t allow Democrats to continue to kill black babies

Help me out then. Explain why one of his first actions in office was to eliminate one of those tools, the most effective tool, to changing the culture in Police Departments to protect Black lives in the cities?

Investigations into entire Police Departments almost always exposed severe examples of unconstitutional policing. For example, the investigation into the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department found a hundred examples of constitutional violations. These examples were not incidents. But practices, policies, and procedures that were clearly unconstitutional. Moreover, the Sheriff himself was locked up as was several senior officers. Not for those violations, but because they worked to hide those violations from Federal Investigators.

Those investigations not only ran during the Obama era, but during the era of George W. Bush, Clinton, Bush, and began long ago.

So why did Trump and the DOJ end those investigations? Imagine how many lives would have been saved if only we had for the last three years been looking into widespread department wide corruption in the cities you detest. There might not be any Protests, or Riots, at all.

Instead, to show he was a Law and Order President, Trump stopped the enforcing of laws. They stopped policing the Police. So how exactly is Trump a Law and Order President when he has not been enforcing the laws, and using the tools to end the corruption and brutalities that are the cause of the protests and riots we are now enduring?


Link? On what? Trump shutting down the Compliance Investigations that found Unconstitutional practices?

On the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department?

Since you probably exceeded your free article limit and do not like clearing cookies, let me post a freebie.

Or was there some other statement of fact in my response that you refuse to believe even with links?

You know that less black were shot under tumor thank obama right? Lol APPARENTLY IT WORKED HAHA you dip shit lol

So you read the links and ignored them? Amazing. You are apparently the fastest speed reader in history there Kafka.

Well you said lives would have been saved if Trump kept the stupid policy but in fact more people were killed with a policy under Obama then under Trump.. take a hike
Actually normal and predictable in humans. Look at history. No BLM in Hungary when they rebelled against Soviet Rule. No ANTIFA in Czechoslovakia when they rebelled against Soviet Rule. No Democratic Party in East Germany when the Government and the Wall fell to popular pressure. Humans want freedom. The Founders called it the the God Given right to freedom.

South Africa, no BLM. India, and through history it happens again and again. The tighter the controls, the more force is used to require compliance, the more the people want freedom. Eventually it boils over and rebellion occurs. France for example, and what do you know. The American Revolution. The British tried to put stricter controls, more force to be used to show the malcontents and traitors that the British Government of King George was not screwing around. What happened?

When the population goes so far as to resort to Violence, more Violence does not force them to comply. See Afghanistan. No BLM there either as I recall. Pretty sure ANTIFA is not a thing in Kabul.

It is normal and predictable in HUMANS.

All those rebellions you mention were to overthrow oppressive governments. You don't use fascists to overthrow fascism. You use, as the left is doing here in the FREE United States of America, fascists like Antifa and BLM to overthrow free societies and impose the oppression that those you listed fought against.

about Law and Order for 4 years!!

Democrats have denyed him to help protect black lives for 4 years. Trump said he’s not standing around anymore watching black skin shot up by Democrats. We can’t allow Democrats to continue to kill black babies

Help me out then. Explain why one of his first actions in office was to eliminate one of those tools, the most effective tool, to changing the culture in Police Departments to protect Black lives in the cities?

Investigations into entire Police Departments almost always exposed severe examples of unconstitutional policing. For example, the investigation into the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department found a hundred examples of constitutional violations. These examples were not incidents. But practices, policies, and procedures that were clearly unconstitutional. Moreover, the Sheriff himself was locked up as was several senior officers. Not for those violations, but because they worked to hide those violations from Federal Investigators.

Those investigations not only ran during the Obama era, but during the era of George W. Bush, Clinton, Bush, and began long ago.

So why did Trump and the DOJ end those investigations? Imagine how many lives would have been saved if only we had for the last three years been looking into widespread department wide corruption in the cities you detest. There might not be any Protests, or Riots, at all.

Instead, to show he was a Law and Order President, Trump stopped the enforcing of laws. They stopped policing the Police. So how exactly is Trump a Law and Order President when he has not been enforcing the laws, and using the tools to end the corruption and brutalities that are the cause of the protests and riots we are now enduring?


Link? On what? Trump shutting down the Compliance Investigations that found Unconstitutional practices?

On the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department?

Since you probably exceeded your free article limit and do not like clearing cookies, let me post a freebie.

Or was there some other statement of fact in my response that you refuse to believe even with links?

You know that less black were shot under tumor thank obama right? Lol APPARENTLY IT WORKED HAHA you dip shit lol

So you read the links and ignored them? Amazing. You are apparently the fastest speed reader in history there Kafka.

Well you said lives would have been saved if Trump kept the stupid policy but in fact more people were killed with a policy under Obama then under Trump.. take a hike

So your contention is that by getting rid of the protections that took several Presidents to put in place, including W, Clinton and Bush 41, the people are safer?

The truth is that if we had continued the actions that took most of my lifetime to start having an effect, we might well never have entered this current mess. But tell me, how exactly did Trump improve things? That is the contention you make. How did he improve things?

Is Police Brutality and abuses now a thing of the past? Oddly, no. The same abuses are going on. Only nobody is looking into the Departments and holding them accountable for the actions. The DOJ is no longer policing the police.

It is a Truism that Power Corrupts. The way to prevent corruption is accountability. You hold those with the power, accountable for their actions. In doing so, you reduce the corruptions that get us into this mess. That is the entire premise of our nation. The Voters hold the elected officials accountable, in theory at least. The truth is that we have become so polarized that nobody votes the corrupt out. But that is the topic of another thread. The elected officials hold the bureaucrats and supervisors accountable. Again in theory it hasn't been done in a very very long time. The supervisors hold the people out in the world accountable.

Let me give you an example. President Trump appoints a person to head the FBI. That person is now in charge. The FBI is found to be breaking into houses and rifling through the people's documents in violation of the Fourth Amendment. The President fires the FBI director, and appoints another in his place, and orders the Attorney General to investigate the wrongdoing of the FBI. The President goes to congress for legislation ending the Qualified Immunity that the Federal Agents would be abusing with this action. The Legislature, picked by the people, restricts the Qualified Immunity to when the Agent or Officer is acting in good faith. That good faith is determined by the actions based upon what is legal. If the Agent did something wrong, but did so only a tiny bit outside the law, it will be protected. The people see this, and either approve by re-electing the President, or not.

That is the way it is supposed to work. But everybody does not do their part. Trump doesn't hold them accountable, and does not ask for legislation to do so. The bosses feel no pressure to change anything. The abuses continue, the people get fed up, and violence ensues since there is no remedy from the people who are accountable to the people.

But let's take a single case. The case of Floyd. If the DOJ was still investigating Police Departments, and the Departments knew that, many would take actions to avoid such an intrusive investigation that could well end up being a major blow to the careers of not only the elected officials in the cities, but the Senior Police Officers themselves. They could well enact the changes themselves, a trend we started to see at the tail end of Obama's presidency, and one of the things I did support of Obama's.

Now of course, we have a Law and Order President. That curiously enough doesn't mean that everyone is expected to follow the law, it means no accountability for those who claim to be LEO's. Now, how does it save lives to refuse to hold those enforcing the law accountable?

Nixon was President when the Moon Landings took place. When Apollo 11 was set to land, he had a long speech prepared where he took credit for the entire Apollo Program. His advisors properly pointed out that he had not done anything but inherit the program that began two President's ago. Kennedy, Johnson, and then Nixon, and Nixon had been in office for about six months when Apollo 11 was set to go.

So if I said that the Kennedy Administration, and the Johnson Administration, did not accomplish a Moon Landing, but Nixon did, showing the superiority of the Republicans for actually doing what the Democrats had talked about. Would it be true? Yes. The Moon Landing took place when Nixon was President. But giving him the credit seems wrong doesn't it?

Holding police accountable was something that Bush 43 did. But it is all Obama's fault. Even the Democrats don't admit that these investigations began before Obama. Republicans should be championing them as a continuation of a program that was started long before, and carried out by Republicans. But they don't. I have no idea why. Other than idiocy.

Later, when people vote against Trump, you'll blame everyone in the world. Like the old joke of the Dog Food company. Best jingle, best commercials, best packaging. It is just that the Dogs don't like it.

about Law and Order for 4 years!!

Democrats have denyed him to help protect black lives for 4 years. Trump said he’s not standing around anymore watching black skin shot up by Democrats. We can’t allow Democrats to continue to kill black babies

Help me out then. Explain why one of his first actions in office was to eliminate one of those tools, the most effective tool, to changing the culture in Police Departments to protect Black lives in the cities?

Investigations into entire Police Departments almost always exposed severe examples of unconstitutional policing. For example, the investigation into the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department found a hundred examples of constitutional violations. These examples were not incidents. But practices, policies, and procedures that were clearly unconstitutional. Moreover, the Sheriff himself was locked up as was several senior officers. Not for those violations, but because they worked to hide those violations from Federal Investigators.

Those investigations not only ran during the Obama era, but during the era of George W. Bush, Clinton, Bush, and began long ago.

So why did Trump and the DOJ end those investigations? Imagine how many lives would have been saved if only we had for the last three years been looking into widespread department wide corruption in the cities you detest. There might not be any Protests, or Riots, at all.

Instead, to show he was a Law and Order President, Trump stopped the enforcing of laws. They stopped policing the Police. So how exactly is Trump a Law and Order President when he has not been enforcing the laws, and using the tools to end the corruption and brutalities that are the cause of the protests and riots we are now enduring?


Link? On what? Trump shutting down the Compliance Investigations that found Unconstitutional practices?

On the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department?

Since you probably exceeded your free article limit and do not like clearing cookies, let me post a freebie.

Or was there some other statement of fact in my response that you refuse to believe even with links?

You know that less black were shot under tumor thank obama right? Lol APPARENTLY IT WORKED HAHA you dip shit lol

So you read the links and ignored them? Amazing. You are apparently the fastest speed reader in history there Kafka.

Well you said lives would have been saved if Trump kept the stupid policy but in fact more people were killed with a policy under Obama then under Trump.. take a hike

So your contention is that by getting rid of the protections that took several Presidents to put in place, including W, Clinton and Bush 41, the people are safer?

The truth is that if we had continued the actions that took most of my lifetime to start having an effect, we might well never have entered this current mess. But tell me, how exactly did Trump improve things? That is the contention you make. How did he improve things?

Is Police Brutality and abuses now a thing of the past? Oddly, no. The same abuses are going on. Only nobody is looking into the Departments and holding them accountable for the actions. The DOJ is no longer policing the police.

It is a Truism that Power Corrupts. The way to prevent corruption is accountability. You hold those with the power, accountable for their actions. In doing so, you reduce the corruptions that get us into this mess. That is the entire premise of our nation. The Voters hold the elected officials accountable, in theory at least. The truth is that we have become so polarized that nobody votes the corrupt out. But that is the topic of another thread. The elected officials hold the bureaucrats and supervisors accountable. Again in theory it hasn't been done in a very very long time. The supervisors hold the people out in the world accountable.

Let me give you an example. President Trump appoints a person to head the FBI. That person is now in charge. The FBI is found to be breaking into houses and rifling through the people's documents in violation of the Fourth Amendment. The President fires the FBI director, and appoints another in his place, and orders the Attorney General to investigate the wrongdoing of the FBI. The President goes to congress for legislation ending the Qualified Immunity that the Federal Agents would be abusing with this action. The Legislature, picked by the people, restricts the Qualified Immunity to when the Agent or Officer is acting in good faith. That good faith is determined by the actions based upon what is legal. If the Agent did something wrong, but did so only a tiny bit outside the law, it will be protected. The people see this, and either approve by re-electing the President, or not.

That is the way it is supposed to work. But everybody does not do their part. Trump doesn't hold them accountable, and does not ask for legislation to do so. The bosses feel no pressure to change anything. The abuses continue, the people get fed up, and violence ensues since there is no remedy from the people who are accountable to the people.

But let's take a single case. The case of Floyd. If the DOJ was still investigating Police Departments, and the Departments knew that, many would take actions to avoid such an intrusive investigation that could well end up being a major blow to the careers of not only the elected officials in the cities, but the Senior Police Officers themselves. They could well enact the changes themselves, a trend we started to see at the tail end of Obama's presidency, and one of the things I did support of Obama's.

Now of course, we have a Law and Order President. That curiously enough doesn't mean that everyone is expected to follow the law, it means no accountability for those who claim to be LEO's. Now, how does it save lives to refuse to hold those enforcing the law accountable?

Nixon was President when the Moon Landings took place. When Apollo 11 was set to land, he had a long speech prepared where he took credit for the entire Apollo Program. His advisors properly pointed out that he had not done anything but inherit the program that began two President's ago. Kennedy, Johnson, and then Nixon, and Nixon had been in office for about six months when Apollo 11 was set to go.

So if I said that the Kennedy Administration, and the Johnson Administration, did not accomplish a Moon Landing, but Nixon did, showing the superiority of the Republicans for actually doing what the Democrats had talked about. Would it be true? Yes. The Moon Landing took place when Nixon was President. But giving him the credit seems wrong doesn't it?

Holding police accountable was something that Bush 43 did. But it is all Obama's fault. Even the Democrats don't admit that these investigations began before Obama. Republicans should be championing them as a continuation of a program that was started long before, and carried out by Republicans. But they don't. I have no idea why. Other than idiocy.

Later, when people vote against Trump, you'll blame everyone in the world. Like the old joke of the Dog Food company. Best jingle, best commercials, best packaging. It is just that the Dogs don't like it.

Get some help your deranged
Actually normal and predictable in humans. Look at history. No BLM in Hungary when they rebelled against Soviet Rule. No ANTIFA in Czechoslovakia when they rebelled against Soviet Rule. No Democratic Party in East Germany when the Government and the Wall fell to popular pressure. Humans want freedom. The Founders called it the the God Given right to freedom.

South Africa, no BLM. India, and through history it happens again and again. The tighter the controls, the more force is used to require compliance, the more the people want freedom. Eventually it boils over and rebellion occurs. France for example, and what do you know. The American Revolution. The British tried to put stricter controls, more force to be used to show the malcontents and traitors that the British Government of King George was not screwing around. What happened?

When the population goes so far as to resort to Violence, more Violence does not force them to comply. See Afghanistan. No BLM there either as I recall. Pretty sure ANTIFA is not a thing in Kabul.

It is normal and predictable in HUMANS.

All those rebellions you mention were to overthrow oppressive governments. You don't use fascists to overthrow fascism. You use, as the left is doing here in the FREE United States of America, fascists like Antifa and BLM to overthrow free societies and impose the oppression that those you listed fought against.

One of the things that made the American Revolution different was the stated complaints, and goals, of the rebels. The Declaration of Independence listed the complaints, and the goal of self determination. It took eleven years after the Revolution was successful to work out the Constitution.

Most of the other rebellions were undertaken as pressure blew the proverbial lid off. No coordination, nor time to arrange a military, even militia. No organization. It was seat of the pants. A vacuum of power if you will. If they were successful. The result is a series of purges, as one group or another struggles to consolidate power, usually by feeding on their own.

Yet, it is always populist pressure that enables the revolts. It is the oppression that increases the populist pressure. As for the ANTIFA and BLM folks being Fascist. The truth is that Fascism and Socialism are really not that different.

In the Soviet Union, the first Socialist Government, the State owned all the factories, means of production, and decided what would be built, and what the workers would make. In Fascist Germany under the Nazi's, the Factories were privately owned, but the State would decide what was built, and how much the workers would make. So the only difference is that the Factory Owners/Managers were private in the Nazi system.

Generally today, totalitarian governments break down into those two groups. Either they are Fascist, with private ownership of the means of production, controlled and directed by the Government. Or they are Socialist, with State Owned means of production, and of course the Government directing the production.

An example. Venezuela Nationalized the Oil Company. In doing so the State took control of the Oil Production, and in essence stole the private property from the owners of the company. In Argentina, the Fascist Government had private ownership of most businesses, but they were still controlled by the Government.

Controls and propaganda are the same under both systems.

Now, the reason that this is important, is that ANTIFA and BLM tend to be aligned more closely with the Socialist model if we stretch the definition a bit. They want an end to the authoritarian practices, which in reality would simply revert to their control if they won. That is the dirty secret. Conservatives bellowed loudly when brutalities against other Conservatives occurred under Obama. They argued it was Socialist tactics to squash the freedoms etc. The Left screamed the same nonsense heard today. I argued long and hard that the Government was wrong at the Bundy Ranch. They did not want it to become a standoff, because it would become a rallying cry for anti government forces. The Sovereigns, and the Conservatives convinced that Obama was going to enact President for Life and Socialism. The Left screamed that the Criminals deserved only death, and the Feds should bring in the National Guard and squash those idiots like bugs. Issue live ammo and kill them all.

It was wrong at Bundy, and it's wrong today. As we know the Bundy Ranch standoff resulted in the charges being dismissed because the Federal Agents did pretty much the same thing they did with many cases. They lied, obscured the truth, and hid evidence of their own wrongdoing.

So what is happening today? The exact same things that the Right properly objected to when Obama was President, the truth and intent of the Founders was on the side of the Right then. Yet today, the Right is the ones demanding obedience to the Laws, no matter if those laws make sense, or are applied properly. The same tactics, the same abuses, and the same complaints.

It shows that neither side is interested in the Constitution, or doing what is right. They are interested only in inflicting the abuses on their enemies. Unaccountable agents are doing things, and hiding their identities and avoiding accountability while the side in power cheers them on. If Biden wins in November, come next year, the people cheering those abuses today, will be howling about the abuses they feel they are enduring. As they did before.

The truth is the abuses are wrong, no matter who the victims are. No matter who is in power. The way to avoid the Fascism, or Socialism, is absolute fealty to the Constitution. For that we need Judges who will stop finding exceptions to those prohibitions every time it is convenient. We need Congress to stop legislating the abuses into law as approved. We need a President who actually means it when he says he will support and defend the Constitution.

We have not had that in a very long time. We haven't given a damn about the Constitution. We have spent decades trying to figure out ways around those prohibitions, or getting exceptions to them. So if we are sliding into Fascism, or Socialism, depending on who is on power, it is our own fault. We will find ourselves cheering it when we are in power, and complaining when they are in power. The same abuses, done to them, is payback, fair, and what is needed for law and order. The abuses we endure, are intolerable, when they are in power.
No it means when the election is over with, he will forget all about it.
I dont want the riots to go on for 3 more months

if trump sends in the troops to stop the violence we can get back to normal and forget all about it

Not so far. In fact, the Riots seem to be picking up steam as people rush out to oppose the Federal Agents. Of course, that is the normal and predictable response, so there was no way that anyone could see it coming. Or something.
First the traitors tore down the monuments. Then they intended to burn down the federal courthouses. They have to be stopped before they are kneeling on babies killing them.

Oh wait.
Not so far. In fact, the Riots seem to be picking up steam as people rush out to oppose the Federal Agents.
More rioters means more arrests

will libs run out of rioters before the feds run out of prison space?
Yet today, the Right is the ones demanding obedience to the Laws, no matter if those laws make sense, or are applied properly.
What the right is demanding is order instead of anarchy

libs turn to violence when they dont get what they want
No it means when the election is over with, he will forget all about it.
I dont want the riots to go on for 3 more months

if trump sends in the troops to stop the violence we can get back to normal and forget all about it

Not so far. In fact, the Riots seem to be picking up steam as people rush out to oppose the Federal Agents. Of course, that is the normal and predictable response, so there was no way that anyone could see it coming. Or something.
Normal and predictable for democrats, antifa, and blm criminals. You know, the democrat voting base.

Actually normal and predictable in humans. Look at history. No BLM in Hungary when they rebelled against Soviet Rule. No ANTIFA in Czechoslovakia when they rebelled against Soviet Rule. No Democratic Party in East Germany when the Government and the Wall fell to popular pressure. Humans want freedom. The Founders called it the the God Given right to freedom.

South Africa, no BLM. India, and through history it happens again and again. The tighter the controls, the more force is used to require compliance, the more the people want freedom. Eventually it boils over and rebellion occurs. France for example, and what do you know. The American Revolution. The British tried to put stricter controls, more force to be used to show the malcontents and traitors that the British Government of King George was not screwing around. What happened?

When the population goes so far as to resort to Violence, more Violence does not force them to comply. See Afghanistan. No BLM there either as I recall. Pretty sure ANTIFA is not a thing in Kabul.

It is normal and predictable in HUMANS.
Yeah well in this country it's scum democrats instigating and doing it!
Extremist politicians always run on law an order. Paramilitary hit squads in the street would suggest that he has not improved the situation in 4 years.

not true. today, extremist politicians more often run on third world immigration and rape rings.
Extremist politicians always run on law an order. Paramilitary hit squads in the street would suggest that he has not improved the situation in 4 years.

not true. today, extremist politicians more often run on third world immigration and rape rings.
This is where I ask you for a link and you fuck off back under the rock.

lol!! under a rock? i love pointing out the extremism inherent in your support of third world immigration and rape rings.

your positions, and the positions of your government(s) are the radical ones.

law and order? lol!!! that used to be called, civilization. now? now it is going against the tide of history.

about Law and Order for 4 years!!

Democrats have denyed him to help protect black lives for 4 years. Trump said he’s not standing around anymore watching black skin shot up by Democrats. We can’t allow Democrats to continue to kill black babies

Help me out then. Explain why one of his first actions in office was to eliminate one of those tools, the most effective tool, to changing the culture in Police Departments to protect Black lives in the cities?

Investigations into entire Police Departments almost always exposed severe examples of unconstitutional policing. For example, the investigation into the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department found a hundred examples of constitutional violations. These examples were not incidents. But practices, policies, and procedures that were clearly unconstitutional. Moreover, the Sheriff himself was locked up as was several senior officers. Not for those violations, but because they worked to hide those violations from Federal Investigators.

Those investigations not only ran during the Obama era, but during the era of George W. Bush, Clinton, Bush, and began long ago.

So why did Trump and the DOJ end those investigations? Imagine how many lives would have been saved if only we had for the last three years been looking into widespread department wide corruption in the cities you detest. There might not be any Protests, or Riots, at all.

Instead, to show he was a Law and Order President, Trump stopped the enforcing of laws. They stopped policing the Police. So how exactly is Trump a Law and Order President when he has not been enforcing the laws, and using the tools to end the corruption and brutalities that are the cause of the protests and riots we are now enduring?

No it means when the election is over with, he will forget all about it.
I dont want the riots to go on for 3 more months

if trump sends in the troops to stop the violence we can get back to normal and forget all about it

Not so far. In fact, the Riots seem to be picking up steam as people rush out to oppose the Federal Agents. Of course, that is the normal and predictable response, so there was no way that anyone could see it coming. Or something.
First the traitors tore down the monuments. Then they intended to burn down the federal courthouses. They have to be stopped before they are kneeling on babies killing them.

Oh wait.

Iraqi people toppling statues of Saddam. Great for freedom. Russians toppling statues of Lenin. End of the evil empire. Americans tearing down statues they don't like. Criminal scum. I think I see a pattern. Do you?

As for the babies. If memory serves the guy who did that was arrested and is facing criminal charges.

Now, help me out here. If it is bad for anyone else to kneel on a neck, is it also bad for cops to do it?
Not so far. In fact, the Riots seem to be picking up steam as people rush out to oppose the Federal Agents.
More rioters means more arrests

will libs run out of rioters before the feds run out of prison space?

Well first off, despite your grand hopes, a total of 43 people had been arrested by the Feds so far. At that rate, the Left will run out of Protestors in about sixty years. Assuming normal rates of death from accidents and such. And what that means is that most of the people being beaten, are not being arrested. A vast majority of the people you detest are back again the next night, and we are in no danger of running out of prison space since most of the arrests are for misdemeanors, and odds are that the Judge will be ruling time served if the Jury of Portland Locals finds them guilty. Odds on that? Honestly? Coin toss.

So I'm guessing that running out of Prison Space is not going to be an issue, anymore than running out of Protestors will be. Of course, the bad news is that even Wolf the DHS acting chief says that most of the Protestors are peaceful, and it is only those in the early morning hours that are going violent against the Federal Buildings. So even if you get those you detest off the streets in the Early Morning Hours, the rest of them, the peaceful ones, will continue.

Iraqi people toppling statues of Saddam. Great for freedom.
So you support street violence

but how far will you go?

do you also support murder such as the BLM wacko who murdered five cops in Dallas?

The difference is that when a BLM or anyone kills a cop, they are either killed themselves, or arrested and charged with crimes as soon as they can get their hands on them. In Texas, that usually means the death penalty. What happens when a cop murders someone else? Days, or weeks go by while they "investigate" and sometimes it is months, or years. Most often they rule the killing as within department policy. On those rare occasions that a cop is charged, it takes months or years to get that done. Then the trial. We spend most of the trial with the Defense Attorney talking about how many times the cop did not get caught brutalizing or breaking the law. This is called his long service. Even the Prosecutor talks about it for hours on end.

If the cop is convicted after both sides spent most of the trial talking about the long and honorable service, and this if it actually happened was a once in a career moment of just bad judgement in an other wise saintly guy. Well if the cop is convicted, he gets a short prison sentence.

Now, a question for you my friend. Can you tell me the basic premise that makes a Justice System?

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