He ran on Law and Order in 2016, and he is running on Law and Order in 2020, why he hasn't done anything

I don't hate anyone. It is one of those things that infuriates the extremists, like yourself. I don't hate cops. I don't hate rioters, or murderers or terrorists.
I think I struck a nerve and caused you to break out in lies

you dont hate terrorists who murder innocent people?

only a terrorist could not hate terrorists

so I think you do hate terrorists - and cops

And I quote. Forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive those who Trespass against us. I was taught as a child in Church that hatred was a sin. I was taught it by my Parents. I was taught it by philosophy and ethical arguments from classic books. I was taught it as a man in watching others.

So no. I do not hate. I did not hate those I killed while I was in the Army. I do not hate those who caused the deaths of my mates. Hatred serves their goals. Not mine.

Another lesson. Judge not lest he be so Judged. That lesson teaches us that our hearts and minds are where sin lies. And we will be judged as we did. It is why I never say and do not believe that someone should or has gone to Hell. It is not up to me. It is up to God. And I have faith that God will do what He knows is right. I do not know that Hitler is in Hell. I do not know and do not care. God does not owe me an explanation. I serve Him.

I can defend myself without hatred and anger. I am more effective if I am thinking. I can strike to disable or kill as needed without anger or hatred. In fact hatred makes it harder to win. So why is it good to hate?
Its obvious that you hate cops just as your minions rioting in the streets do

You can invoke God but its not a convincing denial coming from you

I understand. People who are doing something they know is wrong justify it by saying everyone is doing it. Speeders on our roads for example. Everyone is speeding. So they aren’t doing anything wrong.

As for me Rioting. We haven’t had any in or around Savannah. And I am not driving four hours at a minimum to Atlanta unless I have tickets to see the Atlanta Stream playing. Oh and not to mention Work which is kind of insistent that I show up for a paycheck.

So back to everyone doing it. Look how angry the speeders get when someone isn’t speeding. They shout and scream that this fellow is holding up traffic by obeying the law. So you getting angry and calling me a liar is nothing unusual. It is par for the course. Just as people demanding laws to ticket slow drivers holding up all the speeders on the road. A citation for blatantly obeying the law seems fair.

Hatred does not show your resolve. It does not demonstrate your determination. It does not give you strength. It makes you weak and stupid. And if we were in a fight I would strive to fuel your hatred and anger. It makes you easier to defeat.
You said he was not beaten. Do you admit he was?

the video shows no reaction from him

but he was gassed which I approve of

So the action is only an action depending on the reaction of the individual victimized. Excellent. There was a case a couple weeks ago where a police officer said he was head butted by a woman which explained why he beat her savagely. The action, a light touch, was obviously not as severe as being hit by riot clubs, but of course, she was charged with assaulting a cop. So will you petition and argue that she should go free since there was no reaction? The cop did not fall to the ground and scream as blood poured from his face?

When you set a standard, it must apply equally or it is not based in fairness, logic, or justice. I wonder if you realize how your hatred for anyone who disagrees with you has helped destroy the constitution. Which you obviously hate as well.
What that has done is highliight areas that have been run by Democrats for years and refuse help from the feds still...
POTUS Trump with stood Hillarys assult on America in 2016 what what that has meant to Americ Investagation never ending by Democrates for 4 year 500 million dollars of cost with no results the worst Candidate for the Democrates in 2016 in 2020 what do we have maybe Sexual Pervert Joe Biden, Here is why I say that 58 women will be present at the first Natioanl Televised Debate to tell the facts about Joe Bidens sexual asults and rape against them a Question will be asked 1 Question after the death of 458,000 Americans, 48 million people un-employed, 14,500 small business closed at a cost of 1 trillion Dollars why did Joe Biden support along with Drunk Nancy Pelosi Obama/Joe Biden care? Forget abue the lies of College achievements, The JOE BIDEN Ukraine scandal with Hunter, the record he has in the Senate were he voted for things he now says he did not , and CNNthe Democrates prize Zuker spent 450 billion dollars on Hillary in 2016 and has spent 350 Billion on Joe Biden in 2020, America is not stupid, Enough you Democrate s do nt like America go to Russia which Hillary tried and faild to use in 2016 and Blacksa go back to Africa, we will buy the banana we the people wuill make America be great again

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